touchofflairmag · 4 years
Slow Flight
Reference: The Airplane Flying Manual
Slow Flight: Flight at minimum controllable airspeed. A speed at which any further increase in angle of attack or load factor, or reduction in power, would cause an immediate stall.
Why Learn Slow Flight?
Slow flight increases stall awareness and allows the pilot to learn the aircraft’s flight characteristics and degree of controllability at less…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Commonly, I am asked what I do for a living. Here in the United States, that is pretty much the opener question for getting to know any stranger. Personally, I don’t think this is the best way to get to know someone since their passions or hobbies typically tell you more about them than their 9 to 5 job. However, I am an exception to this, because what I do for a living is what I am most…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Saving $500 in 30 Days - Removing the Eating Out Impulse
Saving $500 in 30 Days – Removing the Eating Out Impulse
By rawpixel.com  Pexels.com
As published last, my husband and I decided to challenge ourselves to a month of no eating out. We did this, mainly, to save money. However, we also wanted to re-prioritize our life and change the way we treated spending time together as well as how we approached food in general.
In short summary, we achieved all those goals and more.
To extensively reflect on our 30…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Luxury Food Freedom for 30 Days
Luxury Food Freedom for 30 Days
We stumbled upon this challenge one night while talking about our goals for the year; namely, how we were going to continue to pay down debt, save for the future and accomplish more life goals in 2019. As we were discussing these things, we began to ponder how much more effective we would be at financing all these goals if we just cut one major, yet overlooked, expense in our life; eating out…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
The city of Dublin is brimming with friendly people, lively entertainment, phenomenal pubs and incredible museums to peruse through. To add to the city’s appeal as a destination, Dublin is also an accessible hub for inexpensive airline travel; thus, making it the perfect launching point for any trip to Ireland.
While there are numerous reasons to spend several days touring the city, Dublin’s nightlife is incredible and well worth highlighting.
Stopping in for dinner at M.J. O’Neill’s Pub on Suffolk Street is a great way to get your night started.
There you will find a delicious array of well-prepared Irish meals which are reasonably priced and come in massive portions. Grab your hearty dinner and direct yourself upstairs where you will find more bar seating, tables and, up by a fireplace, Irish bands will delight you with classic Irish tunes. Occasionally, fits of dancing break out and everyone in the crowd will be doing a bit of a jig to the melody.
After you have eaten your fill, danced and had a Guinness (or two), take some time to wander down the streets a couple blocks over from the Temple Bar area. Bars are plentiful and come with almost any theme, setting and style imaginable! At one bar you might find yourself in a classy joint, designed and decorated to throw you back to the roaring 20’s; complete with bartenders with bow ties, live instrumental bands and exquisite cocktails. For another, you might find yourself in a very cozy corner pub which is Irish through and through. Here, the choices of drink will be the only perfect necessities, Jameson, Smithwick’s and Guinness.
Without a doubt, you will find that everyone inhabiting the bar quickly becomes your friend! Also, if you’re lucky that night, a few of the locals may take it upon themselves to bring their own instruments and make up a quick little band to entertain the bar goers for the evening.
If you haven’t noticed, the theme for Irish outings will always involve good beer and whiskey; while just as important as the alcohol, you will find an abundance of live music every where you go! (Just a little note to consider, Temple Bar is probably the most famous night life of the Dublin area and, while you should certainly take a stroll down that way, it is most fun to venture off the beaten path and roam where you will find a greater abundance of the local Irish to drink with.)
Another bar which is worth your stop is the Brazen Head near Merchants Quay.
The Brazen Head Pub Outdoor Seating
Brazen Head is Ireland’s oldest pub as it has been in business since 1198. The bar has fabulous food, a great selection of Irish beer and, of course, live music every night! Order the fish and chips or their bangers and mash, you won’t be disappointed!
For one final mention, while you are wandering around Dublin’s streets, looking for a good time, keep your eyes peeled for local comedy clubs. We stumbled upon one club hidden away in a loft above a small bar. The small room was filled to the brim and there was a small bar in the back to serve select beverages. The comedians were hilarious and even provided their own insight into Irish culture which made the experience all the more satisfying!
To summarize, go to Dublin to sing, dance, drink and laugh! Go get lost on the city streets, you can guarantee that your kind, new Irish friends will be happy to point you back towards the direction of your hostel.
Dublin’s Incredible Nightlife – Top Ten Sights to See in Ireland The city of Dublin is brimming with friendly people, lively entertainment, phenomenal pubs and incredible museums to peruse through.
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Smithwick Brewery Tour in Killkenny, Ireland - Top Ten Sights to See in Ireland
Smithwick Brewery Tour in Killkenny, Ireland – Top Ten Sights to See in Ireland
Personable, inviting and unique, the original brewery site of Smithwick’s (pronounced smith-ick) beer offers a lot to any one who is traveling through Kilkenny. Take some time to partake in the Brewery Experience that Smithwick’s offers. On this tour, you will learn of the Smithwick family history as well as why their Red Ale has been one of the most popular beers in Ireland for over 300 years!
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
The Minimal & Cozy Home
The Minimal & Cozy Home
300 square feet, that is the size of our 14th floor apartment.
There was a time in our lives during which living in such a small home would have been inconceivable, borderline impossible even. Today, this small apartment is our favorite living space we’ve ever rented. In fact, the past year has been spent making innumerable donation runs in addition to spending many nights sorting through every…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
The journey begins with a boat ride across the parcel of Atlantic Ocean which separates Ireland from the Aran Islands. During this 40-minute venture over the water, you begin to get a sense of the isolation of this string of islands. While today, the journey to and from is not overly complicated, imagine just 100 years ago, how much more isolated the people of the Aran Islands would have been. To understand the degree of separation from Aran to Ireland, it is worth noting that the population of the Aran Island were never affected by the great potato famine the Irish suffered on the mainland. This was because the Aran food supply never came into contact with the disease which affected the entirety of the potato crop in Ireland.
There are several Aran Islands you can visit, the largest of which is the island of Inishmore. This particular island boasts a population of 1,500…cows that is. In regards to the people of Inishmore, the number rests around 800.
Church Site from 1000 A.D
1000 AD Church Inishmore
Graveyard Inishmore
When you arrive at the dock, you might notice the one airplane landing at the near by airport flying overhead. You will also notice shops advertising the well-known Aran sweaters, which are sold all over Ireland. It is a fine idea to book a guided tour for your afternoon stay. Typically, these tour guides will pick you up at the dock and drive you around either in a horse and carriage buggy or a small tour van. All the tour guides are very friendly and, once you begin to pick up on their extremely thick accents, they have some fantastic stories to share.
Likely, your tour guide will talk to you about the three police man on the island, the one doctor, the two nurses and the fact that their one and only blacksmith just left town. As one would imagine, the community on Inishmore is very small.
You might also learn that the people of Inishmore all speak fluent Gaelic. Because of this, Inishmore hosts many young Irish men and women who spend several months in school here to become fluent in their native language.
As you venture around, take note of the unique landscape. Essentially, the Aran Islands are all giant slabs of rock which jut out from the ocean floor. Therefore, there is relatively no natural soil, just stone. Today, the average depth of the soil you see is between 8 and 12 inches. Largely, this soil is the result of the people of Inishmore taking sand and seaweed from the small beaches and carrying it up to their plots of land to make soil. To describe the barren landscape is challenging as it is so unique, but to say that it is a green and rocky desert of sorts might be as accurate as one could attempt.
The trail to the fort across the rocky land.
An interesting sight to see is the prehistoric fort which was built of stone and sits on the highest point of the Island, somewhere around 150ft above sea level. Continuing up the trail to the fort only takes about ten to fifteen minutes, depending on your pace. If you pay attention to the stones beneath your feet, you will notice some with precise gashes laced on the edges. These are prehistoric stones which contain the first forms of writing and signage for the native Irish people.
Prehistoric European Fort 150ft above the Atlantic Ocean
When you approach the fort, you will notice that it is still impressive, and must have looked exceptionally dominating back in its day. Explore the walls of the fort and learn about its history from the signed markers. However, just as interesting as the fort, is the view that you have from the edge of the island. Cliffs drop straight down to the ocean. Should you be able to muster up the courage to crawl to the edge and look down, you will witness the Atlantic Ocean thrashing at the edge of the stone mass, working its way under the foundation of the rock and chipping away at Inishmore ever so slowly. From across the way, about ten miles out, you can see Galway and the Cliffs of Moher in the distance. Chances are, you will be staring at these breathtaking views for quite a while.
Inishmore Cliffs with Galway and the Cliffs of Moher in the Distance
North West Corner of the Fort
Eventually, it will be time enough to continue on with your journey. When you depart the fort, follow the trail back to the cluster of buildings at the base of the trail. If you are hungry, stop at the small cottage next to the sweet shop for some of the best Irish food you will ever have. For a recommendation, try the Guinness stew or the incredible potatoes gratin. Also, don’t forget a slice of cake for dessert! If there is a line, wait in it. The food is phenomenal.
Eat Incredible Irish Food Here
Overall, you will find that Inishmore is one of the most peaceful towns a person could live. Take advantage of this and stroll along the shoreline and around the houses. Watch as pet donkeys roll around in the grass, children pick up seashells by the beach and the Sheppard dogs keep the sheep in line. Fall in love with the peaceful setting of Inishmore. You will be dreaming of going back as soon as your 4pm boat leaves the dock, bound to take you back to Galway.
Inishmore Airport to the Distant Right
The Remote Aran Islands: Top Ten Sights to See in Ireland The journey begins with a boat ride across the parcel of Atlantic Ocean which separates Ireland from the Aran Islands.
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Alice Kyteler: Kilkenny's Witch - Top Ten Sights to see in Ireland
Alice Kyteler: Kilkenny’s Witch – Top Ten Sights to see in Ireland
Alice Kyteler was an intelligent business woman, a mother, a wife (four times over), incredibly wealthy and, as the townsfolk of Kilkenny, Ireland would have told you in 1324, Alice Kyteler was a witch.
John’s Bridge in Kilkenny, Ireland
The story begins with Alice Kyteler’s first husband, William Outlaw, whom she married around the year 1280. William Outlaw had a lot of money, providing Alice…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Admittedly, the island of Ireland isn’t known for its massive size, however, there is an innumerable amount of sights to see and things to do for any traveler to the country side or cities of Ireland. After a recent tour through the great Republic of Ireland, we have compiled a summary of our top ten, can’t miss sights and activities should you choose to make the hop across the pond. We will be posting each of the ten activities in separate posts, beginning with one of our favorite stops… the town of Glendalough!
Glendalough is a lovely, quiet Irish town nestled in the Wicklow Mountains. Just 45 minutes driving distance outside of Dublin, it is a very accessible touring stop for many travelers. The town of Glendalough was established because of a faithful Irish monk known as St. Kevin, who, found peace and solitude in the Wicklow Mountains; specifically, in this valley which cradles two small lakes. As he began to accumulate a following of faithful Irish men and women, an abbey was built. Eventually, his population of devotees and pilgrims grew to develop an entire town, the town known as Glendalough.
  Today, Glendalough is a thriving community and most of the abbey grounds are still standing. We would recommend a full day, if you would like to explore all of the twin lakes and abbey; this including hiking around the area and stopping to enjoy the view. If you aren’t interested in the scenic tour, and would rather just explore the abbey, a small portion of your afternoon would suffice. No matter how you choose to spend your time in Glendalough, you will experience the peace and tranquility of the area; finding out for yourself why St. Kevin likely fell in love with this spot so many centuries ago.
For those of you who don’t mind a bit of climbing, we would highly recommend you take the time to climb to the tops of the surrounding mountains. While the hike up to the top of the hillside involves an extensive series of steps, the view of the abbey and the lakes is well worth the hike!
There is a waterfall that you will pass on your way up from the base of the lakes which is deserving of a photographic stop and doesn’t require you to veer off of your trail. From the mountain top you can see up and down the valley and imagine that St. Kevin must have made this trek several times and taken in the same magical view as you.
Glendalough is well deserving of being in our top ten favorite places to visit in Ireland because of its peaceful, untouched scenery and interesting history. You will find yourself stepping back into time as you enter through the abbey gates, imagining what it was like when monks, nobles and even runaways walked the grounds you stand on today. Enjoy the experience and views, we are sure it will be one of your favorite places to visit too!
Glendalough & St. Kevin’s Abbey – Top Ten Sights to See in Ireland Admittedly, the island of Ireland isn’t known for its massive size, however, there is an innumerable amount of sights to see and things to do for any traveler to the country side or cities of Ireland.
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Let's Be Honest: You Need Good Posture
Let’s Be Honest: You Need Good Posture
Touch of Flair is pleased to present you this article from the Time to Be Honest blog, a blog which features essays on a variety of topics, titled the Lets Be Honest series. If you would like to read this article on the Time to Be Honest Blog, instead of on our site, please click this link: Lets Be Honest Articles .
 If you want to take hold of opportunity in life, you must strive for good…
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touchofflairmag · 6 years
Kolob Canyons: The Hidden Zion
Kolob Canyons: The Hidden Zion Kolob Canyons - an undiscovered gem in Southern Utah!
Just south of Cedar City, Utah, is a largely overlooked treasure nestled in the exquisite landscape of the south west; Kolob Canyons. Kolob has become known as the “Hidden Zion”, because it boasts similar characteristics of the well-known national part, while hosting far fewer guests. When you enter the park, you follow a brilliant red road which molds into the scenery as it winds up the canyon.…
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touchofflairmag · 7 years
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Traveler – Unpacking the Noun Travel is a verb. It is something that everyone will do in their life, at least to some extent.
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touchofflairmag · 7 years
Simplifying My Life Began with the Sofa
Simplifying My Life Began with the Sofa
            Fleas had taken over our home like an army of bee’s overtakes a fresh bed of flowers. Not only was our poor puppy itchy beyond whatever her little paws could quell, but our carpet and furniture was a habitat for those jumping, miniature nightmares.             What do flea infestations have to do with simplifying life?             Generally, nothing at all. However, in this journey,…
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touchofflairmag · 7 years
Getting to Know the Magic Behind Creatively Elisha B - Part II
Getting to Know the Magic Behind Creatively Elisha B – Part II
We continue our two-part interview with Elisha, the creator and owner of the business Creatively Elisha B. She fashions jewelry out of polymer clay and has dedicated her time, energy and resources towards turning her talents into a viable business! Touch of Flair: You have been blessed with a wonderful family! How have they joined you in this journey to launch, and run, Creatively Elisha B?…
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touchofflairmag · 7 years
A snapshot of travel by lady pilot @fly.ifr The scenery of the lowcountry is phenomenal! #lowcountry #travel #snapshot #millennial #flying #instagramaviation #avweb #avgeek #pilotlife #travellife #entrepreneur #garmin #touchofflair #dayinthelife #wanderlust #followyourdreams #georgia #southcarolina #south (at South Carolina)
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touchofflairmag · 7 years
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Elisha B - Small business owner and creator of CreativelyElishaB jewelry! Her works of art and story are incredible! Read about her at TouchofFlair.net and see more of her jewelry on Etsy! #creativelyelishab #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #millennial #touchofflair #shopping #jewelry #uniquegifts #shopsmall (at New York)
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