topsydead · 3 years
I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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topsydead · 3 years
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Exclusionists will say they're just trying to protect the community then turn around and literally dox queer people for existing in a way they don't like.
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topsydead · 3 years
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topsydead · 3 years
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Dance !
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topsydead · 3 years
Credit: @Paxiti
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topsydead · 3 years
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topsydead · 3 years
There are def safe combos, but because some of these can literally explode or create weapons the use of which is a warcrime, please do NOT experiment, but LEARN through KNOWLEDGE passed down by others who know more.
But, a hazard presented here that is not mentioned: Throwing all that bleach powder around is a respiratory hazard. ANY airborne particulates or non-air gasess are hazardous.
Wear a mask and/or work in a well-ventilated area while working with any breathable non-air substance. That goes for paint, dust, sawdust, cleaning supplies, glue fumes, nail polish fumes, smoke (even from food and candles), mold (food or room), or any other particles/gasses.
If you feel light-headed, or you're coughing, or your eyes are watering or getting dry, get fresh air immediately and air the place out.
hey remember how awhile back i mentioned that tiktok has a whole trend where people mix cleaning supplies well i redownloaded tiktok so im finally able to show you what i mean
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topsydead · 3 years
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I’ve posted this before, but I will never be over it.
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topsydead · 3 years
calm science
A mad scientist who will not experiment on themselves is simply not a mad scientist
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topsydead · 3 years
rock collectors do you ever wonder about who has the other half of your ammonite slice
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topsydead · 3 years
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Casa Sperimentale
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topsydead · 3 years
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topsydead · 3 years
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topsydead · 3 years
Can we please stop associating being a good person with how much you're willing to suffer in silence for other people? You can be a kind person and still say "no, I don't have the time/energy to help you with that." You can be a kind person and still say "this makes me uncomfortable, please stop." You can be a kind person and still say "I disagree and here's why." You can be kind and still say "I'm not okay with this." Being kind is about treating people with kindness and respect, not about being the human equivalent of a doormat!
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topsydead · 3 years
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topsydead · 3 years
Your identity is not a debate topic.
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topsydead · 3 years
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