topsy-turvy-au · 1 day
Might bring this blog back just bc of this ngl
Liking my favorite artists, writers and generally everyone who IS AMAZING in these fandoms is not enough.
I need to track these people down and personally thank them explaining how each post makes my day and feel better and offer them my first born child.
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Daring Charming wasn't one to let a damsel in distress continue being in distress, so when he saw Raven Queen of all people running down the roads of Bookend, he decided to follow her, but for fairy's sake she was faster than she looked. While he kept up nicely, he had lost her in the crowd right after passing the Mad Hatter's Tea Shop.
He pushed his way through the crowd, hoping to see a glimpse of his purple haired classmate, but she seemed to have gotten out of his line of sight for good. Daring sighed, a frown forming on his lips. What in Ever After could have Raven running as if her life depended on it? The blond wasn't sure, but it couldn't be good.
Instead of stopping his search, Daring quickly texted his siblings, informing them of what had just occurred and telling them to keep an eye out for her. He continued at a brisk pace towards Ever After High, hoping that's where she had ended up going.
That's when he saw her again, standing halfway up the staircase to the school, tying her shoes. A sudden urge to run after her coursed through his veins, but his legs wouldn't move, as if he had been glued to the spot he was standing in. He watched her race up the steps, trying to get his body to work with him and allow him to catch up to her, but nothing happened, not until the school's clock tower chimed that it was noon.
Daring Charming is now open for asks. . . ?
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Seeing Baba Yaga is a good idea, Raven! Maybe she can fix what's going on, or give you directions on how to fix it yourself!
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Raven silently agreed with the voices in her head, racing down the streets of Bookend as if her life depended on it. When she reached the stairs of Ever After High, she was out of breath, her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf himself.
Once she caught her breath, Raven made her way up the staircase, having to stop and tie her shoe laces up again right in the middle. She quickly made her way down the quiet halls of Ever After High, it was the weekend so everyone was either sleeping in or out at Bookend. The quiet corridors felt oddly eerie to her as she made her way down towards Baba Yaga's office.
Upon reaching the door, Raven reached up to knock on it, but before her hand could hit the old wooden door, it flung open on its own, as if it was already aware of her presence. "Raven Queen, come in. . . we've been waiting for you." A familiar voice sounded from the office, and Raven turned even paler than she already was.
It seemed as if someone else had reached her destination before she had, and knew what answers she was digging around for. . .
Raven Queen is no longer reachable. . .
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
apple, have you considered that this could be something to do with the storybook of legends?
"The Story Book of Legends?" The princess shook her head as she and the rest of her friends headed towards the woods behind Ever After High. It had been agreed that they'd have a picnic later in the day and until then they'd just spend time with nature, allowing each individual to do as they pleased.
Apple, as soon as Ashlyn and Rosabella had settled down on a blanket, chatting aimlessly about Rosabella's relationship with Dexter, something Ashlyn seemed too invested in, Apple walked further into the trees, breaking out into a sprint as soon as she was away from the others. "I don't know, from what Headmaster Grimm said when we got back from Wonderland with the book, it's just fine. Nothing seems too out of the ordinary, I just think that maybe we all just need a fairy long and relaxing break."
The blonde skid to a halt, her nose twitching for a few brief moments before her head turned to her left. A family of deer trotted out of the foliage, and with one look at Apple, they immediately bolted back in the direction they came.
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Apple, is there anything different with Hopper?
Apple blinked, glancing around to look for the frog prince, but he was nowhere to be seen. She imagined that he, Dexter and Humphrey were somewhere doing. . .well something. She didn't exactly know what those three did when others weren't around.
"I haven't seen him recently, so I'm not sure." The princess said quietly, causing her friends to look at her with curious expressions. "Uhm! I said let's get going!" She chirped, but none of her friends seemed to follow her lead.
Ashlyn slightly looked at the ground, then back up at Apple, "Do you actually want to go on a run?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at her friend.
Briar huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Maybe going on a run will be good for us, it'll help us get the blood flowing and then we can do as we please and cause some havoc." The brunette said, tying her hair back into a ponytail. With no one else seemingly objecting, though they weren't agreeing either, Briar grabbed Apple's wrist and began tugging her out of the Castleteria.
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
just A message to say I miss this au and love it! 💖
(Hi anon!! Thank you!! I'm bringing this au back from the grave, I hope you're excited!)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Can you recap what's happened till now?
Idk when I'll stop procrastinating and sit down to it myself 😅
(ahh jeez! It's been a while but I'm finally picking this blog back up! So far Ravens noticed a few of her friends missing key personality traits that makes them, well them and is headed to meet with Baba Yaga about her trip to Wonderland. Meanwhile, Apple is a little confused as to why she has the sudden need to be free and do as she pleases, while making small notes about how her friends seem slightly off.)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
(Hi friends!! Sorry you haven't heard from this blog in a while, things have been a little more than hectic for me. I'm going to start posting again asap! So send in your asks please!)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
(I promise I have not forgotten about this blog!! I've just been hyper fixated on other things)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
(I'm going to get back to posting soon, schools been crazy! I'm in my last semester of my junior year of college so it's been a little hectic!)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Raven, the Storybook of Legends and how magic affects it? Knowledge is power after all, let's go!
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Raven skimmed the pages of the book in front of her, narrowing her eyes as she scanned each paragraph under the Storybook of Legends section. Most of it was reiterating what she already knew; the book was an old relic, something some say is even older than the Grimm Brothers, it holds a magic of its own, binding whoever signs to their destiny and not letting them change their mind afterwards.
She then got to something interesting. "It says that any use of magic on the book in an attempt to destroy or damage it will backfire, likes its got a protective ward on it." She furrowed her eyebrows, flipping the page. 'It is inadvisable to use any form of magic on the book, the pages are fragile in nature and are easily susceptible to whatever spell might be cast upon them along with unknown side effects.'" Raven read the quote aloud, wringing her hands together.
Her mind immediately went to her time in Wonderland, and how in the attempt to defeat Courtly and rid Ever After of the book all together, she had cast one of her mothers spells on it but nothing had seemed to happen. Raven stood up, slamming the book in front of her shut. "Whatever's going on. . . Its my fault. I need to talk to Baba Yaga." She immediately dashed for the door, stopping and trying a teleportation spell, but it was to no avail. She cursed under her breath and began running as fast as she could back to Ever After High.
Her mind was whirling as she sped through Book End and back towards the school. What could have happened to the book? What effect could her spell have had on it that changed little bits of everyone's personalities. . . bits of their personalities that seemed so key to their destinies. She'd figure it out, she had to, getting to the bottom of this and reversing it was all that she could think about as she raced down the well trodden path leading back to Ever After High.
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Pages and pages are turned around, simple words will lead you to the crown.
Time is turning oh so slow, at what pace will this story go?
Hone your thoughts and use your mind, for who knows what you're bound to find.
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
(Sobs I'm sorry there's no post today, at least as of yet, there's no asks in my inbox and my motivation is a little low as of now. If you have asks please send them in! I'd really appreciate it.)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
(My ask box is empty, send some in if you want, I'd appreciate it!)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
‘Raven! I tried to find you as soon as I could!.” Ashlynn said running into the library frantically, she was wearing a comfy but simple baby-blue outfit with her hair open but in ringlets. . ‘I think something‘s fairy wrong with me! I’d tell Apple but I don’t want to her to her worry over nothing! I have been having these dreams lately. This urge to run away. To go to some place I’ve never been but it seems so familiar! I can’t make sense of it! The second star. Bonfires. Fairies. Adventure! The beach. I want to be whisled away for a while, see new horizons, fly far... All this wanderlust, I never had it in me before! I was so content with household chores and they helped me think but now I want a break from it all. There’s this buzz in air, can’t you feel it?” she let all these words tumble out.
( so I wasn't expecting to have to say this, but please don't send me in character asks. this isn't an rp blog, this is an ask blog. I already have a rough outline for the story, your asks just push it in one way or another! Each character already has a destiny chosen for them, its your job to take the clues im giving you and put them together to figure it out! (And get more clues by asking the characters questions!) I appreciate any and all asks but I wont be answering any asks like this as they're more of an rp ask than anything else)
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
A half hour passed as Raven and the girls sat and talked at the Tea Shop before Raven excused herself to go to the library, promising she'd meet back up with them later on in the day.
She made her way down the paved road of Book End, only stopping briefly to admire a pair of boots in the Glass Slipper's window. She pulled herself away from the shoes, heading to the library and quietly entering. She wasn't sure what she was looking for exactly, but she knew it must have something to do with magic, so she headed to that section first.
Scouring the books took longer than she hexpexted, there were more writings on magic than she ever could have dreamed. From fairy magic, to witch magic, even a few old, tattered books on dark magic. She picked out a few and sat down in a secluded section of the library, flicking through pages and pages of books looking for something, anything that might help her out.
What seemed like hours went by before Raven felt like giving up. She had gone through what seemed like a mountain of books on magic and spell casting and had gotten nothing from any of them. She groaned, going to shut the last book she was going through when she spotted something that stood out to her.
It was a section on the Story Book of Legends. . . And how magic affected the book and its contents.
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topsy-turvy-au · 2 years
Raven. Does Lizzie seem odd to you?
Maybe the Wonderlandians aren't affected by whatever is going on, Maddie sure doesn't look like she was. Right?
Raven pondered the question for a moment, looking over at Lizzie as the group sat inside the Mad Hatter's Tea Parlor. Nothing seemed too different about her, except for the fact that she seemed to be nodding off at the moment, which wasn't usually like her.
The thought of the Wonderlandians not being affected by what was going on intrigued Raven a bit, however, so she made a mental note to go back to it when she had some time. . .and to maybe give Baba Yaga a visit at some point here soon. "Maddie definitely doesn't seem to be affected by whatever's happening. . . But I could be missing something, Maddie's always been a bit. . . Quirky." Raven muttered under her breath, picking up her tea cup and taking a drink.
"So what book are you looking for, Raven? Is it something to do with your mom?" Cerise asked, her eyes bright with curiosity. The plate of scones was almost empty, and Cerise quickly took the chance to take the last one, popping it in her mouth after she finished speaking.
Raven sighed, putting her cup down and glancing at her three friends. "Sorta. I've just got some research to do. . . On my magic." She chose to speak simply, not wanting to distress any of them or get them worried about what was going on. Raven was going to get to the bottom of this, and she was going to do it alone.
"Magic? I thought you had your mom's spell-book, what more do you need?" Cerise raised an eyebrow, and Raven shook her head.
"I just need to do some research, it's nothing important. Whats got you so curious?" She questioned, realizing she came off a bit harsher than she had wanted to. Before she could apologize for her tone, Cerise looked away, finishing off her tea, and Maddie quickly changed the subject, giving Raven a sympathetic look.
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