tomb-the-god · 3 hours
*Tomb quickly points the gun at the ACTUAL Sean this time, Tomb is already holding tightly onto the handle, the trigger only lightly pulled. Not enough to go off, but insanely close to it...*
*More vines start to flood around Tomb, blooming flower after flower to make a stretch of lavender so strong it burns. Like it's actually painful to breathe... Almost suffocating even... Tomb's eyes start to glow a small pink dot in their pupils...*
Guess who's back... Back again...
(A doppelganger that looks like Sean just breaks through the entrance, a very wide smile on his face as his clothes look torn apart and battered, looking at tomb)
Well well well... Look at this beautiful little cat here. Who might you be?
*Tomb already knows damn well something- no EVERYTHING is off. Quickly unholstering his golden revolver with engravings of vines reaching from the handle to the end of the barrel with a couple of crowns here and there. Aiming it straight at the faker...*
"Who the hell are you!? What did you do to Sean!??"
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
*Tomb is confused, is this Sean? Is this even a faker?? Is this even reality at this point, is he just having another hallucination? This is one of his bad ones huh?*
*Tomb grips the handle of his gun, straighting out his arm and pulls back the hammer to the revolver*
"Who are you..?"
Guess who's back... Back again...
(A doppelganger that looks like Sean just breaks through the entrance, a very wide smile on his face as his clothes look torn apart and battered, looking at tomb)
Well well well... Look at this beautiful little cat here. Who might you be?
*Tomb already knows damn well something- no EVERYTHING is off. Quickly unholstering his golden revolver with engravings of vines reaching from the handle to the end of the barrel with a couple of crowns here and there. Aiming it straight at the faker...*
"Who the hell are you!? What did you do to Sean!??"
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
*The vines stay intact, not moving, maybe one or two out of the rest of the twenty or die out, the pocket dimension does end up ridding off the vines. Tomb keeps aiming at the doppelganger though... Despite being in this new world.*
"He's trying. That's all I care about. I don't need you to lecture me on how he's killed hundreds without an ounce of mercy, I've accepted that and you should to."
Guess who's back... Back again...
(A doppelganger that looks like Sean just breaks through the entrance, a very wide smile on his face as his clothes look torn apart and battered, looking at tomb)
Well well well... Look at this beautiful little cat here. Who might you be?
*Tomb already knows damn well something- no EVERYTHING is off. Quickly unholstering his golden revolver with engravings of vines reaching from the handle to the end of the barrel with a couple of crowns here and there. Aiming it straight at the faker...*
"Who the hell are you!? What did you do to Sean!??"
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
our best option is to find a way to guide Ethan into y'know NOT MURDERING EVERYBODY.
he's still a kit.
he CAN still be influenced if somebody he trust's helps do that.
"Or, hear me out... Someone makes a deal... I heard he likes those. Obviously we can't just say outright "Hey take me don't hurt my friends" or whatever, he's turned that down already. I think the best course of option is to just lead him to somewhere that's more entertaining, maybe even off the island itself... This is an island, right? We're a small place, not much people here. Not much left atleast. We have a couple of years max with the remaining scavengers before this island is taken over by nature. But even then, we have to be boring! Besides, there's much better places than this old island. If he really wants to entertain himself he can do it somewhere else."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
the problem with your plan is if the TV knows about you a new TV just like his will appear nearby said person.
there are probably hundreds of TV's out there.
"Like I said, what do you want me to do? I've tried moving them already, I've gotten followers, vines, hell even myself and my own crown. The damn thing is too heavy, and the vines already couldn't break the tv I watched my brother try already. He's a kid who's bored and wants attention, so if we just ignore him he can't really do much and will go away eventually."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
how has a month and 3 day old kitten outsmarted almost every god and mortal here?
"Sean was foolish enough to let his path to be a better person get his powers away and was somehow given them back, the Lamb was just really unlucky I guess, I was too curious and got smoked, we have all of our things back really. The main problem is anyone else, bystanders that nobody really cares too much about."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
I've realized that the only reason Ethan is even remotely strong is because we were all stupid and kept giving him access to powers making stupid decisions GAVE HIM THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE RED CROWN AND MAKE CLONES OF IT gave him leshys vines and hell the god of God damned REINCARNATION the JUDGE OF WHO DIES AND LIVES made a deal that gave Ethan total control over their soul and crown.
Us being idiots resulted in Ethan being a unstoppable entity.
this is the fault of everybody around here not taking this threat seriously including us anons.
sure he's a child but we have given him way too much power.
we need to teach him discipline and we need to find him some form of comfort.
he has forn but it's clear for doesn't interact enough to keep his chaotic little mind from going all psychopath on us!
this kid needs guidance before things get worse!
"What do you want ME to do about it?? He already took my crown and gave it back and I'm the god of insanity! He could have litterly taken over our minds if he wanted, forced us to brawl and be idiots! We already have everyone back for the most part, I say we cut out losses with whoever else may be trapped and try to bury the TV's deep deep underground where Ethan will never be able to be heard from again. That's my plan for you. I don't know what you want me to do."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
Wouldn't you want to comfort her?
"Why? She's the Lambs follower, and spouse... Or atleast, ex-spouse. They're the Lambs mistake... But also agreed to stay in the Lambs possession. I have no reason to do anything. Even if I tried helping them, they would bring me nothing in return. They're just another follower, I can't date them or anything because I'm with Sean and much rather would just not do that, and they have no power. It's a waste of food..."
"... What am I even saying, I'm way better than that..."
"Bring them to me if you can, follow the lanterns... I'll see what I can do."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
heads up Ethan does have a dragon friend that essentially reigns over dreams.
and he also has a humanoid dragon friend.
"I believe I've heard of them. Imora..? Some sort of dream dragon..."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
Were all doomed.
the kitten has the power of memes!!! gods!!! and soon to potentially be ANIME on their side!!!!
"God AND anime?? Oh dear..."
"... Wait, what? What's an anime-"
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
Do you know how it feels to give someone your heart then having it be spst on?
"Yes I do actually. Do you?"
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
the TV thing was normal and nice for a while.
they prefer dragons.
they find them cool.
"Dragons? Those myths? Heh, I can't say I don't expect it from a kitten... But to be fair... I guess it is pretty nice to see some sort of good side on Ethan..."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
ethan killed your followers in the vines.
"He can have them. I have plenty of followers anyways."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
ethan shot the poet in the dick.
"I'm aware... Unfortunately..."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
"Listen... You aren't Sean... So what in going to do... Is I'm going to blow your brains out, all over this beautiful wall... Make my apologies to the actual Sean... And clean up my mess... That's if you irritate me... Now tell me, what did you do to Sean before I have to bury another body this week."
*Tomb squints, vines starting to creep up behind and infront of the fake Sean, getting ready to strike. Already blooming lavender to weaken the Doppleganger. If the Doppleganger makes any sudden move ment, no matter how strong they are those vines are going to stop them. Dead or alive.*
Guess who's back... Back again...
(A doppelganger that looks like Sean just breaks through the entrance, a very wide smile on his face as his clothes look torn apart and battered, looking at tomb)
Well well well... Look at this beautiful little cat here. Who might you be?
*Tomb already knows damn well something- no EVERYTHING is off. Quickly unholstering his golden revolver with engravings of vines reaching from the handle to the end of the barrel with a couple of crowns here and there. Aiming it straight at the faker...*
"Who the hell are you!? What did you do to Sean!??"
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
You haven't even met her.
"Exactly my point."
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tomb-the-god · 4 hours
The Lamb is breaking Serene's heart...
"Aawww... That's too bad! I was just starting to tolerate Serene..."
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