sehr groß,wenn du eintreten wirst.丨中国大学生一名。丨痴漢一枚、時々意味不明な言葉を話している。
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hello! recently i've been thinking about stuff and thought it might be good to send those thoughts somewhere (even if the chance of you seeing this is slim to none) I've seen quite a few people say that they see your insistence that Crowley and zira aren't gay in human terms (b.c. they're not cis men or whatever) or because they're sexless is homophobic as it implies a certain level of disgust with straight up gayness (these characters can be queer but not gay, they're the "good" type of queer because they aren't sexual, etc.). as an example, asking "why did you think it was sexual?" as a response to a Sara McCullar on Twitter about the season 2 kiss was rather tasteless as it pretty boldly implied that sex would ruin or dirty the moment.
obviously gayness is no more inherently sexual than straightness, but I am rather uncomfortable with the idea that gay sexuality is somehow dirty or would ruin a&c if included. especially when there are scenes (the ox scene for example) that feel very much like they are meant to be sexual in nature. it definitely comes across as queerbaity to put in sexual themes and then attempt to retcon them away.
It is rather confusing as a viewer to see your position on this jump from "we put in the kiss because we wanted it to be unambiguous" to "what did you see that was sexual". I suppose the crux of the issue is that you seem to want to include queerness in your story while still holding topics like sexuality at arms length.
anyway. mostly wrote this to get the situation straight in my head, though I would be curious to know if you were aware of this discourse at all.
Not aware of it. Not interested in it. If anyone seriously thinks Good Omens is homophobic I'm not sure what they think they watched, but I know I'm not making a story for them.
But no, I don't think of that kiss as being "sexual". I think of it as a last-ditch desperate attempt to communicate, not as a prelude to or part of lovemaking. (I've written kisses I would classify as sexual and kisses I wouldn't. That's not a sexy times kiss nor was it meant to be one.)
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和我最喜欢的人在一起了 梦是以亲亲结束的 还很搞笑的多了一个对我告白的人 不过梦里的我还有点渣的感觉 我真是太傻了 还是这么喜欢你。
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September 27th - Happy birthday to Joseph Joestar and Bruno Buccellati 🍰🍰
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我真的好痛苦 为什么我会喜欢你这么这么久 因为工作没有时间和你有更多交集 唯独这个时刻 我真的很想回到大学 一起玩游戏虽然不是时时刻刻 但可以一起玩 六年了 为什么我会这么容易就喜欢上你 而且为什么你也会一直一直玩到现在 我是真的好喜欢这个游戏 还有你 但现在 你已经到了一个我够不到的地方了 我该怎么办啊 因为喜欢这个游戏痛苦 因为无法接受可能会有的外人的好意而痛苦 因为不敢告诉你而痛苦 因为你而痛苦 我真的庆幸溢出的感情不是实体的 不然一定会没过你的头顶让你窒息
想想之前也有过想要认识更多人有更多交流不要让自己的心全放在你这里 但最后都是没有结果的 你终究在那里 就算你有其他喜欢的人 也无法让我停止喜欢你 真的不知道这一辈子有没有可能告诉你这件好笑的事 也很好奇你如果知道了 会是什么表情 会怎么想 但为了可以和你一直一直能有交集 我不会冒险告诉你 除了家人离去的那种伤心我可以想象 但如果是和你逐渐疏远我会有多难过 我想象不出来 真的对不起 我就这样在六年前喜欢上了你
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With all the activities we have on our islands, we should already look like this.
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FFXIV 2019 Sketch commissions lineup
Thank you all so much! ^^
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On a gathering storm comes A tall handsome man In a dusty black coat with A red right hand
He’ll reach deep into the hole Heal your shrinking soul But there won’t be a single thing That you can do He’s a god, he’s a man He’s a ghost, he’s a guru
They’re whispering his name Through this disappearing land But hidden in his coat Is a red right hand
You’ll see him in your nightmares You’ll see him in your dreams He’ll appear out of nowhere but He ain’t what he seems
You’re one microscopic cog In his catastrophic plan Designed and directed by His red right hand
This song is perfect for him 😭
A step by step process will be available at my Patreon on dec 1st!
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