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tomngo · 7 years ago
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A Producer on the Unforgettable Gala 2017 ! So happy how it turned out! Proud to be Asian American
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tomngo · 7 years ago
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me and the homies
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tomngo · 7 years ago
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i did a tedx speech this year.  a bucket list for myself.
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tomngo · 12 years ago
Its been less then a week since the new years, and I've decided to write my yearly recap blog post.  It's been a crazy year.   Every year should be a year of growth but this year especially for myself because I ended the year with so many different accomplishments.   I started 2012 leaving my job and really just entering a stage of my life that was very very uncertain.  It was about believing in myself no matter how less security there was.  If you don't believe in yourself how are you to be a leader to these people.  
I still have these internal struggles with myself and as much as I want these feelings to go away i've learned, it never will.  We as people are programmed to keep growing and finding things that are weak about us and how to improve on them.  We will never really be satisfied and thats a great thing.  We have to settle for the best and the best takes a lot of time.  
So to wrap up the 2012 year. - Joseph Vincent's BLUE SKIES ALBUM RELEASE  - Joseph Vincent's BLUE SKIES 27 CITY US TOUR. - JOSEPH VINCENT SINGAPORE CONCERT 3,000+ people - Toestah's Dangerzone mixtape hosted by the LA LEAKERS! w/ feature on Hotnewhiphop - Toestah featured on HOTNEWHIPHOP Heatseakers - Produced 5 videos for Kevjumba - Huge Saturday Weekly with JETSET - FLOAT BIRTHDAY PARTIES - QUEST / PARTY ROCK HALLOWEEN PARTY - 2nd ANNUAL HOLIDAY HANGOUT w/ QUEST - Chinese Mann Theatre New Years Eve event w/ 1200+ people - Got to go to Coachella! & See Snoop Dogg / Dre  (haha yes this was a accomplishment) - We bought a house!  - Moved out to my own apt. 
Really looking back I am proud of the things that Ive accomplished this year and I've told people time and time that its NOT ME, but my WHOLE TEAM.  I'm blessed to be around great people to hoist me up and keep me a float.  When I'm at my worst I have people that I know I can rely on to keep me moving.  So thank you to my Family, my Catch Adventures Fam, and my JETSET crew. 2013 is here. Learning from last year I've positioned myself in a very uncomfortable position but I shall learn how to grow from it and keep improving.  I can't be comfortable if I want to get to where I want to be at the end of the day.   NEW LOCATIONS. NEW GOALS. NEW CHAPTERS. SAME STORY. SAME VISION. SUCCESS. 
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tomngo · 12 years ago
A bit late, but it wouldn't be me, if it wasn't presented this way. Lots of thoughts, so here I go.  My family has never been really big on Thanksgiving.  I mean its just not what we do.  The most is a small family dinner but never the huge crazy feast that people talk. (Now its a lot more instagram photos with skinny chicks calling themselves fat).  Do I get bummed out, yeah sure why not?  But honestly though those breaks off work has given me a lot of time to really think about what I am thankful for.  
With all thats been going on in my life with my work lately this time off has really given me a lot of clarity that I've never really had before (Maybe its because I'm becoming a adult. Yay.)   Around this time its usually when I get quite "lonely".  Yes I am going in on a drake-esque post.  I've dated two girls thats birthdays were around this time, and the whole huge family gathering thing..its always kind of gotten to me.    This year though.  2012  Its been such a quick ride.  I've honestly haven't really had time to really think about all that.  I've always said that TIMING in my life has always been really funny.  Its almost as if God is really taking his time out and going "heatcheck son!  I'm watching you!" From the chaotic emotional rollercoaster of my Birthday this year, to the weird past relationships encounters thats happen in between to this month where I drove one of my bestfriends Chris "Stimpy" Lee to the airport as he made his way to New York to move out there.   Life goes by fast.  
Chris has been one of the homies for the past 9 years of my life. The drive home from dropping off my bud Chris was really tough.  I'm excited for his adventure and knows he is going to gain so much from it, but with all the changes its reminded me to be thankful for what you have.
Be Thankful for the people you have in your life, the ones that have touched you and changed you in anyways.  
Not really sure where I'm going with this post but I just am Thankful for my life and for the great people that I have around me.  I am blessed.
- Tom
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tomngo · 12 years ago
Hi! I've seriously been HOOKED on your blog. I don't normally comment on peoples tumblrs but your blog is so inspiring. It's really neat to be able to go back on your pages and see how life has changed & how positive you are even when you're not feeling positive, i like that. Keep blogging! And i do have a ques. your job title, are you a promoter? or manager? or agent? I've always wanted to do something like what you're doing, but i don't know how to explain that to my advisers.. :(
Hey! :)  Thanks i feel like ive been slacking on it.  Im really attempting to revive it, and messages like this makes me feel great!  Thanks!  Honestly that question is something I get asked all the time, and I honestly dont know how to answer it. Just figure out what you like doing, and find out about the opportunties that revolve around those things :]  Seriously thanks! I loved this message!
- Tom Ngo
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tomngo · 12 years ago
I've never really been able to sleep when theres a big event the next day.  First day of school, big track meet, school field trips.   Just really had a hard time.   This past week was a big career move for my first artist Joseph & and myself.  
Joseph had his first big debut show at the world famous roxy theatre.  People not from Los Angeles, its a famous nightclub on the Sunset Strip.  This place is where the rockstars of the early 80s & 70s partied and performed at.  Alice Cooper, Peter Gabriel, John Lennon, Red hot chili peppers. Yada yada,   
Its just one of those spots.   For Joseph to be headlining here!  Amazing.  We've come a long way.  I'm extremely proud of him.  He's finished his debut album.  We've put together a solid band and he's put together an amazing set for 2012 and on.   
As we kick off the Fall of 2012.  The Roxy show will be the first of many big surprises that we have in store for Blue Skies. (Joseph's debut album)
Check out the pics on the jump!  & thanks for tuning in! 
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People waiting in line.
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The band!
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Big Special Guest Andrew Garcia!
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Rock & Roll  
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tomngo · 13 years ago
Its been really hard to blog.  I don't know why. I'll write on and on for hours.   And i'll just delete everything.  
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tomngo · 13 years ago
Year 27.
A overdue blog about being 27.  Lol.  It's been about a week since my birthday.  Whenever I have the urge to blog I'm always really hyped about a certain subject and I'll go into a tangent.  This blog post I'm really forcing myself to write about how I feel about being 27. Most people do their resolutions on new years, but I do most of mine on my birthday.  I feel like its a fresh start.   I was glad that I didn't write this blog post right away.  I'm currently in Taipei, Taiwan for the first time really sulking in the culture out here.    This trip to Taipei was by myself.  A time to really get some clarity on where I was in my life.   After a walk around the nightmarkets last night and just exploring I have concluded 2 things I want to work on this year.   FOCUS - a word that means very much to me.  I might not be the most focused person in my book but thats really what I strive for, and I think as long as you're striving to better yourself you'll only improve.  Its always been a priority of mine so I just am leaving it on the list. BEING A GOOD PERSON -  What does that mean?  To ME it means making the RIGHT DECISIONS no matter the out come.  I've had a incident recently that really effected me emotionally.  Took me kind of by surprise.  I really really want to strive to be a better man.  Not just in the eye of my peers, and the public but really for myself.  To tell myself that I am a GOOD GUY.    I've always felt like everybody has some good in them.  It just takes some people longer to find that good.  I want to be a purveyor of goodness.  I firmly believe in 2nd chances.  We are our mistakes, and we are our reactions to those mistakes. Random post but feels good to write that how I feel. 
- Tom 
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tomngo · 13 years ago
i love the Q&A option on this.  I like answering the questions!  Please feel free to shoot me questions.  I just don't like answering anonymous questions.  So if you want the answer to be private just tell me, and I can answer you w/o putting you on blast :)  Just put [PRIVATE] on the question.  So login & Ask away!
- Tom Ngo
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tomngo · 13 years ago
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Hawaii.  My first time out in Hawaii and it was for work. lol of course.  Stayed out for a way too quick of 2 nights but can't complain i guess.  Stayed mostly in my hotel for these past couple trips.  It was cool. Joseph did a show at the Hawaii Theatre.  Great venue, weird staff.  Got to catch up w/ one of my usc kids who now lives out in Honolulu as a civil engineer!  Disappointed that I didn't get to do too much out here, but did get to do a jog around their.  That was really cool.   
View from the Hotel. 
Sup Amanda
Food Sights
Desserts before I leave. Honolulu was real...can't wait till I come back!
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tomngo · 13 years ago
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Traveling out to Vancouver is always nice.  Be prepared for a massive amount of photo updates coming up soon!  Be excited!   So got into town Saturday morning.  It was a rough flight because it was so early, and of course Vancouver IMMIGRATION IS ALWAYS ALWAYS TOUGH TO GET THROUGH.  I'm telling time you go to Vancouver...remember this post...ALWAYS.  Shit tired but had to get some food.  Headed down the street from our hotel to Japadog.  BOMB DIGGITY. 
fattie mc fats right!? lol no worries.  I only ate one of them. The show was at the CENTRE for Performing Arts in Downtown Vancouver. Joseph was the opening act for Japanese popstar Jin Akanishi at every leg of this tour, but there was a local act in each city, and we happened to know the opening act for the Vancouver show.  One of my favorite female singers Emmalyn!  Check out here if you haven't yet!  She's a talent! After the show we all headed out to hit the down with some bars, and what was originally going to be a chill night, we ended up at the clubs lol.  I had to hit up BLVD22 to see one of my favorite buddies Connie.  Who's the manager over at BLVD22 and also now the manager at the new restaurant in Vancouver called INDOCHINE.  Finished up the night w/ a bowl of beef lasagne at Tim Hortons :)
Next morning we headed off to Hawaii ! But definitely had to head out to Chinatown for some dimsum before we left! #dimsumking  
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tomngo · 13 years ago
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Friday night before I left to Vancouver I headed out to Lexington Social House in Hollywood for a birthday shindig of some good friends (steph & emily)  I haven't seen either of them in a while, but it was good to see them!   First weekend of using my new camera at the club :)  It was cool.  Miss taking pictures!  Saw a lot of old faces that I haven't seen in a while.  Time flies so fast, its so crazy.  Been so stuck in my own little world that I forget how care free shit was before.  Everyone is hustlin' and doing big thangs.  Its great to see.   Didn't stay too long since I had to be at the airport by 530AM (I got there at 6:10AM. lol.)  But thats for another blog.   Happy Birthday to Emily Also Happy Birthday Steph! (Right) & a special shout to my fake little sister Trumpie for getting into Optometry School :]  Proud of ya!  (Also she reads my blog!!)
More blogs to come!! Thinking about starting to do vlogs, since I've been so organized lately I figure I can really plan out my episodes.  What do you think?  Leave some msgs!
- Tom. 
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tomngo · 13 years ago
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Everyone meet Nas, the Alleycat.
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tomngo · 13 years ago
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Influences of others. - My mom's always told me that whoever your friends are you would be like.  When you're younger you always think that sounds sort of like some cockamanie bull that they read somewhere in a parenting book or if your parents are fobs like mine, "shit from the old country".   Only till recent have I really realized how true that is.  You are who your friends are.  I say this because through out the major parts of this past 5-6 years.  My friends/lovers have influenced me in so many ways.  My musical taste, the way I dress, the way I carry myself, down to the way I think.  
You can try your best to stay individualistic or whatevers, but eventually you become who you hang out with.  We are all bits & pieces of the things we see & hear.  I think thats why I love music so much.  You can almost instantly connect with a person through music.  Its one of the few things in this world that does that for people.   One of the things that I've noticed most about who I am and who i've become is the personal relationships I have with the women in my life.  I've always sort of been that way.  i remember a good old buddy of mine told me that he realized that was one of my strength and to really utilize that on my work & my personal life.   So do women play a big part of who I am?  Yes.  My relationship with my mom is a wonderful thing.  I've gotten to experience some amazing & strange relationships with different women that definitely shaped who I am today.   This year is a bit different though.  Or at least it feels that way.  I'm excited to see what comes out of it.   Just rambling... It's late.   
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tomngo · 13 years ago
Besides my work, I try to keep my personal life pretty private on this blog.  In the past though I've blogged a lot about my personal life, and I always thought it was pretty interesting.   As I got older, I got less personal and more just pictures, and promotional stuff.
Lately though I've felt like some of the experiences I've been through, especially in the relationship department would be extra educational for some of my readers. Lol.  I mean I'm not going through anything different from any other person in this world.  I just feel like I have a very interesting outlook on life.  I've also had my fair share of crazy girls, and amazing people. So what do you think readers?  Shall I dive into one of my relationships and share some stories? lol.
- Tom 
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tomngo · 13 years ago
Got the opportunity to go to ECAASU 2012.  Now for all my westcoast head, you may wonder what that is, since I am also from the westcoast and have never really heard what it is, but honestly glad I found out.  Its a conference for the asian american college students in the east coast.  One of the coolest random thing is that there was a good amount of non-asians in these clubs. Joseph was invited to be the featured performer at Duke University for about 900 students from organizations up and down the east coast.  Upon arriving I didn't have much though except that I was taking a crapload of layovers because lets be quite frank.  North Carolina isn't exactly the "poppin'" place to visit.  Nonetheless we arrived and we got to explore what Duke University was about.  Apparently the guy who started Duke University was trying to buy Princeton, and they wouldn't let him so dude just make a exact replica.  Hahah straight bootleg city! Being from the east with so much more history the area felt rich with history.  The campus was quite beautiful with its greenary.  Got to explore into the Gardens.  Also they do this thing called Tenting where they tent out for a month to wait for these tickets for the Duke vs North Carolina basketball game. 
I love southern food.  Shits just good.  I love fried chicken.  So when I heard about this spot called Dame's Chicken & Waffles.  I HAD TO GO.   This was delicious.  It was very much like the Roscoes over out here in LA.  Tons of black people, and sprinkles of white & asians trying to "TRY NEW THINGS" All in all the trip was quite eventful.  Joseph got to meet a widespread of his fans and excited for the chance to perform for more of the schools out there, especially when his ALBUM TOUR happens! :) I've been fairly business the past couple weeks getting read to plan this album for Joseph and keeping him busy.  We got some big projects coming out, and I really can't wait for you guys to listen to the stuff he's been recording in the studio.  Things have been nuts!   Stay tuned! #flylikeag6  
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