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Bernie Sanders rejects $2,700 donation from pharma CEO Martin Shkreli
In the first Democratic debate of the presidential season, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders counted the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street as the enemies he was “most proud of.” Maybe maligned CEO Martin Shkreli didn’t get the message? Sanders rejected his donation (the max legal individual contribution), and instead donated it.
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Here’s where the Democrats stand on Black Lives Matter
During the first of six Democratic presidential primary debates on Tuesday in Las Vegas, the five candidates on stage fielded an important question from a viewer: “Is it ‘black lives matter,’ or ‘all lives matter?’” Only Jim Webb stood for “all lives matter.”
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The deeply worrying thing about catcalling is that the catcaller must know that their target isn’t going to turn around and fall in to their arms pleading ‘oh dear my please have sex with me here and now’. A lot of the time they know that. Often they don’t do it for that, someone who shouts ‘nice tits’ from a van isn’t trying to date you. They’re trying to humiliate you, reinforce their dominance over you; it’s an exercise of male power. It’s a way of communicating ‘I can say and do whatever I want to you, no matter how inappropriate or how uncomfortable it makes you feel, and you can’t do anything about it.’ Catcalling is not a compliment, it’s a threat.
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Check this out:
CNN hosted the Democratic Debate last night.
CNN is owned by Time Warner Cable
Time Warner Cable is a major contributor to Hillary Clinton’s campaign
CNN’s public poll on facebook asked people who they thought won the debate.
The public voted over 80% in favor of Bernie Sanders as the winner
CNN took down the poll, and declared Hillary Clinton the winner.
Stop corporate rigged politics
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A new study shows that regional governments spend as much as $31,000 a year per homeless person (on “the salaries of law-enforcement officers to arrest and transport homeless individuals – largely for nonviolent offenses such as trespassing, public intoxication or sleeping in parks – as well as the cost of jails stays, emergency-room visits and hospitalization for medical and psychiatric issues”), when getting each homeless person a house and a case worker to supervise their needs would cost just $10,000 per person. Read more here: http://bit.ly/RKWdGh Image by Occupy Democrats
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i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because:
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person
im not a pissbaby
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Despite what you may believe, you can disappoint people and still be good enough. You can make mistakes and still be capable and talented. You can let people down and still be worthwhile and deserving of love. Everyone has disappointed someone they care about. Everyone messes up, lets people down, and makes mistakes. Not because we’re inadequate or fundamentally inept, but because we’re imperfect and fundamentally human. Expecting anything different is setting yourself up for failure.
Daniell Koepke (via internal-acceptance-movement)
Wish I read this months ago.
(via galaxyy)
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Armed vet at UCC Thursday chose not to intervene for fear of being mistaken for the gunman
Military veteran John Parker Jr. was among the students on campus during the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday. Though he carries a weapon, he chose not to intervene. This raises the important point that during these situations, usurping the role of law enforcement could actually make things worse.
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passive aggressive family members
“guess i’ll never be a grandma”
“guess i’ll never be an aunt”
“guess i’ll never be able to dress a niece/nephew”
stop feeling so entitled to my hypothetical offspring. it is not yours. it is mine. i will grow it if i grow it. and it will be mine. not yours. i am not an incubator which grants you familial titles. jesus. go away. this “have a baby i can play with” thing is so impersonal and insensitive and annoying.
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Watch: Donald Trump wants to round up undocumented immigrants … “in a nice way.” Scott Pelley tells him all the reasons he’s wrong.
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Madison Bumgarner is not happy with Joe West’s strike zone, resulting in a stare-down - September 24, 2015
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