Qwackers! who me!! Limited Tshirt 0nly 24days to go!!
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I must be qwackers the price has been dropped under $15.00. So go on be qwackers and buy one!!!!!
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motivating words of wisdom for comic book maker
Getting started is the fi rst step to overcoming your fears. But if you never fi nish, it hardly matters that you started. Making it to the fi nish line, is where the majority of aspiring cartoonists fail. There can be plenty of reasons: bad planning, boredom, lack of self-dicipline, fear of rejection (hey, if you never put it out there, people won’t criticize!), or sheer fatigue at the amount of work to be done (also a result of bad planning). Pushing on when things look hopeless is the one thing that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. In any fi eld! Having a fi nished comic in your hand or online, however crappy it may seem, does wonders for your confi dence. You fi nished what you started! Yay! The opposite is also true. Ditch your story halfway through, and you will feel like a failure. Not good for motivation or productivity, believe me! Get to the fi nish line, warts and all. Put it out there. Learn from your mistakes and move on to your next project.
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Messing around with manga studio 4 debut. Trying to get use to the programme, Not to worry l have not neglected my comic book. l just want to make sure my comic book looks AWESOME for an amateur....well close as!!!..(Monkey Mod is own by Kevin Cross.www.Monkeymod.com)
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Peed off!!
Bloody give up!!!!!!! Spent over an hour on setting & laying out things in my 1st panel of my comic book on Manga Studio, had it perfect ready to start on the next panel!!!! ............... Guess What!!!!!! Manga Studio frozed on me, M.S not responding and was forced to close!!!! and all that work gone!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!! feeling depressed and dis-heartened !!!!! Well peed off!!!
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manga studio 4 debut
I must be thick Youtube tutorails so simple but not me cant take anything in. It wont sink in...................................................
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Monkey Mod T-shirt
Yesterday I ordered my limited Monkey Mod T-shirt should arrive within 3 weeks. can't wait !!!!!!!!!
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Where all up coming artists and cartoonist Feel free to post your comments and your work on here.
check it out most of my drawings!!!! Feel free to browse!!
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