toxophilic-blog · 13 years
Reblog this if your blog is a Homestuck rp blog.
I want some new people to follow again. u_u
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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my half robot half something i really dont know what i was thinking in the creation process but i like it
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
OoC: This is now an indie Darkleer Blog.
prepare for stupidity.
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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The Scottish Fold – Owl Cat Extraordinaire ~ The Ark In Space on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/21851774
Cuteness.  Happy Caturday.  The Incensewoman
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
"Good," he said with a bitter tone. The idea of living with a lesser quality power source frustrated Darkleer. He shook the feeling. With more important things to focus on at the moment, the psionic would have to be dismissed from his mind for the time being. Still, he couldn't help but wonder about the mutant. How was it possible that a psionic of Equius' age existed with such strength? He felt a bit of excitement stirring in his beatpump. Always, it began at the bottom and worked its way up through his throat where Darkleer was quick to swallow it back down. Expressing his emotions was extremely uncomfortable. Emotions implied weakness and Darkleer was far from weak. He expected Equius to be the same. 
"I must admit," he began, "I am intrigued. I look forward to hearing more from our mutual associate." Darkleer rolled up the designs he currently had laid out on his drafting table. With them out of the way, a firm hand reached for the designs brought by Equius. First, the business end. 
"Alright, the military designs first," he said. "You are aware, of course, that the contract is up for renewal?" It went without saying that Equius had to know. And Darkleer knew that. However, his philosophy of being stern was his hope for raising Equius to take over his position one day. He had probably never given breath to the thought, but Darkleer had developed what humans might describe as "caring" for his "son". And obviously, there never would be breath to those sentiments. Still, Darkleer intended to turn these alien emotions into an effort to push Equius hard and make him into the best candidate for CEO of ONeb that he could. Part of it was due to those feelings anyway. The other part of it was his desire to see his company succeed even after his ability to run it had faltered. 
January 12th, 2012
Bitter. Equius inclined his chin pointedly, not that little bit that would make him seem fearless but no, all the way back so that his throat was bared and his horns were tilted uselessly away. It was a movement of both understanding and subtle, respectful submission, albeit more subconscious than a motion he’d intended to make. Irritating his father was not on his list of things to do. He folded his hands neatly behind his back, falling quiet for a five count of heartbeats as he considered and watched the other. In and out went air as the gears in his head turned, hidden by his glasses, and then he nodded sharply. 
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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by: Shiramune
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
January 15th, 2012
Sunday. A perfect day to set aside the mundane and take a moment to embrace the beauty of what nature had to tantalize Darkleer's senses with. He was very serious about his work, but every so often, Darkleer took a Sunday to himself to enjoy some of the more beautiful creatures around him. Occasionally, he took trips to the zoo, or to other countries to simply marvel at the beasts that live in humble silence, and sometimes beautiful violence, on this planet. 
This particular Sunday was dedicated to the procuring for himself a partner to live in his home with him. Not another troll, as their speech would most likely pester him to the point of a quiet and carefully covered murder. This partner was to be one of the majestic beasts that Darkleer liked to observe on his Sundays to himself. In his own mind, this beast was the highest of all beasts. Its fur was sleek and perfect for speed. Its legs were clearly designed by what have you for agility. When these beasts were for whatever reason crashing down towards the ground beneath them, their feet would always catch them with a grace that Darkleer would always envy. 
His appointment was the highlight of his week. Darkleer was almost giddy as he traveled to the north of his great state. White knuckles gripped the steering wheel when the farm finally came into view. He slowed his vehicle, parking it to the side of the road. He noticed the troll farmer coming from his house to great him. Darkleer did his best not to smile. He focused on being completely stone. True, his excitement was about to burst through his thinkpan, but he had a reputation to maintain. He had also sworn this troll to silence, and his threat would carry more weight if the one issuing it was a stone cold businessman. 
He followed the troll farmer to the barn where the soft mews of the beasts could already be heard. Darkleer would take his time. He would select for himself the most worthy of meowbeasts to grace the Darkleer home. In the depths of his beatpump, he almost wished he could take all of them, however, his home was not a kitty kennel, and he was not about to turn it into one. 
"All a the ones ya see are ready ta go home wif ya, sir," the troll farmer said, a big grin stretching across his face. Darkleer couldn't help but sneer at the crudeness of this troll's language. It was lowly and pathetic and felt like claws on a "chalkboard". He did his best to ignore it as the meowbeasts came into his sights. He peered into the box, all of them so beautiful and strong little ones. He gazed over each one, examining its eyes for the eyes of a hunter and its paws for the paws of a runner. 
It finally came down to the meowbeast of choice. A normal sized kitten with long whiskers and a black and white coat. Yes, this one, as Darkleer took it into his hands, was the one that would serve to be his partner and grace the Darkleer household with his mewing. Darkleer gently rested the meowbeast on his arm and looked to the farmer troll, stone-faced and nodding. He paid the troll, no longer wishing to listen to his low tongue or see his pathetic looking, dirty face, and departed to his home, meowbeast in hand. 
"Executioner," he said, as he gently stroked the kitten's head. He would officially name the little beast when he arrived home. 
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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#cats #catstagram #pets #cat #catsofinstagram #Molly (Taken with instagram)
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
Mutant in strength? This could be a rarity fit for someone like himself. Darkleer pondered the thought for a moment. Weeks? He wasn't sure if the pathetic little slave in his basement was to last that long. Still, this was an opportunity that he did not want to pass up. Having access to a unique find such as this was the sort of prestige Darkleer had raised his "son" to deserve and require. Darkleer led Equius into the kitchen where an outstretched finger indicated the coffee machine. 
"Bitter," he said. No more explanation would be needed. Bitter coffee meant a bitter mood. Even with his appointment to the north. Darkleer sneered at the coffee machine and returned his gaze to Equius. "I have a very STRONG interest in this psionic of mutant strength. How strong would this creature be?" Mutant strength could mean a lot of things, it occurred to Darkleer. It didn't necessarily mean that he was tremendously stronger than an average psionic. It could mean just a small amount. Would such a thing be worth the trouble? Darkleer wanted to know more. 
"In the interim I will need a temporary replacement," He stated as if Equius should already have thought of this. "I cannot work in the dark. I cannot live on bitter coffee." A crease formed on his forehead. Equius should have known all of that. He wasn't entirely disappointed but at the same time expected Equius to return to him with a replacement and more information if he was to suggest a new, mutant psionic. 
"Have you any preliminary blue-prints?" he asked, changing the subject at the end of the conversation. While this psionic business was most intriguing, he wanted to bring Equius' attention back to the job at hand. Primarily, they were a robotics company with the duty of being the best, and only the best. They had contracts to keep and a public to keep wrapped around their fingers. He began walking to his office up the stairs without so much as a "follow me". Equius should already know that much.  
January 12th, 2012
There was a terrifying moment where Equius wasn’t quite sure how to react, because Darkleer very rarely smiled at him and it was a good thing that the widening of his eyes was hidden behind his glasses. But then it became clear that he was not in trouble, and it was not an unpleasant smile, so Equius dipped his head politely and offered a brief smile back, stepping inside. Whatever was on his father’s mind, it clearly pleased him. That would make this conversation a little less harrowing, for which Equius was overwhelmingly thankful.
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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meow by asya baranova on Flickr.
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toxophilic-blog · 13 years
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This cat is awesome.
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