it is, in fact, very much bae
11K posts
hayley | 26who knew a pair of Canadian ice dancers could occupy so much of my timei used to blog about a lot of different things, but now it's mostly just lurking and occasionally reblogging something if it makes me yell M E really loudly at my laptop
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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This cat is so beautiful
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
11 questions
@buisnesspartners tagged me in this about a week ago and i’ve been terrible in getting around to it, but here’s 11 questions for me to answer and it’s been a million years since i’ve put anything about me on here so i mean i may as well.
1. Whats something you never leave the house without?
unfortunately it’s my phone. i legit cannot think of a reason why i would leave the house without it.
2. What is a word you wish people would use to describe you when they talk about you?
hopefully it would be ‘kind’
3. For the rest of your life, you can only watch Nicholas cage movies. How do you feel about this?
heavens this is a dire way to go. but i mean, national treasure is a fine movie. honestly, i don’t know if i know of any other nicholas cage movies.
4. Is there something you could do really well as a kid but cant anymore?
I used to be pretty decent at dancing, and i didn’t continue doing it properly after i was about 8 and i’ve regretted it ever since.
5. You can vanquish one things in this universe from existing and it will have no negative effects on the world today. What are you getting rid of forever?
if i think about this question for too long my brain starts to hurt. like i’d like to remove humanity’s lack of ability to put others before themselves? like socialism at it’s core is a great idea, but humans are incapable of not being greedy or selfcentered idk. my brain hurts.
6. Is there something that you hoard, or have an unsettling amount of?
I have a ridiculous amount of harry potter books. i think the current count is 32. nothing different about them except the different covers. and the fact that i have one set of the US books so the occasional word is different. does the complete set on my kindle count?
7. Do you get the artificial butter or the real butter at the movie theatre?
i don’t think we’re given the option at the movies in australia. i honestly wouldn’t even know what type of butter it is. i’d usually go for a frozen coke instead.
8. You are stuck in an ikea for the night. How are you spending the next 8 hours?
ooooooh boy i’d design my ideal house for a couple of hours and then just go to bed on a comfy bed in one of the like cute house setups they have.
9. What sport would you want to go to the olympics for?
i’ve always loved watching the gymnastics. to be able to do that would be pretty cool. ice skating as well. but my ability to skate is pretty terrible.
10. What movie/show have you seen so many times you can quote it?
moulin rouge! i have a distinct memory of reenacting the entire film with my mum in an empty church hall when i was 8 and we had an afternoon to kill.
11. A vampire shows up on your doorstep? What do you do?
ask them if they plan on eating me, if not, invite them in. they must have great stories.
Here are the next set of questions for y’all to answer:
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What are your thoughts or feelings on the subject of Mathematics?
Favourite book you’ve ever read?
Least favourite household chore and why?
If you could time travel to any year in history or the future what would it be and why?
Day or Night?
Did you go through a stationary obsessed phase?
Can you swim?
Favourite way to occupy your time on public transport?
If you could have any animal in the world as a pet what would it be?
Do you press snooze repeatedly in the morning or do you get up at your first alarm?
I’m tagging @croquettish​ @thecomfiestwitch​ @alysanne​ @shutupmerlin @siriussblack
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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son of alderaan / master of the knights of ren / supreme leader of the first order / the last skywalker
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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TANGLED (2010) dir. Byron Howard and Nathan Greno
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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tessa virtue, 5-time olympic medalist in ice dance hockey
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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nothing fucks with my baby
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
Anyway, I want to be rawed romantically
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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So, we’re doing this? It’s basically already done.
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
jenna marbles not making a video because she failed to turn her hair into a hot wheels track and then coming back three weeks later with a brand new game plan and succeeding is the kind of energy i’m bringing with me to the last 2 and half months of 2019
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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Lights Up (2019)
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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Pchiddy: There’s more than one way to skate across Canada  #RocktheRink
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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Hozier by Philip Edsel for LADYGUNN
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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[ x / x ]
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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gif: Bee
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timeisonthetable · 5 years ago
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Love is the relinquishment of logic. The willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it, or we fight it. We cannot meet it halfway. Without it, we can not continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality.
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