Talking Marketing by Tipiktj
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Marketing Geek & Entrepreneur , I bring a personal and effective approach to every project i work on, here i write , translate everything related to Marketing & Business World.
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tipiktj · 1 year ago
علاقة التسويق وتحليل البيانات: كيف يشكل البيانات المدروسة أساسًا لاستراتيجيات التسويق الفعالة
في عصر التكنولوجيا الرقمية، أصبح تحليل البيانات أحد أهم الأدوات التي تساعد الشركات على فهم سلوك العملاء وتحسين استراتيجيات التسويق. يمكن أن تكون علاقة التسويق وتحليل البيانات مفتاحاً لنجاح الأعمال في السوق الحديثة
الجزء الأول: دور تحليل البيانات في استراتيجيات التسويق:
تحسين تجربة العملاء:
من خلال تحليل البيانات، يمكن للشركات فهم توقعات العملاء ورغباتهم بشكل أفضل، مما يتيح لهم تصميم تجارب مخصصة ومثيرة للاهتمام.
تحديد الجمهور المستهدف:
يمكن لتحليل البيانات تحديد الجمهور المستهدف بدقة، مما يسمح للشركات بتوجيه جهودها التسويقية بشكل أفضل واستخدام الموارد بكفاءة.
تحسين استراتيجيات التسويق الرقمي:
بفهم البيانات الرقمية وأداء الحملات عبر الإنترنت، يمكن للشركات تحسين استراتيجيات التسويق الرقمي وزيادة معدلات التحويل.
الجزء الثاني: كيفية تطبيق تحليل البيانات في استراتيجيات التسويق:
استخدام أنظمة إدارة العلاقات مع العملاء (CRM):
توفير منصات CRM تمكن الشركات من جمع وتحليل البيانات حول العملاء، مما يسهل تخصيص العروض وتحسين التواصل.
استخدام تقنيات التعلم الآلي والذكاء الاصطناعي:
تسمح هذه التقنيات بتحليل البيانات بشكل أسرع وأدق، مما يمكن الشركات من اتخاذ قرارات أفضل وتحسين استراتيجيات التسويق.
قياس ومراقبة الأداء:
يسمح تحليل البيانات بقياس أداء حملات التسويق وتحديد ما إذا كانت تحقق النتائج المرجوة، وفي حال عدم ذلك، يمكن إجراء التعديلات اللازمة
الجزء الثالث: استفادة مستدامة من تحليل البيانات في التسويق:
التحسين المستمر:
يجب على الشركات الاستفادة من التحليل المستمر للبيانات لتحسين استراتيجيات التسويق ومواكبة التغييرات في سلوك العملاء.
الابتكار في المنتجات والخدمات:
من خلال فهم توقعات العملاء واحتياجاتهم، يمكن للشركات تطوير منتجات وخدمات جديدة تلبي تلك الاحتياجات.
باستخدام تحليل البيانات بشكل فعال، يمكن للشركات تحسين استراتيجيات التسويق وتحقيق نجاح أفضل في الأسواق المتنافسة. يجب أن تكون هذه العملية مستمرة لمواكبة التطورات وتحقيق النجاح على المدى الطويل.
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tipiktj · 1 year ago
The Importance of Feasibility Studies: Ensuring Business Success
The Importance of Feasibility Studies: Ensuring Business Success
Starting a new business or undertaking a major project involves numerous risks and uncertainties. To navigate these challenges and increase the likelihood of success, it is crucial to conduct a feasibility study. A feasibility study is a comprehensive evaluation that assesses the viability and potential of a business idea or project. In this article, we explore the importance of feasibility studies in ensuring business success.
1. Evaluating Viability: A feasibility study helps determine the feasibility of a proposed business venture. It examines key factors such as market demand, competition, potential customers, and industry trends. By conducting thorough research and analysis, it provides insights into whether the project is viable and likely to succeed. This evaluation prevents entrepreneurs from pursuing ventures that may have little potential or high risks.
2. Identifying Potential Risks: Feasibility studies play a vital role in risk identification and mitigation. By conducting a detailed analysis of various aspects, including finance, market dynamics, regulations, and operational challenges, potential risks become evident. This allows entrepreneurs to develop contingency plans and strategies to overcome or minimize these risks. By understanding the potential obstacles early on, businesses can adapt and make informed decisions to ensure success.
3. Informed Decision-Making: Feasibility studies provide decision-makers with detailed information, data, and recommendations. These studies offer objective insights that go beyond mere intuition or guesswork. Decision-makers can rely on the findings of the feasibility study to make informed choices about whether to proceed, make modifications, or halt a project. This reliance on concrete data significantly increases the chances of making the right decisions that align with the business's goals and objectives.
4. Attracting Investors and Financial Support: Investors and financial institutions often require a feasibility study before committing funds to a project. These stakeholders want to ensure that their investment has a high probability of success. A comprehensive feasibility study acts as evidence that the project has been thoroughly analyzed and has the potential for a good return on investment. It showcases a clear understanding of market dynamics, potential customers, financial projections, and growth possibilities, making it easier to attract financial support.
5. Effective Resource Allocation: Feasibility studies help businesses understand the resources required for a project's success. Whether it's financial investments, manpower, technology, or infrastructure, a feasibility study identifies the resources needed and their availability. This enables effective resource allocation, ensuring that the right resources are allocated at the right time. Proper planning and allocation prevent resource shortages, unnecessary expenses, and delays, ultimately ensuring smooth project implementation.
6. Cost Savings: Conducting a feasibility study can save businesses significant costs in the long run. By identifying potential challenges, risks, and limitations early on, businesses can make adjustments, explore alternatives, or even decide not to proceed with a project that may not be economically viable. This proactive approach prevents wasted expenses on unfruitful endeavors and redirects resources towards projects with better prospects.
In conclusion, feasibility studies are indispensable in ensuring business success. By evaluating viability, identifying risks, supporting informed decision-making, attracting investors, enabling effective resource allocation, and saving costs, feasibility studies provide a solid foundation for successful business ventures. At Virtual Wafi Services, we specialize in providing high-quality feasibility studies that allow you to make well-informed decisions and increase your chances of achieving long-term success. Contact us today to learn how our expertise can benefit your business.
Written by Talal Mohd @TipikTJ
Specialist in Marketing and Entrepreneur virtual wafi @virtualwafi
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tipiktj · 2 years ago
أخطاء التسويق في العطلات والمناسبات الرسمية
وظيفة المسوق لا تنتهي أبدا. من السهل ارتكاب أخطاء بسيطة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتسويق خاصة أثناء .زحمة وصخب الأعياد والمناسبات الرسمية كيوم العلم واليوم الوطني .. الخ , على الرغم من أنه من الجيد الدخول في روح الموسم والاستمتاع ، يجب ألا تنسى أن العمل التجاري على المحك. يمكن أن تؤدي الأخطاء التسويقية البسيطة التي يتم ارتكابها خلال العطلات إلى إحباط خطة التسويق الخاصة بك مدى الحياة. لذا ، فلنتحدث عن ثلاث أفكار بسيطة لإبقائها احتفالية مع عدم خسارة العمل خلال العطلات.
  1-      إهمال أو تجاهل وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي خلال موسم العطلات
تعد وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي من العوامل التي أثبتت جدواها في تغيير قواعد اللعبة بالنسبة للعديد من الشركات الصغيرة. من بعض النواحي ، يمكن اعتبار التسويق في العطلات على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي نشاطًا على مدار العام. إذا كنت غائبًا قبل موسم العطلات وخلاله ، فقد ينسى الناس كل شيء عنك. بعيد عن الأنظار بعيد عن الفكر. يساعد كونك متاحًا لجمهورك على بناء الثقة والتعرف على الاسم والبراند الخاص بك ، مما قد يساعد عملك ع��دما يحين الوقت لاتخاذ قرارات الشراء الخاصة بهم.
 هناك عدة طرق جيدة لإعلام جمهورك بأنك تشعر بالاحتفال والاستعداد لموسم العطلات والمواسم الرسمية. على سبيل المثال ، يمكنك تجميل صفحات Facebook و Twitter وتغطية الصور برسومات وموضوعات العطلات . يعطي هذا الامر انطباعا بأنك جزء اساسي من هذه المناسبة ايا كان مسماها ويساعد جمهورك على الانخراط في روح العطلة أيضًا.
 2-      اتخاذ خيارات سيئة عند إرسال رسائل بريد إلكتروني تسويقية في العطلات
يمكن أن يكون التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني أفضل صديق لأصحاب الأعمال الصغيرة في أي وقت من السنة. إنه خيار شائع وغالبًا ما يكون فعالًا للوصول إلى جمهورك ، لا سيما خلال العطلات. ومع ذلك ، سترغب بالتأكيد في تجنب ارتكاب أخطاء بالبريد الإلكتروني مثل ما يلي ، خاصةً خلال موسم العطلات. خلاف ذلك ، قد تخاطر بفقدان العملاء المحتملين في المستقبل:
 -          البريد العشوائي
-          أن تكون الرسائل ترويجية بشكل مفرط في سطر الموضوع الخاص بك
-          استخدام روابط غير صحيحة أو معطلة إلى موقع الويب الخاص بك في بريدك الإلكتروني
-          تضمين مرسل "مجهول الهوية"
-          تضمين الكثير من المحتوى غير ذي الصلة أو غير المجدي في نص بريدك الإلكتروني
 3-      عدم تذكر عملائك المخلصين خلال موسم العطلات
أثناء وضع الخطط لزيادة مبيعات نشاطك التجاري خلال العطلات ، تأكد من الوصول إلى عملائك الحاليين أيضًا. قد تكون بالفعل تتواصل معهم بانتظام وتتعامل مع أي من أسئلتهم و / أو مشكلاتهم على مدار العام. توفر العطلات وقتًا مثاليًا لتظهر لهم مدى تقديرك لممارسة الأعمال التجارية معك. قد يؤدي عدم تذكرهم إلى تركك لمؤسسة أخرى ستظهر لهم التقدير الذي يستحقونه.اذن هل انت جاه�� أم لا ، موسم الأعياد والمناسبات هنا ! تابع أهدافك ولكن لا تفقد العملاء القيمين في هذه العملية. يمكن لشهرين من "المرح" التأثير على عملك إذا لم تكن حريصًا. لذا ، اتبع ذلك ، وكن احتفاليًا واحتفظ بهؤلاء العملاء في موسم الأعياد والمواسم دوما ..
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tipiktj · 4 years ago
Human Nosedive Between reality and fantasy
In the third season of the famous series on Netflix "Black Mirror", The main theme of "Black Mirror" plays on looking ahead for a bright future for human in light of the high technological developments and its struggle with the human nature that leads to its destruction. The first episode of the third season came to bear the idea that we currently live in reality, which can be summarized under the title "The Deceptive Face of Virtual Life" or as described by the writer of ​​the episode, Charlie Broker, "It silences the idea of ​​acceptance and the image that we like to draw on ourselves to show it to others." What is different in this episode is that it is very close to our current reality - unlike most of the episodes of the series that depend on forward looking after decades - but the "Nosedive" episode is not completely far from what we currently live in, and our "killer" feelings towards our virtual life.
At the beginning of the episode, we get to know the sweet girl "Lycee" in the way that people get to know each other in this imaginative world through evaluation numbers (Lycee points 4.2). All the characters in this world have evaluation numbers that they get through their dealings with each other, even if there is no relationship that brings them together. These evaluations increase each person’s numbers and thus his evaluation, and the most ideal is certainly who is his evaluation 5. This case is not very different from what we encounter now in the reality of the virtual world, who contains his account on ten friends, in any social networking site, certainly differs from who owns One hundred, and the higher the number, the higher the evaluation.
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I watched a lecture on the TEDx Videos on YouTube , Bailey Jarnell - Top 100 Most Powerful Women. She is an award-winning digital marketer, public speaker and businesswoman with a talent for helping people tell better stories and specializes in digital marketing - says that one of the causes of stress due to social media is what she called "social currency", which according to her definition is like the dollar, she says: "it is a currency that you literally use to value a good or service On social media, these likes, comments and posts have become a picture of the social currency and on this basis we give things their value, which is called marketing economy of interest. This limited interest becomes a valuable recorded process, which is great when we sell albums or clothes, but the problem with networking is that we are the product. " This really applies to our virtual lives and to what was presented by the episode "Nosedive", as we seek to attract attention, to turn ourselves into human goods that inspire the admiration of everyone, even if the image is fake, and because the image language has a central weight in our lives, the final shot is summarized in Episode All That Bailey Jarnell Wants To Say. For more on this watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czg_9C7gw0o Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? | Bailey Parnell.
While watching "Black Mirror" episodes, we are accustomed to the gray colors that reflect the symbolism of the depressing future, but this episode, on the contrary, differs in its colors. Those around them also have the same degrees. These colors are not real, they are like fake pictures that decorate virtual reality, these colors we know from Instagram filters, Snapchat , tiktok filters or photo editing programs that improve our real photos, to turn this world into pink pictures that resemble advertising posters, or the image of dreams that we see in sleep, Or alertness, but it's certainly not the reality, it's the nightmare in which the heroine wants to live.
The music also added a dreamy atmosphere in keeping with the rosy picture of the life of the heroine in this virtual world, something that we are not used to in “Black Mirror” episodes, and music was used in the first half of the episode in which Lacey’s dreams flourished. "Before everything turned against her. A golden opportunity came to "Lacey" to rise from 4.2 to a higher evaluation than that, which is a wedding celebration of her childhood friend Naomi, who has a rating of 4.8. Because her obsession with ratings began to dominate her, she even accused her brother of failing in his life because his ratings 3.
 The cruel aspect of the world of this episode is that a few evaluations of a person mean a lot, as their negative effects are reflected in all aspects of his life. For example, the owner of the evaluation of 1 or 2 may not open the doors of the shops, and he may not be allowed to walk freely in the streets, because People will treat him like an outcast, and he will get less ratings from them even if they don't know him, he will not be able to book flights, and he will lose opportunities to go out on romantic dates, and of course he will lose his friends like "Chester" Lacy's fellow in the work who lost his ratings after he split up From his Lover, so that all coworkers decided to give him low ratings, and to turn his life into hell, and everyone begged with him to restore his good ratings again.
 After Lacey failed to reach her friend's wedding, she could not conceal her feelings, she announced her anger, and she lost her temper, which caused her annoyance around her, which led to giving her low ratings that reduced her overall evaluation, turning from 4.3 to 2.8, which made her psychologically pressured , it increased her insistence to go to the wedding again to regain some high evaluations, this phobia is a phobia that affects a person when he feels a loss of his position in society, as if he misses a social event, or his contact with others decreases, which is reflected in his psychological effects, so he feels fear, stress and gets hurt Depressed.
On her wedding trip Lacey in the last half of the episode, the Bastille grades began to fade into darkness and gradually return to grayscale. On the way, Lacey meets a woman named Suzan, who offers to deliver her to her nearest station. Lacey refuses to help her - although everyone refused her because her evaluation is low - only because this lady evaluates her differently, but Lacey accepts her lack of trick. The woman spoke to her about her life before her evaluations decreased and that her excessive frankness and anger after the death of her husband, who suffers from cancer, caused her evaluations to decrease and people hate her, but in the end she did not regret her losing these hypocrites. Lacey refused to be like Suzan, she refused to take off the dress of this world because she became addicted to her and did not imagine her life without him, but after arriving at the wedding and she had lost everything she was unable to conceal her angry feelings, she revealed the true face of her friend Naomi and the truth Her relationship with her was not as good as she claimed.
All this imagination raises fears within us of the future, but what really increases this fear is that this life system will actually become reality. For example, since 2018 the Chinese government has planned to implement a social credit system whose purpose is to assess the eligibility of trust in the Chinese people, which amounts to about 1.4 billion people. , And it will start at the end of 2021, but it has already started tentatively / experimental in Soju. The nature of the system gives each citizen 100 points in his account related to his identity card or his account on social media, so if the individual does a good thing like volunteering in a charity or contributing to recycling garbage, donating blood, or sending positive messages about his country through the communication sites, then His reviews will increase and in return he will get a free subscription to the gym and discounts on public transportation tickets and fewer waiting times in hospitals, either if he does bad things like crossing the traffic lights while they are open, or cancel reservations or books of comments or incorrect assessments on any service or even dealings With someone with fewer reviews, his ratings will be reduced, he will be punished with canceling flight reservations easily, he will get lower internet speeds and will be prevented from booking in restaurants that will be limited to those with high ratings only.
Although this episode is on the surface of the third season of the Black Mirror series as a nice episode compared to the upcoming episodes that show the unknown future, it is still a strong and emotional slap in the face of the viewers. While most of Charlie Brooker’s work is based in essence on the future question “What if,” this episode is a demonstration - with brightly colored aspects - of the life we ​​are heading towards, with little insight. Yesterday, we depended on the fact that our electronic life is adjustable, including our speech, our outward appearance, and our mental health, but it is impossible to keep up with this comic drama in our real life unless our goal in life is to lose self-esteem. The thin line between maintaining an outward appearance and true self-esteem is gradually becoming disorganized in this era; This episode aims to warn the viewer of the consequences of this fade.
 Today, more than 4 billion people are using the Internet, and most of the youth of this generation spend most of their time on social media, sharing our personal and professional feelings and accomplishments through the Internet, and preserving our documents no matter how important they are through it as well, this is a type of addiction that does not seem to be able to Stop it, prevention therapy doesn't make sense here, harm reduction is our greatest hope at the current stage, and what Charlie Brock writes seems to be a detailed guide to what to prepare for.
Finally, can we close our eyes and claim that what is happening in this Science Fiction series is just a fantasy, can we guarantee that this will not happen personally to each of us?
Written by Talal Mohd @TipikTJ
Specialist in Marketing and Entrepreneur
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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Instead of using technology to automate processes, think about using technology to enhance human interaction – Tony Zambito
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
المزيج التسويقي من ال 4 الى ال 7
التسويق هو الانضباط المتطور باستمرار، وعلى هذا النحو يمكن أن تجد الشركات نفسها قد تخلفت كثيرا وراء المنافسة إذا كانت لا تزال على نفس الوضع ونفس الفكر لفترة طويلة جدا. ومن الأمثلة على هذا التطور التغيرات الأساسية في مزيج التسويق الأساسي , حيث سابقا كان هناك 4 عناصر للمزيج التسويقي فقط ، لكن في الوقت الحاضر اصبح اكثر شيوعا قبول التطور في المزيج التسويقي ليصبح 7 عناصر فاضافت بذلك يضيف طبقة إضافية من عمق الحاجة إلى المزيج التسويقي مع بعض المنظرين .
وقبل أن نمضي في التوضيح لنتذكر ما هو المزيج التسويقي وما هو المبدأ الأصلي للعناصر ال 4 المكونة لهذا المزيج ؟
المزيج التسويقي
ببساطة المزيج التسويقي هو أداة تستخدم من قبل الشركات والمسوقين للمساعدة في تحديد المنتج أو العلامات التجارية التي تقدم. ارتبطت العناصر الاربعة بالمزيج التسويقي منذ وضعها بواسطة البرفسيور ادمون جيرمي مكارثي في عام 1960 م .
(هذا احد اهم اسباب تطوير النظرية التي ظلت كما هي من الستينات) .
العناصر الاربعة في المزيج التسويقي 4Ps :
 المنتج هو أي سلعة أو خدمة تنتج على نطاق واسع من قبل شركة أو مصنع بكميات محددة. و يقصد بالمنتج في مفهومه الضيق كل شيء مادي، أو له خصائص مادية يتم بيعه إلى المشتري في السوق. إلا أن المنتج في مفهومه الواسع – وفي إطار علم التسويق- هو كل شيء مادي ملموس أو غير ملموس، يتلقاه الفرد من خلال عمليات التبادل. بمعنى أن المنتج عبارة عن حزمة من خصائص ملموسة وغير ملموسة تنطوي على فوائد أو منافع وظيفية واجتماعية ونفسية.
 هو المكان الذي يتم فيه بيع المنتج كما يشمل أيضاً طرق توزيع المنتج وايصاله إلى المشتريين والكيفية التي تصل بها السلع أو الخدمات إلى العميل المرتقب في المكان والوقت المناسبين والكيفية التي تضمن إدراكها وضمان عملية التبادل من جانب المستهلك أو المشتري الصناعي ويتمشى نشاط التوزيع مع العديد من الأنشطة المركبة والتي تتمثل في أنشطة التوزيع المادي " اللوجستيه " للسلع والخدمات مثل النقل والمناولة والتخزين واختيار الإستراتيجية الملائمة للتوزيع بشكل مباشر أو عن طريق وسطاء.
السعر هو مقدار ما يدفعه الزبون أو المشتري لقاء المنتج. وقد يعرف السعر بأنه القيمة التي يدفعها المستهلك لبائع السلعة أو الخدمة لقاء الحصول عليها، وفي هذا المعنى يقصد بالسعر : الوحدات النقدية التي يحددها البائع ويرتضى قبولها لقاء السلعة أو الخدمة. ويتم تحديد السعر بعد دراسة عدد من المتغيرات مثل : المنافسة، سعر المواد الخام، هوية المنتج، التقدير المسبق للسعر من قيل المشتري. و يعرف السعر أيضا بأنه تلك القيمة التي تم تحديدها من قبل البائع ثمناً لسلعته أوخدمته، ويعرف أيضاً على أنه فن ترجمة قيمة السلعة أو الخدمة في وقت ما إلى قيمة نقدية، فعندما يدفع المستهلك ثمناً لسلعة أو لخدمة يشتريها فلن يحصل في مقابل هذا الثمن على السلعة أو الخدمة فحسب، بل سيحصل أيضاً على كل ما يقدم مع السلعة من خدمة وإصلاح وصيانة، كما سيحصل على اسم وعلامة تجارية مشهورة وسيحصل على شروط مناسبة للدفع.
 ويشمل جميع نشاطات الاتصال مع الزبائن من الاعلانات، العلاقات العامة، ترويج المبيعات، البريد المباشر، التسويق الخفي. ويتدخل الترويج في جميع ما سبق ذكره من العناصر فمثلاً يتدخل في شكل المنتج وحجمه. كما أن كافة م��روفات الترويج يجب أن تكون مشمولة في عملية تحديد السعر بالإضافة إلى ان مكان الترويج له اهمية بالغة في نجاحه.
في أواخر السبعينات، كان من المسلم به على نطاق واسع من قبل المسوقين أنه يجب تحديث المزيج التسويقي. أدى هذا إلى استحداث المزيج التسويقي الموسع في عام 1981 من قبل كلا بيرنارد بوومز ماري بيتنر الذين أضافا 3 عناصر جديدة لمبدأ المزيج التسويقي وعناصره الاربعة. وهذا بدوره سمح لان يشمل المزيج التسويقي الموسع ليشمل المنتجات التي هي في الاصل خدمات وليست أشياء مادبة ملموسة فقط.
العناصر الاضافية في المزيج التسويقي الموسع :
 تعتمد جميع الشركات على الأشخاص الذين يديرونها من موظفي المبيعات في الخطوط الأمامية إلى العضو المنتدب. فلذلك وجود الأشخاص المناسبين أمر ضروري لأنهم يشكلون جزءا من عرض نشاطك التجاري كمنتجات / خدمات تقدمها.
 الاليه في تقديم الخدمة وسلوك القائمين على تقديمها هي عوامل تأثير مهمة على درجة رضا العميل، فأمور كوقت الانتظار ونوع ودقة المعلومات التي تعطى للعميل، وأقصى درجات المساعدة التي يقدمها الموظفون للعملاء, كل ذلك عوامل مساعدة على جعل العميل سعيدا ويشعر بالرضا.
 (Physical Evidence)
 وتشمل جميع الخدمات تقريبا بعض العناصر المادية حتى لو كان الجزء الأكبر مما يدفعه المستهلك غير ملموس. على سبيل المثال صالون تصفيف الشعر سيوفر لعملائه تسريحة كاملة، وستقدم شركة تأمين لعملائها شكلا من أشكال المواد المطبوعة. وحتى إذا لم تطبع المادة جسديا (في حالة ملفات PDF) فإنها لا تزال تتلقى "منتجا ماديا" بموجب هذا التعريف.
و على الرغم من أن المزيج التسويقي الموسع استحدث في الثمانينات الا انها لا تزال تدرس على نطاق واسع نظرا لان منطقها الأساسي يجري بصورة سليمة في بيئة التسويق والمسوقين وتعطي القدرة على التكيف مع عناصر المزيج التسويقي المختلفة لتشمل التغييرات في الاتصالات مثل وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الحديثة والتحديثات المستمرة في الأماكن التي يمكنك بيع منتج أو خدمة أو توقعات العملاء في بيئة تجارية متغيرة باستمرار.
 هل هناك عنصر ثامن ؟
بعض المختصين في التسويق ضمن الافكار المتجددة اضافوا عنصر ثامن وهو الإنتاجية والجودة (Productivity and Quality) . وجاء هذا من مزيج الخدمات القديم كعنصر اضافي ولكن غير معلن فماذا يعني ذلك؟
العنصر الثامن من عناصر المزيج التسويقي :
(Productivity and Quality)
هذا العنصر يسأل اذا ماكنت تقدم لعميلك صفقة جيدة ؟ هذا الامر قليل منه يركز على كونك منشأه تقوم بتطوير انتاجيتك وتحسينها لادارة التكاليف , وكثير منه عبارة عن كيفية توضيح وتمرير هذه الامور للعميل.  
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رابط المقالة على موقع ماركيتيرز - بيت التسويق
كتبه طلال جول   @TipikTJ
متخصص في التسويق ورائد أعمال
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
How to build a successful business without any financial investment
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Some may imagine that successful companies are the ones who own the capital or large investments only, but with the growth and spread of the Internet and its connection to many services and businesses, it became clear that there is a new sector of business is based heavily on the human element in its composition and its direct link to people's lives and business.
But what are the goods sold by this new sector of business without any financial investment ??
Quite simply, blogging is what this new sector is selling ... .. yes blogging (knowledge is the capital of successful)
Blogging is the secret that has risen so much from the submerged to the world of fame and also revealed a lot of deputies in various fields.
And from here the blog is the place to give you the opportunity to build your own brand. This low cost tool enables you to present your ideas and possibilities as well as start a journey from building your followers list which ultimately is considered your customers.
And I am sure that dear reader will come to your mind. How can I build a blog that will benefit me in the long term ?
1 - Specialization:
Make a list of all the points you can write based on your knowledge and experience in the field where you want to write it and know precisely and exactly who your customers are or your followers are marketers or financials or can be programmers. Concentrate and do not branch out widely in an attempt to achieve phenomenal growth because here you will move from specialized blogging to a display of public information, and public information can be accessed anywhere and you do not have to go back to your blog.
2 - Using Social Media:
Make it easy for those who follow you to get your new blog by using Digital Marketing methods such as signing up for your blog's e-mail list, building your Facebook page and other tools. Use the most popular platforms such as WordPress or Blogger or other platforms to help you publish your topics.
3 - Learn from the mistakes of others
Take advantage of the experience of famous bloggers in your field by following them accurately and learn from their mistakes and do not repeat or copy their subjects without permission of them, the world is full of talented bloggers.
4 - Select Highlights Topics
Make sure that you follow the headlines of your blogs and make sure to enrich them with all the necessary sources and references based on your deep understanding and great experience in creating and possessing knowledge. At first, these questions may arise in social networking sites such as Twitter or other specialized social networking platforms.
5 - Consult who they are most experienced with
Advice is ever in want - where people return to any decision related to the purchase, for example, to consult more than one person and to return to more than one expert to make sure that they have already made the decision to buy the right and reduced the risk of loss, why not be dear reader of one of These advisers.
6 - Creativity and perseverance
Make your blog a window for innovation and creativity, where bloggers provide ideas and solutions that benefit many researchers as well as those who are interested in a product or activity, such as marketing or investment, but what creative bloggers provide is quite different. They offer blogs that have not been followed or passed on successfully. Through the translation processes and here highlights outstanding posts and are involved in most platforms of social communication and thus increase the number of followers of bloggers, which is characterized by creativity and originality in the content and content.
A lot of bloggers are now earning a lot of money through their blogs and websites and a place yesterday a blog that has a few followers may become tomorrow one of your most important sources of permanent income, and this list of the most profitable blogs in the world where it earns thousands of dollars on a daily basis More than a million.
Think carefully about your potential and abilities and start blogging today and develop your skills in writing. In order to be a good writer, you have to be an excellent communicator.
In Arabic By Akram Alodini   @AkramAlodini    
Specialist in Digital Marketing and Blogger       
Translated into English By Talal Gul @TipikTJ Specialist in Marketing and Entrepreneur
The Orginal Artical Link:
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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The giants of #DigitalMarketing in America according to revenues
1. #Google $ 35 billion 
2. #Facebook $ 17.37 billion 
3. #Microsoft $ 3.6 billion 
4. #Oath $ 3.6 billion 
5. #Amazon $ 1.65 billion 
6. #Twitter $ 1.16 billion 
Google and Facebook dominate more than 63% of the market
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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In the first forecast issued by #eMarketer on #Instagram - Instagram will reach 927.9 million users by 2021 - The recent growth was the result of updates and features added to story - #Advertising revenue will rise from $ 4.10 billion in 2017 to $ 10.87 billion by 2019 #Marketing
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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As far as the interest of government and private institutions in evaluation, #measurement & #research , progress & success are achieved. The #MarketResearch Market around the world in 2016 reached more than $ 44 billion. The Middle East share is only 1% (Big Question Mark) ?
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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(ضمن سلسلة مقالات مسموعة , هذا الاسبوع مقالة طلال جول , المقالة بعنوان (وجهتين نظر 
رابط المقالة على مدونتي
كتبه وقرأه طلال جول      @TipikTJ   
متخصص في التسويق ورائد أعمال
ملاحظة : اعتذر عن بعض الاخطاء اللغوية
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
وجهتين نظر !!
 وفر العصر الرقمي القدرة على التفاعل والتعامل مع المستهلكين العالميين على نطاق عالمي
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هناك وجهتي نظر دائما مختلف عليها وهي محل نقاش بين المسوقين ورواد الاعمال واصحاب الشركات وغيرهم ممن هم في عالم الاعمال وهو هل مايحصل اليوم في عالم التسويق تطور او ثورة ؟
فلم تعد الميزانيات الكبيرة تسيطر على الاتصالات التسويقية والشركات الصغيرة لم تعد تعتمد فقط على الكلمة ومايتناقله العملاء بشكل شفوي بينهم ولم يعودوا يعتمدوا فقط على العملاء المحليين من أجل البقاء.
ومن الأمور الحاسمة لنجاح الأعمال هو ممارسات التسويق التقليدية، بما في ذلك الوعي , توليد المبيعات، سمعة الشركة وزيادة المنافسة والتنافسية . مع التركيز على الجانب التقني والتكنولوجي المتغير في كل اليوم , فالتفضيل والمشاركة والريتويت والنشر والتصوير وغيرها من الممارسات على قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي اصبحت عادة وطبيعة ثانية لشخصياتنا , كونك على الانترنت اصبح سهلا مثل تناولك لوجبة رئيسية مهمة في يومك , التسويق الرقمي (الالكتروني) اصبح أمر بالغا في الأهمية.
ومع الاتصالات الشخصية التي اصبحت في طليعة كل شيء , القنوات الاجتماعية والمحتوى اصبحوا يقودون العالم الرقمي , هناك الكثير من النقاش حول تطور التسويق وثورة التسويق الرقمي. وقبل قبل أن ننظر الى هذه المناقشة من المهم أن نفهم أولا الاختلافات بين الكلمتين التطور والثورة
(evolution and revolution) 
 فالتطور “هو عملية التغيير لأي شيء و يمر عبر مراحل تدريجية على مدى فترة من الزمن” , في حين أن مصطلح “الثورة"، هو تغيير سريع أو فوري في الوضع الراهن.
ومع ذلك، غالبا ما يتم الخلط بين هذين المصطلحين [التطور والثورة] في عالم التسويق عندما يتحدث الناس عن التسويق والتسويق الرقمي. ويعتقد البعض أن التسويق الرقمي قد تغير بسرعة طريقة تسويق السلع والخدمات , بينما يعتقد آخرون أن التسويق يتغير تدريجيا ويتطور .
ولوقت ليس بقصير ستظل وجهتي النظر هاتين مطروحة للنقاش دائما في هذا المجال .. ودمتم
 رابط المقالة على موقع ماركيتيرز - بيت التسويق
كتبه طلال محمد قمر  @TipikTJ
متخصص في التسويق ورائد أعمال
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
Economic FactorsEconomic factors have a significant impact on how an organisation does business and also how profitable they are. Factors include – economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, disposable income of consumers and businesses and so on.These factors can be further broken down into macro-economical and micro-economical factors. Macro-economical  factors deal with the management of demand in any given economy. Governments use interest rate control, taxation policy and government expenditure as their main mechanisms they use for this.Micro-economic factors are all about the way people spend their incomes. This has a large impact on B2C organisations in particular.A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and monitor the macro-environmental (external marketing environment) factors that have an impact on an organisation. The result of which is used to identify threats and weaknesses which is used in a SWOT analysis.
PESTEL stands for:
P – Political
E – Economic
S – Social
T – Technological
E – Environmental
L – Legal Lets look at each of these macro-environmental factors in turn.
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Political Factors
These are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy. This can include – government policy, political stability or instability in overseas markets, foreign trade policy, tax policy, labour law, environmental law, trade restrictions and so on.
It is clear from the list above that political factors often have an impact on organisations and how they do business. Organisations need to be able to respond to the current and anticipated future legislation, and adjust their marketing policy accordingly.
Economic Factors
Economic factors have a significant impact on how an organisation does business and also how profitable they are. Factors include – economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, disposable income of consumers and businesses and so on.
These factors can be further broken down into macro-economical and micro-economical factors. Macro-economical  factors deal with the management of demand in any given economy. Governments use interest rate control, taxation policy and government expenditure as their main mechanisms they use for this.
Micro-economic factors are all about the way people spend their incomes. This has a large impact on B2C organisations in particular.
Social Factors
Also known as socio-cultural factors, are the areas that involve the shared belief and attitudes of the population. These factors include – population growth, age distribution, health consciousness, career attitudes and so on. These factors are of particular interest as they have a direct effect on how marketers understand customers and what drives them.
Technological Factors
We all know how fast the technological landscape changes and how this impacts the way we market our products. Technological factors affect marketing and the management thereof in three distinct ways:
New ways of producing goods and services
New ways of distributing goods and services
New ways of communicating with target markets
Environmental Factors
These factors have only really come to the forefront in the last fifteen years or so. They have become important due to the increasing scarcity of raw materials, polution targets, doing business as an ethical and sustainable company, carbon footprint targets set by governments (this is a good example were one factor could be classes as political and environmental at the same time). These are just some of the issues marketers are facing within this factor. More and more consumers are demanding that the products they buy are sourced ethically, and if possible from a sustainable source.
Legal Factors
Legal factors include - health and safety, equal opportunities, advertising standards, consumer rights and laws, product labelling and product safety. It is clear that companies need to know what is and what is not legal in order to trade successfully. If an organisation trades globally this becomes a very tricky area to get right as each country has its own set of rules and regulations.
After you have completed a PESTEL analysis you should be able to use this to help you identify the strengths and weaknesses for a
SWOT analysis
By Talal Gul  @TipikTJ Specialist in marketing and entrepreneur
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
ضمن سلسلة مقالات مسموعة , هذا الاسبوع مقالة للاستاذ خالد سالم السالم وهو  ممارس للتسويق والاتصال والكتابة الإبداعية , المقالة بعنوان شركات بضمير ونشرت على موقع ماركيتيرز
رابط المقالة النسخة العربية 
رابط المقالة المترجمة للغة الانجليزية
كاتب المقالة الاستاذ خالد سالم السالم
وترجمها للغة الانجليزية والنسخة المسموعة طلال جول
@TipikTJ ملاحظة : اعتذر عن بعض الاخطاء اللغوية 
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
Companies with Conscience
Is good financial performance sufficient enough to describe business excellence? Are profits the basic criterion for the success of businesses and different Corporation ? Let's think about it a little . " A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business " says Henry Ford, founder of the famous American car company.
In fact, today's work is in dire need of more than ever before for many moral values and principles , Only practical knowledge and professional skill produced profits but in many cases failed to produce sufficient executive leaders,Who have not been able to avoid the wrong behaviors that may have coincided with the seduction of profit, ignoring the moral and social losses resulting from this profit.
We are in dire need of ethics in the world of commerce, because it is an urgent necessity, No one wants to work in a society where fraud, deceit, lies and treason prevail Indeed, such a society can not advance in the ladder of civilization ,In a quick glance at today's business world, many "big" companies have been involved in major scandals after their immoral behavior , American Enron manipulated its securities , Italian Parmalat Co. forged documents and financial records , German Volkswagen has Manipulated programmatically the CO2 emissions of its cars, Bell Pottinger public relations Co. in UK has been implicated in the adoption of anti-racism and hate-related public relations programs in South Africa, all of which have fallen into dire moral and financial straits.
These and other cases led the Western Academy to talk about the importance of teaching ethics, and to integrate them in one way or another into business management curricula. Many business schools have taught business ethics. However, talk about the feasibility of teaching ethics remains controversial, Because deciding on moral choices in any practical form is puzzling and difficult, there are no definitive answers or Clear answers in most practical ethical dilemmas, just as in personal life, For example: Will you tell the truth because honesty is a virtue, or will it affect lies because honesty may destroy many relationships and gains? Indeed, the debate over which answers are closer to the truth will not end.
In order to control matters and agree on general moral and reference principles, many companies were quick to adopt ethical covenants to regulate the performance of their business "morally", So that each worker is obliged to abide by a set of principles, standards and procedures that guarantee the integrity, transparency and integrity of its work,To achieve business objectives and community goals at the same time. In these charters, general rules and regulations constitute an ethical framework for practical practices, In accordance with the laws and regulations, to preserve of the rights of individuals and groups, and ensure respect for all, and Providing justice, equality and transparency and Save the community from all that harms it and finally protects the environment and creatures from damage that may result from doing business.
and Benefits of ethical charters (Codes of Conduct ) a lot . It supports the Organization's commitment to formal laws and regulations As well as prevailing trade norms and Clarify decision making in the field of work on a daily basis, It also enhances people's trust in the organization , It is a supportive competitive advantage and a clear demonstration of the organization's ethical and professional commitment to market, promote and raise its reputation, Fair  and honest organizations, in all areas, are strongly inclined to rely on their products, services and information.
In Arabic By Khalid AlSalem   @khalidALSALEM              
Translated into English By Talal Gul @TipikTJ Specialist in marketing and entrepreneur
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tipiktj · 7 years ago
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#Google and #Facebook take 61% of the world's #DigitalMarketing and 25% of total Media and advertising revenues worldwide market by 2017 and the number is growing year by year
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