Wow, they do look a lot like KHADIJHA RED THUNDER. I hear SHE/HER is/are a TWENTY year old FRESHMEN who are studying ENGINEERING at Luxor University. Word is they are a(n) ARISTOCRAT student who is AGAINST The Unhinged. You should watch out because they can be GUARDED and VENGEFUL, but on the bright side they can also be CONFIDENT and WITTY. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
~ B A S I C S
NAME: Tiva Luz Okwi de la Vida Jones GOES BY: Tiva, Tee AGE: 20 BIRTHDAY: October 28th, 2001 ZODIAC: Scorpio HOMETOWN: Madrid, Spain and Manhattan, NY GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female, She/Her SEXUALITY: Lesbian MAJOR: Engineering EXTRAS: Events Committee POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, Witty NEGATIVE TRAITS: Guarded, Vengeful
~ P H Y S I C A L I T Y
FACECLAIM: Khadijha Red Thunder HEIGHT: 5′9″ BUILD: Tall and slender HAIR COLOR: Dark brown, naturally - usually dyed a honey blonde EYE COLOR: Brown GLASSES: No PIERCINGS: Septum + one in each ear lobe TATTOOS: A tiny sun and crescent moon behind her right ear STYLE: Wears a lot of jewelry - multiple necklaces, big earrings, lots of rings, and usually has on chunky doc martens to give her even more of a height advantage
~ F A M I L Y
Mother: Luciana de la Vida Rosario Dawson FC Father: Mikom Jones Michael Greyeyes FC
~ B A C K G R O U N D
Luciana de la Vida and Mikom Jones met at Luxor when they were in high school, and pretty much fell in love at first sight. The two were young, but they decided to keep dating after high school, doing long distance until Luciana found out she was pregnant. Her conservative parents were livid, but they came to an agreement for her to keep the baby, though it was under the stipulation that the de la Vida’s raised her, and Mikom was no longer in touch. So Tiva de la Vida was born, raised by her mother and grandparents. Mikom eventually showed back up in Luciana’s life, horrified that his daughter had been kept from him for years, but his relationship with Luciana hadn’t changed. After repairing that bond, and falling back in love, they got married when Tiva was five years old, staying in Spain, close to Luciana’s family, though they traveled back and forth between Spain and the US a lot.
After about five years of a happy marriage, when Tiva was sixteen, they moved back stateside - Manhattan, to be exact - closer to the Jones’ family, and allowing Tiva to learn about the other side of her family. Tiva was doted on by her maternal grandparents for her entire childhood, their over the top care for her only increasing after the move, and she is still the absolute light of their lives. Despite not caring (to put it lightly) for Mikom, they couldn’t love Tiva anymore. Likewise, she is utterly adored by her parents, especially her father, who has never felt like he made up for missing the first few years of her life, even though Tiva couldn’t remember any of that if she tried. Regardless, she has never wanted for anything, and as soon as she could desire something, someone in her family made sure to hand it over.
Tiva, much like her parents, went to Luxor for high school, but decided to take a gap year after graduating in 2020. She spent the year traveling - spent some time in Spain, but spent most of the year exploring the rest of the world, before deciding to return to Luxor. The travel program, of course, so she could continue traveling while going back to her studies.
~ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Tiva is a true diva, fitting for her name. She grew up the center of attention, and her parents and grand-parents all absolutely worshipped her, so she is used to that utter adoration. She likes to be the focus of whatever conversation she partakes in, while still staying quite guarded and not sharing much about herself.
She’s a partier, for sure. Wild child through and through. She likes to go out and dance, and while she doesn’t mind being sober to do so, she definitely likes to partake in drinking and various drugs. Prefers it, to be honest. She also very much loves attention, and has a moderately sized following on Tik Tok - where she posts videos of herself dancing, mostly (she’s a hip hop dancer) - and Instagram.
On the other hand, she’s very intelligent, and if she bothers to show up for class, she’s almost guaranteed to get a good grade, just because of how smart she is. Most people wouldn’t know it, so her brains tend to take people by surprise. Not that she’s actively trying to hide them, it’s just one of the last things she cares about.
If you like this, I will come to you to plot, or feel free to come into my DMs! Tiva wouldn’t have been around last year, but she went to Luxor for HS before that. So if she hadn’t taken a year off, she would be a sophomore this year, and those would be the Luxor HS students she graduated with.
~ W A N T E D C O N N E C T I O N S
#sorry i ended up falling asleep last night#but here she is!#like this if you'd like to plot :)#luxintro#*about
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