toledout-of-posts · 8 years
I'M BACK AT MY MAIN ACCOUNT! I RECOVERED MY PASSWORD FINALLY if by some chance any of you dear beautiful followers aren't following me there, it is @imtoledone :D I will still use this account sometimes anyway
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
63K notes · View notes
toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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295K notes · View notes
toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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Don’t wash the new pokepupper. 
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
I truly go into housewife mode when im someones girlfriend like I will make u pancakes and bacon every morning and suck u up whenever u want
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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>not knowing male Ralts can turn into a Gardevior Of fucking course another SJW that’s never played video games before.
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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Black cat duo
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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updated the tiny haikyuu catalogue
(these will be available as buttons and stickers late june-ish!)
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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Quality romance
2 of ?
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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FINALLL CHAPPTERRRR!!! (IT’S GOSHDARN LATE. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I SWEAR. I’m gona be a zombie tomorrow at work haha) While this is the official end, there is an epilogue coming after. However, I’m going on vacation to Korea so you won’t see/hear an update from me for at least 2 weeks. Added a character sheet for Lila as a bonus because @oceanspray5​ gave her a wonderful role in the story. 
Note: You will notice that there is a picture with only the lineart. It came out really well and I’m kind of sad that I don’t have the time to color it myself. So, if anyone is interested, they can download the picture and color it themselves! Please tag me if you do, I would love to see!! <3
Here’s an overview of Part 2 of this last chapter: (It’s shorter than Part 1 cos it’s in bullet points and I can’t be bother to edit into paragraphs)
Alya and Nino hear the news first before the official announcement (which comes the day after). They are very happy for Mari and Adrien and their bestie pulls them aside aftewards.
Alya gushes to Mari: their courting in public, Adrien spoiling her with all sorts of gifts, his own proposal (cos he’s a hopeless romantic), the celebrations, the wedding night (Mari tries to gag Alya at this point), and the cutest babies in the kingdom (Mari almost faints).
Nino teases Adrien: courting Mari every single day, the sweetest tear-jerking proposal (Adrien doesn’t deny it), tips in the bedroom (Nino gets punched in the shoulder), and the loving family Adrien will have (Adrien blushes a little late at the implication).
Lila is very upset with how things have turned, and secretly vows to seduce Adrien and eventually be crowned as Queen. She starts scheming ways to get closer to him, especially when Mari is otherwise occupied with her own duties. She also tries to give Mari a hard time whenever she gets the chance.
Mari goes through a rather hectic 6 months, but it is not nearly as bad as when she was a servant. She is a quick learner and everyone in the palace grows fond of her.
When Mari starts to doubt herself Adrien is there to keep her spirits up. She does the same when he worries too much about being King.
When Mari has free time or wants to take a break, she goes back to her family home to relax/unwind. After the first month, Adrien comes along and enjoys the coziness of a home away from home. She gives in to his requests to let her teach him how to cook/bake. 
At the 7th month, Nino proposes to Alya. Mari doesn’t hesitate to help Alya with her wedding dress (AKA pay and make the entire thing herself). Adrien pays half of the wedding, saying it’s nothing compared to the years of friendship Nino gave him. (Nino tries not to cry)
A small celebration is organised with all of their close friends in town. 
A week before Mari’s year of training is over, Adrien surprises her by officially proposing with his mother’s wedding ring. (The venue is at Mari’s family home, completely restored to its original beauty. Mari barely holds back her tears)
Gabriel holds a ball on the eve of Mari’s last day of training. When the night is over, he surprises Mari and Adrien by giving them matching butterfly pendants to show that they have his and his wife’s blessing.
A month after the year is over, Adrien and Mari are finally wed. The nobles who came to his 18th birthday were also invited to their wedding day. (Lila is nowhere to be seen *wink*)
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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Nothing gets a woman in the mood like her breasts being called “milk tanks.”
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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kyudo is beautiful and akaashi is beautiful so together they are double beautiful
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toledout-of-posts · 8 years
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at least he’s honest
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