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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
Mashup the video
In this ever-changing modern age, artists are developing and creating new forms of making art. One of the many new forms of art that are developing in this modern age is mashup of video, also known as video-mashup. But what is a video-mashup and how do artist uses it to create art? A video-mashup is a combination of multiple pre-existing video clips that has no discernible relation with each other, then mashed together in a video to create a story. All trailers for movies are considered a video-mashup. To form a trailer, an editing team must collect multiple pieces of a film footage and edit them together to portray the genre of an existing film without reviling the whole movie plot. Even before a movie is edited, the editing team must know or learn the five methods of montage: metric, rhythmic, tonal, over-tonal, and intellectual/ ideological.
The five methods of montage began as the soviet theory of montage. For this theory of montage to have been created we must go back to the birth of soviet cinema. During the end of the first world war the Bolshevik government want to consolidate and communicate with the population, but since the population was poor and illiterate the government turned to film. Throughout the countless years of civil war between the capitalist and the government, many of the producers and technician were killed or fled to other countries. Since there was limited film option, the Commissariat of Education that was led by Lenin’s wife funded and created a new film school to train new film artist. This school later gets renamed as the Moscow Film School. With the creation of this school brought new insights and ideas on the theory of film. The key person for this movement was the cofounder Lev Kuleshov, who passed on the ideas of the psychological working of motion picture. With his works and understanding, the five methods of montage was able to be created.
By Rach
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
GIF Artist article
What is GIF? GIF is a group of pictures forming together in a short varies of a motion picture. Normally a GIF lasts about few seconds, but stuck in a forever loop. GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. The GIF was development during the 1987 by Steven Wilhite, who was a US-based software writer. At the time of inventing the GIF, he worked for the internet service provider CompuServe in 1987. GIF was formatted to provide color image in their files and to replace the run-length encoding (RLE), which was black and white at the time. Now of days GIF are being describes as “…tiny snippets from movies and TV, ripped from one context and plugged into another: a disposable little gag to stick in a Tumblr post or a BuzzFeed article.” (Avant-GIFs, Turning online animations into high art) From an artist, they’re able to introduce true movement to their photograph. For animators, they able to craft a moment that has extensive story-line. If the artist is a cartoonist, they’re able to combine and move their panel designs.
Milos Raikovic a.k.a Sholim is a GIF artist, who uses his own designs of complicated contraption to illustrate motions for each second the GIF plays. Most of his pieces, he’s trying to open people’s minds to different possibilities or viewpoints. He able to do this by deconstructing the figure of archetypal portraits and replacing some of the figures with machines that are animated. This may sound weird at first, but ones you see the animation or GIF you will see that the motion picture have deeper meaning. Some of the subjects that he works with are anti-war, anti-corporate, government, or religious corruption sentiments.
By Rach 
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
Echo of the Sound
What really influenced me for this project was “Moondog”. He is an artist who moving from Missouri to New York, and like many artist before had no guidance and very of unsure on what to do. Moondog decided to go where he know the music would be: on the sidewalk just outside of the stage entrance to Carnegie Hall, New York’s preeminent stomping grounds for composers. The foundation of most of Moondag’s music was native American music, contemporary jazz, or classical that would be mixed together with ambient amount of sounds that came from New York’s streets. From the beginning of his life to the end, he music has influencing new artist to create new sounds to describe and shape their world.
My goal for this sound project was to generate random noises that fuses together to create one melody that could be labeled as just noise or be titled as music. I started with noise that represents harmony and balance, when being heard. With this idea, I recorded running water, the rustling of prayer breads, and chiming of chopsticks. That’s not all I added, I make noises that would clash with the sounds that represents harmony and balance. To construct these chaotic noises I did different things; I moved an art easel to create a high pitch squeal, scrape the bottom of a cashew jar, and beat on boxes with chopsticks. By adding these chaos noises, I’m symbolizing how humanity has drifted from being humble and peace to chaotic and destructive.
By Rach
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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An Old Joke Illustrated
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
“The Viking of 6th Avenue”, “Joe Frank” “Laurie Anderson”
From the late 1940 until 1972, there was man in New York who on standing on 6th Avenue, between 52nd and 55th Streets, wearing a cloak and Viking-style helmet. This man was louis Thomas Hardin, better known as “Moondog”. At the beginning of his life, Louis Hardin lost his eyesight at the age of sixteen by a dynamite cap, exploding in his face, which permanently made him blinded. Even with this setback, Moondog didn’t back down from making music. Moving from Missouri to New York, Hardin had no guidance and very of unsure on what to do. In this instants, Moondog decided to go where he know the music be: on the sidewalk just outside of the stage entrance to Carnegie Hall, New York’s preeminent stomping grounds for composers. During the 1947 through the 1949, Hardin traveled to Blackfoot Sun Dance in Idaho to perform on percussion flute, so that he would return to music of Native American. The foundation of most of Moondag’s music was native American music, contemporary jazz, or classical that would be mixed together with ambient amount of sounds that came from New York’s streets.
In the 1976, Joe Frank began his career on his Saturday night show called “In the Dark”. He began investigated into live freeform radio features that displayed his monologues and acting standups.  Two years later, he was hired as a co-anchor for the weekend “All Things Considered”. Later on, Frank lost interest in journalism and returned to producing radio show for NPR playhouse. Throughout his career, has been honored with awards and inspired producers around the country. Another sound artist that started development during the late 1900’s was Laura Phillips, or better known as Laurie Anderson. She is an American artist who is a pioneer in electronic music. During Laurie’s years in New York, she created and pursued countless art performances by using language, technology, and visual imagery. During the year of 1981, her song “O Superman” became a hit single, reaching number two on the UK pop charts. Later in her career, she invented several devices that she uses in her art performances and multimedia projects. At the end, her music it still influencing new artist to create new sounds to describe the world.
By Rach
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
The Unknown Depth Of Glitch
What is “Glitch Art”? The beginning stages that formed the glitch genre was the creation of the Digital TV Dinner in 1978 by Jamie Fenton and Raul Zaritsky. Glitch art is basically the use of digital or analog error for the visual purpose by corrupting the digital data. My first thought that come to might, when the concept of glitch art was introduced was how the modification to the data wasn’t smooth or fluid like. From this thought, I came up with that idea of using pictures that represents water or the motion of liquid. Looking through my numerous thump drives, I was able to locate pictures that embodied these characterized; a picture of jellies floating, a sail lion playing in water, family of anemone, and my friend’s beta-fish swimming.
For each of the picture, I open the file(picture) as a jpg before I converted all of the files to txt. The challenge for this project was keeping the file from getting to erupt were it wouldn’t show.  When I was facing this problem, I was able to figure out that I could open the file as jpg and txt and be able to see the changes while you are editing the code on the txt. By having both file open as jpg and txt, I was able to fix this problem I was having when I was experimenting with technic. While I was experimenting, I figured out that if you added spaces between big clumps of code it would either move part of the picture to the left or changes the contrast of the colors in that area. Also, when I took out small segments of from large coding group that picture would become breakdown to middle size pixels.    
By Rach
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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Reposting for better quality.
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
Glitch Art
In the resent years, a new form of art has disembarked from the digital age. Many modern-day articles like “Critical Glitches and Glitches Art” illustrates what is ‘Glitch art’ and the different branches of the art form. This new form of media is revival of technical failure called ‘Glitch Art’. The meaning behind ‘Glitch Art’ is an attempt to distinguish between the specific use of glitches in an artwork, and those happening spontaneously in non-art contexts/works. During the 1990, there was a rise in the public interest with the internet. With this influences, ‘glitch artwork’ became more common. The ‘Glitch art’ arrangement aren’t just limited to physic artwork but also video, sound, etc. Artwork that’s in the format of ‘Glitch art’ is depicted as digital's separation of the physical and digital. Most artist who identify as a ‘Glitch Artist’, create artworks that seem like system crashes or capture natural system crashes that happens every day. In “Critical Glitches and Glitches Art”, the author said that ‘Glitch’ artist do not focus on the post-procedural dialectics and complexity of glitch at, which is very important part for making ‘Glitch’ artwork. Since ‘Glitch’ art is a modern art form, the programs that create the artwork is in constant state of alteration and upgrades.
By Rach 
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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Rogue | Uncanny Avengers II #16
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
Support The Solder Not The War
My idea for project two came about, when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and discover a video about veteran being harassed by another customer about how veteran shouldn’t have some benefits. Throughout this video the customer was being very rude and didn’t understanding that the purpose of the benefits is to show how grateful we are for the serves that did veterans and for the people who are still serving. After watching this terrible video, I did some research on the public’s opinion on war during Vietnam all the way up to modern warfare. From what I found, the public opinion during the Vietnam was against the war which might against the soldiers who were just doing their job, defending the nation. Over time, the public’s opinion was still against the wars, but slightly shifted to recognizing that soldiers are just doing their civil duties. From my research, I still found cases where some people have grudges against soldier.
The purpose of my project is to help recognize the growing problem of not respecting the men and women that are or were in serves. The problem I had with this project was how to set up a scene where the focus was on a fallen soldier’s helmet. For this projects, I created two pieces that focus on the theme of “Support the Solder Not the War”. The first pieces is of a machine gun with a soldier’s helmet on it that has flowers Photoshop over the helmet and a Hawaiian mountain range for a background. The second pieces is a propaganda post that supports soldiers then and now. The process of making this pieces started with the background, I make triangles that came together at one point. Next, I add a gradient to all of triangles to give the pieces some depth. Later, I added helmets from different war period and I enhanced the whole picture with a texture that makes the pieces feel like propaganda post.
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
Montage/Critique: Another Way of Writing Social History
In this article, the author goes into history of Walter Benjamin’s artwork and those people who were inspired by him. During the past 40th years, countless of famous artist and written were inspired by Walter Benjamin’s numerus drafts that reflected historical and cultural critique in a new way. Throughout Walter Benjamin’s career, his artwork branched out to photographs, drawings, and illustrations. In his career, Walter Benjamin created numerous of fragments that are snippets of text cited from critics, commentators, and historian called Arcades Project. Artist and writers who were inspired by Walter Benjamin, were able to adopt and improve their method of critique by being influenced through Walter Benjamin’s artwork. Some of the people who reflected upon his work and Arcades Project were Berger and Mohr in 1975, 1982; Peaker in 1997-2000; Broadway in 1997-99; Michals in  2001; Lederman in 2000.
Throughout Alan Schechners career, he has created exhibits that question social conflict. In the article “Boundaries of Representation: Holocaust Manipulation, Digital Imaging and the Real”, the author has gone in depth of Alan Schechners’s career and hidden means in his pieces. The author focuses on one of Alan Schechner’s most popular exhibit called “The Real Thing”. In this exhibit, the art pieces are digital photomontage in which Schechner inserted an image within the original picture or an object is removed from the original picture. The original pictures within this exhibit are World War II pictures of the Holocaust. Many pieces of his work draw attention to the similarities between corporate advertising and Nazi propaganda.
By Rachel
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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“Artificial life”
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tomb-raider19 · 8 years ago
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How To Properly Dress Up For A Wedding
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