Quilt Mahm
263 posts
When I quilt I am happy and focused Keep stitchin' no bitchin'
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top-stitch 5 years ago
This autmatic animation of selfies makes me smile. Day 1 of our weekend away #briganitine Selfies taken at the observation tower looking out over the North Brigantine State Natural Area. @makemightswave sorry Anna no quilting for me this weekend, but tons of inspiration for my next quilt.
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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In order of completion memorial quilt for Bob, no title. "Fish upon a Star", for his son. "Beehive Cluster with Flowers", for his wife. "Cosmic Pinwheels " for his daughter. We miss our dear neighbor.
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Beginning of making binding for quilts 3 & 4. All should be done and delivered over this weekend. Promise to post pictures of all 4 finished quilts @makemightswave 馃槝
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Always his own man, fiercely independent, walked with dogs, was loved and feared by them. Truly a cat in that he had servents who loved him for who he was often times a right bugger. We will miss you Sid.
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Not able to work on current quilt top this week working title "Fish upon a Star". Decided to finally unpack my Happy Holidays to me present ordered form #connectingthreads excellent website fun fabrics. These were my picks back in November, all on sale, which just meant I bought more than I should. Or was that just enough....once I go to us it. The unpacking of the fabric was a reward for cleaning the quilt studio. Day off tomorrow, no where to go hhmmm wonder what I'll do? #quilting #handmade
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Quilting continues working title for this one is "Fish upon a Star". Wanted to make a bigger quilt but only had so much of the fish fabric. Had to improvise for two of the blocks, by sewing together 2 pieces of fish fabric to make a piece, I was short by four pieces. I challenge you to find the seamed together pieces in the completed top. #quilting #handmade #flyingbytheseatofmypants
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Work continues in the studio, this is one of 3 blocks I picked from "Around the Block" by Judith Hopkins. This block is called Simplex Star, it will be quilt Number 1 in a series of 3. Quilt number 2 will be "Double Pinwheel" and Number 3 will be Crosses and Losses. All 3 quilts will be 12" blocks and all sizing directions are from "Around the Block" by Judith Hopkins. Great quilters reference book, hard to come by copies of this book. These quilts when finished are a gift to long time neighbors and friends that experienced a sudden loss this year. This post is not about that, but about makng 2019 the year of healing and quilting to my hearts content. #quilting #handmade
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Finished quilt 43 x 54 and looks better than the picture. A photographer I am not. #quilting #handmade #orphanblocks
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Going with this border for finish on the Quilt with no name. It's going to be challenging and will need some improvising, I only have about a fat 1/8th of this fabric. Wish me luck..... #quilting #handmade #orphanblocks #flyingbytheseatofmypants
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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The life of an orphan block is often a sad one, seriously how many pillow covers can you make before your friends start avoiding you? These 6 1/4" rails where a hand off from a friend who was moving. Phase 1 decided to convert to half square triangles, picture with arrow. This yielded 7 blocks that looked a like not enough for a quilt in my book. Added 11 1/2" filler blocks and the quilt measures 34 x 44 and change, definitely adding a border or two. Happy with table runner I got using just the 6 1/4" original orphans, done in a rail fence style. #quilting #handmade #orphanblocks
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Back to studio work and loving it. Inherited strip piece blocks from a friend who was taking a job overseas. Making them into half square triangles and we'll see where it goes. Can't wait to get my new design wall up and opperational ordered a Cheryl Ann design wall from Conntecting Threads. #quilting #handmade #orphanblocks.
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Quilt studio back in operation bathroom remodel done, so what do I make a miniture quilt. What's up with that? Must be my get it done attitude. This quilt measures 19 1/2" x 15 1/2". All scraps from years of quilting. Quick easy and done!! #quilting #handmade #miniture
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top-stitch 6 years ago
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Waiting for major remodel to be done before I can start quilting again. So many ideas bubbling up, such a long break, becoming very impatient. I just want my quilt studio back and this bathroom to be done. Hopefully very soon. #remodel #quilting
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top-stitch 7 years ago
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Quick little kit given to me by the dear sister-in-law. Using this to bring me back into quilting it's been a long time; a rough road and a lot of sad, but somehow I will continue on the path. #quilting #bereavement
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top-stitch 8 years ago
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#quilting #handmade It's been a while since my last post. Things have been busy. This is the last of the unfinished tops from my post prior to April 1st. There are a lot of reasons why they did not get attended to earlier. I won't bore you with the details. Hopefully my busy schedule will lighten up. This quilt has no name as yet and it along with 5 more will be going through the binding process over the next couple of weeks.
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top-stitch 8 years ago
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#rainbow Without a doubt living the dream in paradise.
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top-stitch 8 years ago
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Clearly enjoying the new basket a perfect fit.
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