Toxic Torts
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What does a "Toxic Torts Attorney" do?
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toxictortsattorney-com · 6 years ago
Pittsburgh Toxic Tort Attorney Philadelphia Toxin Exposure Litigation Lawyers
a product liability claim is bringing an action against the manufacturer or the distributor of a product three different ways of the product can be defective in its design in its manufacturer and in failure to warn about the dangers of that particular product and if any of those elements existed at the time that the product was manufactured that it is a defective product and if that defect has caused somebody an injury then the manufacturer the designer the person supplying the product is responsible pennsylvania unlike some other states does not recognize in drug litigation the theory that a drug is defective because it fails to warn about a particular injury that could occur we have to prove that that particular drug was known by the manufacturer to be capable of producing that particular injury or that particular side effect so if you believe you've been injured by a defective product call our firm to discuss whether you may have a claim
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toxictortsattorney-com · 6 years ago
a toxic tort is a particular type of personal injury lawsuit in which the plaintiff claims that exposure to a chemical caused the plaintiffs injury or disease people are typically exposed to toxic chemicals from pharmaceuticals from consumer products from the environment in the home and at work most toxic tort cases arise either from exposure to pharmaceutical drugs or occupational exposures there have also been many occupational toxic tort cases because industrial and other workers are often chronically exposed to toxic chemicals more so than consumers and residents most of the law in this area arises from asbestos exposure however thousands of toxic chemicals are used in industry and workers in these areas can experience a variety of toxic injuries unlike the general population which is exposed to trace amounts of thousands of different chemicals in the environment industrial workers are regularly exposed to much higher levels of chemicals and therefore have a greater risk of developing disease from particular chemical exposures than the general population occupational toxic tort cases arise from work but differ from workers compensation claims because workers compensation claims are made against the workers employer while an occupational toxic tort case usually must be brought against third parties that is people or entities other than the employer usually manufacturers or distributors of chemicals or the machines or devices that expose the worker to the chemicals or the owners and lessers of premises where the worker was exposed to the toxic chemicals most pharmaceutical toxic injury cases are mass tort cases as drugs are consumed by thousands of people they are often litigated against drug manufacturers and tribute errs as well as prescribing physicians pharmaceutical toxic tort cases differ from medical malpractice suits and that pharmaceutical toxic tort cases are essentially product liability cases the defective product being the drug the home has recently become the subject of toxic tort litigation due to exposure to mold contamination construction materials such as wood or carpeting treated with formaldehyde and pesticides people can also be injured from environmental toxins in the air or in drinking water in recent years lawyers have been filing an increasing number of environmental toxic tort cases
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toxictortsattorney-com · 6 years ago
How Can You Prove Asbestos Exposure? |
I've done flooring for twenty years and I know that, you know, in the past I've been in contact with asbestos-related products and I was gonna ask: 'Is there any way that you can, you know, maybe prove you know say fifteen, seventeen years ago that I'm, you know, that it may have had an effect on me, you know, up to now? Yeah, how does that work? Yeah, that's a great question because if you think of asbestosis or any of the diseases that are caused by asbestos they're all progressive diseases. So, you go back 17 years, and persons getting exposed to asbestos, say doing floor tiles, he wouldn't see a problem until probably about now. That particular condition, or let me go to the material itself, the flooring industry was real, real bad with respect to the use of asbestos and the material, the floor and tile itself, the glues, and just a host of things. And the modern day, you don't typically see that in flooring today but when a flooring guy would go in and remove flooring and things like that, to put down new floor, and that's when you get exposed today. But back in the old days that was pretty common. Talk to our viewers and people like Greg about the statute of limitations as it would apply to an asbestos case because we're talking about exposure that occurred many times, many, many years ago. Help our viewers understand that. Well, the statute of limitation is that prescribed period when you can bring a lawsuit. With respect to a person being exposed to asbestos or one who would like to bring a claim in Alabama, you've got to overcome what's called the post 79' rule. So, once you show that a person was exposed past 1979 to an asbestos product, then you can bring a lawsuit. But for the most part, most of these cases are filed in many other states where that particular unique rule is only, well, just saying that rule is actually unique to Alabama.
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toxictortsattorney-com · 6 years ago
What Are Some Notable Toxic Torts?
Toxic torts can come in many shapes and forms. Some of the more notable ones are the toxic exposures to people to pharmaceutical agents—pharmaceutical products that have had toxic effects. Others have been products like the products that have been made for children, teething material, etc. that has chemicals that can leach out and expose the most vulnerable to toxic effects. It’s taken many different forms. It could be contamination in the water supply, or in air or in earth. It could be the effects of a lead smelter on the surrounding community. It can come in a form as made famous in the Love Canal situation where a whole community was exposed to the seeping out of highly toxic chemicals from past disposal. It can take the form as it did in Woburn [Massachusetts] that was the subject of the book and movie “A Civil Action,” where a community’s water supply was contaminated that impacted the health. At really large scale it can take the form as it has done in Flint, Michigan, where lead in the water supply has affected people on a very, very large scale. So it can come in many different forms. In fact, all the different ways that we as a complex, industrial society devise in weaving into the fabric of our life toxic chemicals…chemicals with toxic properties, can affect us in all sorts of different ways. And unfortunately, the ways that we can be affected are far beyond our understanding of the ways that we can become affected. And oftentimes, it is someone waking up to the nightmare that causes lawyers to help them find out what happened. That is all-too-often tragically the way we learn about the potential toxic effects of chemicals in the environment.
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toxictortsattorney-com · 6 years ago
What is a Toxic Tort?
A toxic tort is a wrongful exposure to a toxic element or chemical, either in food or a product or materials that have been carelessly or wrongly disposed of in the environment. They come in many different forms. But it’s the impact—toxic impact—of those chemicals on the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. Extremely important area of practice and one that deserves and needs our attention.
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