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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
dice tag bc Icb I forgot
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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two moods ~
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
dabi has issues when it comes to his balance , as the liquid in his ears has evaporated as a result of the overuse of his quirk . Though over time he's learned how to deal with it
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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eyes roll at the younger's comment , the merge between the two parties was nothing either seemingly wanted , but to dabi it meant little in comparison to what he was working towards " get over yourself , yer with me 'cause they couldn't give me anyone useful ." a brief sigh escapes the villain , toga was already a lot for him to deal with , and now he had to deal with a moody teenager instead .
@tohdorohkis  &  hiroto !! 
  annoyance is evident on his face.  it’s not a secret that hiroto wasn’t pleased with the recent merger.  arms are crossed over his chest, glancing in dabi’s direction.  “they really want me to work with you ??”  the question is blunt, distaste dripping on every word.  he’s not exactly obeying his parents orders to cooperate, but he doesn’t really care.
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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he is so mesmerizing i wanna cry
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
“hey stupid.”
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" what do you want , dumbass ? "
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
“why do you have that look on your face?”
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" no reason in particular ." the lie is evident on his face , smirk ever so present as he looks back near the stairway " saw that ice bastard fall down the stairs ."
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
“finish what you’re doing, we have to talk.”
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hands come to a stop upon hearing the tyrants voice , the object he was holding suddenly dropping due to the light grip he had on it , silently cursing as a result before he turns his attention to the other man . " whaddy'a want ? I was busy ." was he really ? not particularly . but regardless , he supposed he was better off leaving it alone for now than to ignore All for One's words .
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
“don’t just stand there, looking at me.”
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eyes blink at the other lazily , brow raising slightly at the other's comment " got a problem over there , red ? cuz i don't know what yer deal is ." not that he particularly wanted to know , but it didn't take much for him to notice either way .
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
more random dialogue prompts ,
“why do you have that look on your face?”
“finish what you’re doing, we have to talk.”
“what have you done to yourself?”
“did you do something different with your hair?”
“it doesn’t do any good to get worked up.”
“when was the last time we had a real conversation.”
“are you in the witness protection program, or what?”
“there’s something wrong with me.”
“no, i don’t hate you.”
“hey stupid.”
“we’re aren’t them.”
“looks like i’ll live long enough to make you pay.”
“you know you’re wrong.”
“i don’t understand, why are you doing this?”
“now, before i say anything, promise me you’ll stay calm.”
“what makes me so special?”
“you have no idea what i’ve been through.”
“you really don’t have to do that, not for me.”
“did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
"how about we don’t do that.”
“i have a lot going for me, but humility is not one of them.”
“you’re the worst.”
“i don’t need you right now.”
“don’t just stand there, looking at me.”
“i thought you were supposed to call me.”
“take my hand.”
“i need you.”
“you’re allowed to need help sometimes.”
“for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
“when this is all over, i want it to be you and me.”
“why won’t you tell me what happened?”
“you don’t know what this means to me.
“i know it doesn’t make sense.”
“i’m trying really hard to keep it together.”
“i know you’re new, but we do things a little differently here.”
“your voice is putting me to sleep.”
“did you find what you were looking for?”
"you knew and you didn’t even warn me?”
“well, i guess that’s broken.”
“i thought it was part of the act.”
“you think u don’t know you’re only here because they sent you?”
“you promised to call me if you didn’t know what to wear.”
“you can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“how could you do this to me?”
“put the gun down, dearest. i have news!”
“i know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but you need to know something.”
“if you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
“people think i’m weird.”
“i think i’m losing myself again.”
“you can’t be here.”
“i wish you’d come to the funeral.”
“do you know what today is?”
“so, you broke my favourite mug… and you’re breaking up with me?”
“i need to get out.”
“it’s like i’m cursed or something.”
“you are remarkably well-behaved tonight, what have you been up to?”
“you gonna eat that?”
“sir, the pony rides are for children only.”
“i don’t want you to worry about that anymore.”
“we’ll never make it in time.”
“you’d be late for your own funeral.”
“you should have seen it coming.”
“oh, good, you’re here! hold this.”
“why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“on a scale of one to ten, how do you feel about nachos right now?”
“is this how you flirt with everyone?”
“how much longer till we’re there?”
“what have you done?”
“it’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
“where did you get that? who gave it to you?”
“what kind of mother has thoughts like that?”
“i know I haven’t been what you needed, but i’m here, and i wanna help.”
“i never want to hear you say that again.”
“you’re all i have.”
“i know it’s not perfect, but i did follow the recipe this time.”
“i was doing so well until you showed up.”
“don’t eat that! i made it ‘specially for our guest.”
“it’s not that i don’t like my life, it’s that i don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”
“how can you stand this place?”
“don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t exactly blend in.”
“you need to stop.”
“i don’t like that look, what happened?”
“is that seriously your password?”
“what’s your problem?”
“you had no right to use it without asking.”
“oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.”
“i couldn’t trust my own parents to protect me.”
“i’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet. wait, no, i’m not.”
“why do you want to help me?”
“ten bucks for that piece of crap?”
“we have to hurry, they’re coming!”
“hey, look what came in the mail!”
“do you want to get a drink or something?”
“please tell me you didn’t eat that.”
“the worst part is you didn’t even notice.”
“if i wanted help, i would have asked.”
“wanna tell me what’s going on with your grades?”
“you need to leave.”
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
“i do blame you.”
“sometimes life deals you a bad hand, but you can still play your cards right and win.”
“you’re no longer useful to me.”
“i’m not good with sarcasm: if you don’t like me, just say it.”
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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" right , whatever ." half lidded eyes roll practically into the back of his skull , as if he really cared what the other's codename was " y'ain't gettin' one , brat ."
@tohdorohkis​ started following you
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“ got a problem over there , snowman ? or are ya just happy t'see me ?”
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    Tiny pinpricks just narrowed under his hood. “Iceman.” He corrected with a huff. ‘’Happy to see you? You wish. I still want my rematch, patchwork.”
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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" got a problem over there , snowman ? or are ya just happy t'see me ? "
@tohdorohkis​ started following you
Geten just silently glared at him, beedy eyes bright in a void abyss where a face should’ve been.
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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#TOHDOROHKIS && #SHIGARAHKIS , affiliated and private roleplay blogs for shigaraki tomura & todoroki toya of kohei horikoshi's boku no hero academia , written by dice and snowy . unaffiliated with the rpc / fandom personals & proshitters dni .
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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there he goes
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
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tohdorohkis · 2 years ago
#TOHDOROKIS is an independent and selective roleplay blog for dabi of bnha , not affiliated with the rpc or fandom , written by snowy .
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