You Can Look
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❝You know you can't resist me...No man can.❞ Pamela Isely Poison Ivy. 29. Botanist Closed Left For Dusk RP
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Is that all you think they” She caught herself almost saying we, “Do? Do and kill people? No higher purpose? No...greater cause except to run amuck? I can’t say I see much different in them and you then.”
“What makes me different is I don’t kill the innocent or rob from them, they do that’s all anyone needs to see wouldn’t you say?”
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
Pamela didn’t like traveling. Especially to skeeve places but sometimes they were a must. Like having certain places to do certain things that would thus expose her for what she was. Coat tightly pulled around her Pamela’s head titled at the voice a few paces back. “Talking to yourself makes you look crazy.” She stated knowing full well this not any place for a woman like that. “Someone might take advantage of you..”
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“well this certainly is note the place i was looking for.” the woman stated as she stood there. she was hoping to get off near the shopping centers, get her mind off of things..but this. this was not the shopping centers. knowing that a way of transportation wouldn’t be around for a while, she let out a sigh. “guess i’ll have to do some exploring.” 
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Oh? Handsome face?” She laughed slightly, “Clearly you think highly of yourself.” Silly men. “I till don't understand what makes you any different from them?”
“Well I’m glad something shows since I can’t show my handsome face,and I can do that for you,my statement stands they deserve to die for what they do."Red hood says crossing his arms
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Originally posted by harryshumjr
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“it shows.” Pamela rose a brow, “Mmm no never was one for law school. And i don’t defend criminals. Simply putting your statements in perspective.”
“Yeah I’ve been told but not the point,why do you defend criminals are you one of their lawyers, or one of them?“ Red hood asks>
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Not all of them” She pursed her lips and crossed her arms, almost offended, “Some of them would for sure get an insanity plea. Probably yourself included.” She gave a light laugh, “You’re a real piece of work.”
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“Why because the law says so or because I don’t say it in a court of law, you and I both know that each and everyone of them would get the death penalty I’m saving the court and people a long trail, that gets the same results I do killing them myself."Jason says turning to look at the woman
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Originally posted by heygirlgosling
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
Ivy rolled her green eyes. She’d only ever heard stories of the Big Superman, but those stories included all those powers. How interesting. “Perhaps is was all the chemicals shoved mercilessly into my body until I died, twice? Hmm? Someone hasn’t read my file. Uh-oh, isn’t that heroics 101.  It wasn’t a single event that, as you so call it, pushed me over the edge, it was all of them. All the cries. Their pain. Of course, you probably don’t understand that.” What was the use? Ivy had become what she had because no one else seemed to care. She was there to care.
She rose a brow, “Inventive, I assure you.” She wasn’t scared of the idle threats. Not in the least. “Oh but clearly you want to be. Otherwise why be here? Interrogating little ol’ Ivy?” She smiled at him, leaning across the table. carefully watching his moves. “If you wanted privacy, love, all you had to do was ask. I’m more than happy to oblige.” She smirked letting the small ivy vine snake around her hand were the cuff once laid. The things she could do with a vine. “Not much of a rough type of girl, but I'm willing to make the exception.” She leaned over the table, hands-free from their shackles.
“I want...” She’d dropped voice into a husky whisper, “to be let go. Just think of all the fun we could have, hero.” The vine slithered toward him, beneath the table, “I don’t know anything about the bombings, so this is a mute point.” 
A Rose By Any Other Name 1/20/2016
He could feel them crawling, gnawing their way in. The red tint to his eyes, his powers seeing everything around them. The vibrations, the simplest of movements were like a beacon to him, much like x-ray vision but his own unique brand. “There has to be a reason you are like this. Abusive parents? Exlover? Lost someone, hero didn’t come to the rescue? Something had to push you over that edge.” He was curious how close he was to that edge, that if he were to be pushed over would this be him. 
“You know what’s worse than burning a plant, placing it in a dark room, allowing it to slowly wither and drain away from lack of sunlight. The cool air, nipping at it’s petals as they fall off one by one until it withers into nothing.” He’s been reading too many books, he should probably cut back on that. “I never said I was a hero.” A faint smile crept over his lips as he took a seat across from her. Arms crossed along his chest as he stared, eyes narrowing. His finger twitched, the camera in the corner unplugging. The door behind her locked, the glass to their right cracked so they wouldn’t be able to listen in or hear what goes on anymore. All with the movement of his finger, luckily they weren’t in a large room so his barrier could spread throughout it. 
“There, now we have a little bit of privacy. What do you want? Because I still need answers, and it seems I’m not getting any. I do still have plants but I’ll run out here shortly leaving me few options.”
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Safe.” She stated, an expression of neutrality finding her face.  She’d be damned if she’d let that man anywhere near Harley.  “No thanks to you, by the way. Poor Harley was locked away in Belle Rev...Did you even care?” She leaned back slightly, brow raised. She knew the answer to that. “Of course, we had to get past the bat, but really, you were gonna let her waste away, weren’t you?”
He narrowed his eyes, making a face at the woman. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you hang around here more than Harley. Where is she?” Ivy was always taking away what was his and running with it. He didn’t like her one bit. The man didn’t move as he watched her slide her way onto his desk. If it would have been the blonde, he would have pushed her off of it by now.
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Low lives?” Pamela sucked in a breath slightly at the insult, “Well perhaps it’s a morality thing? But correct me if I'm wrong wouldn't that make you just as bad as them? Wiling to kill an all?”
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“No i don’t i think his style is well gutless, he can’t finish the job all these low lives that poison this deserve to be in a grave” He says, with all seriousness in his voice
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
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January 26th: Luthor Ball & Silent Auction [frist photo]
January 27th: Wayne Ball [middle]
January 8th: 5K Walk/Run [last]
Bonus: Wayne Ball Ivy and Harley X
because Ivy totally bought her a wig and stage makeup to cover her up and make her look normal.
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
Hands on her hips, ivy pursed her lips. She figured she’d find him here. Why she’d bother coming she didn’t remember now but she was certain it had to do with Harley or something stupid he’d done to make her life miserable. “Oh put that silly thing away,” She instructed, moving to sit  on the desk, legs crossed, leaning back. “If I was going to hurt I would have...” The option wasn’t off the table yet.
Something had hitched in the air. There was something unsettling suddenly about the room he had named ‘his office’. In between crumpling up unsatisfactory blueprints and throwing them into the overflowing trashcan beside his desk, Joker was checking his peripherals at an obsessive rate. He had a hunch that he wasn’t the only one present. After frantically looking over his shoulder, the man jumped from his seat and faced whatever was lurking in the dark corner. Gripping the knife he had been using as a paper weight, he spoke into the unknown. “I’m gonna ask ya nicely first. Come out, come out, wherever ya are.”
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Pathetic?” She echoed. Slightly offended, but she didn’t show it. A smirk curved her lips. “Get rid of the batman, you say? Not a fan of his heroic style?”
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“Thrilled no of course not, you could say my job is to rid Gotham of these pathetic criminals,and well batman while I’m at it.”
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Originally posted by cute-guysxx
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“No no, it wasn’t just yours” She assured. That voice. She knew it but she remained silently. He spoke and she shifted slightly. A shake of her later and Pamela was blinking. “No, I can’t say we’ve ever met. Perhaps you’ve been in to ask for a house plant to a bouquet for someone special?”
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“No, no. It was min-….” TIm was saying but looked at the woman again and something felt off. That hair color and that face of hers… not to mention her intriguing voice. “Do I know you from somewhere?” He looked at her and noticed the tightly wrapped coat around her. A hand found its way to the crack of Tim’s back where he held his bo staff at. “Silly me, this language has me out of my mind..” Tim laughed off.
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
Narrowed eyes met what she supposed was the failed confidence and blind obedience of the hero. The chink in the armour that would bring about their downfall one day. All men had it. She knew better than them, clearly. “Carefully little hero, I hear she can be a real bitch.”
She watched, her muscles recoiling and become tense as the pod open. She felt her breathing grow more rapid. Careful green eyes watched the matches. He wouldn’t dare. The pain that spread through the plant made her gasp in pain.  She swallowed the howl and titled her head. A pair of measly cuffs wasn’t going to stop her ad the concrete of the room sure as hell wasn’t enough to keep the roots from burrowing in. “Big, big mistake.” She  fisted her hand, not letting the roots and vines come crashing into the room just yet. “Send me  back to Arkham, I've shivering down to my roots.” She rolled her eyes. The only reason she’d gotten caught was because of the explosions. And even that had only been a mild setback. 
“Maybe I like the rough and tumble with you heroes? Gets me all quivery.” She gave him a smirk at the idea of being roughed up a bit. “Does the hero like to play dirty?” red hair fell to her shoulder as she tilted her head, “Please, do try to take the information. I do love myself a good game”
“What’s life without a little challenge?” She purposed, hand still fisted, ready to strike if he decided to touch another plant.
A Rose By Any Other Name 1/20/2016
A heavy sigh fell from half parted lips, he should have figured this was going to happen. These villains, these people, was he really like them? No; He had orders, he was obeying them, he wasn’t reckless. Now though he had no orders, now he was free from a villains clutches. “Mother nature can’t have wicked sense if mother nature doesn’t exist.” 
He tugged one of the pods forward, opening the top. “This is going to be your only warning.” From his back pocket Kon tugged out a few matches, lighting each one and dropping it down onto the dry plant. Within seconds the leaves caught fire, spreading out along the vine until it reached the medium sized blossom. Though he may be a hero his expression was cold, lacking any real emotion. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t do the crime if you don’t want to be locked up. Doesn’t it always end the same? You being bested, locked away?” A brow rose, eyes lowering to the burning plant. “Rough you up, sure, in my own special way.” He wouldn’t have to touch her, although if need be he wasn’t firmly against it. “That’s why this is not free, I’m simply taking the information.” In his eyes that was far different than giving. Even so he had nothing to offer and playing was out an option he refused. Kon knew how dangerous this one could be, unique as well but dangerous. 
“You should try the easy way, it might do you some good.” They needed some good. He was right, he simply couldn’t ask her. Some villains he would never understand, like that crazy clown one. But this one, it may be small but he could see some understanding.
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
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TASK 006.: AUS Poison Ivy
Hunger Games AU:
Ivy would more than likely be part of District 9.Known for its grain, district 9 is full of plants and trees and it’s right up Ivy’s Alley. If chosen for the Hunger Games, she would without a doubt be a victor for the sheer fact that’s what she does. She survives. Though she would no doubt against the capital, Ivy would do whatever was needed to win and best anyone who stood in her way. Even Katniss Everdeen if needed.
Harry Potter AU:
If Ivy was in a Harry Potter AU she would have once been sorted into Slytherin and would now teach Herbology at Hogwarts.  Cunning, smart and a plant lover Ivy would try and teach her students the very essence of nature, and those other quirks Hogwarts is so fond of having. 
Greek Mythology AU:
Ivy would be Gaia [Geae]: Titaness Goddess of the earth. In essence, the first mother earth known to societies. She is all power, fierce and a deadly force. Everything about her is nurturing but she is not a force to trifled with.  
Pamela Isley would no be part of the Irish mob. She’d be higher at the top, because she wouldn’t let a man run her life. She would be able to maintain whatever trafficking they needed and if need be she doesn’t have a proble letting someone sleep with he fishes. Eloquent and deadly, Ivy would give even Al Capone a run for his money.
Disney AU:
Ivy would more or less be a bad, evil Queen Elsa. While the real Elsa might not have gone sour, ivy would have no problem using those powers for her own goods. “Thorns never bothered me anyway”
Merlin/ King Author AU:
As a devoted user of magic, Ivy would more likely be a Morganian than anything else. While Morgana maybe alive or may not, that wouldn’t stop Ivy from using what she could and trying to reclaim the rightful throne for Morgana. While she might have been tempted to give up her ways, a snake can’t change their poison after all.
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
She’d been minding her own business. Coat wrapped around her tightly, moving with the crowd Pamela was keeping a low profile. No one needed to notice her. That’s how she kept under the radar which allowed for more...adventurous hobbies of hers. Flaming curls pinned up, she’d been distracted by someone’s conversation and squeezing past them that collusion was almost unavoidable. “Sorry.” She started regaining her balance. “That was entirely my fault.” It hadn’t been but Pamela was an expert at feigning things by now.
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Tim decided that now would a great time to get out of the manor, hoping that Bruce was out somewhere getting laid, so he was going to go out walk. Tim was reading a book teaching him how to read and speak Portuguese. He was into his book and didn’t see that he was about to collide with someone on the sidewalk. Tim would have normally expertly sidestepped them, but he was to engrossed with his book to notice the coming person.
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“And what exactly is your job?” Head titled in question, she smiles, “Because you sound less than thrilled”
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Red hood can be seen looking around and says out loud “wow nothings changed, I guess that’s my job.
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Originally posted by tvscene
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toxicityinmytouch-blog · 9 years ago
“Are you a very kind man?” She asked, smirking, “Pamela please.” She rose a brow at the gesture but He was proving to be better company than the rest. Even if he was...a bit quirky.
“By all means, it’s rather true. But you’ll have to quote me on it.” She joked slightly before taking his hand. The light catching the slightly pigmented skin of her hand. “Pleasure,  Lex. This is your gathering I assume?”
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❝Well - maybe I’m a very kind man, Dr. Isley.❞ he replied, keeping eye contact and thrusting out a hand perhaps a little too quickly. But seeming to forget himself he pulled it back again to hold both hands up as he repeated back-
❝’Sometimes that spice of life can be annoying.’ Aptly put, very nice. I might have to use that myself sometime.❞ As if nothing had happened, he held his hand out again. 
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❝Ah. You can call me Lex, Doctor.❞ 
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