Sunshine Mop
13K posts
I'm Stargirl but I don't shine.
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tinglesandtroubles · 3 years ago
Hello to you again. You must have forgotten all about me, and that’s okay. I used to retreat to this tiny space of the internet whenever I felt like escaping from my real life, even just for a moment, and yet now I retreat from you. I guess I have also temporarily forgotten about that part of myself too, the carefree, childlike and curious little girl who wrote anything and everything under the…
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tinglesandtroubles · 4 years ago
10 Lessons I Learned from my 10 Months of Freelancing
10 Lessons I Learned from my 10 Months of Freelancing
Today marks the 13th month anniversary of the lockdown in my country, a.k.a. my first official day out of a job. You see, I was currently employed as an associate dentist this time last year, and I had just made the stupid decision not to return to work and stay home in the province for at least a few weeks until the ECQ was lifted. Little did I know that that stupid decision would change the…
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tinglesandtroubles · 4 years ago
How to deal with unemployment
How to deal with unemployment
Ladies and gentlemen, we are officially out of business!
I’m only half-kidding. What I mean is, I’ll be out of work for a few months, at least until it’s safe to perform dental treatments again. For those of you who don’t know, I’m an associate dentist here in the Philippines, which means I don’t have my own dental practice and I work for a dental corporation. The entire economy is already…
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tinglesandtroubles · 4 years ago
My Current Quarantine Routine
My Current Quarantine Routine
And how this season is turning out to be my most productive summer yet!
When people ask me how I’m doing during this period, I always tell them I’m great. I’m loving it, really! Sometimes I feel like I’m disappointing them because I should be worried and miserable. I know, I know, it’s such a silly thought. But for most people, it’s a horrible reality. They are going through an extremely…
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tinglesandtroubles · 4 years ago
How I Got Here
How I Got Here
(a.k.a. my story)
I was an overachiever in my childhood years. My parents wanted me to be as well-rounded as possible, so they took me to every academic and extracurricular activity – from dancing, acting, choir, art, karate to track and field. The ones I truly enjoyed, however, were writing and speaking workshops, team building exercises, and personal development talks. I especially loved…
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tinglesandtroubles · 5 years ago
On birthdays and the reflections that arise from it.
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An entry from my journal not so long ago
Who writes long posts during birthdays anymore? Probably no one on Facebook. But since I have made the resolution to reflect more this year, I thought it would be nice to share my thoughts with you for a change. In the past years, it had been so difficult to write during my birthday because I hated the thought of getting older and I couldn’t reflect…
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tinglesandtroubles · 5 years ago
My 2019 Memory Reel
My 2019 Memory Reel
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I had just come off from months of rigorous review for the Dentistry Licensure Exam and enjoying my newfound freedom from dent school, at long last! I was ecstatic, to say the least, and kept breathing my sigh of relief probably a hundred times over. So I was awarded my PRC certificate and took my oath as a new, young dentist along with my batchmates. I was excited for the year to…
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tinglesandtroubles · 6 years ago
On going intentional
“Such a simple concept, yet so true: that which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.”
Garth Stein
Oh, how time flies. It was only last year when I was panicking whether or not I’d be able to finish my last clinical requirement (Rotary…
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tinglesandtroubles · 6 years ago
Flashback Friday (aka my overdue 2018 Review)
Flashback Friday (aka my overdue 2018 Review)
Let me start by saying this was the year of breakthroughs in my life. The Lord was very gracious and faithful to me despite my many stumbles. He has shown me His everlasting presence and omnipotence as well as His love and mercy towards me. Many times I would falter in doubt and disbelief but the Lord always directed my eyes towards seeing His undeniable mercies and promises.
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tinglesandtroubles · 6 years ago
The Reason I Stopped
The Reason I Stopped
(And why I’m starting over again.)
I’ve been restless for the past few weeks, my mind constantly thinking of a million random things, I keep trying to sort them into different categories and place them in designated corners of my brain but without any success. I tried writing down most of what it can recover, but whenever my fingers grip the pen and the pen hits the paper, my mind just goes…
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tinglesandtroubles · 6 years ago
I forgot I had this on here.
It was her voice that drove me mad.
She spoke so unabashedly I actually doubted if I’d made the wrong phone call. I checked the number on my screen, one, two, three times. It was yours. But it was a girl who answered.
Have you ever felt your hands shake with so much anger, heard your own voice crack when you asked who the fuck she was, your heart drop so fucking low when you figure out this is…
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tinglesandtroubles · 6 years ago
The Writer Tag
1. What type of writing do you do?
I mostly write non-fiction and a teeny bit of “prose poetry” on my blog.
2. What genres and/or topics do you write about?
I don’t think I’ve ever written or posted something that didn’t involve my personal life. I write everything from my everyday musings to the weirdest, most inappropriate moments I have to go through in life. LOL. I give out much unsolicited…
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tinglesandtroubles · 7 years ago
10 Things I learned at 27
10 Things I learned at 27
Let me just preface this by saying I don’t know an awful lot to be honest. Technically, I’ve only been 27 for 24 hours, so just be aware that you’re already reading a technically incorrect article. But I haven’t written here in SUCH A LONG WHILE that I need to give you something worth reading at least. Anyway, 10 years ago, I thought I would have my life all figured out perfectly at the age of…
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tinglesandtroubles · 9 years ago
Beer talk
Have you ever had a moment alone with yourself where you’ve doubted who you are? What do you do when you admit that you’re not you, and you’ve been lying to yourself this whole time? A really huge part of me is being sure of what I am, and being true to myself always. What happens if you’ve lost sight of who you are? How do you deal with realizing you’re not the same person anymore and you’re not…
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tinglesandtroubles · 9 years ago
  Do you like me?
Do I make you happy?
Do you think I’m pretty?
I know it drives you nuts when I ask you such questions. Your answer never changes, but most of the time I still need to hear it. Yes.
Thank you for never getting tired of banishing my insecurities and for putting up with me through all my mood swings. (They aren’t ending anytime soon though.)
Thank you for listening to my rants and for telling me to toughen up at times I feel like I’m being bullied. Thank you for being there for me always, even if your ways of cheering me up aren’t exactly conventional. Thank you for throwing me great birthday parties, and for kissing me before throwing the first egg on my head. Thank you for teaching me to appreciate sports and for attempting to get me involved in them too (although sadly, you failed).
Thank you for pushing me to work hard in school, for giving me the confidence that I need so badly in the clinic, and for sometimes getting mad at me when I don’t show up with patients or procedures during clinic days. Thank you for helping me find my clipboard that one time I lost it, even though I know how much it pissed you off because it cut off your precious sleeping time. Thank you for trusting me to do oral prophylaxis on you, even though it was totally cheesy and you wouldn’t admit that you secretly liked it.
Thank you for being the craziest, dumbest, motherfvcking stuntman I’ve ever seen drunk, for attempting the stupidest things and for telling the corniest jokes. Thank you for not caring when you look like a fool as long as you see everyone laughing and having a good time. Thank you for teaching me not to take life too seriously, and to have fun once in a while.
Thank you for coming with me to all my travel adventures. Thank you for never allowing us both to have dull moments, and for always making every adventure count. Thank you for treating everyone the same, regardless of societal class, religion, race or opinion. Thank you for teaching me how to be kind, respectful, honest and true.
Thank you for showing me how important blood is to you. Thank you for introducing me to Khalel and to the rest of your family. Thank you for not being afraid to show me who you truly are, and for not keeping secrets from me (as well as keeping those that I don’t really need to know).
Thank you for making me love every little and big thing about you, the good, the ugly, and the non-negotiable parts of you. Thank you for letting me know you, and for being patient enough to let me adjust to you. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I give you the hardest time. Thank you for pointing out my flaws, and for choosing to stay despite all of them. Thank you for letting me grow – literally and figuratively – and for allowing me the time and space whenever I need to be alone.
Thank you for loving me, even when I’m least likable, when I leave you feeling any less than happy, and especially when I’m not pretty. There is so much more I want to thank you for, some I haven’t thought of just yet, but I’ll save them for your next birthday. Hehehe. Know that I am hopelessly, irrevocably, mind-baffling-ly in love with you, no matter the circumstance. You will always have me. Happy birthday, Khalid, hon!
Yes this is a birthday thing because I’m broke and don’t have an amazing party to gift you with :( sorry! I’ll bawi next time. You know I will. Graduate na tayo, hon, please. Love you!
Crae Do you like me? Do I make you happy? Do you think I'm pretty? I know it drives you nuts when I ask you such questions.
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tinglesandtroubles · 9 years ago
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Hi everyone! We're inviting you to a night of music, poetry, and art THIS Tuesday, June 14th at the Brewery, BGC! Music for Life: Bring Back the Beat aims to raise funds for our friend's heart surgery. Para sa mga mahilig humugot diyan, this is THE PERFECT AVENUE for all your feelings! Di ka namin ija-judge! Promise!! Spread the word, and see you there!!! Visit the link for more details! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=954296221354815&id=100003233376426
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tinglesandtroubles · 9 years ago
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Hi guys! Please join us for a night of music, poetry and basically a lot of *~feels~* this Tuesday, JUNE 14 at The Brewery, BGC. For only 300 pesos, you get to see Curtis Smith, Juan Miguel Severo and more amazing artists perform AND you get to help save a life! Let's gooo, promise, worth it 'to!! See you there!! 😄 #Acousteoke #MusicForLife
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