torn-from-the-living · 5 months
“The months slowly began to blend into one another, and I watched as all that I once knew drifted away from me.”
— Poetry At Most (via poetryatmost)
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torn-from-the-living · 5 months
I was drowning and you added more water.
- Unknown
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Please read this, and maybe give it a share so it hopefully reaches the person who needs to hear this today
This quarantine will go over
The world will return to normal
Everything is going to be okay
Depression hits hard, but even harder during times like these. People are dying, the news spread panic, the economy suffers. 
I think it is more important than ever to stay together, to be THERE for eachother. Keeping an ear open for those who need it.
I have suffered from mental illnesses my whole life, and I might not be in the best place, but if you need someone to talk to, please dont be scared to reach out to me. Or your friends, if they are mentally stable enough
Also, I want to remember everyone to use Trigger Warnings when appropriate. Even if you are okay right now, it might mean their literal life if they see a particular tiype of content. I think now this is more important to remember than ever.
Thank you for spending a little time of your day for this text, I appreciate it.
Take care. And even though i dont know you.. please survive.
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Happy new year sad folks, hope y'all doing okay so far
in 2019 we’re not gonna purposely make ourselves sad anymore!!! no more looking at that blog bc you know it’ll make you sad! no more clicking on a link to a song that brings back bad memories or a post that reminds you of bad times just to make yourself feel bad!! we’re gonna start to love ourselves in 2019 and strive to be happy bitch!!!!!
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way to often 
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basically :) 
ps sub to my totally awesome relatable youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPyRIum_ObkKpfsoy8_TKew?view_as=subscriber
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reasons to lose weight:
- you won’t be embarrassed when people find out your weight or clothing size.
- people will use your body pictures as their thinspo.
- you can see your bones.
- you can take cute mirror selfies and not have to worry about your fat ruining the picture.
- you’ll be seen as “the skinny friend.”
- you can fit into small places easily & be better at hide-n-seek.
- you won’t have a double chin.
- people will congratulate you on your weight loss.
- all of your clothes will be baggy.
♡ you will finally love yourself. ♡
♡ you will finally love your body. ♡
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Beautiful day to
jump the FUCK off a building
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note to self
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“You are more than what you are going through”
— Unknown
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