timpanist-moth · 5 months
Hey so lots of people have probably seen the post by @erika-xero about the massive Critical Role art theft by one person on Redbubble. Well I went through all their listings and tracked down all the artworks and artists beyond Erika who had their work stolen and I compiled a list. I reblogged Erika's post with all this info but because this is the hellsite it got pretty messy so I would like to share the neatened up list I made in a Google Doc. Please feel free to spread this to other social media sites as this is my only one and there are many artists affected that are not on Tumblr and I have no way to alert them.
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
I truly love how queer can mean "Eh I'm some flavour of Not-Cishet but I don't care to know the specifics beyond that" but also "I absolutely do know the specifics but we will be here all damn day if we get into it" and like. Everything in between. I think that's incredibly powerful of us tbh.
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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so this happened to me today
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
I don't understand tumblr, part #3849 When a post shows up on my dashboard I can comment on it but if I go to that same post's permanent page I can never find a place to do the same thing, only the extant Notes show up, why is this? pls someone explain to me precisely how I am being an idiot (I always use a web browser)
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
i think i'm just about ready to snap and start unhinged yelling about generational neglect in the queer community
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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Morena (Slovak and Macedonia) was the goddess associated with seasonal agrarian rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature in Slavic mythology. As the Goddess of death, her realm was Nav (realm of dead) and she wasn’t respected as much as her counterpart and enemy Vesna (goddess of spring). She represented the long, cold winters that could bring death to both humans and their cattle in form of starvation and freezing. Her arrival was always expected with fear, while arrival of Spring season was always celebrated. Among Eastern Slavs, there was belief that Yarilo (god of rebirth), when he was taken by Veles (god of forests), he met Morena at the beginning of Spring and their love brought wheat and fruits. However, when Yarilo stopped liking her, she murdered him and that caused Autumn and eventually Winter to happen. Morena also goes by other names in Slavic mythology including Marzanna (Polish), Marena (Russian), Mara (Ukraine), Morana (Czech, Slovene, Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian) and Mora (Bulgarian). (Ziad Nakad Fall 2018 Haute Couture Collection)
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
I'd say I need this but then I would also require 5 more cats to populate all the branches ...yes you are correct there is no downside to that proposition
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Organic Sculptural Tree Trunk Root Chair with Yellow Velvet Upholstery. 1970s
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
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I think you’re damn worthy.
KEYLETH in 1x04: “ Shadows at the Gate ” dir. Young Heller
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
First thought: "Oh, what a great socialization opportunity for these guys! New place, new people, weird new surface AND clothing!" Second thought: "Those are some pretty solid temperaments if they were really able to handle all that at once. I wonder what the lineage is and if those lines have any close relatives in my country..."
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“so tell us, guys: how can we make hockey more fun? did somebody say puppies?”
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timpanist-moth · 2 years
Two people who were never normal children, who made their living pretending to be normal children, no longer children, also not exactly normal adults, once again, as adults, pretending to be normal children (I love them very much)
“Oh, it’s Major Buzzkill here to take away all our fun.”
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timpanist-moth · 3 years
Ashton “I don’t do friends” organizing the group icebreakers and buying everyone sandwiches- yeah sure you don’t buddy. I’m sure you don’t have friends. You’re so cool and friendless. Now go back to the house you live at with your multiple despondent punk queer definitely not friends who you give so much money to.
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timpanist-moth · 3 years
okay it’s midnight and i’m keeping myself awake thinking about how cool internet language is and how RIDICULOUSLY fast it moves. the abbreviation “ig” barely existed a year ago. the word “bestie” as a casual address showed up six months ago, spread like wildfire, and is already declining in usage. why are white impact font black outline text memes popular again when they were the least funny things on the internet two years ago? why are we suddenly putting spaces before exclamation points? also lately i’ve been seeing people say “lol” and come off both dead serious and completely ironic at the same time. how are they doing that. and “hello???” “help” and “bye” all mean the same thing. and where did (gets shot) come from?? dude meme culture and internet vernacular are so inexplicably intertwined and impossible to quantify and it is the MOST fascinating thing
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timpanist-moth · 3 years
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This is so stupid but as soon as I saw this Always Sunny episode I knew I had to draw this.
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