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toobasposts · 11 months ago
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A blu-ray preorder special edition for Beyond the Period came with a special drama extra. So here's my fan translation of that.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ummm, did it start recording?
Rokuya Nagi: Perfectly.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Alright! Let’s go.
Rokuya Nagi: Ok.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ready, and-!
Both: Charge! Beyond the Green Room!
Rokuya Nagi: Shortened to,
Yotsuba Tamaki: BtGR! [1] Umm, this movie is a dream live show called Beyond the Period featuring us from the four groups IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale, and ZOOL, for a total of 16 idols. 
Rokuya Nagi: Before the Day 2 performance today, IDOLiSH7 is bringing you a look into the different green rooms.
Yotsuba Tamaki: We, IDOLiSH7, told the staff we wanted to do this project, and they suddenly gave us the OK. Isn’t that awesome?
Rokuya Nagi: We wanted to share with you all of the details of what’s going on behind the scenes between rehearsal and the live show. 
Yotsuba Tamaki: We’re using the cameras on our smartphones, and behind us you can see the dancers in the hallway. You guys good?
Rokuya Nagi: They’re waving to the camera for us. Oh! Tamaki, what were you just eating?
Yotsuba Tamaki: [through a mouthful] Fancy seedless grapes from the refreshment corner
Rokuya Nagi: Oh, the gifts from Re:vale. In one corner of the hallway, there are many refreshments like this that we’ve received from everyone involved lined up.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Pudding and other things that need to be chilled are in the fridge. Amazing, right? There’s plenty of fruit and sweets and drinks, too. Over here, we also-
Rokuya Nagi: Tamaki. I think that’s enough. This is turning into Charge! Beyond the Refreshments.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sorry, sorry! Ok, now let’s move on to the main segments, yeah?
Rokuya Nagi: Then let’s start with this group’s green room. Hello~!
Both: BtGR!
Isumi Haruka: You took so long!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isumin!
Rokuya Nagi: Did you go out of your way to wait for us?
Isumi Haruka: I didn’t go out of my way. You were making a racket in the hallway without making any progress so I was just checking on you.
Natsume Minami: Isumi-san, most people would say they were waiting especially for them. 
Isumi Haruka: I dunno about most people, but whatever, I’m not saying that. 
Rokuya Nagi: With that, Tamaki and I will introduce you to ZOOL’s room!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Here, Isumin, Minami, wave to the camera.
Natsume Minami: Hello, let’s enjoy our time together until Day 2 starts. You’re really recording this on your own smartphone, aren’t you. 
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! We decided it would make it look more natural. 
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey, Isumin.
Isumi Haruka: I’m not waving.
Natsume Minami: Isumi-san…
Isumi Haruka: Just waving is boring. What the people watching this really want… is this, right?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh? Are you pinching something with your fingers?
Rokuya Nagi: Oh? But you’re not holding anything.
Isumi Haruka: I’m not pinching anything! It’s a finger heart! You guys even did this too for fan service, how do you not recognise it?
Rokuya Nagi: Amazing! Isumin’s fan service…
Natsume Minami: After receiving so much energy from everyone yesterday during Day 1, we talked about how it would be good to return the favor with fan service. Right, Mido-san, Inumaru-san?
Inumaru Touma: [quietly] Got it. You really went for an offer I couldn’t refuse, huh. 
Mido Torao: Yes. Let’s pump it up with your power. I’m looking forward to it. 
Inumaru Touma: Leave it to m-uwah! Rokuya, Yotsuba, when did you get here?!
Isumi Haruka: A bit ago. But Marucchi, aren’t you a bit too surprised? What were you and Toracchi talking about?
Mido Torao: Ah, Touma was just-
Inumaru Touma: Stop! Don’t say that here!
Mido Torao: Well why not? You’re just-
Inumaru Touma: Shut up! If Haru and everyone find out, we’ll be teased like idiots!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh? What are you talking about?
Natsume Minami: I wonder…
Inumaru Touma: Maybe or maybe not, but probably. But this time I’ll get these shredded
Isumi Haruka: Shredded?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Marucchi, were you cooking during the live show?
Isumi Haruka: Cooking during the show?!
Inumaru Touma: No, it’s not like that-
Natsume Minami: Live cooking, hm? Serving meat roasted in scorching magma on top of shredded cabbage with ZOOL’s love. 
Mido Torao: It’s stimulating not only the visual and auditory senses of our fans, but also their olfactory senses.  Okay, now above the live show-
Inumaru Touma: Are you an idiot? No way we can do that.  I more or less know what we were talking about but, what kind of trauma are you trying to start?  
Mido Torao: I’m joking, I’m joking. If you’re feeling nervous, I thought I should hype you up
Inumaru Touma: No way, I just gotta make my mind up.
Isumi Haruka: Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Good luck, Marucchi. I don’t really get what’s going on, but I’ll cheer you on from the wings!
Rokuya Nagi: Me, too. Everyone on the other side of the camera and sitting in the audience will also be looking forward to see what Inumaru-shi cooks up-
Inumaru Touma: Support all four of us in ZOOL, okay?!
Natsume Minami: I look forward to seeing you from on stage.
Isumi Haruka: See ya.
Mido Torao: Spend an unforgettable day with us. 
Rokuya Nagi: Now, let’s introduce you to the next green room!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Iorin, Yama-san, Sou-chan! 
Osaka Sogo: Tamaki-kun, Nagi-kun, thanks for the hand-off.
Izumi Iori: As he indicated, the next green room charge will be led by myself, Nikaido-san, and Osaka-san. 
Nikaido Yamato: Now, who could we be visiting? Let’s do this~ Huh? It isn’t opening. Excuse me, it’s BtGR time. Re:vale, can you two hear me? Ah, sorry, I spoiled who’s inside. 
Izumi Iori: It was unavoidable in this situation. But I wonder why the door isn’t opening.
Osaka Sogo: They should have expected we would be coming for the Charge.
Nikaido Yamato: They should but…
Momo: Yamato! Sogo! Iori!
Nikaido Yamato: Momo-san, what’s going on? Why is the door-
Momo: It won’t open!
Yamato, Sogo, Iori: Huh?!
Nikaido Yamato: By won’t open you mean…
Izumi Iori: Why so suddenly?
Momo: I guess the lock broke but it suddenly stopped working halfway through. Ah, Darling!
Izumi Iori: What happened? Did something happen to Yuki-san?
Yuki: It hurts….
Momo: Darling, are you okay?! Darling! Someone! Help! Someone please help us!
Izumi Iori: This is bad. Nikaido-san, hurry and tell the staff-
 Nikaido Yamato: No, no, this is clearly a prank
Osaka Sogo: Out of the way!
Nikaido Yamato: Sou?! What have you got-
Osaka Sogo: I borrowed some tools from the staff. It’s okay, I’ve removed a door once before.
Momo: Ah, the door!?
Osaka Sogo: Don’t worry. I’ll get you two out of there in no time.
Nikaido Yamato: Wait, Sou, you don’t need to go that far…
Osaka Sogo: What are you saying? Yuki-san is in danger. I have to remove it right away.
Momo: Wait, wait! Don’t remove it! I’ll open it! I’ll open it!!!
[a moment later]
Momo/Yuki: We're sorry.
Osaka Sogo: Please stop that. I can’t have Re:vale, whom I respect, sitting in seiza. If you must sit, please sit on top of me. Here!
Yuki: Are you sure? Well, okay…huh, your butt is surprisingly soft. 
Osaka Sogo: I’m honored to receive such a compliment. 
Momo: Don’t actually sit on him!
Yuki: Momo, Would you like to sit, too? There’s half a butt left for you.
Osaka Sogo: Please go ahead, Momo-san.
Momo: Ah, really? Then just for a bit…wow, it really is soft! 
Nikaido Yamato: Don’t freaking sit on him, you two! 
Izumi Iori: All three of you, please stand up. At any rate, it’s a good thing nothing happened to Re:vale. 
Momo: Sorry. When I heard you three were doing the BtGR I thought I just had to do a fun prank…
Nikaido Yamato: Do you have to always have to do a prank? And there must have been a million other things you could’ve done that would’ve been quieter
Yuki: But I wanted to see Yamato-kun freak out. Right, Momo?
Momo: Right, Yuki.
Nikaido Yamato: There was no need to panic, though. It was obvious you two were up to something. 
Osaka Sogo: I’m sorry I didn’t see through such an obvious prank. 
Nikaido Yamato: No, that’s not what I meant.
Yuki: You don’t need to apologize, Sogo-kun. If this wasn’t a prank, you definitely would have saved our lives. Thank you. 
Osaka Sogo: That’s… I would without hesitation.
Izumi Iori: That aside, Re:vale really likes surprises, don’t you. There was that other time you tricked us before a recording, too. 
Nikaido Yamato: It’s just like Re:vale not to feel nervous even on days like this. 
Yuki: To that I say Yamato-kun is too stiff. You could relax a bit more.
Nikaido Yamato: Haa?
Osaka Sogo: In other words, you surprised us in order to calm our nerves? Re:vale is amazing…
Momo: Exactly. This one was mostly Yuki’s idea. 
Yuki: If we, the most senior idols, did something like this, everyone else would feel a little more at ease, right?
Momo: My darling is way too ikemen! I want to show this thrilling moment to everyone in the audience right away!
Izumi Iori: Right away?
Momo: When I talk with Yuki, every minute and every second I think, my darling is unbelievable. It makes me want to tell everyone, you know?
Nikaido Yamato: You’re reminding me of Sou when he brags about how much Tama’s grown. 
Osaka Sogo: Me? Really?
Izumi Iori: That’s something you don’t really notice when you do it yourself, isn’t it. 
Yuki: But, Iori-kun is the same way when it comes to talking about Riku-kun.
Izumi Iori: Huh?
Yuki: Huh?
Izumi Iori: Huh?
Yuki: Oh right, I thought of a way to share the thrill Momo gets from me with everyone.
Izumi Iori: Wai- Yuki-san, what does that mean?
Momo: [overlapping] What, what? What kind of way?
Yuki: It’s a secret for now.
Izumi Iori: Wait, I just said-
Momo: What do I do~? Ikemen darling made an appearance! So that means everyone in the audience, be prepared for a surprise from Yuki today!
Yuki: That’s it for Re:vale’s green room. 
Momo/Yuki: Bye bye!
Izumi Iori: But what did you mean by “the same way?!”
Nikaido Yamato: That’s just how Yuki is.
Osaka Sogo: Ah, to the next green room! Mitsuki-san! Riku-kun!
Izumi Mitsuki: Alright! Sogo, Iori, Yamato-san, thanks for the hand-off. 
Nanase Riku: Next, Mitsuki and I will be charging into TRIGGER’s green room.
Izumi Mitsuki: Alright then, without delay, Charge!
Nanase Riku: : BtGR!
Yaotome Gaku: Ah, well done you two.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Welcome.
Kujo Tenn: Thanks for coming.
Mitsuki/Riku: Thanks for having us.
Izumi Mitsuki: Jumping into it, how was yesterday’s Day 1?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: It was so exciting! It was really so much fun, and multiple times I found myself wishing it would never end. 
Yaotome Gaku: On top of that, Day 2 will be exciting in a whole new way.
Kujo Tenn: That’s right. I’ll be counting on you again today for Incomplete Ruler, Nanase-san. 
Nanase Riku: Of course, Tenn-ni- Kujo-san. Same to you!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m looking forward to another fiery masturi from you two. 
Kujo Tenn: Is Incomplete Ruler a fiery masturi?
Yaotome Gaku: In terms of the energy! You’ve gotta be intense enough to blow the snow away and vaporize it! It’s a live show! Right, Nanase?
Nanase Riku: Yes, plus it’s a duet with Kujo-san!
Yaotome Gaku: So a matsuri.
Nanase Riku: It’s a matsuri. 
Kujo Tenn: Nanase-san is being kind. Sorry for Gaku making you go along with him. Although, with him that would be a different song. 
Nanase Riku: It really would…
Izumi Mitsuki: That reminds me, Yaotome is always in matsuri mode. I noticed yesterday during the MC. 
Yaotome Gaku: Do I really say it that often? 
Kujo Tenn: You do.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Especially during live shows, yeah. 
Yaotome Gaku: Well yeah, because a show is a matsuri, isn’t it?
Kujo Tenn: But Incomplete Ruler isn’t a matsuri.
Yaotome Gaku: Then what is it? A festival?
Izumi Mitsuki: Why are you breaking out the loan word? [2]
Yaotome Gaku: Because that’s not a matsuri.
Kujo Tenn: Festival means the same thing, though.
Nanase Riku: I get what you mean, though. Being in katakana gives it a more stylish image.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I see! Just like how a stylish person might say trousers instead of pants.
Nanase Riku: Exactly!
Izumi Mitsuki: Is that really the same?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: So if it’s different depending on the song, which would Daybreak Interlude be? 
Yaotome Gaku: Well that would be a matsuri.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: What about Crescent Rise? 
Yaotome Gaku: Hmm, I’m not sure but since it’s a song from a musical, it might be a festival.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: In that case, what about Last Dimension? 
Yaotome Gaku: Let me think… 
Yaotome Gaku: A matsuri. Kujo Tenn: [simultaneously] Isn’t it a festival? 
Tenn/Gaku: Eh?
Kujo Tenn: No, Last Dimension would be a festival. It’s also a song from a musical. 
Yaotome Gaku: No, it’s a matsuri. The theme is fiery.
Kujo Tenn: Even though you said Crescent Rise was a festival? 
Yaotome Gaku: It’s not like it’s a festival just because it’s a song from a musical. 
Kujo Tenn: What the heck, I don’t understand your logic.
Yaotome Gaku: I said it was a matsuri!
Kujo Tenn: A festival! [arguing continues in background]
Izumi Mitsuki: They got into an argument right before the show…
Nanase Riku: What should we do? If TRIGGER’s performance is affected by our charge on their green room…
Izumi Mitsuki: It’ll be fine. This kind of thing happens to us everyday, right?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Right, don’t worry about it and watch this. Hey you two, calm down. Take a moment, how about a carnival?
Tenn/Gaku: That’s not it.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: See? In perfect sync.
Nanase Riku: I should have known, Tsunashi-san!
Izumi Mitsuki: To even say it in the same breath is impressive coordination. And I think carnival is good, too. 
Kujo Tenn: Excuse us for getting into a sudden debate in front of you. 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: You could say that’s Tenn’s and Gaku’s fiery passion coming out. 
Kujo Tenn: I’m extremely reluctant to admit this but...
Yaotome Gaku: Hey.
Kujo Tenn: But it’s true that this heated exchange of opinions may just be the warm-up for today’s Day 2.  Actually, it may be one of the requirements.
Yaotome Gaku: Tenn… Alright, let’s keep going all out for Day 2, too!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Burning with all we’ve got, right?
Nanase Riku: We’ll give it our all, too.
Izumi Mitsuki: Alright, changing to the last scene for our Charge! Beyond the Green Room for this segment.
Nanase Riku: Manager, are you filming, are you filming? Thanks!
Momo: Okay, everybody line up! Is everyone here?
All: Yes
Momo: Then before our performance, I’d like to hear some words from my King of Darlings. 
Yuki: Hello, I've been given the title of the King of Darlings, also known as Yuki from Re:vale
Yuki: Now, we can celebrate safely reaching Day 2 of this miraculous live show with 16 people. We have to go beyond. Beyond the invisible wall between the audience seats and the stage.  Beyond the large or small shackles within each of us. Beyond the period called today. In order to make the miracle that lies ahead of us happen again, this show is the first step towards our goal.  In order to cross paths with everyone here tonight once again, let’s give it all we’ve got!
All: Yeah!
[1] They shorted it to Beyo-控 (the first part of green room). So a similar way of shortening it is to abbreviate it.
[2] "Matsuri" is of course a Japanese word meaning festival. "Festival" has been adopted as a loan word, so it's pronounced similarly and written in katakana. A few lines later, "carnival" is used the same way - pronounced similarly and written in katakana.
Thanks to Snowpuff for proofing, any remaining mistakes are my own. We are not professionals and aren't associated with the series in any official capacity.
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
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idolish7 memes part idk I lost count
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
i can't add video files in reblogs so here's an example from this post
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
Well guess it’s time I share my IDOLiSH7 shitposts with the world
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
Joseimuke fandom dashboard simulator
🦚 worldsbestessayist follow
heyy today i bring my analysis on the latest event and their impact on the characters lol
[very bad essay. the worst you've seen, even.]
( 8k2 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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✒️ 1n28lsp9 follow
[the most beautiful and intricate piece of art you've ever seen in your life but you'll never be able to find it again due to the accounts name being just some numbers and letters]
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🌄 sunnyimagines follow
s/i reader gets f*cked hard by [character] with a 43 cm d!ck hcs 💕
i won't let you escape now, kitten.........
keep reading
[most out of character thing you've ever seen]
( 600 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
waah im so glad i didn't have to whale so hard for mongus newest gacha card... i thought i wouldn't be able to get him after i accidentally broke my leg and twisted one of my wrist while grinding for it on a public street and being fired from my job but after spending just some few money (200 dollars) he's home!!! isn't he such a scrunglo 🥰
[png of the most mid animeman you've ever seen]
🐍 shredoffandomsanity follow
I don't think that's normal.
( 103 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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🌺 yourbestieskip
Hello! I'm skip and today I wanted to analyse blingus actions on the latest chapter of the event story since I've seen quite a big amount of people not understanding exactly why they acted that way and mischaracterizing them as this extremely evil and bad character! While they may indeed be someone flawed and who has done bad things, I think we should recognize they're not horrible and have a reason to act the way they do!
keep reading
[long amazing essay on the character and how the fandom can't understand character nuances at all because everyone has 0 media literacy. exactly because the fandom has 0 media literacy, people won't understand this at all.]
#fandom #character #analysis #please i hope i dont get canceled for this...
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💏 fujoshover follow
👾 yurilover69 follow
Really telling how op is new to the fandom by now knowing that mongblos are basically siblings due to their circumstances and how they grew up while not even acknowledging how on the event with a Ligma reward card they said that they love each other and want to forever be by their side :/
[please leave this post before you get to see all of the insane amounts of discourse and drama on how "they're not actual siblings" that will happen eventually because characters can't have nuance.]
( 946 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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💏 fujoshover follow
hii im really sad ill have to do this post :/ but this is a callout on @/yourbestieskip and how they're contributing to gatekeeping and toxicity in the fandom with the way they treat others and people who don't read any of the stories and are only there for how pretty the characters are and the ships!!! proof under cut
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🐍 shredoffandomsanity
Please get out of your phone and go touch grass.
( 2k4 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
[10 images of a character, be it different images or not]
#oajwosbaoebfkdhoahdoshakebflduspskdljs #isnt he so pretty!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺
( 6k4 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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🕳️ rabbitbarrithole
god it isn't just me that thinks sometimes mongus fans can be a bit annoying right??? like I get it that it's the main poster character of the fandom and all but the others also exist :/
🐍 shredoffandomsanity
No, you're right. I understand enjoying a character and all but I don't think it's healthy to reduce your whole existence to a character? Fandom people really have to let go of things a bit and focus more on their well being...
🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
SHUT UP you all just don't get mongie like I do 🥰
( 67 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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💫 bellbellart follow
look i drew spinglus:) please and reblog to support me!!!!!
[meme drawing done on mspaint in 4 minutes]
( 4k7 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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🫀everbeatingheart follow
Hiiii im new to the fandom and im looking for new moots to be friends with!!!! basic info and more under the cut ^-^
- hea, 19
- [extremely personal info that shouldn't be shared online]
- Mongus kinnie, so if you're a slimpoo kinnie interested in 👉👈
keep reading
🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
A REAL LIFE MONGUS KINNIE??? kyaah... as slimpoo irl you don't mean... 🥺👉👈👉👈👉👈
🐍 shredoffandomsanity
No. I can't allow this to happen.
🫀 everbeatingheart follow
Why not!?!?! I've seen you around and you sound annoying as all fuck goddddd just get out our safe space fandom 😡
🐍 shredoffandomsanity
Well the truth is... I, too, am slimpoo irl and... Just like their canon selves who fell in love through fights and issues, might have developed... Feelings, for miss irlblorbo......
🐇 charactersirlblorbo follow
( 536 notes ) ⇄ ♡
😃 fandomfunnyman follow
[10 textposts memes with pngs of the fandom characters above them. one of them is identical to the rabbitbarrithole post.]
yippeeee:) today's memes lol
( 749 notes ) ⇄ ♡
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
kensho ono instantly switching from riku to akutagawa will never not be iconic
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toobasposts · 1 year ago
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No seriously have you seen how expressive and animated this guy is? He wouldve killed it in a small production of little shop of horrors
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
SSR Shuffle Talk 2022 : Iori & Riku
{{Part 1: In search of a wonderful encounter}}
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Riku : Phew! We're finally here! Iori look! Just like we saw in the picture, the city is painted blue!
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Iori: I knew Chefchaounen was known as the "blue city" but looking at it now, it's truly beautiful, isn't it?
Riku: It's like we've timeslipped into the world of picture books!
Iori: Yes. The road so far was hilly but it seems to have an unexplored region as well. Nanase-san , aren't you tired?
Riku: I'm fine! There are so many places here that I've never seen so just looking at it is fun!
Iori: That's fine, but please be careful to not use too much physical strength out of excitement. Afterall, this city has many elevation changes.
Riku: okay!
Tsumugi: Good Work, both of you! It must have been a long trip. The hotel staff has prepared mint tea for you.
Riku: Thank You! Wahh~ it smells good! ....*gulp* Wow, it's really sweet!
Iori: Ho, ..Wow it really is sweet. Is this what mint tea tastes like in Morocco?
Tsumugi: Yes, I was surprised too. It's actually a staple drink here. Since it gets dangerously hot in summer, people take drinks with lots of sugar to keep themselves cool.
Iori: I see. It's sweet but because of the freshness of mint, the aftertaste is refreshing and it's delicious.
Riku: Yeah, I think I feel lighter now! That's right Manager! Are we free today?
Tsumugi: Yes, the shoot will start tomorrow afternoon. Please enjoy the streets of chefchaouen to your heart's content today! However, it gets cold in the evening so please take a jacket along with you.
Riku: Okay! I wish you could come along but you have a meeting right?
Tsumugi: Yes, I would have really liked to join... Please tell me everything about the city over dinner!
Riku: Alright!
Iori: Manager, I'll keep an eye on Nanase-san so please do not worry.
Riku: What do you mean by that ?! I'm not a child!
Iori: Let's go, Nanase-san.
Riku: Wait! Iori!
Riku: Ne-Iori, I've been wanting to ask this for a while now, do you actually know the way? I feel like we might get lost.
Iori: There's no way I would allow ourselves to get lost.
Riku: Hm? What is this? A pamphlet?
Iori: Yes, it is more efficient to use pamphlets for sightseeing than wasting time walking around. Right now, I'm searching for a beautiful spot in the central part of the city.
Riku: In other words, you were REALLY looking forward to sight-seeing right?
Iori: Huh?! No one said that!
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Riku: Ahaha! You even prepared a pamphlet for me! You were really excited huh? Iori is like a kid !
Iori: I just don't want to waste my time, that's all!
Riku: *Sigh* You aren't honest at all~ Lend me the pamphlet! I'll guide you!
Iori: Please wait! I can't have you guide. We'll end up somewhere else!
Riku: There is nothing wrong with that though?
Iori: Eh?
Riku: You said it's safe, so let's explore all kinds of places! See? The meeting point of the alleys over there look so exciting.
Iori: ..... certainly.
Riku: I think it's okay to roam around randomly once in a while. Afterall, it's such a beautiful city. We might even have a wonderful encounter!
Iori: Hmm, You're right. However, please do not get yourself lost.
Riku: You're here with me so it's fine!
Iori: ...!! Wha-You're really.... Jeez..
{t/n: he's blushing here hehe ( ꈍᴗꈍ) }
Riku: Ehehe! Let's go!
Riku: Ah! Iori Look! This place is like a small square. It's so pretty!
Iori: Yes, the blue colour of the walls and the blue colour of the sky are blending.
.......I see. You were right, this was worth exploring.
Riku: Right?! Oh, Iori! Stand there! I'm taking a picture so make a pose that stands out
Iori: *sigh* what sort of a pose would that be?
----A local man appears-----
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Local Man: totteagemasuka? (Should I take the picture)
[t/n: he asked in Japanese. Also his japanese is very broken]
Riku: Eh?
Local Man: Ahaha I know japanese. Little bit
Riku: I see! Would it be okay to ask to take the picture?!
Iori: Nanase-san !! You shouldn't ask strangers....
Local Man: It's okay! Not suspicious. I'm a guide!
Riku: Oh! You're a guide! Then can I request you for the picture?
Local Man: Yes! Okay, okay.
Iori: Thank you very much.
Local Man: Side by Side !
[ t/n: he's telling them to stand side by side for the picture]
Riku: Iori! Come here!
Iori: UWAH-
Local man: *click* *click*
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Riku: Wah~ Oji-san, you're really good at taking pictures!
Iori: Nanase-san! Please don't suddenly join our shoulders like that! Also this isn't a "standing out" pose , is it ?
Local Man: It's good! It's good! After this, have more fun! Bye-Bye!
Iori: Huh-
Riku: ......he's gone. Ne-Iori, it was a wonderful encounter right?
Iori: Well, I won't deny it. By the way, that time you answered 2+2 is 2 right?
Riku: Huh? I did?!
Iori: Jeez... please don't be so absent-minded. You'll end up walking around roads you don't know that connect to other roads. It'll be a mess.
Riku: Alright! Alright! Let's go Iori!
-------END OF PART 1-------------
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
SSR Shuffle Talk 2022 : Iori & Riku
{{Part 1: In search of a wonderful encounter}}
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Riku : Phew! We're finally here! Iori look! Just like we saw in the picture, the city is painted blue!
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Iori: I knew Chefchaounen was known as the "blue city" but looking at it now, it's truly beautiful, isn't it?
Riku: It's like we've timeslipped into the world of picture books!
Iori: Yes. The road so far was hilly but it seems to have an unexplored region as well. Nanase-san , aren't you tired?
Riku: I'm fine! There are so many places here that I've never seen so just looking at it is fun!
Iori: That's fine, but please be careful to not use too much physical strength out of excitement. Afterall, this city has many elevation changes.
Riku: okay!
Tsumugi: Good Work, both of you! It must have been a long trip. The hotel staff has prepared mint tea for you.
Riku: Thank You! Wahh~ it smells good! ....*gulp* Wow, it's really sweet!
Iori: Ho, ..Wow it really is sweet. Is this what mint tea tastes like in Morocco?
Tsumugi: Yes, I was surprised too. It's actually a staple drink here. Since it gets dangerously hot in summer, people take drinks with lots of sugar to keep themselves cool.
Iori: I see. It's sweet but because of the freshness of mint, the aftertaste is refreshing and it's delicious.
Riku: Yeah, I think I feel lighter now! That's right Manager! Are we free today?
Tsumugi: Yes, the shoot will start tomorrow afternoon. Please enjoy the streets of chefchaouen to your heart's content today! However, it gets cold in the evening so please take a jacket along with you.
Riku: Okay! I wish you could come along but you have a meeting right?
Tsumugi: Yes, I would have really liked to join... Please tell me everything about the city over dinner!
Riku: Alright!
Iori: Manager, I'll keep an eye on Nanase-san so please do not worry.
Riku: What do you mean by that ?! I'm not a child!
Iori: Let's go, Nanase-san.
Riku: Wait! Iori!
Riku: Ne-Iori, I've been wanting to ask this for a while now, do you actually know the way? I feel like we might get lost.
Iori: There's no way I would allow ourselves to get lost.
Riku: Hm? What is this? A pamphlet?
Iori: Yes, it is more efficient to use pamphlets for sightseeing than wasting time walking around. Right now, I'm searching for a beautiful spot in the central part of the city.
Riku: In other words, you were REALLY looking forward to sight-seeing right?
Iori: Huh?! No one said that!
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Riku: Ahaha! You even prepared a pamphlet for me! You were really excited huh? Iori is like a kid !
Iori: I just don't want to waste my time, that's all!
Riku: *Sigh* You aren't honest at all~ Lend me the pamphlet! I'll guide you!
Iori: Please wait! I can't have you guide. We'll end up somewhere else!
Riku: There is nothing wrong with that though?
Iori: Eh?
Riku: You said it's safe, so let's explore all kinds of places! See? The meeting point of the alleys over there look so exciting.
Iori: ..... certainly.
Riku: I think it's okay to roam around randomly once in a while. Afterall, it's such a beautiful city. We might even have a wonderful encounter!
Iori: Hmm, You're right. However, please do not get yourself lost.
Riku: You're here with me so it's fine!
Iori: ...!! Wha-You're really.... Jeez..
{t/n: he's blushing here hehe ( ꈍᴗꈍ) }
Riku: Ehehe! Let's go!
Riku: Ah! Iori Look! This place is like a small square. It's so pretty!
Iori: Yes, the blue colour of the walls and the blue colour of the sky are blending.
.......I see. You were right, this was worth exploring.
Riku: Right?! Oh, Iori! Stand there! I'm taking a picture so make a pose that stands out
Iori: *sigh* what sort of a pose would that be?
----A local man appears-----
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Local Man: totteagemasuka? (Should I take the picture)
[t/n: he asked in Japanese. Also his japanese is very broken]
Riku: Eh?
Local Man: Ahaha I know japanese. Little bit
Riku: I see! Would it be okay to ask to take the picture?!
Iori: Nanase-san !! You shouldn't ask strangers....
Local Man: It's okay! Not suspicious. I'm a guide!
Riku: Oh! You're a guide! Then can I request you for the picture?
Local Man: Yes! Okay, okay.
Iori: Thank you very much.
Local Man: Side by Side !
[ t/n: he's telling them to stand side by side for the picture]
Riku: Iori! Come here!
Iori: UWAH-
Local man: *click* *click*
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Riku: Wah~ Oji-san, you're really good at taking pictures!
Iori: Nanase-san! Please don't suddenly join our shoulders like that! Also this isn't a "standing out" pose , is it ?
Local Man: It's good! It's good! After this, have more fun! Bye-Bye!
Iori: Huh-
Riku: ......he's gone. Ne-Iori, it was a wonderful encounter right?
Iori: Well, I won't deny it. By the way, that time you answered 2+2 is 2 right?
Riku: Huh? I did?!
Iori: Jeez... please don't be so absent-minded. You'll end up walking around roads you don't know that connect to other roads. It'll be a mess.
Riku: Alright! Alright! Let's go Iori!
-------END OF PART 1-------------
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
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I am sorry for being cruel. xD Meme for a friend.
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
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I am sorry
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toobasposts · 3 years ago
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6/20 is Nagi’s birthday!
Nagi-only auditions will be held from 6/20 (Mon) 0:00 - 6/24 (Fri) 23:59. There will only be Nagi cards in the audition, as well as the birthday card, SR [16 IDOL ALBUM], which is awakenable to UR and features RabiTV. Past birthday cards will also be in the Scout Catalog, and birthday hall items as well as past birthday Puchinana will be on sale in the Hall Shop.
1. Limited Rare Audition that comes with a badge on your first pull
This audition gives an Nagi 2022 Birthday Limited Badge that gives 20% EXP up on your first pull. There is also a daily half-off paid 1-pull.
2. Paid Limited Rare Audition with daily rotating items
This audition is available once a day, rotating at 0:00. When you do a paid 11-pull, you get these items:
Day 1: 1 SR Nagi [16 IDOL ALBUM]
Day 2: Special Training Item Set
Day 3: Awakening Item Set
Day 4: 4 SSR pudding
Day 5: Nagi [16 IDOL ALBUM] Puchinana
Birthday messages from other idols also be on the HOME screen from 6/20 (Mon) 0:00 - 23:59, while birthday messages from Nagi will be available if you set a birthday card.
A special login bonus is being held from 6/16 (Thu) 4:00 - 6/21 (Tue) 3:59, resetting at 4:00. Log in for 5 days to get 25 Stella stones.
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