j e n n a f i t c h. fifteen but not for long. I'm a fish right out of the ocean. “We turn skeletons into goddesses and look to them as if they might teach us how not to need.”
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Uh, yeah - we shouldn't.

And she obiviously couldn’t give a fuck about us, so why should we care about her?
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I believe in serial killers maybe, but not monsters. If there was a serial killer lurking about Northwood, I'm pretty sure somebody would know already.

In the closet, then? I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to double check.

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There's no monsters under my bed.
Ya sure about that, short stuff?
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Yeah, I'm not that much of a child.

Neither do the girls who do. Might wanna check under your bed tonight. Monsters and all that.

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I get why people are worrying about her; but it's not like she's dead. She just left.

I am too, which says something. Never liked it here, and now that the whole town’s got their panties in a bunch over Ellis it’s turned into the goddamn doldrums.
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Yeah, I don't even like horror movies. I really do not wanna star in one.

It’s all the trees. It’s like we’re in every horror movie set in the woods ever.

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I'm starting to hate this place more and more every day.
Oh, believe me, it’s not just you. It’s fucking terrifying.
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Definitely, I had an exact moment like that when I walked out of the studio a few days ago. It was later than usual.
Oh no, definitely isn’t just you. It’s like one of those horror movies where something terrifying happens when it gets quiet; when the music pauses.
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Wow, you speak the truth well. I just wish everybody thought this way, it would probably be better.
Well yeah. Either ends of the spectrum suck. You either feel alone and rejected, or you’re going through all your cash to buy flowers that’ll die in a week or chocolates that’ll only be half eaten because you only like two of the fifteen choices.
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Is it just me who thinks there is something awfully creepy about Northwood when it's quiet?
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Oh, I'm not bummed. I just don't understand the fuss, that's all.
True. So, bummed about not having any V-day plans or just bummed in general?
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I'm sure I'll figure that one out for myself if I haven't already.

Well, yeah. I’m not going to be the one to tell a freshman that love doesn’t exist, though.

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Well, I don't know. It's just one of those things that people have a strong opinion about. Plus it has the ability to make people feel extra lonely.

I never really got why people feel so strongly about Valentine’s Day, holy shit. It’s just a day. Except with more chocolate and sex. Why do people always have to love it or hate it?
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It doesn't deserve to even be called a holiday. I'm pretty sure there's more people out there who hate it than love it.

I think the only thing good about it is the day after chocolate sales.
Other than that, completely useless holiday.
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Don't know why people even bother as much as they do.
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