im sorry but no matter what i will never use "ofc" to mean "of fucking course". its "ofcourse". obviously.
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Markiplier was passionately making out with me.
When we stopped, he vanished and was replaced by a Caesar salad.
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Whole-heartedly BEGGING writers to unlearn everything schools taught you about how long a paragraph is. If theres a new subject, INCLUDING ACTIONS, theres a new paragraph. A paragraph can be a single word too btw stop making things unreadable
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Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.
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Adobe is going to spy on your projects. This is insane.
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Lactose: e-excuse me...
Stomach: hey, what do we have here? Some goddamned lactose!
Small intestine: we don't like lactose here, ya know? You're gatecrashing a very private party!
Large intestine: (pushes him, making him stumble) there's two ways you can leave here... The easy way, or the hard way. What's it gonna be?
Lactose: but I...
Lactase: (deep voice) step back, everyone. (walks up and puts his arm around lactose's shoulders) he's with *me*
Large intestine: lactase?!
Small intestine: b-but you're both...
Lactase: I *said* he's with me. You got a problem with that?
Stomach: (finishes sizing him up) right. Course not. It's cool, lactose. Just don't cause any *problems*, you hear?
Lactose: I-I w-
Lactase: you don't have to answer that, babe. Just keep walking
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adhd is so embarrassing ur basically like “I have to have fun right the fuck now or I’m throwing myself off the roof” 90% of the time and you also have very little control over this
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I remember years ago when I was still in therapy I told my therapist that I felt bad asking my friends for help because a lot of them were also going through some bad stuff and she told me
“You know, sometimes people in crisis will enjoy helping. It can be a distraction from their own problems.”
And then the next week I reached out to a friend who was in the middle of going through something about what I was going through and my therapist was right. That friend jumped at the opportunity to help.
And I’ve realized since then that my own problems rarely have anything to do with my ability to help others with theirs unless I am literally having an attack of some kind at that moment. In fact, it is actually refreshing to work on other peoples problems with them sometimes. Listening to problems you’re not soaking in constantly and helping your friend is often something you just want to do because you care about them. And you don’t stop caring about people because you’re having a hard time right now.
So I guess sometimes inviting someone into your sinking ship does work actually.
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asking "wait so what do you think I'm saying" mid-disagreement will replenish years of your life actually
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Haters be like
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“It’s totally possible to make a path that goes through every door exactly once”
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holy fuck.
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When I grow up I wanna be upper middle class.
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got a major pest problem this year actually
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