toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Yahoo.com. 2020. Yahoo Is Now A Part Of Verizon Media. [online] Available at: <https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/history-women-wearing-suffragette-white-170000902.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20vc2VhcmNoP3E9dGhlK2hpc3Rvcnkrb2Yrd29tZW4rc3VmZnJhZ2V0dGUrd2hpdGUmRk9STT1BV1JF&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADk9Euy-v9UaY-09iucIim48evi9OT7qWoJ9xM_uYCgYwQz5yLzFYXLDi4gjBbp-PRh2byQE_zkXKh-vWevRFsDurdrXFya2-BdvDadJC8UnESwKpDrcUx8ntEVZl67KoXOHx6T2dq3LN-gCyr7PJNer_vFQUcIy1kFzBWJ1EXdC> [Accessed 3 April 2020].
Encyclopedia Britannica. 2020. Feminism | Definition, History, & Examples. [online] Available at: <https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism> [Accessed 2 April 2020].
HISTORY. 2020. Feminism Isn't Just A Modern Movement—It Dates To Antiquity. [online] Available at: <https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/feminism-womens-history> [Accessed 2 April 2020].
Artnet.com. 2020. Hannah Wilke | Artnet | Page 3. [online] Available at: <http://www.artnet.com/artists/hannah-wilke/3> [Accessed 4 April 2020].
Andruzheychik, S., 2020. [online] Talent.colum.edu. Available at: <https://talent.colum.edu/profile/32fe3> [Accessed 4 April 2020].
Mambrol, N., 2020. First Wave Feminism. [online] Literary Theory and Criticism. Available at: <https://literariness.org/2017/10/27/first-wave-feminism/> [Accessed 5 April 2020].
Dailyhistory.org. 2020. What Was The Second Wave Feminist Movement? - Dailyhistory.Org. [online] Available at: <https://dailyhistory.org/What_was_the_Second_Wave_Feminist_Movement%3F> [Accessed 5 April 2020].
 Vam.ac.uk. 2020. Encyclopedia Of Collections: Plato’S Atlantis – The Museum Of Savage Beauty. [online] Available at: <https://www.vam.ac.uk/museumofsavagebeauty/rel/encyclopedia-of-collections-platos-atlantis/> [Accessed 27 May 2020].
Dazeddigital.com. 2020. Alexander Mcqueen | Dazed. [online] Available at: <https://www.dazeddigital.com/tag/alexander-mcqueen> [Accessed 27 May 2020].
Cite This For Me. 2020. Save Time And Improve Your Marks With Citethisforme, The No. 1 Citation Tool. [online] Available at: <https://www.citethisforme.com/harvard/source-type> [Accessed 27 May 2020].
Encyclopedia Britannica. 2020. Feminism - The Second Wave Of Feminism. [online] Available at: <https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism/The-second-wave-of-feminism> [Accessed 27 May 2020].
Encyclopedia Britannica. 2020. Feminism - The Third Wave Of Feminism. [online] Available at: <https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism/The-third-wave-of-feminism> [Accessed 27 May 2020].
Encyclopedia Britannica. 2020. Feminism - The Fourth Wave Of Feminism. [online] Available at: <https://www.britannica.com/topic/feminism/The-fourth-wave-of-feminism> [Accessed 27 May 2020].
the Guardian. 2020. Milan Fashion Week: Miuccia Prada Returns To Feminist Form. [online] Available at: <https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2017/feb/23/milan-fashion-week-miuccia-prada-returns-to-feminist-form> [Accessed 27 May 2020].    
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Project Evaluation
For my signature project I have developed a body of work surrounding the narrative Raised by Women. I have directed this narrative towards portraying my own personal female inspiration such as women in my family and my friends, as well having the bigger picture of this work having an empowering affect on women everywhere. I chose this narrative through the realization that most of my role models and heroes are women. So, the dominance of women in throughout my life has shaped the person I am. Ironically, it’s the women that surround me that have taught me how to be the man that I am today. This project is a thank you to those women, where I portray the love and support, I have been given. My aim for this project, include to firstly create a sketchbook where I collate my research linking to the Raised by Women narrative. Inspired by this research, I am going to create a 6-garment collection supported by a digital portfolio portraying my design development.
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This module has also led me down the path of researching secondary sources, mainly through artists, photographers and designers. I researched into the work of artists such as Sasha Andrazheychik, Hannah Wilke and Jenny Lewis who photos symbolize motherhood, gender stereotypes and feminism. More specifically my research into designers included that of McQueen and Prada, who collection based around feminism have inspired many elements of The Raised by Women collection. Alongside designers I have also ventured into historical research such as the waves of feminism and specific movements such as the Suffragette and MeToo movement, with the aim of retrieving symbolism for the collection,  
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In response to my research I created a body of sample and illustration work to reflect that artist unique style and develop design ideas. For example, my work inspired by designers involved multiple materials and elements. I developed textile samples that related to the collection colour scheme, experimented with ways of creating similar shapes and lines. I incorporated embroidery, inks, aqua film and illustrations. This allowed me to break down the collection and choose elements to take forward into my own work. For Prada and McQueen, I was inspired by their colour palettes, silhouettes and their exaggeratedly sized garments.  Meanwhile, to develop practical work for photographers, I decided to create photo edits in the style of the photographer. For example, Sasha Andrazheychik portrays the mass-produced stereotype of women through covering the defining features of the female form with mass produced car parts. Inspired by this I edited an image of my grandmother where the features of her face were covered by car parts, stripping her individuality so that she fits the stereotype. 
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During the research process I have developed many skills. Within this project itself my illustration skills have improved massively, this is one element I wanted to improve, as this element is an important part of my chosen degree pathway. I have also loved to incorporate a lot of embroidery into my samples, as I have gained more control with machine sewing, which will prove beneficial when I begin to construct garment during the degree. Secondly, a more basic skills that I’ve learnt during this module is independence and self-motivation. This module has been challenging as I have completing the entire body of work from home, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Having to do this project stripped from things that I normally take advantage of has been extremely difficult and testing. As I haven’t been able to physically see friends and family and this project at its core is family oriented, emotionally this module has had its ups and downs. Self-motivation has been a key element for success, I have had to develop new ways of staying motivated, such as face-timing other students and simply having someone to talk too. However, I wouldn’t change it, I believe because of the pandemic, I am more prepared for future problems in my university career. 
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To some extent my experimentation has been successful, I have incorporated multiple ways of creating marks and shape, with which I have incorporated into my later design development. A lot of the elements that made it into the final collection were made by just experimenting and trying out new things. To apply them into the collection I had to refine them and make them relate to the collection’s narrative. For example, when developing prints for the collection, I created quick patterns on photoshop. I found that I really liked the swirl pattern that I created out of chance. To make them relate I incorporated my chosen colour palette and incorporated other prints that has empowering symbolism. 
To be productive I have had to plan multiple elements of this project to achieve what I wanted for submission. As my situation for this project is very much different to past modules due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have had to make decisions for the end of the project earlier than I thought. For example, before the project launch I was planning on making a garment, however due to not being able to access the university facilities I knew this wouldn’t be possible to do at home, so I decided their and then to not complete a garment for this module.
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The outcome of this project is the raised by women collection. It is a six-garment collection reflecting 6 of my female inspirations, these include my mother, grandmothers and aunties. I am really pleased with this outcome; I believe the appearance of my designs have greatly improved since starting university. The collection has embodied the narrative raised by women more than I could of hoped, it’s a very personal collection, but visually tells so many other stories in relations to women and female empowerment. My choices of print and color have developed a vibrant take on the suffragette movement, showing my interpretation of my research. If I was to complete my outcome again, I would I’ve like to of developed a zine to further expand the image of the collection, but due to time restraints, instead I created a digital portfolio in the style of the BA level course. As well as this, my original plan before lockdown was to make one of the garments from the collection but due to lack of resources and waiting time for materials this was no longer possible. 
Looking at the bigger picture, I am pleased with this body of work, I have reflected a clear narrative, where it originated, the progress I have made, and how my progress has created the outcome. I believe I have shown a journey of improvement in multiple areas, such as illustration, photoshop, design development and sampling. I am most happy with the meaningful side to the project; I have engaged with a deeply personal topic in hope of inspiring others. The term Raised by Women can be interpreted in many ways. But for me, it was all about how women have raised me out of my own darkness and showed me the light, giving me confidence and provided me a sanctuary where there is no judgment.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
RAISED BY WOMEN Collection portfolio
To present my work in a composition I’m a similar way to my chosen degree pathway, I have created a collection portfolio where the development and narrative of the collection is displayed. Each look of the collection wil have its own page, where the technical illustration, colour palette, chosen prints are composed in a collage format.
Front Cover
For the front cover, I wanted to clearly display the appearance of the collection. I decided to incorporate one of my shortlisted prints as the background for this page. I decided to create a unique composition for the title. Layering multiple copies of the words raised and women, created continuous volume. I decided to do this, so I could reflect that my female inspiration are continuous, the women that are included in this collection are a mear snapshot of the women have inspired, to reflect every women that has inspired me in design form would be impossible.  
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Collection Narrative Page 
For the collection narrative page, I wanted to accurately but briefly explain the meaning behind the collection, the inspirations of it and its importance. As well as through word, I wanted to visually explain the narrative through imagery. I developed a simple composition collage using images from my research, I layered images of my rose print on top of an image of my great aunt Joan, a woman who appears later the collection. Finally, I added a suffragette rosette to highlight the element of female empowerment.
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Colour palette 
I believe to reflect the image of the collection I must create a colour palette, not only does this support the collection and show my how my research has impacted my final designs, but it actually helped me during the design process, as I referred back to it multiple times to see if I was using the correct shades of certain colours. The composition of the page included the layering of block colours to have a literal colour palette. However, I also incorporated this into imagery. Using an image of my grandmother, I layered the prints I used for the collection onto of the figure of my grandmother. I also further explained my historical colour choices by placing the purple and green suffragette sash over my nan’s shoulders.
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Look Pages 
To express the design process for each look, I created separate pages every look. I set out to use a different composition to show how different each look is. The main elements that I expressed on each page were the colours, chosen prints, the final look and the separate technical drawings. I aimed to create a work that fits with the how work is presented on my chosen degree pathway. As I believe this would give me some knowledge of what types of work I’m going to create when on the BA course.  I am happy with these design boards I believe I have clearly portrayed the theme of each look. Secondly, I believe the change in composition makes this portfolio fresh and exciting.
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Final line-up 
The line up is appearing at the end of the look, I want the other pages to lead up to the final line-up, so that it visualises the gathering of all my research that inspired the collection. The composition of this page is extremely simple, I didn’t want the addition of colour to distract from the garments. I am pleased with the final line up, I believe I have shown considerable improvement illustration wise since the beginning of this course, I am especially happy with faces of the figures, as this is an area of illustration that I wanted to improve, as it will allow me to settle faster into the illustration side of the degree course.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
This is The Raised by Women Collection, this is where the embodiment of female empowerment exists, in this collection women are viewed as the heart of inspiration, where the element of equality is for fronted. As a designer, I have expressed my own personal inspirations in hope of sparking others to be motivated by the women around them. This is a celebration of women everywhere, where their legacy is displayed through colour, print and structure, to express my interpretation of being Raised by Women.  
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This collection is something I am proud off, I feel that the whole foundation year has led to the creation of the collection, almost every new skill that I have learnt through other modules has helped develop the image of Raised by Women. The final line up visually presents how I have improved throughout the year, the illustration skills have developed massively, to the extent of incorporating multiple materials to create the look I wanted. This collection has embodied my research both from primary and secondary sources, for example Raised by Women has meaningful relations to the women around myself and in my life, as well as underlining the overall feminism element through elements inspired by historical movements such as the suffragettes.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Combining Technical Drawings with illustration
To allow myself to develop ideas for the appearance of the final illustrations, I have incorporated technical drawings with hand illustrations. From this I hope to gain knowledge on how this combination creates illustrations and if it works for my narrative. To include hand illustration, I drew a one-line face as well as other styles. I then took photos of these faces and scanned them into photoshop to be edited, I layered them on top of the digital drawings, to then edit. I decided to incorporate as many technical drawings as possible. To develop multiple looks I changed the colour balance, to create more vibrant finishes, that were outside of the theme of the collection.
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I believe these combinations were a success as I have decided the face style I am going to use. I have decided to use the layered approach where I use multiple images of the same face. This creates a more textured and show stopping element to the illustrations. On the other hand, the corporation more colour and excitement, demonstrating the celebration of women and femininity that the Raised by Women Collection embodies.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
line up inspired by chosen prints
To understand how my print choices work, I have created a line up of each look. This will allow me to visually portray the flow of the collection, and if changes need to be made to make the collection more exciting. From doing this, I understand that my print choices are bold and exciting, however to make them more prominent, I want to make the finish darker so that they aren't overwhelmed by the green and purple background. 
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While discussing this line up with my lectures, I was given critical feedback on how I could improve the illustration. Firstly, even though my prints were a success, the colour scheme needs changing. As the dominating colour of each is green, the looks are appearing repetitive. To make this collection more varied I need to choose certain looks, and increase the level of purple, so that each look has its own story while fitting the whole collection narrative 
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
The Accessories
To go with the looks of the raised by women collection, I have designed some accessories. By doing this I hope to further embody the Raised by Women narrative, and add diversity to the collection. Secondly this will offer me an opportunity to incorporate different types of illustration techniques. 
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I decided to create both backpacks for the Ist, 3rd and 5th look and bum bags for the remaining. To chose these accessories as they have an element of utility and practicality. This relates to the element of practicality women have, through raising children and having careers, they work so much harder to balance different sides of life.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Look 6: Gladys
The sixth and final look of the collection, is inspired my late great aunt Gladys. My childhood memories of family lunches and parties are filled with her smile. As the life and soul of the party, memories of her make darker days easier, reflecting this I the collection, I hope to engage with her bold personality through vivid prints and joyful colours. As this woman passed away recently, I hope that this look and the whole collection reflects a celebration of her life.
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Textile collages
The textile collages made me aware of how prints can change the garment. As this look is the most extravagant garment, I need to be careful with my print choice, so that it does not overwhelm the garment. I need to find a print that benefits the narrative and the specific garment. After incorporated the different prints, I found that prints with more purple tones were excessive in extravagance, where the look overshadowed other garments in the collection.
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Chosen prints
After creating the textile collages, I decided to combine both the green and purple swirl background with the Venus symbol print. I chose this as I believe it has an element of extravagance due to it being the last garment of the collection and is acting as a memorial for my great aunt Gladys, however it hasn’t created a look too bold that previous looks will be forgotten. Let’s not forget that the purple and green reflect my research into the historical suffrage movement as well as the Venus symbol visually portraying the empowerment of women.
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Technical drawings
After creating the drawing of the hood, I am happy with the print choice, I believe it will as while across the garment create the element of extravagance I want this garment to achieve, to allow this garment have its own voice in the collection. However the print still allows the look to still exist within the Raised by Women narrative.
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Final design
The final look of Gladys reflects the collection narrative really well. The Venus symbol indicates the female gender and the overall symbolic power of women. The suffragette movement is further expressed in the collection through the colour palette. The little amount of body exposure highlights the modest side to my great aunt. However to incorporate her loving and happy persona, I used bright tones of purple and green. I am also pleased with the meaning in the hood, the oversized hood alongside the Venus symbol reflects the loving embrace from this family member. This garment has expressed the persona of my great aunt and my memories, reflecting the family oriented nature of this collection.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Look 5: Lynda
Look 5 embodies my Aunt Lynda, a highly creative person who has achieved a high amount career wise. As a child this woman spent a great deal of time with me, so her influence has been high. On the other hand, for the first time, I understood one of the defining things of women. My aunt’s third pregnancy and birth were a difficult time due to health complications, seeing how she dealt with the uncertainty of the health of herself or her baby, was a strong image of bravery. Also raising 3 children is no easy task and watching her do her absolute best for her children has encouraged me to the best in everything I do.
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Textile collages
Completing the textile outcomes has showed me that many different prints worked for this look, the simplistic garments have allowed room for more extravagant patterns. I found out that the lighter prints did not work as they appear too different to the other looks. The 4th look that I created used the Venus symbol, even though it incorporated the narrative of the collection, the colours seemed to be to light compared to the other garment. To solve this, I changed the Venus symbol to solid black, so that they aren’t embedded into the green and purple background.
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Chosen prints
I layered the symbol pattern on top of the swirl background, I left the colour of the symbols as black, so they still have their prominence. The whole outfit has the same print, this is because the garments of this look are extremely simple, so to reflect the celebration of women, I placed this joyful, vibrant print over the entire outfit, not to only make the statement that women have sculpted the entire person that I am today through the dominance of the Venus symbols on the garment. But to also make this collection fun, uplifting and empowering.
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Technical Drawings
Completing the technical drawing made me aware of the size of the symbols. Up until now all the symbols on all pattern pieces were going to be of similar size. I took this opportunity to experiment with different sizes to see if a larger variety would benefit the print. I found that larger prints didn’t work on the sleeve, due to little space making it difficult for the whole symbol to be seen. So, on the sleeves I made the print smaller. This seemed to make the symbols easier to see, making my narrative more visually established.
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Final design
I believe the final look for Lynda reflects the persona of my aunty really well. The enlarged sleeves and shoulder portray the strength of this women gained from hard life experiences, while also being an overall image of female empowerment through powerdressing. However, to improve this look on the design side I wish the final illustration incorporated digital drawings, but due to time restraints I had to use elements from my previous textile collages. To make the final drawing appear as professional as possible, I made sure to neaten edge where colour extended the lines of the garment.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Look 4: Joan
This fourth look is inspired by my late aunt Joan. This woman is a perfect symbol of strength and courage. Incorporating her within the collection, I hope to portray the inspiration and strength she has given me. My great-aunt at the age of 65 suffered a stroke resulting in her not being able to do anything for herself. Growing up watching her never failing to smile and enjoy life even though her has dramatically changed, showed to me that anything is possible, and that hard work can get you what you want. Secondly, her radiating happiness had allowed me to see the good side to ant bad situation. Through this garment I want to portray the fun side of her, which to me will show a great deal of determination to enjoy life.
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Textile collages
Completing textile collages allowed the understanding that different prints changed the look and structure of the garment greatly. So, to begin I added just the collection colours scheme to see if green or purple should be the dominant colour. I decided to incorporate both colours, changing the level of each in different collages. The collages that supported more purple appeared overly darker, which moved away from the idea of a colourful celebration of women. The 4th collage appeared to reflect a better contrast of colour, however in the final design I am going to change the colour of the floral print to a more vibrant purple, so that it is not lost within the green shades.
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Chosen prints
Like look 2(Sheila) I chose the symbol of roses for the print to embody the strength and beauty. Joan, the women that is inspired this look is my personal image of strength and prosperity. This is because how this woman dealt with traumatic life changes caused by a stroke, where she could no longer do things for herself is truly inspiring. The roses reflect her mental strength that encouraged her to move forward and live, as well as the new beauty she gained after having the stroke.
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Technical drawings
After creating the collages, I was still unsure on what to do with the sleeves. To understand the possible outcomes for the sleeves. I added all the possible prints to sketches of the sleeves. This helped as I viewed the sleeves separate to the rest of the garment. While doing this I understood that a solid colour is perfect for the sleeves. This is because the sleeves are a feature, so giving them the same print as the rest the rest of the garment, would reduce their impact as they would blend in
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Final design
The final design for Joan has both achieved and us elements of improvement. Firstly, I am happy with the appearance created by combining the green and purple background and the rose print, it has has a variety of tone providing the garment with visual depth. Moreover, I have attached a large amount of metaphorical meaning that has clear links to my research. The use of roses had meaning towards the combination on strength and beauty.
To improve this look, I wish I incorporated more elements of technical drawings, to achieve more of the design quality that is expected on my chosen degree pathway. This would of made me more prepared for the type of work that I am going to produce after the foundation year.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Look 3: Karen
This look is heavily influenced by my aunt Karen. Since I can remember, this woman has worked extremely hard. Combining work life with raising two kids alone, has established her strengthening persona, from which I have took inspiration from for years. As a single parent, she has embodied the meaning of determination, this is where I get a lot of my motivation to achieve what I want. I want this look to both incorporate my aunts hard working and kind persona, while not disregarding the major strength she has gained from life.
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Textile collages
The simple approach is look as a garment has led me to incorporate different prints, is a way where the different pattern pieces reflect different prints, to create colour blocking on the garment. The collaging process allowed me to incorporate different prints to certain areas of the garment, understanding how much of each print creates an exciting garment. The 5th collage I created is the one I am going to take further into designing this look. This print incorporated the perfect balance of print and solid colour, where the two are complimenting each other.
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Technical drawing
After completing the textile collages, I became aware that certain elements need changing. For example, the silhouette of the garment was extremely straight and provided no structural representation of femininity, even though this could portray the empowerment of women through power dressing, other garments of the collection have this feature, so it would become repetitive. The flared sleeves provide this look with a unique element, but still fits in with the raised by women narrative.
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Final design
Out of all the garments of the collection, this is probably my favourite. The design of this garment I find exciting and a visual representation of my aunt Karen. Ever since I can remember I have viewed this women in long shirts, this is her statement piece, it’s what gonna make her so memorable. I believe this look encapsulates this women’s style. Secondly, I am so happy about how this look uses an alternating pattern for the prints. The prints highly benefit each other, the simplistic block colour allows the detail of the embedded Venus print to be expressed, while also highlighting the simplistic side to this garment, which is the solid green.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Look 2: Sheila
This look embodies the personality of my grandmother Sheila. At 83 today, this look is based on her younger personality. I came across an image of my grandmother wearing a T- length dress, I decided to base this look on that image. To take it further I am going to add elements inspired by my research that also relate to my narrative. My relationship with my grandmother revolves around care and support, since a child my grandmother has watched me grow and learn, enjoying me reach milestones, such as learning to walk and saying my first word. My grandmother has embraced and supported everything I have done and believe in. The added element of the enlarged hood relates to the supporting embrace I have received from my grandmother. 
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Textile collaging
After completing these collages, I have decided to combine two patterns together. The 5th collage where a purple and green background is layered underneath a floral pattern created by scanned embroidered roses, appeared to be the best print for this look. This is because this print incorporated both the purple and green elements of the collection with an equal balance of the two.  Whereas other collages overused colours. Also, the metaphorical meaning behind the use of roses, reflects the narrative perfectly. Roses have features that can be related to the lives of the women that have inspired this collection and specifically this look. Roses are both strong and beautiful. They appear soft and dedicate but their durability to weather and predators is high. My grandmother who inspired this look, is both beautiful and strong, her feminine nature combined with the strength she has gained from carrying and raising three children has been visually embedded into the print, with the use of roses.
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Technical drawings
When completing the collages of later looks in the collection, I realised that all the looks have long sleeves. To make the collection more diverse I have decided to remove the sleeves from look 2. I believe this will make the collection more visually intriguing. To see what this would look like, I removed the sleeves in the technical drawing, and I believe it will benefit the collection and the look itself.
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Final Designs
The final garment for Sheila probably has the highest visual identity with the women it is trying to represent. This entire look was inspired by a set of of photos that I found of my grandmother and the beginning of this project. I’m these photos she was wearing a t-length white dress, so I was inspired to incorporate this garment to reflect my grandmothers style. However when completing textile collages I found that certain elements were being repeated to often. The first look(Amanda) and the second(Sheila) both suported good to create a more diverse lineup, I decided to remove the hood of this look.
Other than this is an really pleased with the outcome of Sheila. I believe this look has it own story to tell within the collection. I love the unique image of the garment, this is one of two garments that’s above the knee, this has developed a collection with multiple silhouettes, further expanding the diversity of the collection.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Look 1: Amanda
This look is inspired by my mother. I have specifically placed this look at the beginning of the collection, as my mother is largest female inspiration I have. So, having this appear first is highlighting her strong presence. In terms of my garment choice, the bomber jacket is a visual representation my mothers’ unique style, the bomber jacket was a key item of my mothers wardrobe. The large hood suggests the embrace between mother and child. The turtleneck reflects another garment my mother wears, making this garment a family-oriented piece.
These first sketches is wear I am highlighting the overall look I want to create while pin pointing key elements of the collection   
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Textile collages
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After visualising my garment choices through sketching, I created textile collaging incorporating layers of both images of fabrics and prints. The creation of multiple illustrations has allowed me to see what prints work best on each garment. For this look, I have decided to use the embedded Venus symbol for both the bomber jacket, hood and pencil skirt. I’ve done this, as this is the first look of the collection, it needs to accurately portray the Raised by Women narrative. The print reflects the embrace and celebration of women and femininity. The colours highlight the flamboyant side of femininity in a way where theirs a fear of it.
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Technical Drawings
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The technical drawings have shown me that the pattern choice is suitable for the look. The print on both the bomber jacket and the pencil skirt has visually embodied the overall narrative while displaying my mother unique style. I believe the use of the Venus symbol on the entire look is loudly portraying the empowerment of women. Allowing for the image of Raised by Women to be remembered.
Final Designs
Looking at the finished design of look 1 Amanda, I am really pleased with the outcome. The vibrant print accurately portray the celebration of women and joyfulness of my mother’s personality. Both the bomber jacket and pencil skirt reflect my mother’s style. Metaphorically, I believe this look has achieved meaning. The simplest garment choices for this look which are available to everyone indicates that my relationship with my mother is everyday, theirs no glamour to it, we have seen each other at our worst and best, which with relationships is unique. But to reflect this everyday occurrence of inspiration, I chose garments of everyday.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Choosing the Garments for each look
Before I begin designing each garment I want to layout what each look is going to include, where the garments and accessories are clearly identified. This will make the designing process more straight forward. Alongside, a description of the look, I am going to complete sketches of the individual garments. This will give me confidence when the illustrating the final looks. At this point I am not going to include colour or patterns as this task is to holistically decide what garments are going to appear on each look of the collection. To further understand my choices, I will analyse my reasons for the garments and how they link to my chosen narrative. 
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Full body sketches 
To kickstart the design process I created illustration that briefly mapped out how I want each look of the collection to be. These designs are set in stone, due to the possibility of pattern opportunities altering certain elements of garments to understand this I am going to contact a pattern cutting professional. Where I can have advice on how to design garments that are more accessible in terms of making them.
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Collection Concept Boards
I have created these concept boards for the Raised by Women collection, so that I have visually references to use while developing each look. I want to be able to reflect on something that embodies the research I have undertook, so that every outcome I create has a clear link to it. Also I want to use elements from these boards within my look book. In terms of my research, I am going to include my primary research, including the women that have inspired and other close to me. 
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I’m am writing this after beginning to design the first three looks of the collection. These boards have acted as starting point for my design development. If I have become unsure about something, this has acted as a reference which has put me back on track, allowing all my work post these boards relate to the Raised by Women narrative. 
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Choosing Fabrics and Developing print ideas
To further visualise what my collections potential garments could appear like, I have created multiple patterns, from which I will select some for my final designs. I aiming to create patterns that accurately reflect my narrative. To do this I am going to include elements of my research that reflect women and the empowerment of them. As well as this I have made sure that these patterns involve the colours from my pre decided colour palette This is because it will allow me to make a more informed decision on if the patterns work.
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These three patterns were inspired by my research into symbolism. The roses reflect the modern women, this is because roses both appear soft and delicate while actually being strong. This relation underlines the strength of the women around me. In terms of the pattern itself, I believe its successful. The addition of the coloured columns, adds depth. To create diversity within the collection, I want to incorporate all these three adaptions of the pattern onto garments of different looks, in different amounts. Secondly the vibrant green tones, subtly presents the celebration of women and how they have brought joy to my experiences. 
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These simpler patterns, reflect my research into the suffrage movement really well. These patterns I want to use In smaller amounts, for example as finer details, such as lining, inside of pockets and embellishments. The purpose of these patterns are act as accents on block colours, to make the garment visually exciting. I don't want to use these patterns on every look, as I believe it will be repetitive.  
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These prints also reflect my research into symbolism. The Venus symbol is an element that I really want to use, as its arguably the most dominant symbol throughout feminism. The literally representation of the female gender boldly highlights the presents of women in my life. However I believe I am going to use the second example of this symbol as the black effect distracts from the colour scheme. The embedded symbols embrace the colour palette and still have a presence to tell a story. 
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toddgreenblog4 · 4 years
Choosing a colour palette
Before I begin the design the collection, I need to decide on a colour palette. My palette needs to reflect my narrative as well as my research. Through my research I have engaged with different colours, from different feminist movements and groups. I need to decide what colours embody what Raised by Women means, I want colours that provide a comforting aspect. To decide the palette, I am going to create edits where I incorporate the colours into clothing. From doing this can see if certain colours work, this will allow me to make a more informed decision. 
Suffragette inspired
One movement that has dominated feminism was the suffragette movement. This movement involved mainly of a colour scheme of white, green and purple. I believe these colour will offer that soft, feminine appearance I am aiming for. To see if this is the case, I have applied these colours onto figures, using Photoshop. I also drew an illustration that reflected the dominance of green within the movement, I strove to create an illustration that was inspired by a t length dress warn by my grandmother in the figure to the right. I also applied the colour palette to past samples, to understand how they appear in the this palette. 
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This second board was inspired by the more current movement of the Women’s March which began after Donald Trump was elected president in 2015. These marches gained their attention through their consistent pink image. This colour dominated marches and all attendees wore it. The marches were heavily based around sexual harassment, and the rights women have we what they do with their bodies. Inspired by this march, I combined the pink element with key historical garments through illustration. To combine previous work, i edited samples to fit this theme, creating a collage. 
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In terms of my design development, this task has helped to me make a difficult decision. After completing these boards I have decided to base my colour palette around the suffragette movement. This is because the metaphorical meaning behind reflects a great deal of suffering that began the strive for societal change. Also the colours aren't as literal in terms of what they are expressing, even though the soft pastel greens and purples interpret a feminine nature, it doesn't indicate the stereotypical image of females to the extent pink does. 
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