Hi I’m Tink
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 5 years ago
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It was burning red, now it golden, I only feel blue when I’m not with you @taylorswift @taylornation
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
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Me trying to juggle all three fan accounts and my life rn...
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Hi @taylorswift13 I don’t need to go to your house for secret sessions I’d be happy just to go take place of one of those common house hold items...
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Tay vs what I would look like
I don’t own a hoodie @taylorswift @taylornation
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Tay vs me...
That hurted more
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
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Tay vs me.... That hurted
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
The meaning of the song me goes far belong just being a song that I can easily jam out to in the car. When I first heard the song right when it came out I cried realizing how perfect the song is. For me as I look at the lyrics specially “You’er the only one of you, Baby, that’s the fun of you.” As I read or sing to those lyrics and a number of things run through my head such as the current issues in my life right now. Such as friends not accepting me for me or my mom not accepting her for herself amd me for me and understanding what makes her her and what helps her be her best self. My mom is an alcoholic thoughout my childhood she would often get drunk and I would be left alone to pick up the pieces that shattered in my family after her last drunk night. I would often sit alone in my room and think that it was my fault that she was punshing me for not being good enough. I have come to relize that I am me and if she can not love and appreciate me for me than that is her loss. She recently read a book and has made decide to try and drink again after being sober for a few months over a year. I am currently depressed and hurt that after all the work we have put in to repairing our relationship and the effort she has put into giving sober her a chance to know me. She has decided that she can drink. She has also decided that she values the drink over me and my little sisters and family. I am an emotional reck and every time I currently feel sad I turn on ME! And listen to the lyrics and the happy upbeat tune and close my eyes and remember they joy in the music video and the laughs that it caused me and smile because just as before Taylor has helped me get though and currently get through another hardship in my life that I have for the first time spike out about other than 3 people that know the whole struggle I have been through. Thank you Taylor for this perfectly times anthem that I listen to every time I think that I am not good enough and if my mom doesn’t like me for me no one does because your song has helped me relize that I like me for me and there a some people that do even of some of my friends currently don’t. This is not the first time you have helped me get through one of my moms relapses or drunk nights.
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
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Hello, @taylorswift and @taylornation hope you’ll read this and this is my fave moments from Rep and this year for Lover! Hope to read my real story and how I became a big Swiftie fan!! Thank you so much everything you did to all of us fans! Hope to meet Taylor soon! 💕🥺
Dana 💕
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Hey @taylorswift Veronica wants to show you her getaway car. @taylornation
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
My letter to Taylor
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I love you so much @taylorswift and you have helped me get through the hardest times of my life. Thank you for always showing up just in time and for writing music that has literally saved my life. I hope one day I’m able to thank you in person for all that you have done for me. @taylornation
Love always, Annie
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Someone mentions cats :
No one :
Absolutely no one :
Me : did you know that Taylor has three cats and their names Meredith, Olivia, and Benjamin. They all are named after movie and tv charters, they also are really cute and benj was adopted on the set of me, also ..... * goes of for 20 minutes *
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Hi tay! My name is Cadien! I just wanted to thank you so much for always being real and sharing so much of you with us. Thank you for being your awesome self and inspring so many people every time we look at you and listen to your music. Thank you for helping me get through some of the hardest times of my life. Thank you for being the one constant. Thank you for being my go to every time I’m scared I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. 💗🦋
hey tay !!!
im elena and thank you so much for teaching me how to be myself 🦋 thank you for everything you’ve done for us and going that extra mile for us 🌈💗 love you so much buddy !!! 🌻💌👼🏻
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
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…and i will hold on to you
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
hello! My name is Cadien and I LOVEEE Taylor Swift 🦋💗
hi my name is brooke and i love taylor swift
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
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Pauses,then says, you’re my best friend💗💗💗💗💗 @taylorswift
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
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don’t you dream impossible things @taylorswift thank you for making my.dream come true
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tink-swiftie13-blog · 6 years ago
Literally the hardest thing for my rn is reading everything from secret sessions and trying to figure out which track to listen to first!!! @taylorswift @taylornation
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