Nerd things. All of them. Probably more than you're looking for.
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OG Zendikar seems like a good idea. Or Worldwake. (Or if we’re being bold -- Alpha. Why stop short?)
Digital got releases of Remastered sets with Tempest remastered and amonket Remastered Do you think paper might be able to see a remixed old block turned into a standalone set?
Would people like that? And if so, what sets would you like to see?
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100% a Ranger DM -- which fits my non-DM playstyle also.
I made an awful little tag-yourself meme in MS Paint instead of planning for my one-shot that’s in an hour. Tag your DMs and call them out on how cool they are!
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Hi! Loved the prerelease! Also, could you articulate what part of RG is Destiny, in klothys?
It’s not that red/green philosophically cares about destiny. Green cares about destiny. Klothys is red/green because she has red means to achieve a green goal.
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The Valar: sooo how’s defeating Sauron going
Saruman: everything is going according to plan, don’t worry about my giant fortress and the army I’ve amassed, they’re for an unrelated project
Radagast: I named this hedgehog Sylvester :)
Gandalf: I’ve started a side business making and selling fireworks
The Blue Wizards:
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If Energy came back in a supplemental set, would you feel obliged to use the same energy economy rates?
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This is news. We knew we’d return to Kaladesh one day, but they must have figured out what they want to do with Alara.
Which plane are we more likely ro returb to: Kaladesh or Alara?
I think both have a realistic chance.
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i feel pretty glad wotc killed so few characters. I actually hate game of thrones for that rwason. actually seeing gideon die felt like crap, i felt so bad for his fans. bolas is my favorite, if he'd actually died i feel like i would've actually lost mt investment in the game. i hope they continue to treat real deaths in an impactful manner and don't do it too often. i get attached to characters, and prefer a company that keeps them around.
Death in Magic, barring necromancy and a few other obvious and reasonable magical outs that still involve profound change, has always had meaning. Outside of a few ‘deaths’ that were pretty widely recognized as being set-ups for a return (I.E. finding Ugin dead and the time travel hook of FRF) dead has typically meant dead in Magic (Bolas being the big exception). So yeah, I would prefer that it continue to be a unique event, and not done like a comic book ‘event’ that kills off characters only to bring them back in a few years.
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One concern I had with Ilharg as part of the god cycle was that A) it's very much the "odd one out" creatively and narratively and B) it means that (what seems like should be) a solid RG character has a mono R card. Are the pressures to make sure all big splashy "cycles" are true cycles that strong, or did the team conclude that "forcing" ilharg in this role wasn't that big a deal?
We felt Ilharg breaking the God cycle would upset more players than him not being red/green.
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Any chance of us ever meeting Worzel or Thomil on a card?
There’s always a chance. The topic has come up in the Pit numerous times.
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Modern Horizons has the restriction of "All re-prints have to be non-modern-legal cards." Can you speak a bit on how that came to be? It seems like a bad restriction (as opposed to good creativity-inducing restrictions).
There are many sets where we can reprint Modern-legal cards. There is one set where we can make a reprint become Modern-legal by including it, so we opted to take advantage of that unique opportunity.
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I just wanted to point out that it's impossible for Ugin to share a colour with his previous card.
You got me. : )
Neither Ugin nor Karn will share a color with their previous planeswalker cards.
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If event sets are based around a single event, weren't Hour of Devastation and Aether Revolt also event sets?
Event sets are about focusing on an event over focusing on a world. You’ll have to wait and see War of the Spark to understand the difference. It’s about a higher percentage of cards focusing on the event.
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On the topic of Guild names having Slavic roots. Even if unintentional, it's kinda interesting how some of them make a lot of sense in Russian: Boros ~ borotsa (to fight/struggle) Izzet ~ izobretat' (to invent) Selesnya ~ naselenye (population) Rakdos ~ radost' (joy) Simic ~ semeika (family, but in a diminutive/pejorative form) Orzhov just sounds like a generic surname, like a mafia family Some are a bit of a stretch, but still thought I'd share :D
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This is the best case scenario. The khans’ clans (especially as they’ve been transformed by oppression) vs the dragons is a much more interesting tension than *no* dragons (or even just a literal return to FRF -- which was a great set btw).
Return to Tarkir with the old clans?
Return to the alternate timeline is a Minor If, but return and the clans play a role in the current timeline is a Major When.
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Still hoping for shamanic animal gods.
Why do all creatures with the creature type God not have any other creature types in addition to the God type?
In Theros, we couldn’t fit anything else because of “Legendary Enchantment Creature” and it became the precedent.
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Something in the spirit of the block. It wouldn’t have to be a specific set.
Lots of people have been asking for a supplemental Plans Chaos. How about a supplemental Time Spiral or a supplemental Future Sight?
Let’s take a poll. Would you like a supplemental Time Spiral? How about a supplemental Future Sight? If yes to both, which would you like more?
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Let me correct myself: from a Vorthos perspective, the focus on Ghirapur was suboptimal at best. Not your department tho. Deeper settings always please.
If you could erase everyone's memories of one particular mechanic, set, or plane and introduce it to us again, which would you choose?
I’d like a second first shot at Kaladesh.
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