tiredbuckybarnes · 1 year
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tiredbuckybarnes · 1 year
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tiredbuckybarnes · 2 years
sorry I haven't talked in a while. no you did nothing wrong I just fundamentally lost the ability to connect to all living things by the time I graduated high school for some reason
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tiredbuckybarnes · 2 years
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tiredbuckybarnes · 2 years
doomed by the narrative and haunted by the narrative and a secret third thing (narrating the narrative)
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tiredbuckybarnes · 2 years
very high concentration of good dialogue in this 30 sec clip
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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hella rad retro bucky for @hopeless–geek​ 😎
see them all here! (#my palettes)
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
please be gentle to your pets, they trust you so much and believe that whatever youre doing for them is the best thing. they trust you to be kind and benevolent. small critter or otherwise, you have the trust of this animal, and i implore you to be gentle and decent. don’t betray that trust
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
dance fucker dance like you never had a chance
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
Dog names: Spot, Bella, Bailey, Charlie, Daisy
Cat names: Princess, Whiskers, Tony, Tiger, Missy
Horse names: Infinite Sleep, Can Do Without Moving, Thirty Giant Children, The Void Is Among The Spirit Realm, Aaaaaaaaaawesome Man, Cloud Computing
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
Bad Moon
Addictions, insecurities, habits, and the unconscious side of the personality – May I present to you the negative aspects of the Moon in the signs:
Aries: the Firestarter; loud, bossy behavior looks for a battleground to defend against boredom and personal attacks on the ego; short-lived and short-tempered feelings and impulses cause emotional volatility and childish tantrums; addicted to action and anarchy.
Taurus: the Sensualist; resistant to force or change, the slothful temperament, with sedentary and stubborn feelings, is unable to forgive or see impartially; gluttonous appetite desires constant comfort resulting in snobbish and bratty behavior; addicted to indulgence and the familiar.
Gemini: the Busybody; feelings are imitated and analyzed, and prying curiosity looks for trouble and disorder to soothe inner restlessness; moody mischief maker with an inability to connect deeply due to extreme shallowness; addicted to questions and commotion.
Cancer: the Grudge; lack of boundaries and objectivity, and inability to let go of antique injuries leads to sulking, accusing, and doubting behaviors; clinging dependency and subtle manipulation stemming from fear of abandonment result in irrationality; addicted to the past and pity.
Leo: the Autocrat; haughty temperament vulnerable to rejection and criticism demands obedience and attention from others; excessively self-serving and inconsiderate, emotional displays and reactions are over-the-top and intended to draw a crowd; addicted to theatrics and threats.
Virgo: the Skeptic; feelings are sterilized with cold, critical judgement and stringent handling to avoid the spread of infectious mysticism and foolishness; suspended affections and harbored hatreds build and cause anxiety, hairsplitting and complaining; addicted to routine and practicality.
Libra: the Politician; preoccupied with unattainable perfection, the fear of being disliked or considered unfair or ugly force artificial reactions and passive aggressive behaviors; emotional indecisiveness and uncertainty results in multiple mood swings; addicted to idealism and partnerships.
Scorpio: the Sadist; vulnerability and unmentionable motivations are fanatically concealed in attempts to keep jealousy, bitterness, and a fear of betrayal secret; obsessively searches for ways to test strength through emotional manipulation and pain-inflicting challenges; addicted to payback and power.
Sagittarius: The Maniac; fugitive from restriction and monotony, runs wildly from the gravity of reality to the falsehoods of fiction; unequipped to handle sincerity and consistency which results in the inability to ground down and take things seriously; addicted to risk and popularity.  
Capricorn: the Control Freak; inner core is guarded by rigid routines and restraint which hardens the view of self, forcing deep self-doubt and distrust of modernization; will attempt to unscrupulously manage and control the emotions; addicted to suspicion and structure.
Aquarius: The Nuclear Bomb; feelings are ignored and blocked by the brain until logic and equanimity spontaneously split from consciousness, resulting in a cataclysmic and unexpected release of emotions; thermonuclear implosion of immaturity that directly opposes civilized composure; addicted to absent-mindedness and analysis.
Pisces: the Masochistic Martyr; self-sabotage and suffering act as anesthesia to limit the experience of pain in hopes of numbing the senses and calming nerves; evasion and deception of self & others are used to avoid responsibility and reality; addicted to fantasy and escapism.
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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tiredbuckybarnes · 7 years
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“Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends.”
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