tomextomb · 3 years
Duet merely stared hard at the blonde looking serious for a moment, “If this isn’t one of your ploys to flirt with me again Kingsmen, then I will gladly oblige to some hearty soup”. Duet paused for a bit. Waiting on a response, but couldn’t hold the serious façade any longer as they busted in a hearty chuckle as they waved a hand, “I jest, I jest...besides some company would do an old crone like me some good”. Duet scooted over slightly despite being a tad bit feverish, and patted the spot next to them and laughed a little, “Come, come!”
A sheepish Arthur comes to the upstairs apartment with warm food and some medicine in hand. Vivi had told him of Duet's condition and he figured this was a good way to apologize for taking his van and Lewis' roaring truck through the streets of Tempo. Given the late hour, Arthur was sure he'd waken up half of the town with his stunt.
Oh god now they were hallucinating.
Is what they thought but then they saw Arthur…but again, assumed it to be naught but a fever dream. Peeking however, through the rag on their head proved otherwise,
Feeling too weak to really speak they sighed lulled their head to the side to observe with sleep in their eyes,
They didn’t really feel like quipping at the moment as they felt their fever spiking back up. They merely laid there, and spoke in a tiny voice,
“I’d scold you & whoever this Splatter man is…”
“But perhaps by the grace of fate are you spared”.
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tomextomb · 3 years
A sheepish Arthur comes to the upstairs apartment with warm food and some medicine in hand. Vivi had told him of Duet's condition and he figured this was a good way to apologize for taking his van and Lewis' roaring truck through the streets of Tempo. Given the late hour, Arthur was sure he'd waken up half of the town with his stunt.
Oh god now they were hallucinating.
Is what they thought but then they saw Arthur…but again, assumed it to be naught but a fever dream. Peeking however, through the rag on their head proved otherwise,
Feeling too weak to really speak they sighed lulled their head to the side to observe with sleep in their eyes,
They didn’t really feel like quipping at the moment as they felt their fever spiking back up. They merely laid there, and spoke in a tiny voice,
“I’d scold you & whoever this Splatter man is…”
“But perhaps by the grace of fate are you spared”.
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tomextomb · 3 years
Duet seemed…
Well not much better actually.
Their fevers would spike causing them to be too hot. Then they would spike again causing them to be cold. Such results of course bought fatigue and naught much could be done except have the shopkeeper lay down with a cold rag on their face.
The entire ordeal was exhausting.Even with several glasses of water, they felt so very hot and overall miserable to boot. For now they laid against their bed feeling too weak and too tired at the moment, to really do anything. Rag against their head and breathing out hot air, as they tried to rest.
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tomextomb · 3 years
Duet focused upon the others plight, their eyes slightly narrowing and that grin at once disappearing.
They knew very well.
They emphasize with the stranger almost instantly. In a flick of their wrist, the skin at their hand to their wrist starts to peel away, in circular motions before turning black and rising like ash. In a mere instant their hand was completely black and with it the tips of the fingers began to mesh and yield to reveal blackened claws,
“I can sense quite easily you are of someone new to the realm of the supernatural…for me anyways, you have that…”
Duet grins revealing sharpened teeth,
“…Fresh meat smell”.
Duet chuckles then waves their hand as to signal their jest,
“I’m half joking but here, observe, listen to my words”.
Duet brings their clawed hand down touching something nearby, a simple vase, and in an instant it turns into ashes. They repeat this motion several more times before the same is done for all simple items around. Duet merely stares as each item turns to gooey ash around them and then speak to the specter,
“Think of what’s happening to you like a hunger inside, yearning to be free”.
“For you it might be such a thing to transpire however…their are ways to control such things”.
Duet hums and presses a clawed finger to their chin as if to ponder,
“Breathing exercises, things such as finding a sort of…calm is especially helpful, it finds a balance…”
As if to demonstrate Duet does take a small inhale of air,
“Hold such hunger in your hands, in your palms, a tangible thing”.
Duet holds their hands and then opens them blowing on each hand, as their blackened hands turned back to normal in a mere instant. As if the only thing wrong was that they had ash,
“And will such things to dissapear ”.
Any sense of body horror aside a voice sounds out from within Mallews confines, 'first time?'
The voice at first strikes him as yet another of the many strange beings that came to haunt him, but after a moment (and some contemplation of his most recent round of awful wretching), he lifts his head, staring about in a state of dazed confusion.
His senses, obfuscated by pain and exhaustion, take some time to finally track down and react to the presence, recognizing it as...something else.
"...y-yea," he manages to blurt out, focusing on the presence as his senses swim, finishing his thought before returning his attention to the expulsions of his flesh and blood, "any advice you care to give, stranger?"
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tomextomb · 3 years
-cheese gives duet a pat on the head-
…Duet reaches a tendril near the cheese wheel and gives a pat back while enjoying the food.
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tomextomb · 3 years
-in comes cheese with some bone marrow soup-
“…Thank you for the sentiment live cheese wheel”.
“I shall eat this soon”.
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tomextomb · 3 years
Duet had thankfully got over this magic anon but unluckily, or perhaps karma for being so sassy had actually in the first time in decades caught a head cold.They laid in bed and cursed their bad luck and misfortune at this week.
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tomextomb · 3 years
other than the obvious rude awakening, hopefully your rest was good? also hopefully they don't somehow crash into your home or anything like that
Duet, wrote on the slip of the paper and looked annoyed at the moment, "If they crash into my bookstore, they better have some kind of ghost insurance or I'll rattle this Splatter mans dusty bones".
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tomextomb · 3 years
Duet merely wrote on a notebook and looked at the blog here,  “Ask me anything, I don’t care, I'm bored and I’ve read all the books I have in my queue”.
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tomextomb · 3 years
Duet had closed the shop for the day. Told Vivi or…tried to anyways they had a very sore throat and couldn’t talk and merely took their time today on cleaning and catching up on some reading.
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tomextomb · 3 years
Safe to say as of now. Duet is tired, very annoyed and just going to go back to bed for the rest of the day. They merely shuffled back into bed and covered their head with their pillow, practically fuming still. It had taken sheer willpower not to practically unexist a fae creature just now.
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tomextomb · 3 years
oh, boo-hoo. at least you're not drawn to something that would kill you or turned into some animal. we could do a lot worse if we so chose
Duet merely stared straight at the fae burning directly at them,
“Do worse”.
Their hand raised up and enveloped into ash, before appearing covered in a black tar like substance as a flawed finger caressed the beings throat,
“Kill you”.
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tomextomb · 3 years
oh, not a fan of our magic huh? don't like that we hold so much power? why don't you try some on for size? join the fun your friends in the forest are having, huh? m!a Duet can only speak in words said to them! (mun picks duration)
In an instant, the fae creature was violently ripped from the air. If the creature so noticed, they would feel their wings turning to ash. Sure they would grow back eventually, but that? Well. That was a warning for the spell keeper. Inhumanly wide eyes stared at them looking ready to rip the small creature apart as they uttered the words back to them,
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"...Power, huh?". ((M!A lasts 2 days!!))
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tomextomb · 3 years
Maybe turn that wrath towards the ones that are cursing Splatter and causing trouble for Dreamsicle?
"...This is a pointless question". "I only specifically mentioned I would incur wraith if so much as a grey fae used some sort of magic on me".
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tomextomb · 3 years
You don't seem like you've run into a lot of grey fae that like to use their magic on you...
"...No, not nearly close". "I'd rather not it have start either, least they suffer my wraith".
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tomextomb · 3 years
Yeah... See, Splatter's not happy about it and it's not his fault- grey fae curse, remember? He's going to beat himself up enough when this is done, I'm sure
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tomextomb · 3 years
Well, Splatter's been working on the "vengeful" part and was getting pretty far along except... well, other grey fae put a curse on him to set him back. So to speak. And that particular Arthur because he made his presence known and became a target for the curse caused anger with "help" from other grey fae goading Splatter on. Also Splatter is a Lewis, no matter what he thinks of himself
"Well, Kingsmen better return safety is all I can say". "I do like it when he comes to visit and chatters with me you know, its been nice". "However, the next time he appears hes sure to get a stern talking to". "And this Splatter fellow too for this nonsense, the both of them".
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