torinpascal · 4 years
“You look lovely as usual! That color is very pretty on you!” he smiled, having missed the company of Pascal, it felt like forever since he had last seen her. Herc sighed picking up the menu again. “Yes.. I know– but it’s so hard to find a meal that is not covered in cheese or deep-fried.” he mused, flicking through the pages. “How authentic do you think their Greek salad is? I will say not very authentic at all…”
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“Thank you!” It felt like a deep purple sort of day to her --- bold, outgoing, joyful, all things that matched the color she’d thrown on. “And you, too.” Thumbing through her own menu, she nodded in agreement. “It is not always a bad thing. Cheese covered and deep fried tastes good, even if it is not the healthiest thing. Probably not very authentic. Perhaps the double bacon cheese fries are the better option.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“I made it,” Pascal repeated with a grin. Though she’d been in Elise for awhile, she hadn’t made many friends. She was okay with that, she kept to herself, but at times it got a little lonely. She was glad she’d met Hercules, someone that wasn’t just nice to her but was willing to make plans and show up. “I think it sounds greasy,” she said, honestly, taking the seat across from him. “But that is American food for you.”
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“You made it!” Herc grinned as he stood up from the iron outdoor patio furniture he’d been sitting on so he could properly greet them. In the hot Californian sun the ice in the pitcher of water was starting to melt despite being shaded by the large parasol. “Sorry I got here a little early and already browsed through the menu…” he explain sitting himself down again. “I’m tempted to try this Double Bacon Loaded Cheese Fries.. what do you think?”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“Yeah… yeah, that makes sense. It’s hard to make anger pretty, anyway.” Not that Cass had ever really tried. On the occasion she let herself get angry, she usually took it out on a punching bag or with a sword. Best to leave the art to the artists. “This isn’t a roundabout way of telling me you’re sad, or angry, or whatever, is it?”
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"All it takes is some black paint, a blank canvas and a big paintbrush. For me." Torin offered her friend a small smile. "No, I am not sad, or angry. Well... perhaps a little sad, but I am okay."
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torinpascal · 4 years
“But it’s so much easier to stare at pictures than it is to actually approach them. Or even send a message.” Mauve shook her head. “I don’t think anything is wrong with it. If someone was crushing on my Instagram, I’d feel so... special.”
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Norma switched her phone off with a decisive click and rubbed her eyes.  “Okay.  I seriously need to stop crushing on perfect strangers on Instagram.  This can’t be healthy.  Or even ethical.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“You sound like my sister,” Dion stated with a nervous laugh. Don’t get him wrong, he loved Tatiana, but sounding like her wasn’t necessarily a good thing. “Would a macaroon help? They usually cheer her up.”
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“Okay before you say anything, if you touch me right now I will end you. I’m running on 3 hours sleep and 3 litres of caffeine, do not test me. I’m perfectly happy to get in a fight purely for the hit of adrenaline.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
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torinpascal · 4 years
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name — tatiana pascal age — nineteen years faceclaim — victoria moroles abilities — hulking out occupation — college student passions — drumming, the color black traits — rebellious, satirical, cold, reserved, dependable
tatiana was never the child a family dreamed of. she was the little girl that was too sarcastic, too tough, too mean for her own good. when she got angry bad things happened beyond her control and no one ever cared to help her fix it. she scared every set of parents away even without trying. all she’d ever wanted wanted was to be loved, but by fifteen she’d decided to look into emancipation. it didn’t seem to be in the cards for her. she was ready to get out of the system and make it on her own. if no one wanted her, so be it. she was used to being alone, after all, and dreaming was a waste of time. it was just her luck that torin pascal would come along before she could take any action. she didn’t give the woman a fair chance in the beginning, but it didn’t take long to see that she and her two kids were different than the other families she’d been in. they didn’t try to force her to be anything that she wasn’t. they accepted her completely for her mood swings, her emo personality and her attitude. she could try to fight it all she wanted but eventually, the pascal family won her over.
though the adoption process took awhile, she’d felt like one of them no short of days after they brought her home. under their roof she felt a safety and understanding she’d never had before and she learned to trust. she had freedom to be herself. she become a drummer and played for her sister --- even though they had two entirely different styles, it was fun to mess around. she adopted a cat. she started taking college classes to try to figure out what she wanted to be in life, what she wanted to do for a living. she learned what it was to be a part of something rather than alone the way she had been since birth and she couldn’t even feel bitter for the time they’d missed out on because everything was finally good. it didn’t stop her from having angry outbursts, it didn’t stop her from occasionally feeling down, but she had  something now that she wouldn’t trade for the world and it was worth all of the suffering and the heartbreak her childhood had brought.
parent(s) — torin pascal siblings — mauve pascal, dion pascal open to plots — message me
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torinpascal · 4 years
“I wouldn’t have assumed so if you hadn’t given that disclaimer. Now I’m wondering.” Tatiana was only kidding, though with her non smiling expression and dead serious tone, people would likely question that. She took a sip from her water bottle before giving an actual answer, placing it ack on the table in front of her with a thud. “No thank you. I eat enough dessert with my brother baking nonstop, and I don’t have much of a sweet tooth as it is.”
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    mindlessly –    the small etherian had been munching on a bag of sweets, the name of the sugary confection half hidden by her backpack that was resting in ariadne’s lap. although a phone screen was held in front of her face,  brown eyes were glazed off into the distance, not at all interested in the cute pixels of whatever game she had loaded up.    without rhyme or reason,  her concentration snapped to the nearest person – the brightest smile loaded up on ari’s features. 
         “   would you like a sweet?    i promise they’re not poisoned or anything ~ ! “ 
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torinpascal · 4 years
“Tell me about it.” The sun may not be beating down on her so bad if Tatiana was willing to wear even one clothing item that wasn’t black as night, but she wasn’t about to give up on style because her legs felt like they were about to start a fire. “It’s not even fucking June yet, either. You better prepare for what’s in store.”
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“When I tell you it’s uncomfortably hot I mean it is worse than Satan’s asshole out here. I’m not happy. Not one bit. I need the weather to get its shit together. I need the weather to be comfortable not unbearable.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
Torin looked up from the canvas that stood in front of her, still blank as it had been for the last half hour. She’d hit a bit of a creative block, something that didn’t happen often. Colors usually floated everywhere, inside her head and in the world that surrounded her, she always knew what to mix to make it feel right, to showcase her emotion. Today however she wanted to just dump blue paint and nothing else. Nothing else made sense. The distraction Sorrel was offering was more than welcome, and her eyes lit up, stomach growling at the sight of the pie container, suddenly remembering she’d forgotten to eat lunch.
“That is so sweet,” she smiled widely, a hand coming to rest over her heart. “Are you sure? You can always eat dessert later --- what if you want a midnight snack?”
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     Most  people  in  any  situation  would  be  glad  to  no  longer  be  cooking  for  seven  –   but  instead,  it  marked  a  point  of  solace  for  sorrel.   it’s  a  bit  awkward,  when  you  bake  to  get  rid  of  stress,  and  now  instead  of  an  entire  cottage  ready  to  devour  anything  you  baked  –  well,  now  it’s  just  sorrel,  herself,  and  i.
         an  excess  of  pie  however?   an  excellent  icebreaker,  she  had  considered.  who  doesn’t  want  to  be  friends  with  a  supplier  of  baked  treats?  with  a  soft  smile  on  red  lips,  sorrel  reasoned  that  this  was  the  best  time  to  move  –  she  might  be  alone  in  elias,  but  that  didn’t  mean  she  had  to  be  lonely  at  the  same  time.
   “ oh,   i’m  sorry  to  interrupt,  it’s  just  well – “ she  produced  a  tupperware  stacked  with  slices  of  apple  pie, “  i  seemed  to  have  packed  too  much  for  just  little  old  me,  and  well,  i  wondered  if  perhaps  you’d  enjoy  a  slice  as  well? “
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torinpascal · 4 years
“They look like they need to be tried out on the dance floor– would you like to dance with me?” Hercules asked. “Παρακαλώ! I am having a blast now that you’re here!”
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“I would love to!” She wasn’t much of a dancer --- in fact, she’d never danced before, unless you count swaying at a family member’s wedding when she was a child. She didn’t mind if she made a fool of herself, though. It was all in good fun. “Yay! I’m glad you are here. Reagan and Cassandra are surely busy, so I am not sure how much I will be able to see them tonight. But it is alright, because I have your company now!”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“Gods!” Hercules gasped as her colouring books hit the floor, he bent down and began to pick up as many items off the ground as he could carry. Herc was always happy to help people, especially the people who deserved to be helped and as an added personal bonus he may just make a friend out of it. “Here you go” he smiled handing over the items that fell. He grinned at her enthusiasm, it was so unexpected but exciting to have someone actually want to hang out with him– and not brand him tragically awkward or strange after meeting him. “I’m Hercules by the way.” 
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“Thank you!” She balanced the books on top of her own armful, happy she hadn’t destroyed them somehow. She realized there was little point to keep used up coloring books, but it was fun to go back and look at them. She could almost always remember the emotions she was feeling as she took pencils to the paper. Her art served as her memory. “Torin! You can call me Pascal, most of my friends do.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“Absolutely spectacular!” Hercules beamed as he watched his friend, her happiness made his heart feel like it was smiling. “Did you make your outfit yourself? I’m very impressed!”
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“Even my shoes,” she nodded, wiggling her toes, though they couldn’t be seen. Her smile grew wider. “Vielen dank! Are you having fun so far?”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“What do you think of my ‘formal wear’?” Pascal did a small twirl, ecstatic to show off her dress. She was ecstatic about everything today. “I colored it myself!”
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“Wow this is so fancy and elegant. I feel so out of place” Herc chuckled, reluctantly holding a glass of champagne. “I hardly recognize anyone in all this formal wear.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
All of her friends were here. Almost. It was wonderful. The only thing that could make it better was if Maddox was here too. She’d dyed a galaxy tie and handkerchief for him so they could match, if he did happen to show. She knew he wouldn’t, of course, but --- there was nothing wrong with hoping. Or being prepared. A bit lost in her thoughts and more than a little overwhelmed at the options in front of her, she hadn’t noticed anyone approaching until the woman spoke. “Oh, Cass! Hi!” Pascal offered a bright, cheery smile, her gaze briefly pulled away from the array of refreshments. “You look so pretty! Everything here is so pretty, and I cannot make any decisions!”
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“I forgot how much this thing itches,” Cass muttered, scratching idly at the hemline of her dress as she manoeuvred through the crowd after checking in with what minimal security the gala had. Now she had to track down Reagan again, and that was an ordeal in an of itself considering, well, everything about who Reagan was. The birthday girl went wherever the conversation took her. It was endearing. Usually. Now, it was stressful, considering how many of these people were strangers. She’d have to ask one of the wait staff when they came around. With a sigh, she made her way to the drinks table in search of refreshments, only to find someone in her way. “Could you move? There’s no point to serving refreshments if no one can get to them.”
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torinpascal · 4 years
“Not at all. It is your day to do whatever you want.” She seemed happy. Pascal was glad. It was her birthday, after all. No one should spend their birthday sad or alone --- she’d been there, and it wasn’t fair. “Oh! I brought your gift.” She lifted the bag in her hand, as if she’d suddenly remembered she had been carrying it in search of her friend. “Should I wait to give it to you or would you like it now?”
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“Oh my gosh is that a lemon cake?” Reagan asked practically beaming as she looked at the yellow and purple cake present before her. The give away was the lemons decorated ever so neatly on it. the blonde was practically jumping for joy seeing everyone dressed up and enjoying themselves. it’s the vision she had for this party and to see it come true made her heart so happy. “Would it be bad if I snuck a piece now?”
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torinpascal · 4 years
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