toonyrantssmh · 6 months
tw: p3dophilia
y'all ever see a post in a fandom you like and go "woah. okay. what the FUCK WAS THAT? 😐"
yeah that was me today.
"most likely to crustmax" bro can we not???? 😀
this is in reference to literal 10-12 year olds btw. fictional 10-12 year olds, but still 10-12 year olds nevertheless. now i can tell this is some sort of joke (maybe even an inside joke) or smth but fr tho. no one's laughing bro. if you're gonna make an inside joke like that at least don't post that shit online.
also the argument "if you see the word 'yaoi' as always sexual then you are the creep not me" is pretty disgusting i aint gonna lie. like yes, it's not inherently sexual and yes, it is oversexualized but it still raises quite a few eyebrows (especially when you use that word to describe PRETEEN BOYS), like basically being on thin ice even if you did use that word in a non-sexual way. it's not that hard to say "mlm relationship" or literally just "gay ppl". like come on bro.
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toonyrantssmh · 10 months
bro science hw be crazy rn hjgjgjgjgjggjgvngjggjfddjdjdjdjdjdkdjkdjdkdjdkdkdkdjdkdkdkddkdkdjdjfjfdkfjdkfjfdkkfjfkdjfjfkdkfjfjfkfkdjfkfjdkfkfjfjfkfkfjfjfk
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toonyrantssmh · 10 months
tw: fake grooming accusations, gore mention
i may not know the full context as to why certain shxt's been going down but bro. Imagine falsely accusing someone of grooming AND sending gore to other people close to them. That's gotta be the LOWEST form of behavior I've ever seen in almost any fandom. Mannnnnn... people. humans. mmmmphh...
If you send gore and falsely accuse people for fun... get a new hobby. Go outside and get a job. I don't know what to tell you, man.
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toonyrantssmh · 10 months
tw: MORE colleen ballinger type behavior
can someone tell me who thought it was a GOOD IDEA to put WHOLE ASS B[REDACTED]BS ON 12 YEAR OLD GENDERBENT BOYS 😀 THE FUCK 💀
bruh i HATE ppl who s3xualize minors fr like wtf LEAVE JACK MERRIDEW AND RALPH ALONE BRUH SMHHHH for fuck's sakeeeee look ralph might be an npc of a protag but HE'S LIKE FUCKING 12??? LIKE JACK??????? AUHGHGHGHGHGHHHH EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW MY EYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS the s3xualization of minors is burning meeeee i blocked the mf dw but omg my eyes bruh mY EYES I CANT SEEEEE
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toonyrantssmh · 1 year
tw: EDP-type behavior
no, curiosity, i did NOT need to know that there is lord of the flies smut fanfiction of FUCKING. ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN?????
fuck my life bro where did society go wrong 😀😀😀
oh no. no no NO no nO no no.
Never in my life did i EVER expect the book, "Lord of the Flies" and "smut fanfiction" to be in the same sentence.
Like, come on guys???
These are MINORS?? who KILL EACH OTHER??? 😭
hmm, man. humans. heheh.
this is what happens when schools assign books to future colleen ballinger spawns fr 💀
edit: now don't get me wrong, jalph is my newest OTP and now in my official list of OTPs. But NAHHH nah nah nah i've seen straight up tags on AO3 that contain the WILDEST stuff that I'm sure I'm not even allowed to say on this platform.
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toonyrantssmh · 1 year
y'all, im out here saying this.
tw: p3dophilia and r4pe
Here's my opinion on fictional censorship.
It's okay to put p3dophilia and r4pe in a story, AS LONG AS you put trigger warnings, ratings, make it clear that it is relevant to the overall plot, AND write it in a way that is clearly meant to show that these actions are disgusting, harmful, and traumatizing. (A good example is Danganronpa UDG.)
However, it is NOT okay to support the actions themselves or portray them in a good light.
I swear, these "proshippers" and "MAPs" find a way to justify their SICK degeneracy and fetish for children, and I still can't believe they encourage this disgusting behavior.
However, that still doesn't mean y'all should send death threats or doxx anyone. No one deserves that. Quick reminder that at the end of the day, we are all humans and have emotions.
But still, if you are a MAP, proshipper, or any other person that supports sick and disgusting attractions to minors, go ahead and unfollow me. Right now.
No, I don't want any arguments in the comments or reblogs. Just take a look, maybe give it a like if you're a good person, and move on.
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toonyrantssmh · 1 year
y'all ever hate when people don't stop and think about what they're creating? like AI that could easily replicate someone's voice or alter someone's face in a video call? honestly people who create these "inventions" these days are just ASKING for frauds and crimes to happen smh
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
I'm back to make one thing. fucking. clear.
If you make NSFW jokes about CHILDREN.
Doesn't matter if they're fictional or real.
Then there is something seriously fucking wrong with you.
I'm not FUCKING joking.
If you think that's funny.
Then there's something seriously fucked up about you.
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
oh my freaking goodness what is wrong with these PEOPLE
People are literally harassing AND bullying OP over ships. Fr??? You serious rn??? How childish can these mfs be??? The fact that someone went out of their way to berate people over OTPs is not even shocking anymore, I'm literally just filled with disappointment rn. I don't even feel like yelling! There is literally so much HATE and messed up shxt rn. Why, just WHY would people say ableist, fatphobic, and biphobic stuff just to prove a point, because that's literally just unnecessary. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Also Claire 👏 McCallister 👏 does 👏 not 👏 abuse 👏 her 👏 son. She's just trying to desperately stop her child from commiting mass destruction every single day. Plus, we even see multiple times that she takes perfectly good care of Tobey! Especially in the Bummertime episode. Also, why would people call ship children ugly... 💀
As a person who is fine with Bigslie, ToBecky, AND Expensive Cheese, this is straight up messed up as fxxk. When will these people LEARN... that shipping something straight is NOT homphobic. Calling it "straight hetero trash" and "boring" is not going to prove your point! It's a matter of opinion, people are entitled to their own opinions and ships, but for the love of robits... do NOT go out of your way to HARASS and BULLY people over it. Once again, I feel so bad for OP for all of the disgusting shxt she went through. I hope she will recover from all this hate. People stealing other people's art??? And writing over it??? That's immaturity to the next level. These mfs rlly need to grow up.
Okay so yeah if you've seen my blog before I've gotten anonymous and side accounts messages from EC shippers or this one guy for some weeks now. I didn't share all of them since I mostly discussed this situation with friends over on discord, but it's gotten laughably pathetic with how they constantly try to spin this narrative of certain ships being toxic and that you're toxic for shipping them (mostly bigslie and tobecky) but now their just targeting things I like, for example I started shipping Amazo x Steven x Tubing, and it earned me this person saying ablelist, fatphobic, and biphobic stuff. They apparently are also in the WG server I am in as they listen on the public conservations that I make with people and take art that I haven't posted anywhere else yet.
(Most recent anon messages, July 18 2022)
(TW: implications of fatphobia, ablelism)
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(Previous messages now, from June 11 2022)
It was two different accounts (same person obviously) (TW: Biphobia)
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(Here is where they took one of my friend's art they made of different WG OCS and fankids. Scratching out my OC Kimi and just graffiting all over this)
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Why am I bringing it up? Well besides it happening again that I had to turn off my inbox, it's just a tiring draining ordeal, is it amusing how sad this person's life must be to do this? Yes, but also how I can't seem to enjoy shit without someone trying to hassle my interests and creations. And yeah this shit has left a very sour taste in my mouth when it comes to Expensive Cheese as a ship and shippers. I know I'm very sorry, I'm sure most of the others in the community are cool and dope, but at this point seeing content of it is triggering, so it's nothing personal if I don't ever engage with the ship again or block artists, again it's for my own mental health and recently that had been pretty bad. I'm not here trying to cause "drama" I mean the sheer audacity to call some mope harrasing another person "drama" is beyond me, but each their own I guess. Obviously I don't know who the person is sending me this stuff, sure there are obvious candidates, but I don't think it matters, this person's goal is trying to argue and harras me over a fictional ship from a children's cartoon, trying not to give their community a bad name and silence me.... but that's definitely not working.
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
The following is a rant on the disgusting shxt i just saw earlier.
TW: grooming, proshipping, pxdophilia
"tObeY LoVe aNd SuPpOrT PrOsHipPErS-"
out of all characters.
you chose the one that remains in one of the most important regions of my heart.
leave. tobey. the. fxxk. alone.
i am so freaking tired of seeing y'all doing this with a MINOR.
i don't even feel like yelling anymore. i'm just that disappointed. this is why this fandom is dying right now. because your goofy ahh made everyone in this fandom uncomfortable, especially me. some people LEFT because of y'all. Y'know what? All proshippers, don't even INTERACT with this post. Just read this, then go outside, and think about the horrible actions you did to ruin this fandom.
First the disgusting comments on a wordgirl discord server...
I am so freaking disappointed. Just... disappointed. I can't even get a single piece of faith left in humanity anymore. Andddd now you just gave me one massive headache.
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
This message is a warning explaining the issues with certain bots.
TW: pxdophilia, sxxual harassment, kidnap mention
hey guys, toony here.
You may have noticed that there's a user that commented on one of your posts named @/trevor9631.
I wanna warn you all, ESPECIALLY the wordgirl fandom, that if you see him, block and report him immediately. He has been searching for someone to be their "sugar daddy", but seems like he doesn't want to have any sexual conversation. However, although he is most likely a bot, he is STILL a threat.
There have been numerous other bots that have targeted this fandom as well. I've quite literally had enough of those too. Like always, block and report. I'm afraid these bots are most likely targeting minors.
this is also a warning to all the other bots out there. if you ever interact with me and my homies in the slightest, i WILL report you and block you and I'll warn everyone to do the same. You are not my dad. You are not my mom. You are a random bot on the internet created by a thirsty pxdo that wants to fucking kidnap me n shit like that.
We need @staff to fix this issue immediately. Spread this message as far as possible.
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
I really do hate tumblr staff so much because they keep ignoring the whole pr0nbot disaster that’s been going on for years. I just want them to hear our voices to get rid of them once and for all and yet they’ll never do it because they’re too busy talking about HOW GREAT b*by y*da is and how crazy T*ylor keeps getting with her awful attitude towards millions of people. This is a serious issue that’s been plaguing tumblr for many years now and we want YOU @staff to end it once and for all!!!!
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
i feel nothing but disappointment
why would people support
such horrifying things
my friend left this home
because there was danger
but they didn't listen
because they were the danger
a heroic child
and an evil rodent man
when they love each other
there is the unsettling atmosphere
i was a real one
and i said it was wrong
but they didn't listen
because they said it was a fictional wrong
they don't care
and authorities might not care
...but i do.
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
just why did they make this post earlier
why can't these people just leave tobey alone
i feel nothing but disappointment right now
out of all people.
why did they add
my boi
my disappointment is immeasurable.
and my life is ruined... knowing that people support this ship.
they made my friend leave this fandom
they made everyone uncomfortable
they made this fandom their home
uninvited guests
just let this fandom rest
hey yall please block this proship loser, they (idk their pronouns) have been harassing other people in the wordgirl fandom just bc they called them out for shipping wordgirl x two brains
ive already blocked them so i assume they won't see this, but please reblog and spread awareness!
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
yeah so i may or may not have been mocked and berated by two proshippers today... :(
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
TW: proship and pxdophilia mention
Yo guys, please block @/princess-wordgirl again. Also, please block @/alcoholic-emerald. I do not tolerate berating minors and pxdophilia in this fandom, fictional or not. Please block anyone who supports proshipping.
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toonyrantssmh · 2 years
If that proshipper mf sees this again, ima tell em this:
Hey YOU, you think D2B x WordGirl is okie doki because it's fictional, right? You know what else is fictional? Your chances of not being legally investigated.
hey yall please block this proship loser, they (idk their pronouns) have been harassing other people in the wordgirl fandom just bc they called them out for shipping wordgirl x two brains
ive already blocked them so i assume they won't see this, but please reblog and spread awareness!
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