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Project Management An Initiative Toward Development of Employees and the Company Project Management An Initiative Toward Development of Employees and the Company Essay Example, Hstr
Project Management: An Initiative Toward Development of Employees and the Company. Project Management Paper University of Phoenix MGT/437 Project Management Paper Rapid growth of technology in the marketplace has companies examining ways in which businesses operate on a normal level. Managers face challenges with the task of adapting to a changing surroundings and a different breed of employees. Managers must implement a different approach that will allow them to become accustomed to situations that develop inside and outside of the company (Kerzner, 2006). Project management will assist managers in moving forward to reduce bureaucracy and launch flexible actions or tasks that will advance the company and the employees. Project In order for managers to accept project management, understanding a project is taken into consideration. A project is a variety of actions or goals that include: a particular goal with explicit requirements, a starting and ending time, financial requirements, employees, and necessary equipment (Kerzner, 2006). Projects vary depending upon the type of business. For example, Ford Motor Company project is a new automobile called Fiesta that saves gas, whereas Dell has launched a new 10 inch laptop computer. Both products are different but the companies must implement project management in order for the project to be successful. Project management involves planning and monitoring a company’s project. In order words, a project manager ultimate assignment is to identify the task and direct the project according to the plans set forth. Project planning occurs when a project manager defines work requirements, quantity and quality of work considered necessary, and inquire about resources needed to accomplish the task. Monitoring a project occurs when a project manager keeps an eye on progress, contrast results to forecast outcome of project, analyze, and make necessary adjustments needed to complete the project (Kerzner, 2006). Project manager’s objective is to achieve a successful project by executing a task within a timely manner, budget, and performance level, make use of resources, and produce a product acceptable by consumers. Project managers are key elements of a successful product for a business. According to Kerzner (2006) implementing project management would allow companies to identify functional responsibilities to make certain all task are accounted for, reduce reporting, identify scheduling, methodology for trade-off analysis, measure achievements against plans, and early detection of problems, improves future planning, and recognize potential failure and success. Project management intention is to enhance the use of current resources by task flowing horizontally as well as vertically inside a business.... View more ...
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thesis statement julius caesar nicomedes What would be a good thesis for - The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to show what Brutus seemed to suggest
So it would be a good idea to modify your statement not. What would be a good thesis for The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to show what Brutus seemed to suggest about the human desire for power (as a theme)? This what I came up with. Thesis: In The Tragedy. What would be a good thesis for The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to show what Brutus seemed to suggest about the human desire for power (as a theme)? This what I came up with. Thesis: In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Marcus Brutus, demonstrates a kind of a person who can go against his friend not because he hates you, but because he loves his country more. You have a good idea for a paper here, and there are ample examples in the play from which you can draw to support your claims. The one thing that could be altered is the formality of your statement – literary essays are generally considered formal papers, and therefore it is a good idea to eschew the use of first- or second-person pronouns. You have a good idea for a paper here, and there are ample examples in the play from which you can draw to support your claims. The one thing that could be altered is the formality of your statement – literary essays are generally considered formal papers, and therefore it is a good idea to eschew the use of first- or second-person pronouns. So it would be a good idea to modify your statement not to include the word “you.” In addition, the word “demonstrate” is a bit awkward in this context. Also, be sure to use examples that will tie this thesis in with the theme you're discussing -- that Brutus's desire for power is not for personal reasons, but a result of a utilitarian ideal. He is willing to sacrifice a friend for what he believes is the greater good of the people; his desire for power is rooted in a desire to do good. All in all it sounds like you have the makings of a good paper! Reliable essay writing agencies have convenient price calculators on their websites. Therefore, when you buy essays online, you are aware about the final price before you confirm the order. Review the order instructions before the submission and make sure that you didn’t check the wrong or odd boxes.... View more ...
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Sample Ceo Cover Letter CEO cover letter, sample, example, manager, chief executive office, CV, job application, resume
During a long and successful career I have achieved many of the goals that I have set myself, and am now determined to become a key component in your company’s continued expansion. CEO cover letter. Mathew Gordon Hiring Manager Dayjob Ltd 120 Vyse Street Birmingham B18 6NF. My greatest strengths appear to precisely match your requirements. I am enquiring about, and would like to apply for your CEO position which was advertised on the website today. Based on my five years as a CEO at . I believe that I have accumulated the skills and experience you are seeking. Not only do I appear to meet your exact needs, but the position is also one which I have always sought and firmly believe that I will thrive in. I have a long and consistent track record of leading very efficient departments, increasing market share and profitability, reducing costs and enhancing business operations. My keen business acumen, commercial abilities and proven decision making skills will allow me to make an immediate impact on your bottom line. I am a target driven professional who is on a single-minded mission to increase your company’s profitability and productivity. As a logical thinker I can successfully create Business Plans, develop policies, manage finances, analyse market trends, negotiate terms and close deals. Possessing substantial and successful experience of various sectors, I am confident enough to work within any changing environment where all answers may not be known up front. It would be an honour to me if you reviewed my attached resume and invited me to an interview. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Reliable essay writing agencies have convenient price calculators on their websites. Therefore, when you buy essays online, you are aware about the final price before you confirm the order. Review the order instructions before the submission and make sure that you didn’t check the wrong or odd boxes.... View more ...
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anesthesiste-reanimateur etude Salaire anesth - siste
Après l'opération, il est en charge du réveil progressif du patient. Salaire anesthésiste. Combien gagne un anesthésiste ? Un anesthésiste gagne entre 5 175 € bruts et 31 403 € bruts par mois en France, soit un salaire moyen de 18 288 € bruts par mois, avant paiement des charges et impôts qui représentent environ 60% des revenus des professions libérales. Chargement en cours . Tout savoir sur l'anesthésiste-réanimateur. L'anesthésiste-réanimateur a la lourde tâche d'endormir le patient lors d'opérations chirurgicales en veillant à ce que tout se passe bien avant, pendant et après l'intervention. Ce médecin intervient principalement à 3 reprises : avant l'opération lors d'une consultation avec le patient afin d'effectuer un bilan pré-anesthésie, à la recherche de toutes contre-indications et facteurs de risques. Il détermine alors le protocole d'anesthésie adapté au patient. Pendant l'opération, il administre au patient la médication prévue pour l'anesthésie et effectue en permanence un monitoring médical du patient afin de vérifier l'efficacité de l'anesthésie et les paramètres vitaux du patient. Il effectue enfin un contrôle postopératoire auprès du patient. Quelles études entreprendre quand on veut devenir anesthésiste-réanimateur et quelles perspectives de carrière ? L'anesthésiste-réanimateur est un praticien hospitalier ayant la formation de docteur en médecine, complété d'un DES d'anesthésie-réanimation qui est préparé après avoir obtenu le concours d'internat. Buy essays online without risks: 6 easy steps. Writing with experts: a few words about payment and refunds. Reliable essay writing agencies have convenient price calculators on their websites. Therefore, when you buy essays online, you are aware about the final price before you confirm the order. Review the order instructions before the submission and make sure that you didn’t check the wrong or odd boxes.... View more ...
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We’ll be in touch When you order an essay here, you are welcome to contact your helper directly via an online messaging system. How to Buy Essay Online and not Get Cheated? In the days when there were no academic writing agencies at hand, poor students had to write their papers manually. Luckily, these times are gone now. In the internet era, there is a great number of options that can ease your education process. Thousands of companies are glad to accept your orders and get your papers done according to your instructions. However, how can you choose a really great company that cares more about its reputation than revenue? All the writing agencies have at least one thing in common – they boast to be the best in composing essays of all imaginable kinds. The problem is that you never know who those people you deal with are. Some companies claim to have a team of writers from the UK and US, but in the reality they hire a group of outsourced freelancers from overseas, because these writers agree to work for peanuts. They are counted on to produce original piece of writing, but instead you risk getting a rewritten or copied content. You decide to order an essay because of short deadlines, but a produced piece is full of grammar errors and you have to waste your time on editing. But before you disappoint in all essay companies on the web, let give you a few pointers on how to avoid being deceived. Buy essays online without risks: 6 easy steps. Writing with experts: a few words about payment and refunds. Reliable essay writing agencies have convenient price calculators on their websites. Therefore, when you buy essays online, you are aware about the final price before you confirm the order. Review the order instructions before the submission and make sure that you didn’t check the wrong or odd boxes.... View more ...
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Smart Cover Ipad Air 2 Retinaboys Apple Smart Cover для iPad Air
Большoй выбop БУ нoутбукoв и нeтбуков — Acсopтимeнт поcтoянно обнoвляется — Eсть нoутбуки различныx xapактеристик и ценовых катeгoрий — Bсe мoдeли пpотeстиpoвaны и гoтoвы к paботe — Возможнa оплата наличными или по карте (Visа, МаstеrСаrd) — Хотите дешевле? Smart Cover Ipad Air 2 Retinaboys. Вaс приветcтвует СКУПКА № 1. Быстpая oценкa вaшeй тeхники. Примeм в зaчeт Baш cтaрый ноутбук! Большoй выбop БУ нoутбукoв и нeтбуков — Acсopтимeнт поcтoянно обнoвляется — Eсть нoутбуки различныx xapактеристик и ценовых катeгoрий — Bсe мoдeли пpотeстиpoвaны и гoтoвы к paботe — Возможнa оплата наличными или по карте (Visа, МаstеrСаrd) — Хотите дешевле? Примем в зачет вашу технику! Описание:Аррlе Smаrt Соvеr для iРаd Аir/ iРаd Аir 2 красный. Накладка на дисплей Smаrt Соvеr для iРаd Аir / Аir 2 представляет собой умный аксессуар для модного девайса. Помимо функций, направленных на защиту экрана от появления царапин во время хранения и переноски, модель имеет магнитный заряд, под воздействием которого планшет переходит в спящее состояние. Для этого достаточно приложить ее к дисплею. При этом если ее отвернуть, то устройство самостоятельно проснется. Но на этом фокусы бренда Аррlе не иссякают. Smаrt Соvеr для iРаd Аir 2 оборудован гранями, по которым его можно легко сложить, превратив в удобную подставку для чтения, просмотра фильмов или интернет-серфинга. Приезжайте наш Адрес: г.Пермь, ул.Екатерининская 109А ТЦ МобиДик (раньше СитиЦентр) перекрес��ок попова / екатериниская. Айсберг, Товары Прик��мья. Вас каждый день с 10.00-20.00. Вaс приветcтвует СКУПКА № 1.... View more ...
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Sample Of Objectives For Resume 8 Resume Objective Examples, Sample Templates
It outlines your career direction while simultaneously representing you as the one the employer might be looking for. Resume Objective Examples. To define the target and goal of your career, you have to mention the resume objectives. Resume objectives should be concise but sensible and impressive. You have to write the objective in such a way that it shows capabilities in you which are required for the particular job. Here we are trying to mention some of the examples and formats of the Sample Resumes В for some specific positions. This will help you to clear your vision about the objective of the resumes. Sample Resume Objective Example - 7+ Examples in PDF. Resume Objective Example - 10+ Samples in Word, PDF. Sample Resume Objective - 6+ Documents In PDF. Sample Nursing Student Resume Objective Example. Resume objective of the nursing student should show his/her passion towards his/her work and his/her sense of responsibility towards the patients. The Nursing Resume Objectives В should be brief yet describe all the essential elements. Customer Service Resume Objective Example. The objective should contain all the achievements of the candidate which will describe the skills which are mandatory for the job. Experience should be clearly mentioned as it will be a positive point for you. Printable Medical Assistant Resume Objective Example. The resume regarding this position should include the motive for joining the specific post.... View more ...
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why choose social work essay Why I Want To Be A Social Worker Essay Writing Help & Assistance
A personal essay, such as “Why I Want to Be a Social Worker,” is often one of the easiest and most fun sorts of essays to write. Helping you impress the admissions committee. Why I Want to Be a Social Worker Essay. You don’t need to do any research. You don’t need to quote experts. All you need is self awareness, passion, and the ability to articulate your feelings and opinions. Nevertheless, some students have trouble with the basic question. They have never really asked themselves why they want to be in this particular field. If you know exactly why you want to be a social worker, then congratulations: you can begin writing right away! If you have no idea why you want to be a social worker, don’t worry. You might be surprised that once you begin writing, ideas will just start coming to you. Writing is a great way to concentrate the mind. The first thing you should do is to brainstorm. Write down all of the ideas in your head, no matter how incomplete or silly they might seem. Write down all the possible reasons why someone might want to be a social worker. The ones that are not true for you will feel false to you right away, and the best answers will leap right out at you. Because the subject of this essay is inherently subjective, there are no wrong answers here.... View more ...
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were the bombings of hiroshimanagasaki justified Were the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings justified, Yahoo Answers
The Japanese people were told by their Emperor to fight to the death and that there will be no surrender. Were the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings justified? The irony is that the bombing of Tokyo with incendiaries actually did more damage and killed more people. That required a huge fleet of planes and hundreds. The irony is that the bombing of Tokyo with incendiaries actually did more damage and killed more people. That required a huge fleet of planes and hundreds of bombs. What set the A Bombs apart was the fact that each instance was a single plane and only one bomb. By this point in the war, Japan did not have the ability to counter. They did not have anti Aircraft capabilities at the high altitudes the newest bombers were flying at. Not only were the bombings justified in that the cities attacked were producing the materials of war, Japan had set the precedent of bombing population centers that were not military targets. Japan had sent Balloon bombs via the jet stream to the US. They were indiscriminate. That too provided justification. The balloon Bombs were only marginally effective and news of them had been kept hushed, but they were real. It was not know until somewhat later, but Japan was only weeks away from using similar means to deliver Germ warfare agents to the west coast of the US. At the time of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was believed by the US Military Command that it would bring the war against Japan to a. At the time of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was believed by the US Military Command that it would bring the war against Japan to a close. I do not wish to say more on this subject, except to invite you to know something of the Japanese, who still today think of their Emperor as a God.... View more ...
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5 Annotated Bibliography on Race and Enthicity International Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity
Second, any claim that racial differences are based on biological differences ignores the fact that people with identical physical attributes are often classified differently and hold different social positions in societies. Annotated Bibliography on Race and Enthicity. This article was originally published in the Spring 2001 edition of EMME, the Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education. This annotated bibliography includes an introductory essay exploring racial and ethnic issues in international contexts--excluding the U. S.--and an annotated bibliography of 20 books and 13 journal articles pertaining to the topic. The resources are organized by continent and type of the literature. Issues of race and ethnicity dominate the academic discourse of many disciplines, including the field of multicultural education, and the socio-political arena. Heightened interest in these issues is in response to the demographic reality of increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the United States and other nations. This collection of the annotated literature focuses on the validity and vitality of racial and ethnic studies in international contexts and to the importance of the issues to today's human experience. This introductory essay explores the concepts of race and ethnicity, construction of racial and ethnic differences, and the connection between socially-constructed differences and conflicts in socio-political contexts. The essay will be followed by a limited annotated bibliography of 20 books and 13 journal articles organized by geographic division and type of the literature (book or article). Most of the literature included in this essay is concerned with issues of race and ethnicity emerging within the last two centuries. Thus "historical" perspectives offered by these sources should be understood within this time frame. Literature focusing on the ethnic/racial issues of the United States have been precluded in order to concentrate on international cases. Definitions of Race and Ethnicity. The use of the terms "race" and "ethnicity" is varied. The two terms are misused as if they are identical. The casual and common appearance of the terms side by side in the public discourse may discourage people from regarding them as distinct terms.... View more ...
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A Theoretical Perspective of Crime essay review Theoretical Perspective Essay Example for Free
This is a form of compensation of the affected by the offender. Theoretical Perspective Essay. Get custom essay sample written according to your requirements. As business structures continue to grow and expand across the global business portfolio, so does the impact of corporate crime continue to grow. According to the U.S Sentencing Commission, there has been an increasing rate in white-collar crime within both private and governmental corporations. Consequently, there has been a debate over the most appropriate method of crime punishment for such crimes. Elsewhere, huge and complex white-collar crimes have led to huge losses across the world. However, there has been a compromised system in crime punishment towards such crimes where offenders end up getting less effective and equitable punishments for their crimes. White collar crimes have cost the U.S about $300 billion annually. They include insider training, public corruption, environmental crime, fraud and embezzlement among others. According to the U.S Sentencing Commission, victims responsible for various corporate crimes of huge capacities have escaped their crimes through court penalties for only $5000, which is relatively a low amount as compared to their impact to the business community. Basically, despite corporate crimes been an area of interest in the corporate performance, the legal structures have failed to apply appropriate legal foundations that advice on their handling. However, both retribution theory and optimal penalty theory have different platforms in addressing this concept. Their rational influence is however different to different criminal issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Theoretical Perspective specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page. We will write a custom essay sample on Theoretical Perspective specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9 /page. We will write a custom essay sample on Theoretical Perspective specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9 /page. Accordingly, optimal theory is the view that the punishment credited to a crime should be equal to the absolute harm of such crime when divided by the basic probability of its detection.... View more ...
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a confederacy of dunces essays A Confederacy of Dunces Essay - 2209 Words, Bartleby
Wrong. The sun can't set at the foot of Canal Street, because the Mississippi is to the southeast when you're facing that way. Confederacy of Dunces" -- Marxism. A Confederacy of Dunces is often cited as one of the quintessential novels of New Orleans. The book is set entirely in the city (because Ignatius won't go anywhere else), and it makes extensive use of New Orleans's location, culture, and street life. So whether you're rich or poor, aspiring to the middle-class or aspiring to opt out, work and money will kick you in the posterior, heap ridicule upon you, and close all your valves. You are someday going to head out to make—or not make—your fortune, and you are going to be humiliated and beaten down in the process. So it's best to read A Confederacy of Dunces and be prepared. Confederacy of Dunces - Best Essay Writers. Also, turn in your first Analytical Imagination Challenge. If youwant to get ahead, read the first 103 pages of CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES byJohn Kennedy Toole. Currently being read. Essay about Confederacy of Dunces - 817 Words. However, the land across the river is known as the West Bank even though the curving of the river means that it is actually to the east. Thus, the novel uses a close knowledge of the city to make an elaborate in-joke—and to show that the novel's world and the real world are not quite the same. Rather, A Confederacy of Dunces twists and curves somewhat like the Mississippi—and like New Orleans itself. A Confederacy of Dunces was written in 1962 by John Kennedy Toole. Confederacy of Dunces and it was written by John Kennedy Toole. A Confederacy of Dunces.... View more ...
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Senior system analyst cover letter Senior Business Systems Analyst Cover Letter Sample
Thank you for reviewing my cover letter and resume. Senior Business Systems Analyst Cover Letter Sample. This senior business systems analyst cover letter sample will show how a job applicant can apply for a position analyzing the systems in place in any business and helping make changes for improvement. Senior business systems analyst cover letters should reflect the job seeker’s understanding and experience of this work and demonstrate his or her ability to carry out the required responsibilities. WARNING : Don't apply for another job without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter. Free Career Quiz Creates Your "Secret Sentence" That Lands Job Interviews Like Crazy. You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter. Are you a man or a woman? Ms. Rita Paine Hiring Manager Rothschild Department Store 25 Main Street Any Town, USA 99999. Your recent post on states your interest in interviewing potential senior business systems analysts to help update the systems in your department store in Any Town. Since I have experience in this industry and am currently in the market for a new position, I decided to write cover letters today to apply for such a position. For the past eight years I have helped several businesses with their systems, updating and revising them so the company’s affairs could run smoothly and in keeping with today’s advanced technology. My enclosed resume includes the various experiences I’ve had during my current and previous employment. And I have excellent references if you’re interested in looking them over. May we meet to talk over what you are looking for in the person you hire? If you're free to do get together, please call me on my cell phone: 888-888-8888 so we can find a suitable time for both of us. Acting Resume With Experience. As an actor, you can build your resume with perfection with this excellent as well as effective resume sample.... View more ...
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Acting Resume Acting Resume Sles Acting Resume 7 Sample Acting Resumes - PDF, Word, Sample Templates
You can give your acting career a new direction with a well-crafted resume. Sample Acting Resumes – PDF, Word. A resume is important for those who are looking for jobs. To apply for a job, you need to have a resume, which should have information about your basic personal details, your qualifications, and experience as a professional. We all will agree with the fact that a resume is recommended for the traditional job seekers. However, if you have chosen an unusual career, you will still require a SampleВ Resumes . For example, if you want to be an actor, you have to apply for acting assignments with professionally crafted resumes. Sample Scrum Master Resume - 8+ Examples in PDF. Sample Account Manager Resume - 12+ Download Free . Sample Customer Service Resume - 8+ Examples in Word, PDF. Unique Skills For Acting Resume. When you have special acting skills, make sure that your resume reflects that with precision. Create a professional and well-formatted resume to give a new direction to your acting career with this resume sample. Acting Resume Example. Budding actors or veteran actors need to have their professional resume. When you seek a job in a new film project, this resume will play an important role in your selection. Acting Resume With Experience. As an actor, you can build your resume with perfection with this excellent as well as effective resume sample.... View more ...
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A good thesis statement about the crucible Thesis Statement For The Crucible
I find some of the most common topics in The Crucible tend to be greed, jealousy, lies, hysteria, hate, good and evil, legalism, and corruption. Thesis Statement For The Crucible. What are some good thesis statements for an essay on The Crucible? This answer depends on the topic you truly want to write about. Are you writing a literary analysis paper, a persuasive paper, or an informative essay? I find some of the most common topics in The Crucible tend to be greed, jealousy, lies, hysteria, hate, good and evil, legalism, and corruption. A good thesis will include the title of the piece, the author, the topic, and briefly what you intend to demonstrate about the topic. This answer depends on the topic you truly want to write about. Are you writing a literary analysis paper, a persuasive paper, or an informative essay? A good thesis will include the title of the piece, the author, the topic, and briefly what you intend to demonstrate about the topic. Arthur Miller's timeless classic The Crucible demonstrates the fight between good and evil through an engaging plot, well-crafted characters, and a well-established theme. The Crucible intrigues audiences time and again because it infuses traits of the human condition that every generation contains. The Crucible remains important in society today because the hysteria portrayed in the Salem Witch Trials has potential to corrupt America again. There are even recorded cases of people having addictions to TV shows such as Star Trek, where they physically encounter uncomfortable and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. The reasons behind addictions that lack chemical input may be associated with feelings of helplessness. People are able to switch from non-chemical based addictions to chemical-based addictions and back again without any problems, and in almost all cases it is due to a feeling of helplessness within the individual. These types of person may, rightly or wrongly, be labeled as people with an addictive personality. Yet, in almost all cases, their addictions are based on misdirected feelings of helplessness.... View more ...
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Thesis statement on technology addiction Essay about technology addiction
People with addictions are often determined to do something about their feelings of helplessness, but in their mind, they resort to addiction because they think it makes them feel better. Essay about technology addiction. Previously in my dissertation I have discussed the prevalence of technology addiction and have pointed out reasons why it may exist as a phenomenon. I have also examined the reasons why and how a person may become addicted to technology. In this section of my dissertation, I discuss addiction on its own merits and why people may be drawn to addiction when there is no chemical stimulation. Many people are aware of chemical dependency, and it is often referred to as an addiction. People become addicted to chemicals that release endorphins in the brain. This may through legal methods such a with prescription drugs, with nicotine, caffeine and alcohol, and may also be through illegal methods such as with illegal drug use. These are more widely understood because they involve a chemical addiction. What is harder to understand is addiction when there is no chemical stimulation. Things such as gambling and technology addiction are still addictions. Some lump sex addiction in with these too however, there is a form of chemical addiction that may be present during sex. There are forms of addiction such as gambling and technology addiction that are still addictions even though there is no chemical stimulation. There are even recorded cases of people having addictions to TV shows such as Star Trek, where they physically encounter uncomfortable and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. The reasons behind addictions that lack chemical input may be associated with feelings of helplessness. People are able to switch from non-chemical based addictions to chemical-based addictions and back again without any problems, and in almost all cases it is due to a feeling of helplessness within the individual. These types of person may, rightly or wrongly, be labeled as people with an addictive personality. Yet, in almost all cases, their addictions are based on misdirected feelings of helplessness.... View more ...
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will this cyberpad or similar digital pen products be able to work with onenote Is the digital pen mightier
The quest for a digital pen people actually want has lived alongside another perennial tech pursuit--getting people to navigate traditional computers using the pen as an input device. Is the digital pen mightier? Past attempts at a high-tech quill have ended up as expensive paperweights, but a new crop of start-ups has higher hopes. Photos: Pens get smarter. A new crop of companies, however, say it's too soon to write off the idea. This week, Irvine, Calif.-based Iogear announced plans for a digital pen that can work with standard paper. Last month, educational computer maker LeapFrog introduced the FlyFusion , its second go at the digital pen. And later this year, Silicon Valley start-up LiveScribe plans to introduce a $200 device that can not only take digital notes, but also synchronize them with an audio recording. The latest bunch are a far cry from the earliest attempts to add a brain to the standard Bic. But the question remains: Will these new devices be more than a curiosity? Or will they, like their predecessors, find themselves quickly relegated to the back of desk drawers or spend their days as expensive paperweights? While Microsoft has managed to create a few converts with its Tablet PC and many graphic designers use pen tablets for their work, the overwhelming majority of people still do their hunting and pecking via the venerable keyboard. As for the standalone digital pen, it has been around, in its modern incarnation, since Sweden's Anoto developed a special kind of paper that allows a pen with a built-in camera to easily track itself. Logitech has been using that approach since 2002, when it introduced the Io digital pen . It has since added handwriting recognition and Bluetooth wireless abilities. Still, it has yet to really take off. It's a small part of our business," said Logitech spokeswoman Nancy Morrison. The allure of such devices is undeniable.... View more ...
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