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Independent RP for Mass Effect OC Jinho Yang, an augmented hacker and member of C-Sec's IT security. Read the "Guidelines" page first. Main timeline: ME3
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
“No question about it, he will be an engineer.” Jinho raises his hands out in front of him, like walking in the dark, and loses himself to his imagination. “He will graduate high school at just 13 years old, and get his ph.D in four years. Then he will be in a very successful company where he builds computers and cellphones and even video games, and then he is so amazing the company decides to rename themselves in his honor. He is the next Steve Jobs! If you look carefully through Cecilia’s stomach, you can see all of this happening, too.”
December smiles, laughing and loud. Geoffrey pats her fragile hand. “You’re a really special man, Jinho.”
“Ah. My wife agrees.”
“And she also thinks you’re her rock. Really something. What do you think?” she grins, winking at him through the corner of her eyes.
Surprised, Jinho hesitates then turns to Cecilia. Is she stunned? Red? He brightens like a citywide powersurge and stiffens. “I think… she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and I will love her for over 300 years!” he spouts. “Even now, everything still feels so unreal, like a dream... I think, because of her, my dreams and reality have become the same thing. So...”
It’s quiet. 
The cicadas cry outside and Jinho, suddenly aware of his stupidity, looks down. His ears burn red and his face is catching fire; the world is looking at him all at once and he quickly fumbles for the lemonade. December blinks astonished at his confession, then tries a warm, inviting smile.
"My, well... That's sweet," she says, squeezing her husband's hand. The sun shines over her face and they stand from the sofa, nodding. "You two must love each other so much... But, maybe Geoffrey and I have been taking up too much of your time. There's a home you have to get set up, isn't there? Let us know when you're ready; we're just down the street over there, past the bush of thistles."
"206," Geoffrey adds in.
"Of course! 206. We'll let the whole neighborhood know to whip up a nice 'Welcome to the street!' luncheon for you three. No allergies, are there? Peanuts? Milk?"
Walking to the door, Jinho takes Cecilia's hand, almost by instinct, and wraps their fingers together. "No, no. We are good! Thank you, but to go through this trouble--"
"Nonsense! What kind of neighbors would we be if we did nothing? You're new here, Mr. Yang, so sit back, relax, and let us show you how we do it in Ayasadana!"
It takes a ten-minute goodbye before they node their heads, wave, and disappear down the street to 206. Jinho is still speechless. Spinning around, he randomly takes her into his arms, kisses her forehead, and dashes upstairs.
"Everyone is very nice, like they are planning something," he says. "Let's go to Damian's room! We have to start preparing it. What color? Blue? Blue because he is a boy, naturally. What do you think?" On the second floor, he bends over the guard rail and looks down to her. "Want to make a bet? I can finish redecorating in one day."
December is as nosy as ever. Cecilia should have known she hasn’t really changed much. “There’s really not much to tell. Our love is strong, but it’s not fit for the big screen. When I first met him, I thought he was a goof, and not all that smart. But he’s really…quite talented. And charming,” she recounts, merely thinking of him. Cecilia isn’t one to delve into their personal history and dish it out to strangers. They are simple, uncomplicated, but so happy. “He just makes me happy. I’ve never been happier in my entire life. Even though things haven’t always been easy, no matter how hard things get, I know we’re in it together and that we’ll get through it. He’s my rock.”
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
“‘And the rest is history,’” December drawls. She rolls her eyes half-heartedly and smiles. “Come now, the boys aren’t here. You can tell me everything, and I mean everything. How was the first impression? Any pictures?”
As the girls keep to themselves, their voices sifting through the house, Jinho grumbles about the furniture. A burly man with thick brown hair helps him with the other end of the couch, and his broad shoulders, tight with strained muscles, bump against the hallway. His name is Geoffrey. Jinho says it to himself five times to make sure.
“So, hey, welcome to the neighborhood. I think you two will like it here," he says. "Your wife seems like a real good woman.”
Jinho shifts the weight in his hands. “Of course. Why would I marry her if she is no good?”
“I hear you. Beautiful, too. You’re blessed.”
“Are you having eyes on--?”
“What?" Geoffrey stalls. "No. Just, you know.”
“So, now you are calling her ugly?”
“No. No! What I meant was--”
Suddenly, Jinho breaks out into an impulsive laugh that shrouds his eyes. Geoffrey shakes his head with relief, overwhelmed by it all.
“Don’t do that again.”
With the last of the furniture put into place, they reunite with the women in the living room, falling gracelessly onto the couch. Jinho sinks into it like a rock at sea, and without being aware of it, holds Cecilia's hand. December gravitates towards her husband and offers them the lemonade she and Cecilia had made earlier.
"Good work, boys!" she congratulates with ease. "We were just talking about you two. Only good things, of course. You know, Geoffrey and I, we are new parents ourselves. Our little girl's in preschool right now, but I was thinking that maybe... Well, if you two want, we can give you some tips and tricks. The closest grocer, the best schools... What plans do you have for your little boy?"
"Plans?" Jinho asks. He glances at Cecilia as if she'd know.
"Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead, but what do you want him to be?" December clarifies, clasping her hands together. "Our Vanessa is going to be a bright-eyed starlet! I couldn't be one, but her? She's got the whole world in the palm of her hands... So, then, what do you want your boy to be?"
December is as chatty as Cecilia remembers. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she can recall a girl with bright eyes and a notebook running all over the village asking people for ‘interviews’. While Cecilia held tea parties, December hosted an evening news segment. She said she wanted to be an investigative journalist, but like most Ayasadanians, she stayed where she was born, married a man from the village, and took over a family business almost like everyone else. A part of Cecilia feels sad, but December looks so happy.
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
i meant 12/13
12. Our muses bickering over the air conditiong settings
With the back door open, Jinho lies flat on the porch avoiding the unforgiving Ayasadana sun. A cicada screeches in the trees and spontaneously stops. For a moment, he imagines it burst into flames.
”Jin,” Cecilia says.
Maybe there is a forest fire somewhere. Maybe that bright orange sphere in the sky is the sun making a crash coarse collision to the end of the world. He is too tired to say his last prayers and squints when the sweat rolls down his face in torrents.
”Jin.” She is firmer this time.
"It’s hot."
He tosses his wrist unthinkingly. “I know.”
"Then do something about it."
"That costs electri-"
"For the last time, turn on the AC," Cecilia commands. The snap in her voice is drained, muffled by the humid air. "What do you want? To pay a little extra on the bills or to die? The human body typically experiences heat stroke when it reaches 104 degrees, and because the air is at 100—"
Like being struck by lightning, Jinho throws himself onto his feet and shuts the door. Cecilia lifts her head from the Medical Digest, alarmed.
"Are you turning on the AC?"
"Yes," he drones, "so you can stop being my doctor."
She smiles, watching him drag himself down the hallway. The familiar rumble of the AC comes to life and her hair flutters in the new breeze. She returns to her journal, content.
“I’m always your doctor.”
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
The Not-So-Domestic Meme
Send me a number and I’ll write a drabble about my muse:
burning your muse’s dinner
shrinking your muse’s favorite shirt in the wash
finding a cockroach
unclogging the toilet
our muses running out of milk
fighting over whose turn to do dishes
forgetting to water the plants
finding a “surprise” from the dog/cat/pet
forgetting to do the laundry
refusing to take out the trash
our muses’ roof is leaking
our muses bickering over the air conditioning settings
switching your muse’s coffee to decaf
forgetting to pay our muses’ electric bill
our muses’ wifi going out
the a/c or heater breaking
the water heater breaking
forgetting to buy groceries
causing a fire while cooking
grumbling about having to clean the bathroom
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Seph, Amy and Winter have to return to Jinho's life. His girl clique.
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
Cecilia blinks as she stares into the face that can only be described as fleetingly familiar. After a moment she remembers herself. What an odd introduction. “Oh, I’m at 21 weeks now,” she replies, answering the questions in the order given. Strange girl. Who else would this man be? “That’s my husband, Jinho, and I’m Cecilia. We’re the Yangs, and expecting a boy.”
The woman laughs at her husband struggling with the new cabinets she ordered, and offers help. The community is still alive and as neighborly as ever, but that’s to be expected from a woman like her. “Your name is December, isn’t it? You were only a few years older than me when I lived here. I remember your family used to run the bakery…” 
December gives her a strange look, sizing her up, before she finally seems to remember. “Cecilia?! Cecilia Cosmas?! You moved away years ago! Nobody even knows what happened to you except for what’s on the news and—! Oh, my! We didn’t expect you to move back!” She’s suddenly wrapped in a very tight hug. “You have to come to dinner with our family! You must remember Forest, don’t you? Of course you do, you were always so smart! Don’t worry about cooking tonight, you just focus on moving in and the whole village will have a potluck!” 
Cecilia can only smile awkwardly and nod in agreement. “Sure.” It’s going to be odd adjusting to this sort of neighborliness coming from the Citadel, but they’ll manage. Already, December is calling for her husband, and soon enough he’ll help Jinho move their heaviest furniture inside. 
“Oh, hush! He will come soon enough,” December insists, flicking her wrist as if patting a dog. Jinho continues with the cabinet and she leans in too close, her red smile ripe with gossip. “Men are the same wherever you may go, aren’t they? Think they’re so strong and independent, but behind those curtains? It’s us women who run the stage.”
Suddenly, a screeching meow and crash rips through the air. December whirls around looking for the source and is struck, wide-eyed and frozen. Jinho is spread over the floorboard. Black Sesame darts away with a coiled tail and flings itself behind Cecilia.
“Dear Heaven!"
She dashes over and he throws his hand out.
"I-I am okay! Just a little accident."
There is no blood. He rubs the back of his head and staggers standing up, flashing them his awkward, forced smile. December isn't convinced.
“Are you positive?”
“So positive," he lies. "But, I stepped on his tail. Are you okay?"
Kneeling down, he reaches helplessly for Black Sesame. It hisses and lunges for a scratch. He jerks away.
"Little Satan," he mutters, rubbing his pulsing elbow. Jinho looks embarrassed, out of place, and tries hard to avoid the critical look Cecilia may or may not be shooting him. "I, ah, have to go now. Please excuse me."
Nodding apologetically, he is gone and out the door. December walks curiously up to the bare window, watching him fumble for a couch as her husband approaches him. She smiles and takes Cecilia's hand with quiet touches. 
"He's certainly a man with character," she starts, looking sadly at Black Sesame. "Poor baby. But don't be so mad. It looks like he's trying to bring in the sofa right now, give us girls and cat a nice place to sit. Maybe it'll even help with your swollen ankles, isn't that right?" 
Her lashes are black, long. They don't hide the look in her eyes.
"Where in the world did you two meet? Tell me everything!"
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
"How far along are you?" she asks. Her name is December Whitaker, red-haired and straight out of a noir, the simple housewife from one sunflower field down. "And he's your husband, isn't he? He is! Are you expecting a girl?"
Nearby, Jinho struggles with a cabinet and slams his shoulder against the oak door frame, cursing in another language about the weight and his cracking fingers. December hides her smile behind a clever hand and laughs.
"Do you need help?" she cries. "My husband is just over there, you know!"
"Wh-No! No, that's fine! I am 100% okay." He unexpectedly whips his head around, catches a glance of Cecilia, and straightens up. "This is nothing."
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
She has her back to him. Jinho is thankful for that, and carefully touches his forehead like an afterthought. "Then, it is good that in this game, you have infinite lives..."
He hears her typing away at the computer, then scoots himself in too hard until his knees rap against the table. The screen flares briefly with a new webpage: Ayasadana homes, a village tucked away in a riverbed of trees that's further tucked away in an ocean of sunflowers. He squints like there's something in his eyes. "They all look... old. Like something I will see a woman churning butter in. There is more trees than people, and is this a water pump? It isn't extinct?" He scrolls through the page and pulls one up by random. "Everyone looks so far away from each other, like they are scared of catching each other's sickness... But, you really like this, right?"
New Start
"I’ll never reach the last level," she informs him, leaning over his desk, typing away into the search bar. "You’re my game that never ends. I won’t quit playing, either." Her fingers aren’t quite so fast as his on the keys, but she does manage to quickly pull of a page on residential living on Ayasadana. 
"Slow down there, tiger. There’s no way we’d ever have 101 kids. I’m not a dalmatian. I’m sure we’ll have a little girl you can spoil and play tea party with soon enough." She’s smiling to herself just thinking about it. Of course he’s going to be a good father. He’s already excited for children they haven’t had yet. "I want a house with plenty of space. Just someplace we can make our own," she informs him, pulling up a listing. "Look, they’re making new homes on the colony since it’s experiencing a population boom in the wake of the war…I don’t own my old house anymore. But we can move into any of these!" 
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
For a moment he doesn't answer. His cheeks flush and he clicks his tongue. "Ruthless. You are too much," he complains, feeling hotter, catching her eyes. "How can you say that... when you haven't even reached the last level yet?"
She laughs and, dazed by his sudden bout of courage, he does, too. "You're right. In that case, we will just have to try until there is a girl. Even if there are a hundred boys, we need to keep persevering until a girl arrives. It's only fair. I will learn how to tie pigtails and braids and make special lunches... she should have two closets full of different colored dresses and a kingdom of stuffed animals. Queen of cute." Looking up, he watches her pluck herself away and unintentionally tugs at the end of her shirt, watching the designs stretch. His chair spins around to follow her, and he studies the gentle curve of her back. "What kind of house? What do you want?"
New Start
Her head has to cock to the side slightly at that one. She knows that look he’s suddenly giving her, those unique bedroom eyes memorized a thousand times over. She can’t help but smirk. She hadn’t even been trying. Leaning closer, her voice drops as she whispers, “Oh, you’re my favorite game.” 
But he just as quickly bats her hand away and she laughs, humming softly to herself. “Mm…Of course we’re having more than one. But we could have a few. What if the next one is another boy? Then we’d have to try again. Best not to get ahead of ourselves. Our little girl will be whoever she wants to be. How many brothers she has? To be determined.” Pushing on his chest, Cecilia removed herself from Jin and stood in front of his monitor, typing away. “Let’s look for availabilities on Ayasadana…” 
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
"Saying things like that..." She traces his jaw, draws a line from his ear to a vein down his neck and he bites the inside of his lip. Cecilia is forward and unembarrassed. The threat feels right somehow. "Is it fun to you?" 
Batting her hand away, Jinho traces her face this time--her high cheekbones, the bridge of her nose, the indent between her lips. He squints cautiously at her and suddenly pulls away, lacing her hair behind her ear. "You said 'we will watch our kids' first! 'Kids' means more than one. I was just following you. So, because you implied already about having more, what kind of girl? A princess? With pigtails? Ah, she will be too cute. Already I'm having a heart attack."
New Start
They spin for awhile, gently and carefully. She doesn’t even tighten her grip. She knows he has her. “What am I providing for you?” she scoffs, glancing down at her stomach. “Besides your children and love?” Her index finger traces his jaw, then down his exposed neck. “I’d be careful if I were you. Maybe sleep with one eye open saying things like that.” 
But he’s gone, already thinking about something else. “You’ll be fine. We can do this,” she tries to reassure him, trying not to worry herself. Please don’t compare our son to ramen noodles. He’s better than that.” He starts talking about the daughter they don’t even have. “Hey, hey! One kid at a time. We’ll try for a girl a few years after Damian is born. Let’s take this one step at a time and move into our home first.” 
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
He’s showing off now. She loves it. Normally, he can be so modest, or a goof, but he knows he’s smart, and better yet, after all these years, she knows it too and adores him for it. “Mm…That’s my husband. Already providing me with everything I could ever want or need,” she teases, forgetting now how her pants don’t fit anymore. It doesn’t really matter. 
"You’re already a fantastic husband, Jin. You’re going to be a great dad!" She won’t let him speak badly of himself like this. "I love you. We’re going to be parents and it’s this great and wonderful thing. It’s a little scary for both of us, but we can do this. We’ll help each other. I can remember the first day of school. You can work on the house. And we’ll watch our kids grow up and grow old together, but I’ll never stop being attracted to you, because it’s healthy to continue having intimate relationships well into your old age." 
He pushes his foot against the floor and they spin in his chair, slow and careful. "Okay. Then, what will you provide for me? Since we are working together, it is only fair, don't you think?" He looks up to the ceiling, pretending that something is up there that he can't yet see. He presses his hand against her back, wondering if there's any inch of her that he hasn't already remembered. He knows there isn't.
"Husband and dad are two opposite things," he says, even if she knows. "I... really have no idea how to take care of one. But, let's just work really hard. He will be smart, handsome, talented, and so many girls will fall in love with him at first sight! Instant like instant noodles. Irresistible. And what about a girl? How do you think she will be like? No doubt an angel."
New Start
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
"There are many benefits to being Mrs. Yang." Her voice is stone-cold, as if she’s about to present some of her scientific findings to a curious group of grad students. "The foremost being, I am married to Mr. Yang, and I don’t have to share him with anyone." It’s hard for her to explicitly gush over him and compliment him directly, but she does adore him in her own way. "Give me the equation of a heart." 
They’re both just teasing each other. They shouldn’t feel so relaxed. They need to start looking for a home, but at the same time they’re happy just where they are. “Children give the community happiness. Purpose. They’re the reason why we do anything to make our colony great.” She smiles right back at him. “I can be a doctor to them like they wanted when I was younger. And you can find work easily anywhere we go. I love how useful your mind is…” 
He is struck, smiling, leaning back in his chair trying too hard to be disinterested. The light in his eyes says he's lying. His lopsided smile says more. "The equation of a heart? Do you want this in... parametric equations? Algebraic curve? More? Because I know several, but which do you want? How about... all?"
He laughs at the stupidity and simplicity of everything. He holds the back of her head, his fingers lost in her tangle of hair and his thoughts drifting. "Wherever you go, though, you can always help people. Moreover, I am scared about other things. I don't care so much if I get a very good job. But, what if I am a bad father? What if I can't give you two everything you want? Or need? What if I forget his first day of school? Or if I grow old and totally unattractive?"
New Start
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
She kisses his temple and he is inexplicably happy. Jinho rubs the back of his neck, tongue in cheek, and looks at nothing on the wall. "Good shape? Really? So, you think I am, like... a model or something?" he asks. "I mean, I'm not that attractive, but if you think this, I have no choice..."
He glances back at her, his smile forced back, trembling, and he suddenly breaks away to a shameless grin. He is not modest, but at least he's true. Jinho settles down and curiously rolls a lock of her hair around his finger. "'Where everyone contributes something to the community.' So, what did you give as a girl? And what can Damian give?" He uncoils her hair then, staring long at her after her silence. "I am seriously scared."
New Start
"It would be different if I could feel him moving on his own," Cecilia explains, accepting his tender hug. "I’m a newlywed bride. I don’t want to feel fat in front of my husband, or to make him feel fat either, especially when he’s in good shape." She kisses his temple gently, finally taller than him for once. 
"I suppose. We could always move, too. We don’t have to stay put forever," she reminds him, eyes watching his fingers carefully as he touches the collar of her shirt. "Always orange. The air is always crisp. Sunflower fields the children run through. A quaint little neighborhood, where everyone contributes something to the community. Everyone knows everyone. It’s a safe place, a village that could raise a child…That’s why it was my home once. I needed them. And Luke. Damian could meet his grandfather, though I haven’t visited his grave in so long…" 
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
She pouts; he sees her. Jinho takes her into a reassuring, loving hug and almost forgets how to let go. "Are you scared you look fat? I already told you, didn't it? That if you do, then I will, too, so we are equal and can love each other evenly," he promises, treasuring the way she fits into him. Her fingers run through his hair, and it is soothing.
"We can live in both, right? Like some people have summer homes?" He slowly takes his head off her shoulder then, without reason, idly tugs on the collar of her shirt. "Ayasadana... You said it is always orange, the sky. Tell me more. What will he be able to do there that he cannot do in Korea?"
New Start
"I don’t know, Jin…" She sighs and leans into him more, eyes flickering down to her uncooperative pants with a pout. They’re more uncomfortable than anything at this point. Damian is going to be a large baby. She can already tell. "I guess if you work on the nursery first before anything else and promise to be diligent with it, by the time he’s crawling, we’ll have to have the floors all done and it’ll be safe."
His head rests on her shoulder. With a small sigh, she runs a hand through his hair. “Korea is nice, so long as we stay in the suburbs,” she agreed, nodding along. His hands slide to her waist. She tries not to feel irrationally fat. “What do you mean ‘both’?”
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
She falls fatefully into him and he is still toying with the button, wandering. He smiles too readily and feels his lip split. "Since I will be doing it for us, I should have more energy than ever before. Surely, I will work from sun up to sun down and still have enough energy to passionately run five miles. If you have to carry him for nine months, then this is no problem."
Taking his hand back, Jinho lays his head over her shoulder. She is security, his future. He closes his eyes and thinks hard to himself. "I want to be in Korea. I have never actually lived there before, but it is where my family is from... But you are also from Ayasadana, so you feel the same way." Looking up to her, his hands find her waist. "So then... can we do both?"
New Start
"I do like things custom made. But Jin, that sounds like a lot of work for just one person before the baby is born," Cecilia reminds him, tugged closer until they’re sharing his chair, her knees balancing on either side of his lap. The zipper pops open next. 
"I think we know what we want. But as far as an actual neighborhood…? Where should we go? Kansas is out. So? Korea? Ayasadana? People like to move back to their hometowns." 
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
"Good. Because I like big skies. In the past, I used to lie down watching the cloudless sky, and once thought I was underwater. Maybe he will, too." 
Jinho hooks his finger through a loop in her pants and pulls her closer, messing with the button. He tries closing it and is too slow, a sign that he is not all there. His laptop beeps with a low battery warning and he suddenly comes to. "I have been thinking about getting a completely abandoned house. Then we can rebuild everything from top to bottom... like custom made. But, don't worry! Even if you cannot change the floors and windows, I can do it. We can even make a really big garden if you want. What do you think?"
New Start
"Well, sure…It’s quiet, but the sunflowers…" she trails off, sighing softly. She knows she can’t ignore the needs of their family. "I don’t want to live in a city. I want him to grow up with a community, neighbors all around, but open skies too." 
As soon as his arms reach towards her, she moseys a bit more until he can play with the button on her pants. “I want a house for us, yes. Four bedrooms, I think we said.” Her hands find his and grasp them gently. “We need to move soon. I’m already three months along and my clothes are starting to give me a little trouble. I want to move before I can’t help with anything.” 
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tinhtoan · 10 years ago
He runs his long fingers through his hair, unsure as to why his ears were warm, but then realizes: the proposal was embarrassing. He snaps around in his swivel chair and his socks do little to help him stop.
"Right. Of course," he murmurs, scratching the tip of his nose. "Kansas is a little quiet, isn't it? Don't kids like... a lot of things? And a lot of friends? Wiith such a quiet place, what if all of his friends are sunflowers?" Jinho rubs his face from overthinking and reaches towards her with a sort of unspoken want, toying the button between his fingers. "Okay. So, then, what do you want? In a house?"
New Start
Of course he calls her when she’s just starting to have trouble buttoning up her pants. The first trimester is just finishing up, and she’s finally moving past the morning sickness stage. Now she’s just starting to show, though she doesn’t want to buy any maternity clothes just yet if she can help it. 
They’ve been side-stepping this issue. “Well, I really liked Kansas,” she starts, walking over to him, pants unbuttoned. “That neighborhood you took me to to propose? It reminds me of Ayasadana.” 
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