tma-versus · 6 months
hiii !!! im making a little tma themed headband i was wondering if i could use ur designs for the fears! (the circle ones^^) im not planning on selling it or anything but i still thought id ask!!
Go right ahead <3 please send us a picture of your headband once its done!!
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tma-versus · 3 years
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((designs not entirely original.))
… You do not even need to see them to feel their heavy overwhelming presence. Their figure is a blur and you have to strain yourself to even get a glimpse of how they look. Their form seems to morph and shift, never stopping or staying in one place. Sometimes a humanoid figure, sometimes a monstrous beast. Sometimes a tangible creature, sometimes an indescribable being beyond our understanding. Everyone sees something different. However, there are two constants with this being. One, a small clear, unshifting, name tag labeled “Host” and two, the fact that no matter what they look like to who, they are 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗳𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
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tma-versus · 3 years
"What happens If you lose? Hm if you lose.." A pause.  "Well your Dread God will not be happy, that's for sure." Host shrugs with a smile. "But that just means you will have to do everything in your power to win! And much is free game around these parts. Scoure the land for useful resources, steal domains from others, or perhaps.. eliminate the competition." "I know death is quite a complicated bit of work here but I assure you. Try try try again and I'm sure eventually something will go pop. Even I have to accept that if you somehow manage to perish 3 times then.. perhaps you're not suited for this game afterall."
As their little avatars slowly wake and take in their surroundings. The person. Creature? Thing, shifts and rises, nodding approvingly to each of the players. A college of forms and colour. A overwhelming presence. And a name tag. Host… As this Host moves to speak it’s difficult not to cringe at the cacophony of voices that leaves it’s mouth.. mouths? No no wait just one mouth..? The voices echo with different volumes, pitches, inflections. A soft little girl. A gruff man. A beastly snarl. Voices overlapping, overtaking. A choked rasp. An airy hush. 15.. even with the confusion you can hear 15 distinct voices.  "Hello! Welcome welcome my lovely little avatars. You must all be so confused but worry not my friends. I have simply gathered you all here for.. a game…“
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tma-versus · 3 years
As their little avatars slowly wake and take in their surroundings. The person. Creature? Thing, shifts and rises, nodding approvingly to each of the players. A college of forms and colour. A overwhelming presence. And a name tag. Host... As this Host moves to speak it's difficult not to cringe at the cacophony of voices that leaves it's mouth.. mouths? No no wait just one mouth..? The voices echo with different volumes, pitches, inflections. A soft little girl. A gruff man. A beastly snarl. Voices overlapping, overtaking. A choked rasp. An airy hush. 15.. even with the confusion you can hear 15 distinct voices.  "Hello! Welcome welcome my lovely little avatars. You must all be so confused but worry not my friends. I have simply gathered you all here for.. a game..."
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tma-versus · 3 years
... You do not even need to see them to feel their heavy overwhelming presence. Their figure is a blur and you have to strain yourself to even get a glimpse of how they look. Their form seems to morph and shift, never stopping or staying in one place. Sometimes a humanoid figure, sometimes a monstrous beast. Sometimes a tangible creature, sometimes an indescribable being beyond our understanding. Everyone sees something different. However, there are two constants with this being. One, a small clear, unshifting, name tag labeled "Host" and two, the fact that no matter what they look like to who, they are 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗳𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴.
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tma-versus · 3 years
Regarding the host:
"[REDACTED]..." - "They exist as a sliver in every living thing's mind. Just present enough to be noticed but not enough for your mind to comprehend." - "Apperance? They look.. grand. Like the leader, a magnificent ringleader and the world is their circus."
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tma-versus · 3 years
Regarding the host:
"PFFAHAHHHAHAHA- Oh I'm sorry my dear but you must have a death wish if you are asking for [REDACTED]" - "They like to meddle their way through every crack and crevice. Absolutely twisted. Literally twisted.. they barge into domains like they own the place." - "Oh, but you don't need them- why not join me in my wonderful maze instead? Hehehehe."
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tma-versus · 3 years
Regarding the host:
"[REDACTED]?"  - "Oh I've seen them around.. but they jump around this place so often it can be hard to keep track of even for me." - "What they look like? Ugh, don't even get me started- an absolute eyesore is what they are."
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tma-versus · 3 years
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tma-versus · 3 years
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The End] Fear of: Death
Perks: gain +3 devotion anytime someone dies. Predict who will die next and +2 devotion if guess is correct. Drawbacks: if someone does not die by the halfway mark of the game you lose one of your domains and the devotion put into it and again by the end of the game. Dread power: Target a fear with the mark of death and they will feel the dread of their possible end, affecting all their future actions and rolls.
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The Extinction] Fear of: catastrophic change, destruction of nature, destruction of humanity
Perks: Anytime a domain switches hands you gain +1 devotion. When you are around pollution you gain +1d4 to rolls Drawbacks: If you lose a domain you also lose 1 devotion. Dread power: Manipulate the weather and create a natural disaster in your favor.
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The Hunt] Fear of: being chased, being prey, being hunted
Perks: Able to turn into a beast gaining +1d4 to a roll before resting for a cycle. Drawbacks: You occasionally have quick violent outbursts. You must hunt and kill a creature every 3 days (roll a 6 on a 1d6) or lose 1 devotion for every day you fail. Dread power: Turn into an extra powerful beast with the ability to locate anything and anyone as well as largely increased strength.
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The Flesh] Fear of: being eaten/killed for meat, manipulation of the body
Perks: Eating raw meat will give you a +1d4 on rolls. You can easily contort your body in strange ways. Drawbacks: No matter what you're always in a bit of pain and must eat meat to survive. Dread power: Control and contort the flesh, bones, and body of others or yourself.
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The Web] Fear of: spiders, being controlled, being manipulated, puppets
Perks: Ability to add a +2 or -2 to anyone's roll once per day. Ability to create thin web-like puppet strings to manipulate objects. Drawbacks: You're susceptible to strong winds and are generally slower at moving. Dread power: Manipulate one of the other fears by giving a single simple command. Make them give you an item or attack another fear, or anything else you desire.
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The Corruption] Fear of: filth, disease, insects, rot, disgust
Perks: You always have a few maggot or fly companions. You get a +2 on rolls when around filth. Drawbacks: You are slowed and weakened in snow and cold weather -2 to rolls. Dread power: Call upon your insect army and gain a specific item, intel about other fears, and/or summon a wave of burrowing maggots.
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tma-versus · 3 years
[The Dark] Fear of: darkness, things hidden in the dark
Perks: Ability to scavenge at night. Ability to somewhat manipulate shadows. Drawbacks: -2 on all rolls during a sunny day Dread power: Create a complete blackout where all light is blocked
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