Shy, All Over the Place, but so Sincere!
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[Rinnessa Hayweather] [Afflicted Gilnean Witch] [Awkward 20-year-old][Demisexual][Owner of The Cozy Owl Cafe & Bakery][Barista of The Howling Owl][Stormwind Resident][FC: Chrissy Costanza]
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
✨20 ways to enhance your magic ✨
high vibration crystals. I work best with Selenite & Rose Quartz 🐚
candles of course. working with the element, fire 🕯
herbs, dump some rose petals & lavender into your bath water for self love & relaxation spells or use them in a spell jar 🥀
also, back to bath rituals, 100% recommend. working with the element, water 🛁
meditation. connect with your higher self & guides. call out to them. 🧘🏼‍♀️
keep track of the moon phases. set intentions during a new moon, try a banishing spell during a full moon. 🌝
try shadow work. figure out what you don’t accept about yourself, and bring light to those things. ✨
journal. always. write down affirmations, goals, spell work, your intentions, dreams etc 🖊
do a weekly/daily tarot or oracle reading for yourself. 👑
manifest! everyday! realize your mind is a magnet, and it attracts energy. attract positivity, you’re in charge of that. 💰
visualize, feel & embrace your power. 🍂
cleanse yourself & your space !! get rid of those deadbeat ass vibes. ���
once again, MEDITATE!!! this is one of the most important parts (in my opinion) it helped me get in touch with that magical part of me. 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️
make moon water! so helpful for lifting energy, cleansing yourself, your crystals, your plants! use it for tea ☕️
keep plants ! take a walk in nature. connecting to the element, earth. 🌲
burn sage, incense or palo santo. cleanses your space & connects you with the element, air. 🌬
get in touch with your third eye/psychic gifts 👁
balance your chakras 🙏🏻
stay healthy & postive ✅
& lastly, trust in the universe & in yourself. love yourself. always. 🌌
please reblog to help someone get in touch with their magic & themselves. ❤️
jade 🌿
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
It's Sexual, Sensual, Sinful Sunday!
So, send me your: 
dirty talk
your nsfw headcanons 
your “curious anons wanna know” 
you’re filthy openers 
your slow-burn starters
your suggestive innuendos 
your “Oh myyyyy” images
I’ll take ‘em all.
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
Cleansing and Charging Crystals
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With Salt: Burying a crystal in a bowl of salt, sprinkling salt around it, or sometimes soaking it in salt water are all good ways to cleanse a crystal. Salt has natural cleansing powers and will soak up negative energy. Consider the magickal properties of salt. It's a purifier, a cleanser, and a protector. Use it to strengthen protective, purifying, or cleansing stones. As with all methods of charging, focus on what you would like the purpose of your crystal to be. Charge your crystal with that intent.
With Water: Be careful when it comes to cleansing crystals with water, as some cannot withstand the liquid very well, but water does have cleansing properties. Consider the element Water. It is healing, emotional, loving, and gentle, and it is traditionally used as a cleanser in religious ceremonies. By soaking a stone in a bowl of water, you are washing out any negative energies. Soaking stones in salt water is a favorite cleansing method of mine. Now, here is a list of stones you should NEVER put in water: Borates Calcite Ivory Gypsum Lapis Lazuli Pyrite Obsidian Selenite Turquoise These stones will dissolve in water.
With Fire: Here is a simple and fast spell I concocted that I found cleanses and charges crystals very quickly. Light a preferred candle. Hold your crystal above the flame, flip it over in your palm above the candle, and recite: "Fire, fire burning bright Charge this crystal with your light Fire, fire, burning bright Make it strong with all your might." Leave the crystal beside the candle to charge for as long as you see fit. When you are done, snuff the candle out.
With Sunlight: One of the most basic ways to charge your crystals is with sunlight. Sunlight is fiery, energetic, more masculine, and more yang. When a crystal is charging in the sun, it is imbued with the sun's energy. This can come in handy for money spells, job spells, energy spells, and any type of spell that requires more yang energy. To charge a crystal with sunlight, simply lay it out on the window sill or someplace where it will get a good bit of sunlight, and allow it to bask there for the remainder of the day. When the sun goes down, it is done and ready to be used again. Now, here is a list of crystals you should NOT charge in the sunlight: Amber Amethyst Aquamarine Aventurine Beryl Citrine Fluorite Kunzite Opal Rose Quartz Sapphire Smokey Quartz Sunlight can fade these crystals over time and causes opal and amber to crack and become brittle.
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With Moonlight: Another popular method of charging crystals is with moonlight. This is a good alternative for charging a crystal that can't withstand the sun. The moon's energy is calming, soothing, emotional, feminine, healing, and more yin. Moonlight is great for crystals that have to do with matters of the heart. Also take into consideration the phase of the moon when charging a crystal. Is it full? Is it waning? Is it new? Charging a crystal under a certain phase of the moon with imbue the crystal with that phase's energy. For more on phases of the moon, follow the link: Moon Phases To charge a crystal with moonlight, simply leave it out in the light of the moon for a night.
With Earth: Some witches recommend burying a crystal for a day or even a week at a time. This works especially well for earth-related crystals such as garnet. Remember that it was the earth that formed and energized these crystals in the first place, so what better way to charge a crystal than to return it back to the earth from whence it came?
With a Grid: Some stones are cleansers and chargers themselves. Selenite and obsidian are some good examples. By placing other crystals that need charging around naturally charging stones, it creates a grid. Leave these stones in place for about twenty-four hours or until the energy has returned to them. Lots of people have fun creating pretty designs with these crystal grids, so get creative and have fun with them!
With Herbs: Adding herbs to the mix will help further strengthen and direct a crystal's purpose. For example, placing lavender in a grid with amethyst will aid it in its purpose to calm. You can also place herbs in water if you choose to use the water method for charging crystals, or, even better, create rosewater or lavender water to use. In essence, charge whatever stone in the way you feel is best. Many witches develop a preferred method for charging their crystals, and that is fine. Find whatever method works best for you.
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
Profile: Tanner Gravelroar
The Basics –––
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   Full Name: Tokori “Tanner” Gravelroar    Age: Middle-aged    Birthday: February 29th    Sign: Pisces    Race: Highmountain Tauren    Gender:  Male    Relationship Status: Single
Physical Appearance –––
   Hair: Everywhere, black and flecked with grey in places    Eyes: Dark brown    Height: 9′6″    Build: Beefy is not an inappropriate term at all    Distinguishing Marks: Bright turquoise tattoos on face, shoulders, chest, and stomach, and chevron-shaped etchings in his antlers    Scars: A few scars here and there    Common Accessories: Very few, unless you count the simple golden ring tying his beard in a tail
Personal Information –––
   Profession: Security for @howlingowl-wra​​    Hobbies:  Carpentry, whittling, general woodworking    Languages:   Common, Orcish, Drogbar, Taur-ahe    Currently Living: An apartment provided by the Howling Owl    Birthplace: Stormheim    Religion: None    Fears:  Relationships, losing people
Relationships –––
   Mother: Estranged    Father: Estranged    Siblings: Estranged    Spouse: Estranged    Children: None    Other Family: Unknown    Pets: None
Sex & Romance –––
   Sexual Orientation: Asexual    Preferred Role: Dominant | Submissive | Switch    Libido: Extremely low    Turn ons: Empathy, directness, cleverness    Turn offs: Callousness, childishness, lack of self-control    Love Language: Quality time, acts of service    Relationship Tendencies: Keeping people at arms’ length while trying not to let on that he’s doing it
Traits –––
Bold your character’s answer
   Extroverted / In Between / Introverted    Disorganized / In Between / Organized    Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded    Calm / In Between / Anxious    Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable    Cautious / In Between / Reckless    Patient / In Between /  Impatient    Outspoken / In Between / Reserved    Leader / In Between / Follower    Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic    Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic    Traditional / In Between / Modern    Hard-working / In Between / Lazy    Cultured / In Between / Uncultured    Loyal / In Between / Disloyal    Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional Information –––
   Smoking Habit: Never    Drugs: Occasionally    Alcohol: Socially
RP Hooks –––
- The Howling Owl: Tanner has been working at the Howling Owl for a little over a month or so by now, and he’s pretty hard to miss!
- Wanderer: Before the Owl, he was a drifter and roamed all over both of the major continents for the last few years. As long as it wasn’t an Alliance territory, he’s probably been there at least once!
- Carpenter: He tends to be most often found out in the wild when he’s either gathering supplies, buying supplies, or building a project. Carpentry is noisy work, too!
Looking For –––
- Friends (old or new), lovers, ex-lovers, family members, etc
- One shot scenes or long-term, if we click!
- Tanner is an alt and a work in progress, so there’s a good chance I may not actually know part of his plot until somebody’s asked me a question and I need to answer. Please keep this in mind and be willing to be patient and/or brainstorm!
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
*uses stardust as a highlighter*
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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Coffee/Tea Magick.
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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The Wiccan’s Glossary
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
Some different herbs and their magickal uses
Just so you know, these aren’t all the magickal herbs out there. These are just ones I have written down in my grimoire and that I typically use.
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Sea Salt: Purification and cleansing. (I like to sprinkle some at my doorway and windowsills).
Sage: Purification, banishing negative energies, and consecrating magickal tools and spaces. (This is an herb that I highly recommend all witches have in their possession).
Black Pepper: Banishing negativity, warding off evil, and protection.
Thyme: Invigorates the user and helps them move on from something that may be holding them back. Good for getting over losses.
Rosemary: Cleansing, purifying, and deals with matters of the heart.
Chamomile: Attracts money, luck, and helps reverse hexes.
Bay Leaves: Psychic matters and divination, success, money, and making wishes/intentions.
Basil: Domestic harmony, home protection, purifying, and warding off negative influences. (I’ve actually used this around my own home before. I’d say it works).
Parsley: Divination, psychic advancement, and protection.
Cinnamon: High levels of spirituality, psychic ability, and works in matters of lust and love. (This is a personal favorite of mine).
Cloves: Drive away negativity, cleansing, and bringing prosperity.
Ginger: Adds strength to any magickal working and can draw in new experiences. 
Oregano: Joy, strength, vitality, and energy.
Peppermint: Cleansing, peaceful sleep, bringing about change, and abundance.
Spearmint: Healing, sleep protection, and vitality. (I’ve found that combining this with peppermint really helps me get to sleep).
Poppy Seeds: Heightened awareness, luck, and helps with insomnia. 
Cayenne Pepper: Helps deal with separation, and can speed up any magickal working.
Orange Peel: Love, divination, money, luck, and emotional peace. (They also make great air fresheners!)
Paprika: Adds and extra boost to any magickal working.
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
🍄 Mushroom: What is a quote you find comfort in?
“There was somethin’ Roxlyn used to say. ‘Don’t get caught up tryin’ t’ fix a problem. Focus on fixin’ th’ energy around th’ problem an’ th’ problem will sort itself out.’ Gettin’ anxious about dealing with challenges is less productive than addressin’ my negative energy and the negative influences on th’ situation, an’ those are things I can fix.”
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
Gentle Cottagecore Emoji Asks
🌿 Herb: What is a scent you find relaxing? 
🌱 Seedling: What is something you want to begin learning? 
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad? 
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
🍄 Mushroom: What is a quote you find comfort in?
☕ Tea: How do you take your tea?
🐄 Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate? 
🌳 Tree: What is one thing in your future you are looking foward towards? 
🍑 Peach: What is a color that makes you smile? 
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today? 
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
🧵 Thread: What is a recent creative project that you are proud of? 
🐈 Cat: Do you have any pets? Are there some pets you really want? 
🍅 Tomato: Have you ever gardened, and if so, what is your favorite thing to grow? 
🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful? 
🐝 Bee: What is a video game that you find comforting? 
🍞 Bread: Do you know how to bake bread? If so, what is something you’ve baked recently?
🐇 Bunny: What’s a song that you really like? 
🌲  Pine: Do you prefer the cold, or the heat?
🧶 Yarn: Knitting or Crocheting?
🐑 Sheep: What is a comfort item you own? 
🍓 Strawberry: Do you own any pink clothing?
🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food? 
⛰️ Mountains: Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest? 
🧸 Teddy Bear: Do you ever want to raise kids someday? 
🕯️ Candle: What is something you can’t go to bed without? 
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tinybewitchedgilnean · 4 years ago
Ways to get Closer to Your Craft
Open your curtains in the morning and look outside
Always try to stay grounded. Observe life around you
Make a list of the correspondences of certain soaps or other products that you have. Use a product with intent
Draw sigils
Chant in your head
Walk, sit, or lie down outside. Watch the plants dance in the wind and listen to your surroundings
Carry crystals or objects that mean a certain thing to you
Take time for yourself
Smile at strangers and visualize sending positive energy their way
Listen to music that represents your intent
Pick your outfits using colour magic
Light a candle
Do something for your community. By putting good things out, the universe will repay you
Try interpreting a tarot card for each day
Be creative. Find the magic in every day objects
Practice energy work
Schedule days to go to the library and research plants, herbs, your religion, etc
Say thank you more often. Even when no one is there
Try to grow some plants
Have tea more often
Go outside!! I cannot stress this enough. Connect to nature. Go barefoot. Dance in the rain. Anything. Just go out
When hiking pick up things that call to you
Pick up trash. Give back to the planet
Take care and time for yourself
Be patient
Remember, its your craft. Do what feels right 🌱
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