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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
05 Schemers
God know who's naughty and who's nice
God knows who complicit and who's complacent
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Cricket Sound
T imGolden's grades = https://www.google.com/search?bih=657&biw=1366&hl=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02QUT0MuDD8dT5eV0MPEGDsDv-fyQ%3A1594907351290&ei=11oQX5yqEbPC1QGthpXwDg&q=Dear+NY+FBI%2C+be+a+doll+and+feed+Verizon+and+Sedgwick+Claims+my+Grades&oq=Dear+NY+FBI%2C+be+a+doll+and+feed+Verizon+and+Sedgwick+Claims+my+Grades&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQDDoECCMQJzoECCEQClCMkQFYg6cBYPO1AWgAcAB4AIABXYgBywaSAQIxMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjc8f3w9NHqAhUzYTUKHS1DBe4Q4dUDCAw
Trump's grades = https://youtu.be/K8E_zMLCRNg via @YouTube
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Lilies of the Field - Amen
you are descendants of kings and queens
you are brothers and sisters of JESUS 
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Gabyshev vowed to exorcise the “demon Putin” out of Russia. 
Q: How do you exorcise devils and do-nothings out of goivernment?
A: Make all pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS candidates pass Tests [i.e. 
Polygraph + Ethics + History + Critical Thinking + IQ]
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning ::: Apocalypse Now
I love the smell of napalm in the morning
Dear NY FBI, what reeks like RICO?
- Timothy Golden 4(e!) seconds ago
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world ( 1967 )
What a wonderful world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWzrABouyeE or I fed Obama’s EEOC God’s Mail and then Obama’s EEOC choked: https://medium.com/@treasurelife999/i-fed-obamas-eeoc-god-s-mail-and-then-obama-s-eeoc-choked-ccbc89a33fff + https://medium.com/@treasurelife999/on-august-6-2014-verizon-told-metlife-verizon-cant-accommodate-mr-2057196ea361 On July 6, 2011, Verizon Paid $20 Million to Settle Disability Lawsuit. Verizon signed a court order agreeing to accommodate its workers. On July 28, 2014, Verizon told MetLife, “Verizon can’t accommodate Mr. Golden’s work restrictions” (duh!) Dear NY FBI, does not Verizon owe me: 1) the mandatory ADA interactive process, 2) a reasonable accommodation, 3) 10 years back pay, 4) Social Security Disability Benefits, 5) my NYS Workers’ Compensation Section 32 Agreement?
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Sad Trombone - Gaming Sound Effect (HD)
You’re all sheriffs here. — SEC Chairman Christopher Cox 9/14/2006 
+ “
Those who break the law need to know that they will face an unrelenting 
law enforcement agency in the SEC 
— SEC chairwoman Mary Schapiro, 2/6/2009 
I fed Obama’s SEC God’s Mail and then Obama’s SEC choked: https://medium.com/@treasurelife999/i-fed-obamas-sec-god-s-mail-and-then-obama-s-sec-choked-a6cb59af89b5 
sad Trombone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQeezCdF4mk
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
The Benny Hill Show Theme Song (From The Show)
SEC will be on the beat like never before to catch wrongdoers. 
 — SEC chair Mary Shapiro, 2/6/2009 
Obama’s SECgate: 
Ms. Katz from SEC called me (in 2013) and said, “Mr. Golden, we can’t help you.
SEC is not a law enforcement agency 
 y’all [pOTUS and COTUS and SCOTUS] better start righting before God says,
 “Time’s Up!” “spirits! put your man (pencils) down!”
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Sad Trombone Wah Wah Wah Fail Sound Effect
“I am my sister’s keeper” + EEOC case dumping scandal (1965 — T imGolden) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LukyMYp2noo&feature=emb_title
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Q: is Xi pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST? hinT: Xi tells Christians to replace pictures of JESUS with ZZZi or else
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Q: is Xi pro-CHRIST or anti-CHRIST? hinT: Xi tells Christians to replace pictures of JESUS with ZZZi or else
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Squirrel Nut Zippers - Hell
Timothy Golden 3 years ago U.S. Department of Justice, Q: are y'all [pOTUS + OMB + COTUS + EEOC + SCOTUS] pro-woman? A: nyeT! Fact1: if y'all were pro-woman then y'all would investigate every woman's complainT "in good faith" = in a 'thorough and timely' manner Fact2: if y'all were pro-woman then y'all would play a modern day Robin Hood = 1) take $9.99 billion from the rich [Pentagon budget] 2) give $9.99 billion to the poor [EEOC + OSHA + EPA + SEC + CDC + EBSA budgets] 3) hire Bill (not Clinton not Cosby) Bratton to be EEOC chair 4) let him hire 5000 qualified (ethical + competent) EEOC investigators 5) let G-D watch workplace discrimination become a thing (sin) of the past p.s. U.S. Department of Justice, Fact1: I said to one of my daughters, "Lily! women are not pro-woman unless she desires to 'see' every woman's complainT investigated "in good faith" = in a 'thorough and timely' manner Fact2: my daughter Lily said, "dad! you're like the ultimate feminisT
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timgoldengolden · 5 years ago
Integrity tests for police officers vs Integrity tests for presidents or Trump: ‘I would rarely leave the White House’ vs Trump has spent 182 days at hiss properties so far (duh!) https://medium.com/t/@treasurelife999/trump-i-would-rarely-leave-the-white-house-trump-has-spent-182-days-at-hiss-properties-so-far-9a2126d7947
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timgoldengolden · 6 years ago
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Debtgate: why are we $22T in debt if we’ve given Uncle Sham $40T in tax revenue to manage since 2000? https://medium.com/t/@treasurelife999/debtgate-why-are-we-22t-in-debt-if-weve-given-uncle-sham-40t-in-tax-revenue-to-manage-since-a54ec6e241de
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timgoldengolden · 6 years ago
T im4(e!) seconds ago Q: if the world’s smartest computers could vote would they vote or would they take a knee? https://medium.com/@treasurelife911/q-if-the-worlds-smartest-computers-could-vote-would-they-vote-or-would-they-take-a-knee-4d962366dec7
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timgoldengolden · 6 years ago
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T im4(e!) seconds ago Dear EEOC, is United States Womens National Team diverse enough? https://medium.com/t/@treasurelife999/dear-eeoc-is-united-states-womens-national-team-diverse-enough-a79015a90960
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timgoldengolden · 6 years ago
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A tweet from the U.S. Army prompted an outpouring of grief and pain
shouldn’t America’s poor military men (and women) get paid the same as America’s rich Border Patrol? https://medium.com/@treasurelife999/shouldnt-america-s-poor-military-men-and-women-get-paid-the-same-as-america-s-rich-border-patrol-41b45854357e
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