to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
// I’m having a casting call. Anyone that sound or know someone that sounds like Fumikage Tokoyami from MHA willing to cameo for a minute on one of my streams through a discord call? I’ll give them a loose script so they know how to respond!
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
Crunches raw macaroni
"I don't have friends. He's just... really nice to me. For some stupid reason."
Endeavor: Shouto, heroes don’t need friends
Shouto: But-
Endeavor: You shouldn’t be friends with that finger destroyer kid. Or anyone. Friends are distractions
Shouto, pointing at the macaroni friendship bracelet Hawks made him: Then what’s that?
Endeavor, eating the bracelet: I Have No Idea What You’re Talking About
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
Welcome to the dark side.
I’d like to formally announce that I’m now thirsting over the beef cake know as Enji Todoroki 🔥
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
Please look into this. If you can't help, spread the word for me please. This sweet boy is a family member of one of my best friends. Please help however you can.
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
☎ - Dabi-determined [Hewwo! Long time no see, My Lucio! Its Azra :)!]
NAME: Best Behaved (Fuyumi)
RINGTONE: Into the Unknown
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Good morning, Dad! Be safe today!
LAST TEXT SENT: Morning, Yumi.
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(Hewwo, my amazing Asra!!! I miss you!!!)
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
Please look into this. If you can't help, spread the word for me please. This sweet boy is a family member of one of my best friends. Please help however you can.
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to-forgive-a-flame · 4 years
Please look into this. If you can't help, spread the word for me please. This sweet boy is a family member of one of my best friends. Please help however you can.
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
Looking like my oldest?
au where endeavor is wearing a drastically different wig in every scene he appears in and when asked about it he just responds with “it my natural hair”
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
Do not ignore those that care for you. Even if the people that you care for ignore you.
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(This is best part of Ch.203! 😆)
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
Re-blog if you're accepting anonymous asks from anyone about anything
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
"He's safe. And it seems he's going to stay. I can't change the past... but I can try to be a better parent..." Enji looks almost hurt. "I can protect him instead of hurt him."
The red head sits down at the table. His patience is wearing thin, but he's already ordered dinner for him and who he once called friend. He looks out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of red feathers. "Come on, Hawks... you agreed to meet me." @to-forgive-a-flame
It wasnt long before the red-winged man actually arrived, landing a short ways away from the door before opening it and hurrying over. "My bad. I ran into trouble..." @to-forgive-a-flame
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
"They are a.... favourite of his from when he was young." He moves to rub the back of his head, much like Shouto does. He looks away and clears his throat. "I'm surprised you forgive me. I was out of line."
The white haired girl had only gone out to pick up a few things, hoping to surprise Shotou with a homemade dinner, when she saw the said boy's father, also reaching for the same box of biscuits. Buki turned, her grey eyes falling on the hero's form. "Sir." She spoke gently. "I was not expecting to see you." she spoke honestly. Her eyes followed the scar on his face, seeing just how similar he was to his son. "How are you feeling?" she asked, trying to be polite. @the-human-weapon
Enji retracted his hand when he saw the small girl reach for the last box. "Oh... Buki." He says, almost as if embarrassed. "I promised Fuyumi a day off." He says in a way of explanation. "I'm okay? How are you? How is... how is Shouto?"
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
"You have lost your mind! I can't even keep my family together! How do you expect.... I..." Enji shifts, not used to looking slightly down at the blond. "Wait... what do you mean lost your power?"
Enji watched in horror, a nightmare come true. "Toshinori Yagi, Hero name: All Might is dead." The news caster says through tears. She breaks down and has to be helped off screen. "No..." the red head says with finality. He can't accept it. He won't accept it. He knows one person that will know the truth. So he packs up, and heads toward the school. His intention to meet with Midoriya. Along the way, he sees a thin figure in an alley way. @to-forgive-a-flame
The figure seemed to make brief eye contact with Enji. "You seem... troubled." He mutters, hoping not to get in the hero's way, but, only to go out of his eay to give some form of reassurance. "I don't suppose you're headed to UA?" He places a guess, but, the determined look on the mans face gave him vibes that he was on a very serious mission. "Then again, a lot of people are panicking after what aired today." He seems too calm and casual, about this... considering he's been pronounced dead, and all. "So, i don't blame the new number 1 hero for wanting some amswers, from the person closest to.. 'him'."
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
"You..." he says, looking around, making sure no one is paying attention. He slips into the alley way, feeling his anger bubble up pathetically. "You're not dead." His voice portrays the anger bubbling up, but his body shows relief. "Why? Why are you throwing in the towel? Why like this? You can't I won't let you!"
Enji watched in horror, a nightmare come true. "Toshinori Yagi, Hero name: All Might is dead." The news caster says through tears. She breaks down and has to be helped off screen. "No..." the red head says with finality. He can't accept it. He won't accept it. He knows one person that will know the truth. So he packs up, and heads toward the school. His intention to meet with Midoriya. Along the way, he sees a thin figure in an alley way. @to-forgive-a-flame
The figure seemed to make brief eye contact with Enji. "You seem... troubled." He mutters, hoping not to get in the hero's way, but, only to go out of his eay to give some form of reassurance. "I don't suppose you're headed to UA?" He places a guess, but, the determined look on the mans face gave him vibes that he was on a very serious mission. "Then again, a lot of people are panicking after what aired today." He seems too calm and casual, about this... considering he's been pronounced dead, and all. "So, i don't blame the new number 1 hero for wanting some amswers, from the person closest to.. 'him'."
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
Muse skillset symbol meme
Send an emoji to learn how good/bad my muse is at that particular skill!
💋 — kissing
💄 — makeup
👾 — video games
🎵 — singing
💃 — dancing
🎹 — playing an instrument
🌷 — taking care of living things
🌲 — surviving in the wilderness
👊 — fighting
😇 — following rules
🍳 — cooking
🍼 — taking care of children
🎁 — giving presents to others
🎉 — hosting parties
💌 — romance/flirting
🎨 — art
🍀 — luck
⚽️  — sports
🏊 — swimming
🚗 — driving
🔮 — magic
🔎 — investigating
🔫 — long range weapons
💣 — explosives
🔪 — melee weapons
🔬 — scientific pursuits
🚿 — hygiene
💰 — finance
🌍 — knowledge of the world
👻 — communing with the paranormal
📚 — reading
🔧 — engineering/mechanics
⌛️ — time management
📥 — organization
🍺 — alcohol tolerance
🚴 — riding a bike
🎭 — performance art/acting
⚓️ — sailing
➗ — mathematics
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to-forgive-a-flame · 5 years
Enji is taken aback by the calm demeanor of the girl. He picks up the box, placing it in her basket. "They are one of my favourites..." he murmurs, stepping back.
"A... dinner? Are you sure? Your father's and my son sounds like a room I'm not entirely welcome in." He says, looking away from the small girl. "Take Shouto a box of these as well." He hands her a small box of cinnamon candies.
The white haired girl had only gone out to pick up a few things, hoping to surprise Shotou with a homemade dinner, when she saw the said boy's father, also reaching for the same box of biscuits. Buki turned, her grey eyes falling on the hero's form. "Sir." She spoke gently. "I was not expecting to see you." she spoke honestly. Her eyes followed the scar on his face, seeing just how similar he was to his son. "How are you feeling?" she asked, trying to be polite. @the-human-weapon
Enji retracted his hand when he saw the small girl reach for the last box. "Oh... Buki." He says, almost as if embarrassed. "I promised Fuyumi a day off." He says in a way of explanation. "I'm okay? How are you? How is... how is Shouto?"
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