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topzyturvytwist · 2 years ago
More Canon Clone Trooper Lore
Source: Ultimate Star Wars-New Edition (2019)
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topzyturvytwist · 2 years ago
Cody: What’s wrong? Obi-wan: I’m having relationship problems with you. Cody: …we’re not in a relationship. Obi-wan: Exactly.
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topzyturvytwist · 2 years ago
I was talking about Clone Wars to my friends (We have a chat called Trash Can Chat and it has a picture of R2-D2) and this rant came up.
Disclaimer: I am not done with the show. But I know enough to know I don't get all of this. Second disclaimer: I am aware that Clone Wars was meant for a younger audience and that there are reasons it was written the way it was. I love it, I just also have feelings and wish we'd broken it down a bit more.
You want to really make Order 66 Devastating?
SHOW ME more than the 501st. (Who did really get a short end of the stick no lie)
Show me the 212th which from everything I've read was one of the most loyal battalions in the whole fucking war.
Show me snippets of Plo's clones with Commander Wolffe. Show me why they were so loyal beyond one fucking episode. Show me Aayla and Commander Bly. Show me Fox and how not having a Jedi probably doomed him in a way.
Show me the clones starting to realize that if the war ends they have no purpose, but also the Jedi promising to fight for them AS people. to give them rights. Show me the bond between both sides that made the jedi trust them at their back so unequivocally.
Do all of this so that WHEN Order 66 hits, you're watching characters you KNOW would rather die then pull this off. Show me Cody's entire personality gone in a flash when you've watched two or three seasons of him putting himself at risk to keep Obi-Wan alive.
Show me Wolffe and Bly and their relationships with their jedi growing and that trust morphing, and those individual personalities shining.
So that when those personalities are TAKEN AWAY, you ache. When the culture the clones have created is wiped away to blank slates and good soldiers follow orders you know what they've lost. What you've lost.
TLDR: I have a lot of feelings and wanted to see more clones.
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topzyturvytwist · 2 years ago
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My best friend wants me to write explicit Codywan smut because I can’t find enough of it in the gorgeously written fanfics we’re devouring.
“Corner the market”
Is there a market??
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topzyturvytwist · 2 years ago
thinking about color symbolism in Star Wars…. thinking about beskar’gam colors…. how the 212th colors are called gold (vengeance) but are really visually more orange (freedom)… how to the jedi yellow/orange is traditionally the lightsaber color of sentinels, and may symbolize loyalty…..
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
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okay, Mr. Yagi “I knew a kid for like three seconds and then decided to train him to become my successor” Toshinori
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
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More of the town that inspired Spirited Away.
Rain and Lights - Jiufen, Taiwan - February, 2015
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
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Binder Giveaways #77-#80: Climbing up and out
Happy Valentine’s, shapeshifters! We hope it was full of sweetness and a moment of peace. We took a few moments off to celebrate surviving the first big trials of 2019, and now we’re back and ready to roll out our next big giveaway. 
NOTE: Next month we will be changing the way we hold giveaways! Make sure to sign up for our email list to stay in the loop, or bookmark our store blog for another way to see them when they open. As we get busier and Tumblr becomes a less and less business-friendly and LGBT-friendly platform, we’re finding new and better ways to reach out to all of you.
Thank you so much, friends, for sticking with us through the changing times. Thank you for staying in touch, for connecting with us on other platforms, for spreading the word in a hundred different ways. Thank you always.
The four winners of this giveaway will each receive one $50 Shapeshifters crop top binder. (That’s your choice of these.) As always, shipping is free too!
Enter here. 
The fine print:
Entries from all countries are welcome.
There are three possible ways to enter. Doing any one of the listed actions will get you one entry. You do not have to do all three.
The winners will be randomly selected on **March 7th, 2019**.
One winner each will be selected from Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter; the last will be selected from the whole pool.
If any winner does not respond to email within three days, a new winner will be selected in their place.
Should any winner wish to purchase the difference, we will happily upgrade to any length and add any add-on.
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
Hit me!
Fanfic Asks
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
5. What’s a crackship you love?
6. What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
8. Bed sharing or roommates AU?
9. Fake dating or arranged marriage?
10. Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
11. Kid fic or childhood friends?
12. Friends with benefits or secret dating?
13. Exes or established relationship?
14. (For authors) Post a line of dialogue from one of your WIPs without context.
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
18. Do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
why is “olde vampires in high school” the big thing and not “olde vampires in college”
everyone in college is eccentric. everyone
you wanna wear full on Victorian suit? the girl in pajamas who clearly hasn’t slept in three days supports you
everyone is too preoccupied to care as long as you’re polite and follow class etiquette
multiple high school diplomas? eh. same stuff. multiple BAs? Enjoy learning chemistry AND art history! All in detail!
wandering around campus at 3am? that’s just the lifestyle tm
no matter how old or young you look it’s not really that weird, there’s sixteen year olds and sixty year olds doing BAs somewhere
big schools are very anonymous so nobody’s gonna bother to hassle you
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
in 1994 when green day first became famous, they invited pansy division, an openly gay punk band, to open for them for the entire dookie tour knowing full well the responses would be mixed. in 2016/2017, on their revolution radio tour, green day chose only female led punk bands to open for them to help create recognition for these artists in a male dominated scene. this band has always been using their voices for the right reasons and i love them so much for that.
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
i realised there was no gender neutral for “my sister from another mister” or “brother from another mother” and so I present to you all “my sib from another crib”
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
Some writing tips I’ve picked up over the years
Characters are supposedly 1/3 you, 1/3 someone you know, and 1/3 made up - experiment with the different faucets of your personality, as well as which traits would mesh well together into a typically functioning personality
A probable impossibility is better than a possible improbability - it’s more believable that aliens exist and that they like the taste of human sweets then it is that when a character turns on the television the news is telling them exactly what they need to know for the story to progress
Working on multiple stories at once isn’t automatically a bad idea - if you’re an absolute madman/woman/person, having many WIPs will work to keep you writing, because when you get bored of one project you can jump easily to another (especially if they’re set in the same universe or something)
Just because something’s consistent doesn’t mean it’s good - as Michael Bay’s Transformers series has shown us, it is possible to be consistently mediocre/bad to the point where internet reviewers can accurately predict down to a tee what’s gonna happen in the film without actually seeing it
The idea “write what you know”, whilst good advice, isn’t totally accurate - you CAN write stories about things you haven’t personally experienced PROVIDED you research the absolute fuck out of it, and talk to people who HAVE experienced it (trust me, you’re going to need their help)
People are really that weird, eccentric, and stupid in real life - I once had a friend pull his tracksuit bottoms down below his butt to mimic the “chav” style of wearing one’s trousers, then pull them down to his knees and proclaim he was “chav squared”, and then lose his balance and trip and fall flat on his face; and this was all during a school sports session!
As long as you stick to the rules your universe sets up, you can do whatever the flying fuck you want logic-wise - provided you either provide an in-universe logical explanation, or establish them from the very get-go, you can absolutely have giant elephants that use rocket boosters to fly through space (…or something equally outlandish)
Music while writing is situational - the right tune for the right scenario can be baller, but if you waste too much time deciding what track to listen to for every scene, you’re gonna take way longer than you need to to get anything done
Writer’s block is a constant state, not a tragic happenstance - ride the waves of inspiration when they come, but in the long run it is best to find strategies to overcome writer’s block in some capacity, because you’re absolutely going to be dealing with it a lot
A story is defined by two things: intention and obstacle - in a typically structured story, the audience will root for a character based on a thing they desire, and conflict will arise based on what circumstances or antagonists prevent them from reaching said desire
It’s possible to be good at more than writing - make your own moodboards! draw your own fanart! make your own headcanons! working on your stories and characters beyond your actual writing is one of the best ways to keep yourself invested, in my experience
Have an outlet for stress - I box and also play the drums! honestly this is more life advice for anything else but if you’re not happy with your WIP then a way to blow of steam can be pretty neato
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
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Magical Paths Begging To Be Walked
Roads and paths pervade our literature, poetry, artwork, linguistic expressions and music. Even photographers can’t keep their eyes (and lenses) off of a beautiful road or path, which is why we collected this list of 28 amazing photos of paths.
Paths like these have a powerful grip on the human imagination – they can bring adventure, promise and change or solitude, peace and calm. There’s nothing like a walk down a beautiful path to clear your head – or to fill it with ideas!
I’ll leave you with an excellent quote from J. R. R. Tolkien’s works while you enjoy these images; “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.“
Autumn In The White Carpathians
Rhododendron Laden Path, Mount Rogers, Virginia, USA
Spring In Hallerbos Forest, Belgium
Autumn Path In Kyoto, Japan 
Autumn Path
Bamboo Path In Kyoto, Japan
Hitachi Seaside Park Path In Japan
Dark Hedges In Ireland
Winter Forest Path, Czech Republic
Path Under Blooming Trees In Spring
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
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Killua Zoldyck ✩ Outfit Compilation
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
fucked up how cooking and baking from scratch is viewed as a luxury… baking a loaf of bread or whatever is seen as something that only people with money/time can do. I’m not sure why capitalism decided to sell us the idea that we can’t make our own damn food bc it’s a special expensive thing that’s exclusive to wealthy retirees but it’s stupid as hell and it makes me angry
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topzyturvytwist · 6 years ago
i just spent 20 minutes in the shower sobbing bc i’m scared of growing up and having to do things on my own i hate myself wtf i’m such a BABY
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