tomlyonposts · 3 years
3 Signs Of A Strong Parent-Child Relationship
It takes a lot of time to build healthy and trustworthy relationships with your children. Your children grow and change with every stage of their lives, which challenges you to adapt to new rules and situations. However, strong parent-child relationships have certain qualities that help them remain constant.
Let us tell you about the signs of a strong parent-child relationship.
1. Safety
Safety is one of the most important parts of bonding and self-regulation. It all starts from the time when an infant’s needs are met by their parents. The children learn that their parents are there for them, providing warmth, food. Love, comfort, and stimulation. These interactions help build a strong sense of trust that lasts a lifetime. It also helps in building a solid ground of the parent-child relationship and the overall emotional well-being of the child. 
2. Mutual respect
Parents may often feel that children are supposed to respect them. However, the truth is that this respect needs to e reciprocal. Children should also know that their feelings, rights, and opinions matter. And it all starts with good communication. When you listen to your children’s needs and let them know that they are being heard, you are showing respect to them. Acknowledging their individuality, even when it is different than yours, helps them know that you respect them for who they are.
3. Unconditional love
Unconditional love is a result of trust. Children are in constant need of their parent’s love and support. They want to know that their parent’s love for them will not change through the ups and downs of life, no matter what. Children also need to feel that failures in life do not tell if they are worthy of their parent’s love or not. Parents can nurture this characteristic by being emotionally available for their children and allowing them to make mistakes.  
If you are looking forward to having a strong relationship with your children, consider buying an effective parenting workbook to help yourself maintain a healthy relationship with your child. 
Source - https://lifesjourneydesign.blogspot.com/2021/10/3-signs-of-strong-parent-child.html
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tomlyonposts · 3 years
Tips for All the New Parents in Town
Becoming a parent is one of the most life-changing experiences of one’s life. As beautiful as this new chapter is, it can get a bit overwhelming, especially with advice pouring from all directions. Being a first-time parent has its own set of challenges. As a new parent, you are bound to have questions and doubts about raising your child and give them the best care possible.
There’s no denying that this new phase is very daunting, but as intimidating as it is, it is equally enriching. Successful parenting is not about achieving perfection. But you can always strive to work towards that goal. To make your parenting journey a little less stressful, we have curated a treasure trove of tips recommended by other parents and experts.
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Recognize That The First Year is Tough
If you are a first-time parent, the first year is going to be challenging. The fact that you’re the whole experience of parenting, you might need some time to get the hang of it. Feeding the baby, changing their diapers, putting them to sleep, among others, are a few things you have not done before. So understand that parenting is a learning curve, and you grow as your child grows; it will help tackle stressful situations and be kind to yourself.
Don’t Compare Your Baby to Others
All babies are different, and they develop at their own pace. If one of your babies walked at nine months, while the other doesn’t walk until at twelve months, it doesn’t imply that they are unhealthy in any way. Understanding that the range “normal” rate of development is quite wide is important. However, if you have legitimate concerns about your child’s growth, you should consult a pediatrician.
Make Memories
The pleasure of holding your baby in your hand is incomparable, but this moment will pass in the blink of an eye. So love them every chance you get, take time out to talk to them and play with them. It is important to enjoy every moment of this phase because children grow up so fast that it won’t be long before they go to another city to pursue their respective careers.
If you are looking for more such parenting tips, check out the parenting skills textbook at Life’s Journey by Design.
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tomlyonposts · 3 years
3 Tips to Deal with Aggressive Behavior in Children
Every parent has, at some point, had to deal with their fair share of kids throwing tantrums and having meltdowns. And it is completely normal. Much like adults, children, too, experience extreme emotions like anger and frustration. Adults, however, are much more adept at controlling these emotions. Children aren’t. So, their feelings manifest in the form of aggressive behavior, which can include screaming, kicking, biting, and so on. If your child has a tendency to be aggressive, it is your responsibility to help them tame it. There are several children’s behavior modification books that offer some advice. Additionally, you can use other parenting strategies to get the job done. Here are some of them:
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1. Stay calm
When your child is aggressive, it is very important that you keep your own temper in check. Do not meet their emotion with more emotion, as that can escalate the situation and aggravate their negative behavior. You should instead try to stay calm. Do not raise your voice. Modeling positive coping skills and emotional regulation is a great way to get your child to do the same.  
2. Set firm limits
You should let your kids know which type of behavior is and is not, acceptable. You should also ensure that everyone else in your family knows about the limits that you have. And when your child does exhibit unacceptable behavior, they should be reprimanded immediately, albeit in a constructive manner, so that they know exactly what they’re doing wrong.
3. Keep realistic expectations
Kids continue to learn about their feelings and the ways to express or control them all through their childhood. It is, however, important to keep in mind that they lack the life experience that allows them to determine whether something is threatening their interests. And when they are unable to do that, they act out. This is why you should have realistic expectations when dealing with your little one’s aggression because they are still learning.
If your child is struggling with anger and aggression, these strategies will help you effectively rein in that behavior.
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tomlyonposts · 3 years
“Parenting Is Hard” Or Is It?: Decoding The Parenting Dilemma
The term “parenting” witnessed an all-time peak in Google US trends during June 2020. The pandemic has been especially hard on parents and kids. Although it brought families closer, too much proximity revealed every reality and issue lying beneath a relationship. Parenting is one such topic that has always been a struggling area for generations. One of the primary reasons is that no one gets to choose, rehearse or practice parenting. You just have to become one and make spontaneous decisions according to your unique situation and understanding. No matter how much we prepare ourselves with endless readings from parenting skills textbooks or videos regarding decoding the best code for raising a child, one had no clue.
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  Besides, every parent wants nothing but the best for their kids. However, the pressure of raising healthy, happy, and emotionally well-adjusted kids can be overwhelming for parents.
Although we essentially needn’t follow a handout guide as it is, our parenting takes imprints from our upbringing handed down by our parents. As a result, our behavior as parents is heavily influenced by how we were raised and nurtured, which carries generations of thought-process and biases. Unfortunately, we forget that these notions and thoughts might not hold true in today’s context.
For instance, smartphones were a luxury for one generation. However, today’s scenario (especially since the dawn of the pandemic), where technology dictates every aspect of our lives, gadgets and smartphones is a need.
Balancing family and professional life is another added challenge. Modern families are dual-income families meaning that both parents are professionally active and career-oriented. However, while focussing on one, it’s pretty easy to neglect the other emotionally and mentally.
Another reason behind deteriorating parent-child relationships the competitiveness among fellow parents. The pressure of being an all-rounder, scoring the highest, talking first, or even getting potty-trained is inessential and illogical. It causes unnecessary strain among parents and kids.
With the pandemic bringing the entire world to a stop, the quarantine time has been quite introspective and full of self-analysis. It is in the hands of the parents to realize and learn that sometimes less is more indeed. It is important to put the pressure of time crunch away and let your child be. Balance is key. So, internalize and spend time with your child to try, connect and understand him/ her.
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tomlyonposts · 3 years
Tips To Master Your Subconscious Mind
Many people are already aware of the conscious mind; however, most are unaware of the subconscious mind. The voice in your head tells us you to not do something or the one that tells you something is wrong in any unexpected situation. There are so many things with your subconscious mind that you are not aware of. But, have you ever thought about what if you could master your subconscious mind? Mastering the subconscious mind would be amazingly life-changing, which is why we have pulled together some tips to help you do that!
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 Take risks
When you allow a change in your life, anything can happen. The more you change your mind and body, the more you can grow. The more weights you lift, the more muscles you will gain. The more books you read, the more your brain will grow. And at last, the more risk you take, the more you will allow yourself to step into discomfort, and the more you will grow comfortable in that discomfort.
There is some power in expecting something. It serves as a plan for your brain to find what you are looking for and when you expect something, it can make you either successful or unsuccessful. It holds the capacity to fill you with energies that push you hard to creative points that you never knew you could reach. At the same time, it could also place you in low points that you didn’t think you could achieve. And at this moment, your brain will automatically look for what you were expecting.
Meditation enables your left brain, your logical brain, to get off the way and give a path to the right brain. When the right brain comes forward, it balances your joys and awareness in life. Your right brain is the home of your subconscious mind where you have peace and balance that expectations give rise to your dreams, answers, and the right paths.
 Mastering the subconscious mind will be life-changing if you do it in the right way. Get in touch with a professional to grow more in life.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
How To Manage Your Child’s Behavior At Home
Being a good parent can be one of the most challenging jobs you will have in your life. We are never really taught about how we can raise children, and we tend to repeat the same parenting mistakes as that of our parents. However, you can choose not to repeat those mistakes by taking the help of the behavior modification children book and following these tips.
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1. Establish a relationship with them
Establishing a relationship with your child is one of the most important things you need to do to raise a happy child. It is essential to have a solid relationship between a parent and their child as it is the foundation of managing their behavior. Children listen to their parents because they care about what their parents think about them. If you have a good relationship with your child, they will listen to you and share everything with you.
2. Spend good quality time with them
Another thing you need to do is spend quality time with your loving children regularly. Spend this time by playing games, talking about life, how they spend their days, and share some of your childhood memories with them. The more understood your child feels, the easier it will be to manage their behavior.
3. Be open-minded
Understand that they are still children and are supposed to make mistakes. This is their time to learn to differentiate between what is right and wrong. For that reason, avoid judging them or passing comments. They need your love and support.
Considering these things and taking the help of the behavior modification children book, you can raise good children.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Key To Happiness Is Within Our Subconscious Mind
How many times have we been in a difficult situation and we get so lost in the negative thoughts that we end up attracting even more tougher times? I am sure this has happened to a lot of you. It can happen to anyone but it mostly happens to people who are not aware of their thoughts. Consciously or subconsciously, we become a magnet to the kind of thought process we are having.
Focusing on the happier side
Let me give you a simple example. You have had a rough day at work and you are in a bad mood. You arrive at your home but as you look at your little one rush to greet you with a hug you almost forget about your stress. In such a case, you are leaving your negative mindset behind and focusing on the happier thoughts. Your child has been waiting for you and his or her happiness lifts your mood instantly. Here the child is acting as a means to shift your mindset from negativity to positivity. 
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Train your mind to see the good
We have to learn ways to mastering the subconscious mind in such a way that it focuses on the good in life and leaves out all the stressful thoughts. If you have been through a rough time, it may take a little while for you to train your mind. But with a positive approach you can overcome all the mental barriers.
If you wish to live your life your way, you must remember that it is your thoughts that turn into feelings which lead you to take actions which in turn leads to the results. So, you have to make sure that you master your thoughts and realize the importance of having positive thinking. 
All it takes is a positive thought
Like you may have heard that it all started with one positive thought. It all takes to look at the brighter side of life. Not every day is perfect and not every situation is easy. But remember that without thinking much and focusing on the brighter side you may end up excelling way more than you must have ever thought. Remember to believe in yourself like the kid who believes that you are the source of his or her happiness. 
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Maintain A Positive Approach For Better Parenting
Parenting is one of the most challenging yet fulfilling experience one can possibly ask for. Parenthood is not cake walk yet the most anticipated one by most couples. There is nothing that can be compared to the joy of raising your children. They bring pure joy and happiness around, so much so that one often forgets all their worries and sorrows by just a smile of their child.
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However, parenting is not just all fun and joy and involves bigger and deeper concerns related to giving the right upbringing to the children. Especially for those people who become parents for the first time find it quite difficult handle various diverse situations. Though there is no perfect way to raise children, but one can always refer to parenting skills textbooks for the better understanding of what can one expect and how to deal with tough situations.
Some of the things that one should keep in mind when having doubts over one’s parenting skills can be as follows:
 Positive Attitude: One should always make sure to have a positive attitude at all times. Though it is not possible to remain calm and composed all the times, but one should try to maintain a positive approach towards life since that is what they will end up teaching their kids. If parents the approach of parents is negative, their kids will also learn the same.
Listening Ear: When one wishes that their kids need to listen to them, they should first become the kids’ listening ear. A child should know that their parents are always ready to listen to them irrespective of the situation.
Love: Everything in moderation is a key to good parenting. Kids should be loved in such a way that they are not spoilt or either they do not live in fear. It needs to be the right balance of love, care and respect.
Setting Limits: The kids should be raised in such a way that they know their limits and know when to stop. It should not always be due to fear but also due to mutual respect and love of the parents.
There are no set rules and guidelines to parenting and therefore one should have a balanced and positive approach towards life to have a positive parenting experience.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
How Can You Change Your Child’s Behavior
Many different things can cause a child to have temper issues, emotional outbursts, and general unexpected behavior. All these things can include biological reasons such as hunger or overtired. Along with this, emotional reasons like unable to cope or describe their feelings can also be a reason. The environment in which they live can also influence their behavior.
What you can do to change your child’s behavior?
Children can continue a behavior when it is rewarded and they stop a behavior when it is ignored. Consistency of behavior is important as rewarding and punishing the same behavior at different times cab confuse your child. If you think your child’s behavior is a problem, there can be three things you can do:
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1. Decide that the behavior isn’t a problem as it's appropriate to the child’s age and development stage.
2. Attempt to stop the behavior by ignoring or punishing.
3. Introducing a new behavior that is right and reinforces it by rewarding the child.
Things you can do to correct your child’s behavior
The first thing you can do is make a shortlist of essential rules and go over them with your child. These rules should be related to their health, safety, and the way they should treat others. The fewer the rules, the less rule-breaking behavior you can deal with. Avoid any no-win situations and extremes. If you think you overreacted, use your common sense to solve the problem, even if you have to be inconsistent with the reward or punishment method. However, keep in mind to not overdo it otherwise your child may can get confused.
You can also consider taking help from the behavior modification textbook.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Creating A Solid Financial Plan For Yourself
You can never ignore the fact that you are solely responsible for your financial well-being and you are someone who tries to find excuses for the lack of a solid financial plan in your life; you need to get rid of that immediately. You need to take charge of your financial goals and work towards achieving them. Yes, the journey won’t be easy enough but that is what makes all of these so much more exciting! If you like to read, there are hundreds of bestseller and best financial planning books that you can refer to for your own financial gain.
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For starters, you need to create a list of all the things that will be required to move inch closer towards your goal(s). Some of the essential items to your financial plans include: monthly budget, debt pay-off plan, an emergency account which is fully funded, multiple income streams, and diversified portfolio of investment, the right understanding of all your due dates and bills, and the right insurance coverage. The interesting thing about a financial plan is that you cannot simply copy someone else’s into your own life; this is because everyone has different circumstances and it is unique for every single individual. Yes, there may be few similarities and that’s about it, do not expect everything to be the same. Keep this important point in mind before you plan to take inspiration from someone else’s plan. Don’t just make a plan for yourself; also try to make a plan for your marriage if you and your partner stay together.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
3 Fundamentals Of Self-Empowerment You Need To Know
When you look around the path you have treaded, you see your favorite things are left behind untouched. At the beginning of the journey, you were too scared to accept the difficulties but to choose the easier ones. Although it is not possible to turn the time around, you can make the future a better one by gaining more confidence. The following is a list of fundamentals of empowering yourself.
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Identify your goal
Whether you are expanding your career or adding more value to your personal life, you need to make a list of things to do. Set a time and create small tasks for each day within that period. For instance, a student can mark a chapter in his book to complete reading it within a month. He can regularly reach each chapter until the final one. Such an achievement gives a person joy and fulfillment.
Be prepared to fail
Success doesn’t come in the form of a free package. You need to put your efforts to achieve a mission sooner. On your way to the mission, you may face hurdles that block your way. It is important to learn how to endure a failure whenever you fail to cross a hurdle. Reading the best self-empowerment books is an ideal way to obtain knowledge of self-acceptance instead of accusing yourself.
Focus on the present
You might have a big plan ahead, but you cannot get obsessed with the unprecedented future. Keeping your feet on the ground while performing your duty can help you complete your tasks. This small achievement at the present is the key to complete one more step towards a successful future.
It seems easy to move on with your assignments on the way to your goal. You may try to ignore all the obstacles by keeping your head straight to the destination, but find yourself stuck in a moment. When you are ready for the next move, you need to content yourself and set your foot to the next step.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Improve Your Child Behavior Today : Behavior Modification Book
Child behavior modification book teaches forms of behavior modification ranging from helping children learn necessary life skills to training pets, to solving personal behavior problems.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Parenting Tips: How To Raise A Good Child
When you look around for a mentor who can help you bring up a child, you will find nobody because there is no such a legit school to teach parenting. As a human, you can observe what others are doing and learn how to apply the method to your family. It means only you, as a responsible parent, can guide your young ones on the right path. In this blog, we share some helpful tips to raise a child to become a good person.
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Celebrate together
You may have a busy life but it is necessary to stay together and close with your children before they become too old. Small hangout and family holidays can bring all the members to feel close to one another. You should organize at least one small event every weekend. Take your loved ones to the festivals, movie theaters, and local parks for fun and enjoyment. Such a practice will strengthen the relationship between members.
Pay intention to your kids
If there is no talking between two persons, the power of understanding will gradually decrease. The best tool to stay connected to your children is good communication. If you ignore your child, the day will be so close when nobody in the house talks to one another. Whenever your kids say something, you should pay attention and try to listen to their thought even if they are talking gibberish. Giving full attention to their stories will help them become more communicative. Also, there will be more understanding between you and your loved ones.
 Although there is no guide to help you bring up your child to become a happy successful person, you can read parenting skills textbooks to get some ideas. These books are based on research conducted by experienced therapists.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Get Best 2020 Parenting Books Online
Find best parenting books for the parent focused on positive parenting, science-backed strategies for development and positive parent-child relationships. Online shopping for parenting guide books from a great selection at Books Store.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
3 Ways To Improve Your Parenting Skills
The day you become a parent for the first time is the day that changed your life forever. Focusing on your child’s personal development and maintaining your time can be overwhelming. It can be an experience full of excitement and nervousness at the same time. Although your parents and their parents never when to a school of parenting, you can learn essential tips from parenting books online. Read the blogs shared by experts who have done researches on modern parenting and children’s behaviors.
 1) Be a Good Role Model
You are one of the few people your child has known and trusted so far. The young one may observe your action and immediately ape it even before you notice it. The way you talk, walk, and pick up things will reflect on the kid who has been watching you every day. It is essential to behave properly whenever you are with your little one.
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  2) Show lots of love
Regular abstention from meeting your child can develop a psychological effect of negligence. Most working parents don’t have enough time to stay with their children. When they are away, a baby sitter should stay home and look after the kids. If you have a busy schedule, you should exhibit love to your child with all your hearts whenever you are home. Such a practice will create a strong bonding between you and your child.
 3) Be a trustful person
Children may be too young to read your mind, but they have natural sensory to identify what is good or hostile. Although nobody is perfect as a human, parents should let their kids know they will always be there whenever the young ones need someone to rely on. When you show support to your child, you will be considered the trusted one for a long time.
 If you want to improve your family relationship after the arrival of the first child, you should consult a therapist who specializes in family and parenting. You can learn tips and ideas to raise your kids with better mental health outcomes.
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
A little Guide Textbook For Parenting Skills
Parent-child textbooks help to build relationships, understanding the developing child’s brain, gentle parenting, with positive discipline.  For more books visit our online store or Amazon. 
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tomlyonposts · 4 years
Healthy Financial Habits You Need To Start Today
Sometimes you lost track of the number of times you had spent on useless things. It is frustrating to find out that your financial status says no to buying beautiful clothes and extra household items. If you keep the record of your spending, you will know how to save your money. As a starter pack, but a copy of financial advice books and go through pages slowly. Saving a dime today can bring a huge change to the future. Here are some simple habits to maintain a healthy financial status.
Avoid using credit card
Unless you are in a financial emergency, you must avoid taking out your credit card while standing in front of a superstore. When you pay the bill of a service or product directly from your saving, you will know how much you have spent and the amount left in hand. This will trigger your mind to maintain your bank balance.
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Don’t borrow
Once you start borrowing money, you will forget how deep you are in debt. The best to avoid debt is to manage the expenses with your own money. No matter how much it takes to earn a few bucks, always keep in mind, spending from your earnings can keep the debt trap at bay.
Track your spending
The most common mistake made by debtors is failing to keep track of their spending. When you reach down your pocket, you realize the pocket is empty, but you couldn’t remember when it had happened. Tracking your financial transaction is a good practice for knowing your status.
To improve your financial terminologies and learn some easy-to-follow techniques, order financial advice books from a top publisher.
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