i just want someone to miss me
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Concept: someone loves me and takes care of me and fucks me good
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Today has been incredibly shocking and heartbreaking. A lot of people who aren’t part of the LGBTQ+ community may not fully grasp the gravity of what happened. Personally having this happen so close to home, at a club where friends of mine have frequented, has completely shaken me. I now struggle with the idea of feeling safe in my own community. When society ostracizes us we are forced to create our own community, but now that community has been compromised and its an incredibly unnerving feeling. I know that eventually I’ll move on from this and find peace with the situation, but for 50+ of my brothers and sisters that is not an option. I’ve attached some of the tweets that have really stuck with me throughout the day and while I’ve been reflecting on what happened and what it truly means for me. I hope that some of you will be able to read this and possibly gain a new perspective and understanding when trying to understand and empathize with your LGBTQ+ friends, family, and coworkers.
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therapist: how are you? me: fine how are you
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Concept: People stop equating my hypo/mania with happiness
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When I die, will you sext me through a Ouija board?
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how do i get the moon to notice me back
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I don’t mean to interrupt people I just randomly remember things and get really excited I’m sorry
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Nicki Minaj @ a meet and greet: Hi! What’s your name?
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Hand me a rose if u ever see me
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watching yourself being replaced by people better than you
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Im a big fan of anything that will help me chill the fuck out
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me: *flips dogs ear inside out* me: can u..,. hear better like this
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what if i like…didnt fuck up for once??? That would be so lit
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