❛ well , i’ve been dating shakira most nights ,but she doesn’t really know about it.─ jake jagielski .✎ tobias forester . twenty7 . dependent muse for nepofm.
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they’re quick to react . arms shoot up to shield their face , barely catching the pillow by the corner . “ one would argue that i’m the best . but i’m here to remind you it could be worse . at least brooklyn isn’t OBSESSED with frozen . and not to be an enabler , but maybe now should be the time to suggest another movie like say … freaky friday ? ”
letting go of the pillow , he narrows his eyes playfully at them before flopping onto the couch next to his best friend. “ she had a phase of frozen , but not as drastic as the one with the lizzie mcguire movie. it’s like she needs to watch it once a day to survive , ” he jokes , leaning his head back with a sigh. “ i tried getting her to watch a cinderella story , thinking maybe it’s a fascination with hilary , but no bite. i could try getting her into freaky friday , though. ” he turns his face towards harlowe with a slightly wrinkled nose.
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“ are you insulting lizzie mcguire ? duke — do i need to reevaluate this friendship ? because i’m slightly offended by your words. ” he chuckles , head shaking from side to side as he scratches the back of his neck. “ no , i’m not asking you to karaoke. i’ve had my fill of singing with that season of the masked singer. besides , this is what dreams are made of is a duet , you’d be singing with me , not cheering me on. nice try , though. ”
“An icon? Your standards are that low, huh?” Everyone knew the real Disney Channel heartthrob was Zenon. No question. He’d probably seen the movie at least fifteen times thanks to Chloe. “If you’re asking me to go to karaoke with you, be a little more subtle, eh? You don’t have to plead. I’ll listen to you sing This is What Dreams Are Made Of. Might even cheer you on.”
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“ listen , i know i’m not the tallest guy out there , but i’m pretty sure i could simply toss you over my shoulder and avoid any sense of violence from you , ” he teased , lips once against finding his glass to take another sip , thankful to have the night off and in the company of the other. “ i will not sing bet on it to you , not unless i get something out of it ! for all i know , you’ll secretly record me and i’ll become the new meme of tiktok. ” slightly shocking that he knew that many modern things. “ camp rock is okay , i wouldn’t say it’s the best though. some songs were worthy of being called bops but most of the movie is just whining , and i’m sorry but camp star was the better camp … they had fire with performances , sofia. ”
“ you underestimate me, forester. i could crush you if i wanted to. ” she waves her finger in his direction “ make sure you quadruple lock it. ” she gladly takes the glass from him and takes a sip from the wine. she chuckles once she downs the liquid in her mouth “ oh please sing bet on it for me. ” she brings her hands together and pouts to add to the pressure “ well i prefer all disney really, if you wanna bust out camp rock, i’d be down for that as well. ”
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basis: nico offers your muse a drink status: open starter @nepofmstarters
nico had ordered a large hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. today was his cheat day and he decided to try something that wasn’t a granola bar, so here he was. the only thing is that when he grabs his order, the lady hands him two drinks. when mentioning to her that he had ordered one drink, not two, she shrugs it off and tells him to keep it. truth be told, nico can barely finish one of these things, let alone two. looking around, he approaches the nearest person around. “hey,” he greets them, offering them his usual shy smile, “so the worker gave me two hot chocolates instead of one. do you want the other one? it has extra marshmallows too, if that’s your thing.”
he’s hidden in the corner , crumbs from the muffin he had previous inhaled still lingering on the table as he scrolls through emails on his laptop. it’d been weeks since he decided to finally take the responsibility of paying attention to his messages , knowing he should begin getting ready for next football season. with the superbowl around the corner , he knew his chances of getting back on the field before that happening was slim to none. it didn’t help that there was a voice in the back of his head , telling him to write that resignation letter , to retire from the sport completely so he wouldn’t have to worry about injuries. snapping out of his thoughts , he turns towards the voice , smiling when he recognizes the face. “ shit , extra marshmallows ? it’s like you knew i’d say yes , ” he holds his hand out , taking the drink. “ gonna sit or stand there ? ” he teases , closing the laptop.
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“Yes, my girl. You know she adores me. Don’t even pretend she doesn’t,” Bel stated confidently, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “And what have I done? Nothing? I have given her excellent taste in books and video games after all.” She spoiled Brooklyn when it came to those things, always willing to take her to the bookstore or play games with her. “So you’re saying I should find a way to make that my ringtone in your phone and you can’t change it so I can torture you whenever I call?” she asked, smiling deviously at the very idea. Not that she would actually do it. But she could tease. “Let us not put that sort of energy out there. Frozen was a difficult time for us all.”
eyes slightly roll as he listens to her , head lolling back to rest itself on the back of the couch. “ hey now ! don’t be standing there assuming i don’t give her good tastes elsewhere ! she knows every play in a football game , can name each teams quarterback , and i provide a clean shaven face for her makeup practices. ” he huffs , arms crossing over his chest , enhancing his slight tantrum. he knows his friends have been helpful , each of them , although he has an internal guilt that runs deep. he hadn’t been around as much as he wanted to be , football taking over most of his life and stunting him from witnessing quite a few milestones. “ i’d never answer my phone , it would be found at the bottom of a garbage disposal , ” he grins , slowly sitting up in his spot. “ frozen isn’t that bad , c’mon now. ”
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“ don’t say i didn’t warn you though ! ” a single shrug of her shoulders as she looks at him , brown hues acting innocently . “ we’re in 2023 . do you know there are paints basically designed for children ? one wipe and the wall is clean . — don’t say that , she’d never be a gremlin . she’s too cute for that . ” zoya has been always good with children , often caught enjoying their company more than certain adults and whenever she could spend her time with toby’s daughter , she made sure to make the best out of it ; one of the very few good things in their fake relationship . “ i don’t know . this whole pr thing was always bizzare to me . promo is a one thing but i wouldn’t say people will think you’re a better person when you’re holding hands with someone , right ? ” … “ but if it makes anything better , this won’t last more than three to five months tops . ”
“ why — why would you bring up crime stats for babysitters ? jesus … christ , zoya , now i need to get a background check on cory. she seems harmless , but who the fuck knows now. ” he’s quick to open his laptop , coffee pushed aside in the scramble , droplets landing on the countertop as he begins researching criminal background checks. “ no , i wasn’t aware of that either. anything else i’m missing that i have to open a tab on ? ” he asks , although there is a hint of tease in his voice. despite the panic rising in his chest , he doesn’t make his tone serious , fingers typing as quickly as they can. he briefly stops , standing up straight to look at her. “ don’t take offense to me not being into it , okay ? you’re a great person , honestly. i consider you a friend at this point , but i’m not a touchy - feely guy ! my pr team knows this , and the more they push us to be that way the more awkward i get. ”
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“ hey ! don’t be talkin’ shit about skinny ripped jeans , ” he teases with a smirk upon his features , reaching out to allow mango to sniff his hand before he’s ruffling some of the fur between the maine coone’s ears. “ never really met a cat that wanted to be outside in winter , you ever thought of getting a leash ? doubt many animals would attack you if you had this beast next to you , ” he turns his attention towards them with a raised eyebrow. if he hadn’t be fond of mango , he’d also be terrified of the animal. “ brooklyn’s been asking for a pet. ”
they actually do enjoy the cold of the winter, appreciating the feeling of being alive, which might lead to the reason why they're so ... bad about staying warm. besides, they always tended to run a little hot anyways. they wonder if mango is a bit like them, needed to be out, needed to be around people - but also needed the option to run, if need be. " you could always go for the early 2000's look. remember when we were all buying skinny ripped jeans ? i heard it was back in now, " they supply with a chuckle, mango practically hanging off their shoulders as she hoists him up.
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( + @harlcwes )
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“ oh , shaking in my boots , really terrified. gonna have to make sure i triple lock my doors tonight , ” he winks towards her , smile on his lips as he opens the bottle of wine , filling up her glass slowly before pushing it towards her. “ i've been trying to get her into high school musical , i think my range is better with bet on it , but i mean , if you prefer lizzie , ” he's teasing , taking a sip of his own glass of wine before sitting down next to her.
“ i’m so glad you know that, and i would thread so lightly where you’re going, bud. ” she narrows her eyes at him and gasps dramatically as he finishes “ how dare you. you should feel blessed to be watching lizzie all these times. and i like when you hum this is what dreams are made of, it’s quite soothing. but you should introduce other disney movies to your repertoire. ”
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“ hey , appreciate lizzie , tobs ! besides , all you have to do is introduce your kid to nickelodeon classics … give her other options and you will go to sleep humming a different classic every night ! we have a musical episode in buffy: the vampire slayer if you want your daughter to simply not sleep . ”
“ i believe i’d appreciate lizzie more if she watched the show , and not just the movie on a constant repeat. now , we’re going to have to have a truce here because what are nickelodeon classics ? like are we talkin’ victorious and icarly or are we talkin’ zoey 101 and spongbob ? it’s a very wide range to go with. although i appreciate the idea , i’d really like her to sleep instead of making me check every corner of her room each night , we’ll save buffy for her ... late teen years. ”
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he knew the run would be rough for toby , but he wanted to push him . show him what all he was still capable of . to help remind him of the great athlete he worked so hard to become . “ hey , you didn’t do too bad . i only had to slow down a couple times but we made it , yeah ? ” he’ll prompt him with a smile , nodding his head over to the closest bench as he leads the way to it . “ c’mon lazy bones , let’s get you rested some before we get lunch. ”
gratitude masked with fake annoyance , toby rolls his eyes towards his best friend before his lips give up and tug into a smile. “ you slowed down many times , i could almost see your eye twitching because we weren’t going at your regular pace. ” it was his own fault , he’d be cleared for a while , but always pushing his work outs or training to the next day , only to push them again. toby didn’t entirely know what relaxing felt like , he craved the craziness of training season , then the chaos of football season. even on the off months , he was in the gym. dropping down next to tayo , he lets out a long breath. “ i’m going to hurt tomorrow , man. ” he groans , rubbing the back of his neck.
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❝ believe me, i’m trying. i’m taking advantage of her obsession with disney princesses in order to get her into the classics, although, she is now pretty obsessed with animals so maybe the lion king is the way to go. ❞ she commented. ❝ i wholeheartedly agree, tangled is the best film. but yeah, i’m obviously going to switch it up because otherwise i’m afraid i won’t live long enough to see her turn 5, or i should say my hair might not. ❞
refreshing was the word that came to mind when he was around natalia. he felt understood on a level many of his other friends couldn’t meet , which wasn’t entirely their fault. “ lion king is also a necessity for learning the basics , nat. i still live by the motto hanuka matata , even if life doesn’t always like me going by the motto , ” a soft laugh as he hands her the coffee he had been holding , look on his face as if he knows she needs some caffeine. “ if it makes you feel any better , i think you’d rock a bald or grey look. ”
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an unexpected reconciliation but a welcomed one , it’s been far too long since she had seen toby despite his incessant need to drop a check - in message at least weekly. the contents of the glass devoured before he had time to process , lips smack together to savour sugary taste as index fingers follows the rim of glass & she gives it a FLICK with her nail before he’s taken it. adjusting onto her back , head positioned to face him with knees coiled beneath slumped frame. “ madi’s got such good taste , i’ll have to ask her. “ voice loud enough to be heard over drilling beat , dramatic sigh unleashed seconds after a pause in thought. “ sweet , sweet tobias. i’m perfect , i’ve barely had more than four drinks. “
soft hues cascade over her frame , not a worry about hiding it. a moment of hesitation , then his arm is laid out on the back of the couch , head tilted slightly so he could meet her eyes when she talked. “ you do that , sure she’ll provide you with excellent options , ” voice matched hers , trying to overpower the music that was blasting through the speakers. brow raised , thoughts entering his mind regarding her wellbeing , but also not wanting to push. despite his caring nature , he knew better than to question florence and her ability to take care of herself. she was one of the strongest people he’s managed to run into. “ just a thought , not going to force a water bottle in your face. ” all the while , making it his mission to make sure she got home safely that night.
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kids wasn't really her thing , if natasha ever got pregnant , she would have at least four nannies by her side all the time . so when the neighbor told his daughter's age , the blonde just shrugged , not knowing what to do with that . what kids that age do these days ? at that age natash was only three years away from getting drunk for the first time and starting to go to parties . so maybe three years from now she'll have something useful to say . “ i find it hard not to take offense , but lucky for you i'm in a good mood . i'm hosting this super private party tonight . so you can pass by if you want . ”
tobias liked to think of themselves as someone that enjoyed the company of others. someone that would go out of their way to make sure someone was happy. but when he met the other standing across from him , he felt every moral of niceness within his body slowly seep away. it wasn’t her , personally , but definitely the way she acted. his side table drawer filled with ear plugs to not have to listen to the heavy bass when she’d have people over. despite all of that , he wasn’t one to cause unnecessary spats , leading him to avoid calling any landlord to file a complaint. if any came through , it wasn’t from him. “ am i ? good to know , ” he mused , raising an eyebrow towards natasha. “ if it’s super private , why are you inviting me ? i’ll think about it. ”
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he's finishing the jog he desperately needed , pausing long enough to take the last few sips of his waterbottle when he has some large house pet rushing up to him. eyes wide , he hesitates to do anything , worried to make any sudden movements , but soon enough he's leaning down to pet the top of the maine coone's head with a smile on his lips. he barely registers the claws in his pants until mari is yanking them out , laughter following their apologies. “ nah , you're good ! i needed new pants for running anyways , so he did my a favor. ”
OPEN STARTER, a snowy day outside their brooklyn apartment / @nepofmstarters.
" -- mango, no ! " they run after their HUGE maine coone, just in a pair of shorts ( maribel hadn't planned to be out for that long ) and a quickly thrown on sweatshirt that ... yeah, yup - those were 100% tea stains. multiple ones, from different times. she scoops up the huge cat from around the other's legs, having to unhook his claws, huffing as dark eyes flash up to [ YOUR MUSE ]. " i am ... so sorry about him. i can't even throw out the trash in peace ! i uh --- he didn't rip your pants, did he ? "
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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : honestly wherever ur heart desires x 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 : everyone ( @nepofmstarters )
addicted to new york’s nightlife , it’s no surprise this is florence’s third attendance this week . she’s made friends with a small group , all of them flooding bloodstreams with consecutive jäger bombs & keys dusted with cocaine subtly passed . she chooses to pass on the next hit , enjoying the drum & bass echoes that vibrate through petite frame singlehandedly with no need of added aid right now . it’s rare for a ballet dancer to find rhythm with club music but the blonde finds it instantly , hands move along body surface & she’s immersed until thirst catches up to her . “ can i have that ? thanks , “ there’s no pause , she simply takes & swigs . settling on leather sofa , faux she hopes , she lays on her side & adjusts satin fabric from constricting thigh . “ this is good , what is it ? “ she asks , taking another swig before offering the empty glass back .
he didn’t get out much these days , not that he didn’t enjoy going out , but with more time off , he made sure to focus mostly on his family. however , he did have friends that would drag him out once in a while. what he didn’t expect , was to run into florence , nor have her take his drink from his hand , a drink he’d be nursing so he wouldn’t have to go get another one for the rest of the night. avoiding a hangover was his goal , if he were being honest. “ uh .. sure ? ” answering is deemed useless , since the drink is in her hand and downed before the words completely come out. his eyes are focused on her , almost every move , as she sits down next to him. “ uh , no idea , madi got it for me. didn’t have much of it , ” grabbing hold of the empty glass , he places it on the table before looking back at her , eyebrow raised. “ you good ? drank that pretty fast. water also helps with hydration. ”
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“ if you pay them , that’s a stranger . i don’t make the rules , i’m sorry . do you want to know the criminal rate amongst babysitters ? ” she’s not even able to hide the amusement on her face as soon as he mentions shenanigans known to his daughter . “ come on now , crayon marks ? that’s not on me ! … she did say something about a tape strip on the front door so your face sticks to it when you come back . or it might’ve been me , i don’t recall . ” her arms moving in an innocent shrug as she rests her elbows on the table , cheeks stuffed in her own hands . “ i genuinely think the more they make us show up at those events together , the less believable we look . or anywhere at this point . ”
he actively stops what he’s doing to turn towards her , eyebrow raised. “ there are statistics about babysitters ? what ... no , no do not tell me , otherwise i’ll never have a night out again. ” he’s quick to turn his back to her again , finishing up his task. “ it was probably you , and the walls that i spent the past two nights scrubbing beg to differ. you’re going to make her into a gremlin , you know that right ? i’m not gonna be able to feed her after midnight , ” he teases , leaning against the island in his kitchen , arms crossing over his chest as he looks at her. “ i agree with you about that. i’m not sure why they keep pushing for us to be together all the time , when they know i’m not a public display of affection guy. ”
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