Life of Pi, an adventure drama film released on 2012 by Ang Lee. The film was about a man who survived a shipwreck and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a boat with a tiger.
The story of “Life of Pi” and it’s setting mostly happened in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Though the film wasn’t really taken in the Pacific Ocean itself, The production team of “Life of Pi” really did a great job at depicting the harsh waters of the Pacific.
While the film was shot in a studio, the Depth of Space of “Life of Pi” is differs in many instances. Such as, Emotional moments have a more focused framing on the protagonist. While a scene that emphasizes on the beauty of nature offers a wide framing for the audiences to actually see the overall beauty that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.
“Life of Pi” and its lighting also differs on certain scenes.
on a “Morning setting” the lighting is warm and comfy, While on a “Storm Scene” where lighting is dark and seemingly chaotic. And at “Night Scenes” especially the jellyfish part, we’re bright blue and starry.
Though “Life of Pi” is a great film in an artistic perspective. I have to commend the production done by the Life of Pi team, it really is surprising when I first saw their “Behind-The-Scenes” where almost all of their realistic scenes we’re rendered in CGI. for a 2012 film, it really was impressive.
Mise-En-Scene (LIFE OF PI)
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Ang Larawan (2017)
I’ve got to say, I’m pretty impressed with the musical scoring and story telling of the film. Even if the story was told in a musical fashion, it still shows the humanity and emotions of the characters that exists in the film.
Two impoverished sisters, Paula and Candida are arguing whether to sell their father, Don Lorenzo Marasigan’s last painting for money. A struggle for survival against betrayal.
The film focuses on the battle against “materialism”.
“Materialism - A tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. “
The death of truth and beauty which is “Sining” comes to a close when, “Materialism” became a priority. “Materialism” is present when we look at the characters:
Manolo, Pepang, Tony Javier, and Senator Perico.
Materialism was fought when the sisters realized the importance and the meaning of the last painting done by their father.
They fought the thought of their siblings Manolo and Pepang’s decision to sell the house for money and live with them. They fought Tony Javier’s offer to sell the painting for money in which he also tried to charm and drag Paula into giving in to temptation to sell it.
They even fought Senator Perico’s offer of donating the painting to the government and it made him realize his mistakes when confronted by Paula and Candida for abandoning his craft which is “poetry” for politics because of money.
It was implied to be burnt by Candida. Though the action was a bit to extreme considering that they needed money. Candida and Paula we’re freed from their guilt, anguish and agony that they have felt towards their father. In which, they became happy despite their loss for materialistic things, opportunity and money.
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Midterms : La Cordillera (2017)
As of 9:00PM of Oct 12, 2018, I was at Greenbelt 3 Cinemas to watch a movie from the Pelikula Spanish Film Festival.
The movie that night was titled La Cordillera (2017) / The Summit. It is an Argentine political drama film directed by Santiago Mitre and written by Mitre and Mariano Llinás.
The story revolves around the Argentine president, Hernán Blanco in conflict with both personal and politcal problems. Participating in the summit with other different state leaders, he is faced with challenges and complications that could drastically change his private and public life in whatever decision he makes in the Summit meeting.
The movie is somewhat confusing in details, so you really have to focus on whats happening around Herman’s personal life and political life. The Argentine President Hernan Blanco is perceived to be an inexperienced president, this can be seen during while he was getting briefed for the summit meeting.
The movie displays how politics work and how backdoor deals were. Its not all about patriotism, there’s also business on the side. It also shows how politicians are humans too.
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Cinderella : Variations and Story Telling.
Cinderella is a classical piece of literature, with a wide variation it terms of time, language and origin. The ancient greek variant of the Cinderella / The Little Glass Slipper folk lore is created by Rhodopis. In which Cinderella is portrayed to be a greek slave girl who married the King of Egypt. There is also a 20th AD Variant of Cinderella retold by Marie de France title Le Fresne where the story took a route in which Cinderella belonged to a wealthy family only to be abandoned by her mother in an “Ash Tree” for the fear of being accused of infidelity (Because she gave birth to twins). Cinderella was found by a porter and named her Frense and was raised by nuns in this story. The romance also took on a different approach where it was surprised by a plot twist in which Frense met her twin sister and her biological mother at the wedding the day of her Prince-Charming.
There are also Asian Versions of Cinderella which are Ye Xian, Sumiyoshi Monogatari' (The Tale of Sumiyoshi), One Thousand and One Nights, Tam and Cam.
The are also literary vesrions which are Cenerentola, by Basile, Cendrillon, by Perrault and the most famous one which is Aschenputtel, by the Brothers Grimm
Later on these literary versions were used as reference and was adapted into a Disney Film in 1950′s, which offered a more child-friendly story telling compared to the old pieces of literature. Years had gone by and Disney also released a live action Cinderella just back in the year 2015. Over the past years, Cinderella and her story evolved. The plot and even imagery has changed throughout the decades. It still amazing how a huge variety of stories that relates to Cinderella exists in the past and who knows? maybe there are still more versions to come.
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The General Boy : GOYO
“GOYO : Ang Batang Heneral” is a Filipino-Indie Film movie about Gregorio Del Pilar. Though the movie had some historical aspects included, The movie was kind of cheesy since it revolved more on Gregorio’s romance during his stay in Dagupan more than the battle on Mount Tirad. His death was also unceremonious and it felt a bit rushed.
The story began with the capture of Angel Bernal, Manuel and Jose who was a former ally of Heneral Antonio Luna. Manuel was captured and tortured into joining Goyo’s military personnel. Manuel refused and was executed for not cooperating. This scene speaks volumes in terms of the current situation of the Philippine government and military during those times it also relates to Goyo’s guilt for doing such actions in relation to what Heneral Luna said back in the first film, “We have a greater enemy, and that is ourselves”.
While the Filipinos relax during war times, The Americans were planning their next attack and even ridiculed our countrymen to “let each other stab in the back” while enjoying their cup of coffee. If we listened closely to what Manuel said about Heneral Luna, They weren’t following him, they were following his principles. Which it reflected to our Filipino soldiers and the scene of Alejandrino and Emilio Aguinaldo where Emilio asked “Luna or Me?”. Allegiance was given more importance than principles.
Although the message and moral of the story was still completely clear by listening to the internal monologues of the characters, especially by Joven and Apolinario Mabini.
Joven clearly stating that he wants to learn and still believe that he is still fighting for something. While Apolinario speaks the truth of the Filipino governance to its people and its revolution against the Americans.
GOYO was an okay film, it didn’t had the same impact of Heneral Luna, which sparked a controversy towards Cavitenos but it would’ve been an even better film if it had toned down the romance and solely focused on the event of Tirad pass.
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serious advice for those new to tumblr/young and on tumblr
–Don’t let this website become your life. –Please take this seriously, while you may see a lot of funny posts about ‘I’m deleting’ and ‘I hate tumblr’ the community as a whole on this website is seriously bad. –Formulate your own opinions, and don’t let this site brainwash them into you. –The mob mentality that often follows arguments blows stuff really out of proportion, and in the end it doesn’t matter, I promise you. –POST WHAT YOU WANT, NOT WHAT WILL GET YOU FOLLOWERS. –Anons are mean. Turn them off if you have to. You aren’t weak for doing so. –Take care of yourself. Download xkit and blacklist stuff you don’t want to see. –Sending hate is never worth it. –The social justice you see here is not an accurate representation of real-world activism. You do not EVER have to post a social justice thing if you don’t want to. –You do not need to be part of a minority to be loved –If you are part of a majority, you matter and deserve to love yourself all the same –Mental illness is NOT pretty –IF SOMETHING APPEARS IN YOUR INBOX ASKING YOU TO CLICK ON THEIR BLOG TO TEST A VIDEO GAME OR SOME SHIT, FOR FUCK’S SAKE, DON’T CLICK IT
Just, don’t get too swept away by this site. Go outside. Blog other places. Watch Netflix for a while. Do what you gotta do.
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