tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
Really wanna do a mermaid au. Like or reblog this for a starter [multis please specify which muse in the comments or dm me]
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
@1w1wbigher06fan Because i love you so very much my love. [Tomoko to Tensei]
i’m so sorry if someone made you think it’s hard to love you
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
@erxsxre awww look Shouta
How to entertain a cat
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
this has Aizawa energy so much Aizawa energy! @erxsxre @dadzxwa Doesnt it Hizashi? @prezziemicc
“Hello, kitten-“ “Ummmm… human sir? That is an eldritch being. Not pet. Do not touch.” “Look, it’s fine. If it looks like a cat, it is a cat.” eldritch purring sounds
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
@erxsxre yeah Sho be nice to your husband lmao
Shouta: have you heard the joke about the gaslighter?
Hizashi: noooo
Shouta: yeah, you have
Hizashi: no I haven't.
Shouta: you've literally heard it already
Shouta: yes, you have. Why are you saying you haven't?
Shouta: you're acting crazy.
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
@erxsxre @dadzxwa @hizashismiles
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
Pokémon Headcanon Meme:
☀️ : Who is your character’s partner Pokémon? Do they prefer to stay outside of their Pokéball? What’s their dynamic with their trainer?
🌗 : Does your character have a favourite Pokéball? Which ones do they use the least?
💾 : What is your character’s Pokémon team? Any Pokémon they don’t  have currently in their team (in their PC Box or elswhere)?
😀 : Describe one of your character’s relationships with their Pokémon.
👥 : Does your character travel with anyone aside from their Pokémon?
♠️ : Does your character specialize in a Pokémon type or do their types vary? Do they pay much attention to type match-ups?
🗻 : What type of journey is your character on? Are they tackling the Pokémon League, engaging in contests, on researching endeavors, a ranger scouting for danger? Or do they have a more ‘normal’ occupation? What type of life do they lead?
🌟: Has your character met any Legendary Pokémon before? If so, what were the encounters like? Do they have any Legendary Pokémon on their team? If not, do they believe in Legendary Pokémon?
🍼 : Are there any Pokémon your character has difficulty handling? Are there any they find easiest to raise?
🐤 : Does your character use Daycares? Or do they manage all the training and caretaking themselves?
🕶 : Are there ‘troublemaking’ Pokémon on your character’s team? If so, how do they tackle these troubles?
🥘 : Is your character any good at making Poffins?
🎊 : If your character takes part in contests, what category is their favourite? What are the best at? What are they worst at?
📱 : How full is your character’s Pokedex?
✨ : Has your character ever encountered a shiny Pokémon ? Do they have one in their team?
🎲 : Has your character ever been to a Game Corner or equivalent? How much time do they spend there? Have they ever gotten really lucky at the slots?
🌑 : How does your character handle villainous organisations? Have they ever encountered one? How did that go?
⛔️ : Has your character ever mistaken an owned Pokémon for a wild Pokemon and tried to catch it?
🚴: Does your character own a bicycle? Can they ride it? Are they constantly lectured by their professors for riding it where they’re not supposed to?
🎣  : Does your character fish? Do they have any luck with it? If so, what’s the biggest Pokémon they’ve caught? What’s the smallest?
🎃 : Do any Pokémon types unsettle your character? Do they have a phobia of them? Why?
📖 : Did your character go to Pokémon School? If so, was it public or private? Were they homeschooled?
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
Can I just say that as a female that runs a male muse, I find it extremely extremely that female muses get no attention 90% of the time in this community? I have a lot of respect for people with female muses because they’re not easy. Really. They’re fucking not. Female muses get a lot more bullshit than male muses. I’m not even joking. You write a female complaining in one sentence and she’s naggy. You write a male doing the same thing and he’s just “stating his opinion.” You smut as a female, OOP, your muse is a slut and easy. You do it as a male, oh hot damn. Look at how hot this man is hnnnnnng. You write a girl with trust issues, she’s a bitch. You write a male like that oh he’s just “broken.” NO. NO. NO. NO. FUCK. NO! That is not true. Not in the slightest and I hate to say it but that female muse that’s complaining might be right, that female muse that’s smutting might have had to work hard to trust that muse, that female muse that’s hurt might have lost a brother, or a mother, or a best friend. It does not give you the right to judge another person’s muse based off their gender. In this community we talk about wanting equal rights but look at the way we treat female muses. We judge them and ridicule them straight from the get go. If we can’t expect to give another person’s character equal rights to a male how the fuck can we expect people to give equal rights to actual people?! We can’t. And until we start opening our eyes and realizing how much shit we put even female characters through, we cannot expect equal rights for everyone. I’m not a feminist in the slightest but seriously this is some bullshit and I call bullshit on this topic.
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
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Not a brain cell between them
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tomoko-ragdoll · 1 year
"SHOUTA!! LOOK!! CHONKY KITTY!!" Tomoko squeals loudly
This was a fat cat sculpt I did awhile back. So much fun!
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tomoko-ragdoll · 2 years
{{main blog reblog}}
@pinky-alienqween - Indie rp blog for Mina ashido (18+)
@manly-rock - Indie rp blog for Eijirou Kirishma (18+)
@tomoko-ragdoll - Indie rp blog for Tomoko Sheritoko(Ragdoll) (18+)
@ice-princess-yumi - Indie rp blog for Fuyumi Todoroki (18+)
@smollest-shimura - Indie rp blog for Tenko Shimura (under-18)
@tsubaki-iida - Indie OC rp blog for Tsubaki Iida (under-18)
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tomoko-ragdoll · 2 years
@erxsxre {{Look!!! It's the boi!}}
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I HAD TO DO IT!!!!😤😤😭😭✋️✋️
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tomoko-ragdoll · 2 years
@erxsxre because you deserve the chuckle of this and its a cute cat so whats not to love
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tomoko-ragdoll · 2 years
"Oh i think you would because you know I can and would find you. You might the best underground hero here in Musutafu but not even you can hide from my quirk." Tomoko says putting a plate of omirice down in front of Shouta.
"Eat, this should help with the hangover your going to have seeing as im sure you didnt eat while out drinking. Because if this doesnt work, its a good thing Oboro taught me his hangover cure innit?" she smirks at Shouta, Oboro's hangover cure was literally tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce and lemon juice. it was disgusting and because her brother was an ass he would make it with a hot sauce that was clocked in at twelve million scoville's. she on the other hand was not that sadistic and would use Tabasco sauce because she didnt want to melt anyone's taste buds
"Not to mention dont think i didnt see that eye twitch of yours mister, Hizashi has been pinning after your surly ass since first year. So i know that if you were worried that he didnt return your feelings your wrong. Honestly we thought you'd already figured it out seeing as you got so grumpy when that American hero had come here on that international heroes program and they kept flirting with Zashi." Tomoko laughs softly before
Tomoko looks at him before sighing, "I swear on all i hold dear, if the reason your ass got shit faced was because you just realized you love Hizashi i will leak the pictures of you from highschool that Tensei has, Shouta. so help me god."
She walks out of the bathroom and goes and grabs him dry clothes putting them on the sink. "Get changed, i'll make you some coffee and then you can explain to me why having a few drinks with Hizashi made you sit in your tub fully clothed while drunk."
She walked back out of the bathroom and into his kitchen and started making him some coffee and something to eat, because she knew he more than likely drank on a empty stomach so getting something in him would help with the hangover he was going to have.
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tomoko-ragdoll · 2 years
Send 👌 if you would like to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses!
Send 😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses!
Send ❤️ if you would like to explore a ROMANTIC relationship between our muses!
Send 💋 if you would like to explore a SEXUAL relationship between our muses!
Send 💥 if you would like to explore a ANTAGONISTIC relationship between our muses!
Send ❓ for a different dynamic - and tell me more about it!
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tomoko-ragdoll · 2 years
are you a personal blog who followes many roleplay blogs? then you might want to read this one!! don’t take it as a criticism towards you, but as a way to interact with the RP blogs you find in your dash!
most roleplayers love to recieve any kind of ask! headcanons, random questions, comments about their current plot… anything goes! Don’t be afraid to approach us, especially if we reblog headcanon prompts!
don’t spoil other’s plots! what would be the fun
make sure you’re on the same page when it comes to headcanons and ships! don’t ask characters about relationships they’re not involved into, or theories they don’t share with you! asking to the player if they ship something 
most roleplayers prefer to have a “clean” notification section. this means that if you go on a like spree, chances are they’re going to be upset, since possible threads replies or mentions might end up hidden under dozens and dozens of other notifications. of coures a few likes are always appreciated, but don’t take it too far
don’t reblog threads, promos headcanons and art from the RP blog! if you’re enjoying an interaction between two characters or a theory, let the player know with a like, or by telling them in the askbox. if you’re into their art and headcanons, try to ask them if they have a personal blog where they share them as well, so you can reblog them from there
general rule of thumb when it comes to reblogging stuff like aesthetic posts, musings and fanarts the players themselves reblog, always try to look for the source instead of reblogging directly from the RP blog
don’t expect most people to roleplay with you! most RP blogs tend to focus their roleplaying with other RP blog if you’re interested with interacting, a lot of players are more than willing to lend a hand and help others getting started, so don’t be afraid to ask!
while the other points in this post are generalized, reading the rules of a RP blog you want to follow is something you should always do.
some people are more leaning on recieving certain kind of asks or having stuff reblogged from them; some people don’t want to be followed by minors, some other don’t want to be followed by personal blogs at all!
again, in doubt, try to reach out and ask for the rules page, or some explaination on specific rules! that’s always appreciated, and show interest in your part
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