torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( Hello everyone. As you may have noticed, I’ve been very inactive on this account. This is because I haven’t really been all that interested in Undertale lately.
So, I’m here to tell you all that I am officially shutting this blog down. I’m not going to delete it - I’ll leave it up as an archive, or in case I ever decide to come back to it. However, there will be no activity on this blog for a while, or ever, most likely.
If you still want to keep track of me, you can check out my new project, Blood and Silicon. It’s a command-driven text-based story blog, and you can find it here. You can also take a look at my main blog, which is located here.
Running this blog was fun! I had a great time roleplaying with you all when this blog was in its prime. However, I’m afraid I have to move on. Goodbye! ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( sorry for that second mini-hiatus but i’ve kinda not been feeling well lately. i’m back and better now though! ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
continued from here @rootinforya
“Fine. If you will not leave, then we will have to do this together.” Toriel enters a fighting stance and readies her fire magic.
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
“No!” Toriel shouted. “You get away! I will hold them off!”
"Do not touch him!" (( let's do this for real this time ))
Send “Don’t touch her/him” to see my muse’s reaction to your muse defending them against a physical threat || accepting
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“ t-tori, get away ! ”
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( okay so what i’m gonna do since i was gone for so long is stop continuing the threads from before i left and just wait to start all new ones
but if you actually do wanna continue any of the threads we had going then you can message me and we can continue ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
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╳ ┉ ( Hey I’m late but just a heads up that people are filling the un//de///rn//et/// tag with a shitton of untagged gore so be careful and stay safe friends. )
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( *screams for all eternity because I KEEP REBLOGGING POSTS TO THE WRONG BLOG* ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( although I will try to be active up until I leave tomorrow? there’s not really that much to do on here though atm ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( sorry I haven't been that active for the past few days, but I will most likely be inactive for the next few days as well because I’m going to be going on a short vacation. I’m going to be leaving tomorrow and coming back about 5 days later, so I will barely be active, if at all, during that time ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
Roleplayer: I'm so sorry for what I'm about do to our muses.
Roleplaying partner: No you're not
Roleplayer: no i'm not
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( it returns ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( okay now i’m probably gonna be away from my computer for real, so i’ll be back tomorrow probably ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
Toriel puts the phone up to her ear. “It’s fine,” she says to Asgore curtly.
“Hello, my child.” Frisk’s voice can be heard on the other end, but not loudly enough to make out anything they’re saying. “I am afraid that I will be a few minutes late coming home. I- ... Yes, it has been going fine. ... Alright, I will see you soon. If you need anything, just tell Sans or Papyrus. ... Yes, alright. Goodbye, my child.” She hung up the phone and returned her attention to Asgore.
“Now, what is going on? Even I know that this behavior is strange of you.”
He heaves a sigh of relief. 
“I’m sorry to worry you or anything like that. If I- didn’t feel this badly, I wouldn’t be saying anything.”
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
(( i need sleep.
see you all in the morning ))
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torielblogging-blog · 9 years
Toriel is a bit surprised; Asgore has never really acted this way before, as far as she knows.
“Um, I... suppose I could stay for a little while? Let me just call Frisk to let them know I will be late getting home.” She pulls her phone out of a pocket and begins dialing.
Asgore says, quite flatly. 
“I’m afraid of being alone. It’s like I don’t know what I’ll do if I am….” 
He wrings his hands together.
“It’s not like you’d have to stay and talk to me. Just. I don’t know. Be here? For a few more minutes?”
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