To Create Is To Be
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tocreateistobe · 2 months ago
Springtime Stream of Consciousness
I don't need to share don't bother
Asking how my day was we'll never get into the little details the important stuff
And I'll just sigh and say oh.
it was good
But I don't need to share
It's all for me and it's all a gift
It's free and loose and open and easy
It comes and goes comes and goes
Sometimes it sticks around for awhile
Sometimes it gets pried out of me
But usually I hold it for myself I hold it in my heart
As little secret treasures
Just for me
The little thoughts the precious little thoughts
The little songs in my head
The ideas that could become poems
But won't I promise I won't
waste effort I won't reach I won't clench
The squeeze makes for bitter tea
I come and go open fisted empty handed
The sights and sounds and smells
How every tree is more beautiful than the last and it's not a competition and I promise I won't forget the last
Lord the blossoms!
I sit with two closed notebooks beside my legs
I won't open them today
Everything is just for me and I will let it come and go
The little bee that hovers in front of me that lands softly on my arm that comes and goes and I wonder how many others, people and flowers, it has come and gone to and from today
And as it comes back I reach out my hand to make it easier
The jogger I passed
Dancing on the sidewalk
While I ride my bike
And I wonder if he thought the tears on my face were from the wind
Or from the song
The song that reminds me of another song that reminds me of another song
And isn't that how it goes one thing leads to another
And isn't that poetry things are like other things
The girls laughing at me as I waddle
After my ten dollar bill blowing in the wind
I promise I'm not worried I don't need it
Take it if you want it I won't run after it
And isn't it funny how running only makes the wind blow stronger the money tumble faster
The book-reading stranger I've shared a bench with enough times to no longer be strangers
What book is it today?
The ex-lover at the register who takes my money as if we've never met
And how I admire that Thank you for that
The little old lady who is anything but old
And my book-reading stranger-friend who offers to hold her dog while she gets her coffee
The little white shaggy dog who looks like its little white shaggy owner and who loves everyone
And how you know it
How wonderful it is to have someone always and forever excited to see you every time all the time
The neighbor who comes with her baby boy and stops in my little cement living room to share coffee to let her boy play
And the old friends who come with their little girl who has freshly learned to walk and now has endless possibilities and fearlessly walks to me clutches my jeans in her little fists
And how today seems to be family day, I've never seen so many babies I've never seen so much happiness I've never seen so much love
How wonderful it is to be cared for to have everything you need
And yet another old friend coming with a landing smile like he finally found what he was looking for and how sometimes I would consider these as interruptions
But how much better to receive them as gifts as life itself what else are we even doing to be aimless is not to be without purpose to be interrupted is not to be unproductive
Even still another old friend aren't we all just old friends who I see walk by and I let him go but also secretly call him forth in my heart and lo he returns and sits gives five minutes for me
And the ease of giving back
Time and conversation care and kindness easy smiles compliments and laughter
Another friend comes
And I'm starting to wonder what divine secretary I have working for me today
To place these precious little appointments back to back to back to back and one at a time so no voice is lost
I am a tree by a river and people come and go like I'm a surprise roadside attraction and I now know that this poem will never end the little thoughts will come and go the people and they are all for me and I am all for them and for them all and Lord! The blossoms Lord! The people Lord! The gifts!
Isn't it interesting how much you get when you let go of effort
Trust and wait
The pleasant surprises the gifts when you stop planning every minute
How much comes to you when you stop moving
How easy it is
When you stop thinking
Oh to stop the busy mind!
How easy it can be to find what you aren't looking for
etc and so on
forever and ever
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tocreateistobe · 2 months ago
The Post-Walk Haiku I Owe You For October 23, 2022 (delayed)
Through a land of gold
We trespass delicately
Your eyes, too, are gold
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tocreateistobe · 3 months ago
Psalm Of Softness
My Comforter, my Prince of Peace, thank you, for the softness of the morning
For the slowness of the October morning, thank you,
my lovely Lamb,
The sun is gentle, the sky is still
Thank you, my Rock my Rescue,
For the stillness
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tocreateistobe · 3 months ago
I think I Love Novembers Most
I think I love Novembers most
There's a brief stretch of time before the trees are stripped bare completely and the dead and dying leaves, no longer bright and luminescent, no longer alive in their death, are solemn and rustic like unpolished bronze and everything is tinted with the same matte filter
November comes with the world's fury
And brings with it permission to wrack and rage, and yet, to be quiet, to let go, to step away, to stay inside
To be restless and to take rest
We learn to live for the light, the surprise awe-inducing light that polishes the otherwise dull landscape, and we learn to accept darkness
If life starts anew in October, it again ends in November
And every calm moment is a gift
It reminds us of raw earth, the wet, the dirt, the mess, where we come from and where we end up
And that beauty is not always bright and shiny
I think I love Novembers most
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tocreateistobe · 5 months ago
Daisy Memories
The memories are out again
--I mean the daisies--
And I pause on my walk
To think on them
--I mean to look--
And take a few photos
I'd send to you
If this was then and you
And I were us
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tocreateistobe · 8 months ago
In the morning of the morning
When the world is formless and tricks are played
When static things shift and have no shape
I left the house shaking
And like a sleuth creeping
I skated on wet clay
Through dark tunnels of indistinct gray
Down to the river
Everything a gradient of grayscale
And depth-less in the pre-dawn dark
I huddled in the cold until I was a stone
Eyes closed, tucked in and tuckered out
I longed for bed
Suddenly birdsong like reverse rain
Rose in all directions
As if every droplet of dew and spent rain
Sparkled out sound
Bright flashes of a goldfinch
Followed by the bark of a heron
Warned me the storm was close
And with every hundredth trill of the whippoorwill
I opened my eyes to a different gray sky
And The Great House getting lighter
The dark cord of river still being tugged along before me
It wasn't long before sound became sight
Who knew it was all green!
The singers all along active, their flight
As sharp as their song, and so near
And the shallow river bright!
The shallow river clear
I retreated over dried mud and through the old tunnels, new with light
The gray gone, the walls green, the flowers bright!
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tocreateistobe · 1 year ago
Without Fail
Every year
Without fail
And to the wild surprise of every passerby
There is a day exactly like this
And it's like winning the lottery
The months of struggle instantly unreachable
And as foreign as melted snow
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tocreateistobe · 1 year ago
I Is The Most Lonesome Word
I know not what I do
And I do what I do not want to do
I think therefore I am
I think
I have awakened love before it was ready
Before I was ready
I have shaken it like a wasp nest
I have shaken it like my mother's snow globe that smashed against the counter
I have done it all wrong
I was thirsty
But I opened the can only after shaking it
I cannot write a single sentence without "I"
And I is the most lonesome word
I think therefore I am to be alone
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tocreateistobe · 1 year ago
October Twenty First In Poetry
A great purr in the sky
Echoes across the parking lot
Where a woman walks holding an umbrella of kale
Beyond her trees hold their magnificent burst
Like photography stills of fireworks
A passerby tells me she also likes to sit and read
But continues on before I can reply
So I smile and watch as she methodically makes her way to her next target:
A wedding party taking photographs on the veranda
Then the refreshment of friends who do stop by
The sweet pleasure of warm greetings and brief conversation
And the great purr returns
As the Akan proverb of the forest and the trees comes to mind
And I wonder how dense these quiet little lives look from above
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tocreateistobe · 1 year ago
Heart Like A Seed
The work is done
Lingering good-byes spoken
It is time
Once again
To return home
Where uncertainty and possibility balance
like caught rain on fallen leaves
But first I will lift up my head
to the great applause of the sparrows
that billow like a bedsheet in the sky
The sky that has opened like a curtain
over the wild field
Not controlled
But cut off
from the humdrum of human hands
by a thin wire fence made nearly invisible
by the wild grapes gathering against it
They reach over like foaming ale
The dangling dark balls hanging beneath
large leaves that taste sour like the fruit
- I know because I have tasted them -
The thin wiry branches leaning down
as if to take in the smell
of the freshly-baptized asphalt
that lies like a lake of oil before me
Over which I hear again the great applause
like the chatter in a theatre
after the curtain closes
and the show has come to an end
We must listen to the sounds of the season
We must understand the time
And this is a time
for earth-stained knees
for lowering your heart
into the ground like a seed
And like a farmer of the field:
It is a time to rest
To wait
To see
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tocreateistobe · 1 year ago
Gerard Manley Hopkins' Terrible Sonnets: You Last Visited This Page On 12/26/21
How dark the night gets, how dark the mind
The bear that tears at my heart
How dark his prickly pelt, how deep his teeth, fiendishly felt, deep in the depths of my shallow blood-beating heart
The pumping, pounding, pow-wow of my wound, wound round my throbbing throat
Moves me to fish-flail fight, to foul slaught frantic fowl-flight, fraught, distraught, I ought to act
Act! anything to distract the pelting thoughts--bite back! I am reeling in react, reeling in feeling and racked
Racked, wrecked, attacked I am
Pelted--pelted and pelted and pelted--
And this furless pelt, furiously worn is no comfort, no fort from the unfettered fury of the storm that bears and wears down,
I am put down to the sleepless shelterless dark where shuttered eyes summon no rest nor park, only sorrow more sure, resoundingly wider-wrought,
In this cage-cave where I am caught, I a rage-slave bought by jealousy and by jagged-tipped lash taught
A pain-primed patience I never sought
This now my hour of agony
I am Isaac up on the altar
I am Jesus in the godless garden
I am Abel unable to get up again
My brain like a 21st century machine
Every thought a precious profit
Turning turning turning
And so now I turn to YOU
Oh God,
Jealous of your people are you jealous for me?
What you sow you shall reap
And so,
How do YOU sleep?
Be still and know
I am sick of sowing
Reap, reap and be damned!
I just want to sleep
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tocreateistobe · 2 years ago
An Exercise In Archival Ink
Today I found a bit of magic on the sidewalk I picked it up I carried it down the street, the magic in my hands The people in town did not know what I had found That I had found magic And I held it in my hands It weighed nothing To keep it in my hands it was like balancing a drop of rain on a Ginkgo leaf
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tocreateistobe · 2 years ago
Vape Memories
I'm moving. 
You don't need to know this. This is for me. 
I'm moving. 
I saved the bed for last. I dragged the mattress with all the bedding still attached down those steep narrow stairs and strapped it down in my trailer. When I got it to my new place, I somehow dragged it up a different set of narrow stairs with the bedding still hanging on. I shoved it into a corner of my new room and tried it out. I immediately rolled into the wall. I'm sorry for all those nights you had to spend on that mattress. I'm sorry for complaining so much about how you didn't let me get enough sleep when sleep should never have been possible on that piece of shit mattress.
I went back to take care of those old wooden pallets I had found for a bedframe to hold that old mattress. Those old pallets I used because I'm creative and different, because I don't need to go buy a traditional bed, because I wanted a rustic look, because I'm an idiot. I slowly brought down each pallet, bumping into walls, getting slivers. Indents in the carpet remained that will probably never fully disappear. And I've never seen so much hair and dust and lint gathered in one spot. Honestly, it was disgusting. I was surprised to find very little else left on the carpet, an old band aid from the pharmacy when I got my Flu Shot, a candy wrapper, and a vape of yours. The vape you lost which slipped between the mattress and the wall and somehow made it through the stack of three pallets all the way to the floor. The vape I had tried to reach, lifting the mattress and stretching my arms into the gaps of the pallets. The vape you had said to forget. I picked it up and wiped off the dust. I slipped it into my pocket and drove those old pallets to my new place. I'm not going to use them again. I think I'll burn them. That old wood, covered in dust and lint and hair, should burn easily enough. I set them in the backyard and pulled out your vape. I thought about you and the vape that was always near by, how I wouldn't be surprised if you had a vape in your hand for more time in the day than not, like it was an iconic accessory of a cartoon character or maybe a superhero. I thought of you holding it in your hand as you scrolled on your phone or tried pulling me into those serious talks of ours, even while fucking, you like a queen with your arms and legs open as you exhaled steam with disregard, me feeding you grapes, fanning your stoic face, massaging your olive skin. I thought of you and tried that old vape, taking it like a cigar, never mastering how to do it. I coughed and smoke sputtered out of my mouth, the taste of mango still strong. I think I'll keep it. I think I'll treat it like a fine liquor, taking it out at special moments, perhaps with a candle burning in my holy little room, or while on a night walk under yellow lights, a pilgrimage through this new part of town, or maybe while sitting cross-legged before a burning pallet, the smell of treated wood and burnt hair mingling with the smell of grass and cherry blossoms. I'll close my eyes and press my lips to your vape and let the vapor slowly into my mouth until it tickles my throat and I'll think of you. And one day, the vape will run out, I'll inhale deeper, searching for the mango blanket to fill around my tongue and teeth, and I will find nothing but empty air. I will say a blessing, lift the lid to the trash container, and drop it in with a soft thud not unlike the beat of a heart.
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tocreateistobe · 2 years ago
Twenty Years
Twenty years ago
When you were not yet twenty yourself
You took off at a million miles an hour in Dad's little green Ford Escort station wagon
Taking the straight and narrow path on a night when the road was a crescent curve
And launched yourself into brilliant oblivion
Just two miles from home
Leaving behind Ford fragments for me to find weeks later
And a naked tree for us to dress with a wooden cross
Until a new housing development finally brought it down
The point is
You've been dead longer than you've been alive
And this is a holiday for me
A day to dwell on all the ways I've known your absence more than your presence
How I am twenty years beyond my sweet sixteen innocence
And you are ageless
And the same stars that you wildly went soaring after
In your fresh out of school cosmic confusion
Twenty years ago
Are the same stars that sing me sweet metallic songs
From the ageless sky
On certain April nights
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tocreateistobe · 2 years ago
Not Everything Has To Be Pretty
It's cold and dark
The wind is a thousand teeth on chains
Lashing us for the sin of being awake
Or punishing me for drinking too much
The night before
But it was St. Patrick's Day
I tell myself
And I'm not the only one
My coffee is bitter and hurts my throat
Leaving a sour taste in my mouth
It's like the vinegar offered to Christ
Not everything is a gift
The cold stabs at me through the window
Snow marches by with disregard
The individual specks are like sparks in a fire, leaping in and out of the smoke
The white church across the street
Is an abandoned illusion
It disappears in the fog of blowing snow
The last time I wrote a poem was for her
And now I can think of nothing but her
And it's like the winter that won't end
That keeps coming back to bite
Not everything has to be pretty
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tocreateistobe · 2 years ago
Our best fights Were in the bathtub My head crooked around the faucet The water line exposing her Like a military bust, stern and stony In the dark her green-blue eyes were like a dog's It only took a few hours to conquer my errors For her to beckon me to her And I would fold myself over her slippery skin And let my body fall on hers Mother taking her baby As the water tsunami'd against the tub walls And back over us like a baptism There was once a time I did not fold But watched her stony face tremble Her dog's eyes filling with water Her sadness filling the air like hot steam Our nakedness finally meeting As she confessed to me The desires of her heart
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tocreateistobe · 2 years ago
We were entwined and tangled Like the hair we fingered off our soapy scalps And stuck to the shower wall Knotted, we were a rat king A multi-minded mess Pushing and pulling the other along Abstract, we were beautiful Mystifying the mind Never making sense I lost more hair that month The color, faded like the leaves that had finally let go Of the great tree
And I still stick it to the shower wall Something I never used to do And I think of her Better than watching it slither down the drain
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