HELO!!! This ams Toki kin regression blogs!!! YAYY!!
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Tokis got so mads was in calls with friends and was watching Metalocalypse movies with thems they watches it for first times and I was so exciteds for see how they reacts to regression, and they haves good reactions and agree that Toki regress a lot and be adult a lot but thens they keeps backtrackingks on it and change what they says and ??? Thens they was like 'oh maybe Toki not regression actuallys could just like colouring' NO!! IT MAKE so irritated!!!! Just says one things stops changings what you sayings :( !!! Yesterdays had soft arguments with thems about Skwisgaar hurting tokis on purpose with defibulators ?? No Skwisgaar not hurt Toki on purpose for revenge >:(!!! And I says so and theys say oh not know if peoples would disagree if they said Skwisgaar would do out of care for Toki not revenge??? What's!!!!! I not understands when peoples have fake opinions or change opinions because worried about other people say?? If peoples means not be around dildos!!! :(
#ams an regression tokis blogs!!! not wanna tag full regression tag because said dildo!! >_<#toki wartooth
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Ams was talkings with friend that makes mes so happiness!!! Really want to come out as regressions but gonna wait for metalocalypse movie!! So Tokis cans see hows he ams going to tracts to it!
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Nathan is on duty in case there are monsters under the bed
#this is so happiness!! I loves how nathans is drawn so rounds >_< AND BEAR YAAYY!!!#nathans best protectors :3!!#metalocalypse#toki wartooth#nathan explosion
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silly sketches pt. ?¿
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My tummy hurts firsts things in the mornings ;-; wish I coulds just cuddles with someone and be so cozy and stuffs ,, but ams happys because haves my kittys with me!!! Ams cuddles my kittys :D
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Darned it! I nose is leaking because cried over I believe song 😔 was so joyful then brain was means to mes and saids it not reals and that ams not haves that brothers relationships :c
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Was gamings with friend then they started babys talkings me and I guess babying tokis and talking real nice and sweet at me like I was scared puppy (because was scary game) and it makes me melted and was feel so soft,,, almost tolds them about regression but I not knows what they thinks abouts it :(
They ams so nice, not know why they talked me like that (*´-`)
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Tokis had such tuff day today went to shcoool and didn't knows how to use adobes for designs class was so stress full got sick to my tummy :( !!! Had to rush out of class fast and my mom go pick me up early
Ams talking with friends nows though!! Is nice :D
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you’s learn not to helps out dumbs selfish assholes clowns who am tries to take advantage of yous😑
#WEEE!!! Tokis loves clowns!!!!#dr rockso is stinkys guy#loves how you draws thems the creatures AAA!!! so cuteness and joy#not a ship#metalocalypse#toki wartooth#dr rockzo
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Toki and Pinkie Pie doodles from today !
#YAYAYAY PINKIE PIES!!!#This is so happiness!! and joyyyyy!!!!!#metalocalypse#toki wartooth#my little pony#pinkie pie
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Toki Wartooth from Metalocalypse and Sweet Little Bumblebee by Bambee!!
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Uuugghhs tokis has to do dishes and so tireds bones is so sores from move so much
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Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones

Is an age regressor!
#OMG I FOUNDS IT I FOUNDS IT I BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS IMAGE SO LONGS#this made mes sososoo happiness because I kin Theon so much too!! so happiness!! YAAYY!!!#game of thrones#game of thrones agere#age regression#ur fav is agere
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Jon Snow from Game Of Thrones

Is an age regressor!
#YAYAYAYAYY JON HE SO SILLIES!!!!#he so sillies he face always so serious and concerned!!! This make so happy so pretty image!#game of thrones agere#ur fav is agere#age regression
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— Jon Snow Cg or Flip Mood Board 🥩🌧

Forgot to copy the links , sorry guys .
I tried my best to keep it kinda to the time of GOT but I love it either way.
#I saws this a whiles agos and it's so happiness!!! yayay!!#I also saws something like dis but for Theon gayjoys and I not able to finds it :( it was said Theon greyjoy age regressor#I saws it and was likes YAYYAYAY but couldnt likes it because had big kid account at time grrrrs#jon snow#game of thrones#age regression#agere moodboard
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Ams tokis blog but I loves game of thrones too!!! I gonna be rebloging game of thrones stuffs!! This ams my blogs so I does what I wants!!!!!
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