This is time.
677 posts
ENDLESS, looped time.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
timeisbrain · 2 days ago
hey, all. im not dead. i’ll be back soon, but when i return, i’m going to do a p heavy soft blocking spree. i’ve been getting so much anxiety anytime i scroll the dash that im unable to log onto this blog, so i think it’s time.
i’m really sorry in advance because i do love you and all your muses and wonderful portrayals. please know this is something i have to do to manage myself, and it’s not because of you or a lack of appreciation for your amazing writing.
this is truly without malice and has everything to do with me and the wonky electrical activity in my brain. i’m honestly wishing nothing but the best, most fulfilling interactions for you in the future. fr, fr. i hope you’re having a splendid weekend (what’s left of it). be back soon.
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timeisbrain · 8 days ago
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Captain Marvel #3 (2023)
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timeisbrain · 8 days ago
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THAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH NECROMANCY. Something always goes wrong. Just a little word to the wise... at least, anyone wiser than he is.
What an absolute fucking shit sandwich he made out this. Stephen Strange's hubris back from the dead—did it ever really die?—here to face off with the ghost of his dead brother who's stuck in a limbo that's likely making Hell look like a vacation.
He sits at the desk, a cup of tea conjuring in front of him, So, what if there's actually gin in it?
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❝ Look, I'm trying to get you out of here. ❞
Victor's frown. The constant arguing. Almost makes Stephen wonder if his brother REALLY DIED aside from the fact that if he throws a book at him this time, it'll only scuff up the walls. And these walls talk... and they'll complain.
Slumping back in his chair, the tea cup meets his lips. It doesn't burn enough.
❝ I might have attracted the attention of some people who take issue with SORCERERS WHO POSITION THEMSELVES HIGHER THAN DEATH. ❞ A confession grumbled over porcelain. ❝ So, if anyone comes asking questions around here, you're just one of the many specters who reside here. Can we at least agree to that? ❞
… @timeisbrain : stay out of trouble .
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SOUND SIMILAR TO THAT OF A GROWL escape from his sharpen canines towards the other in response , letting features place a judgmental look their way before moving his ghostly attention away from the other . ' STAY OUT OF TROUBLE ' — as if one has a choice in the matter of it all ! as if one isn’t bounded to the shackles of his confines within the sanctum itself by the actions of his older brother all because of his selfish feelings towards the death of himself & others . really , stephen , how idiotic of you to say something like that to your dead baby brother most of all .
rolls of one’s eyes before letting his ghostly figure sit upon the desk near him , crossing his arms before giving the other a wave of dismissal . ❛  what did my dearest brother do now ? hm ? ❜ raises an eyebrow in their direction before motioning towards the sanctums door from his location . ❛ invaders of the deep ? released a band of demons ? oooh , ask them if they can cast my soul to hell for once ! I’d rather be there than here ! ❜ sharp tone leaves his dead vocal cords , narrowing his eyes in response . ❛ well ? don’t leave me hanging like you did at my grave now . ❜
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timeisbrain · 9 days ago
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timeisbrain · 9 days ago
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timeisbrain · 9 days ago
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a private, indie, heavily selective interpretation of clea strange. no personals, 20+ only. manifested by carcass.
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timeisbrain · 9 days ago
BOLD what applies to your muse, ITALICIZE if there’s potential / it’s dependent on external factors. CROSS OUT if there’s NO potential under any circumstances
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holding hands | buying flowers | cooking | cuddles | writing a poem / song | holding door open | tying shoe laces | sharing a milkshake with two straws | offering their jacket cloak when it's cold | kissing in the rain | publicly confessing love | long walks at the beach | doing the titanic pose on a boat | taking cute pictures in a photobooth | sharing a taxi / uber | kissing the back of their hand | slow dancing | getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other | introducing them to their parents | lighting candles | flower petals on bed | love letters | star gazing | brushing / doing their hair | picnics | teaching them to play an instrument / a sport while gently guiding their hands | compliments | late night drives | taking selfies together | drawing them | self-made gifts | massages | proposing with a family heirloom ring | lending them their favourite book to read | paying for dinner / coffee | mixtapes / playlists | surprise birthday parties | feeding them | handing them keys to their apartment | making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over | sharing a blanket | couple costumes | tucking a hair strand behind their ear | running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving | moving cities to be together | blowing a kiss | breakfast in bed | defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) | joint bubble baths | dropping the l - bomb ("i love you") | dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them | wearing their clothes | yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie | grant them the last bite from a meal
tagged by: @templeofvengeance ( kissy sounds @ khon ) no pressure tagging: @theirmadness ( natasha & wanda or anyone else you'd like! ) / @hisbetrayals ( drac ) / @warlordborn ( smooch ) / @blueswede / @oeternity / @presidentlaufeyson / @safetypinned / and YOU. tag me so i can read what you put down!!
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timeisbrain · 9 days ago
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TWO REQUESTS. Stephen had two requests of this guy, and while the first got covered just fine enough, the second—
Gaze snapping up at Tony, Stephen's eyes narrow fractionally, and he slams the book shut. Of course, he knew Tony Stark—the Tony Stark—was enrolled at MIT. Everyone knew that. Something about Stark's fiftieth PhD because the family is so horny for academia or whatever.
❝ WILL YOU LET ME OUT? ❞ He gestures past Tony with the book in hand. What's Tony getting off on blocking the exit for the booth when he could have just sat across from him? Well, the reason's not important because—oh, right—Stephen doesn't care. ❝ I'm not part of your FAN CLUB, so whatever you're expecting to get out of this, it's not happening. ❞
Tony's so used to people having any form of a reaction to him that the lack of one takes him by surprise. He slides down in the seat, avoiding the Howard Stark fanclub that's congregating outside the diner, looking for him. There are only so many ways he can hear "Your dad's hot" without wanting to emancipate himself.
He lifts his hand to order more coffee before leaning over, hands lifting the book so he can see the cover. "Neuroscience at 2am - You know how to have a good time." He's very much up in the man's space, nosey. "I was at a conference last year in California introducing Computational Neuroscience - Anything in there about that?" It doesn't even occur to him to give the man space. Instead, he just thanks the waitress as she fills up their coffees and orders two pieces of pie.
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timeisbrain · 9 days ago
QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT. ok, so after yesterday's anon weirdness, i went ahead and soft blocked all non-mutuals from my following list cuz i'm just not about that watcher life. your one rule is don't interfere, so like cmon!! anyway, i'm going to be putting up the LOW ACTIVITY sign here as well, so i can focus on my other blogs. will be v slowly chipping away at drafts and starters. i'm not dropping anything! just expect supreme slowness from me. disco is below for y'all if you want it. just lmk who you are! also, please feel free to bang down the doors of my IMs to chat about dynamics and possible plots. i'm kinda slow these days trying to come up with ways to throw our barbies together into some Situations, but i promise it's something i'm constantly tossing about in my brain microwave, and i'm always open to hearing your thoughts, too.
disco: fellandfeathers
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
why’d you take me off ur pin 🎤 speak before I tell god about this
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cuz dracula still hasn't paid moon knight. :\ problematic.
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
hey... whyd u delete mantis from ur pinned... the world wants to know obviously..
idek who mantis is what r u talking about
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
y'all stalk my pinned post more than i do. i should add a new image to give you something to look at.
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
wrote one (1) reply after meditating and sleeping all day. brain, pls. i have so many good threads. i have so many starters i am excited to write. and yet—
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
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So,,, the Harvestman design huh?
Aka. I needed to get that out of my system + some cleaned up ship doodles (mostly ships ive read on ao3 when i was bored out of my mind)
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
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@mcuchallenge July | NEED
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timeisbrain · 10 days ago
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STEPHEN SQUINTS. There's a slight tick of his jaw as his posture adjusts, but after a deep breath, he says, ❝ If you're trying to make a case for me to help you, you're doing a half-assed job of it. ❞
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Though even Stephen can't disagree that he was a haughty bitch who thought he was better than everyone else and needed to get knocked down a peg or two or twenty. But who's counting?
❝ Fine, Gabriel. Tell me who you're after, and maybe I'LL HAVE SOMETHING that fits your target well. I will not help you kill anyone though. Do we have an understanding? ❞
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                              "DO NOT COMPARE ME TO THAT FUCKING GOAT." Strange receives an utterly unimpressed look as Gabriel keeps sifting through the artifacts, at least until the fucking wardrobe decides to join the argument and slaps his hand. Well, Gabriel is childish enough to slap right back, thanks.
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                               "And who the fuck says I'm pranking innocents? First of all, nobody is innocent. Except for little children, and the only prank I'm playing on them is the I stole your nose thing. Which every adult does at some point, so don't get all high and mighty about it. No, my victims are the assholes that hit their wives or experiment on animals or take advantage of their students. The haughty bitches who think they're better than everyone else and need to get knocked down a peg or two." He points at Strange. "You in your brain surgeon era were definitely a candidate for that."
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timeisbrain · 11 days ago
THE LAST STRANGE STANDING. || about stephen's childhood and the strange family line
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ok, so i told myself i'd finally write this up since not a ton of people know about stephen's family and early life. heads up that i don't know all the super specific details since i'm pulling mostly from the wiki and other research. i like to play fast and loose with timelines based on whatever is best for the bit (i.e., thread), and i confess i haven't read any of his earlier issues yet. but!! i hope this will give some insight to folks who are interested. this is a just a jumbled bundle of my own hcs, comics research, and the mcu.
content/trigger warnings for death, drowning, car accidents (that result in death), and familial abuse (mentioned). i don't get too graphic with anything, but def proceed at your own risk/ensure you're in a good headspace since this is generally heavier stuff!
STEPHEN STARTED OFF AS A SENSITIVE KID. he was highly intuitive and connected to energies unseen. he liked flowers. he loved their farm animals. he had a pet duck named buzzard who liked to follow him around the family farm ( personal hc cuz it makes me happy to visualize ). he had a knack for sensing things before they'd happen or picking up on people's energies, which he grew into chalking up as just being especially perceptive ( not entirely inaccurate ).
stephen was the eldest brother of his younger sister donna and their younger brother victor. he loved his siblings very much and wanted to be a good older brother, even if he was closer to donna, and he and victor didn't always see eye to eye.
when donna was young, she fell off her bike and scraped her knee, and stephen helped patch her back up. as i've written in a thread here, the incident sparked his interest in medicine because he thought perhaps someone else's sister would need help down the line, and maybe he could help them, too.
overall, stephen lived a very ordinary life being raise by two midwestern WASPs. yes, some interpret eugene strange as being abusive because of one of his flashback appearances where he really was utterly horrible to stephen, but this isn't consistent with the rest of the way he's depicted, so it's more of a setting i toggle on/off depending on the thread. not everything has to be about daddy issues. i generally defer to their family being loving, albeit a bit emotionally stifled, though not inherently abusive or severely neglectful.
DONNA STRANGE. when stephen was off at college, he came back home for break, and donna managed to convince him to take a break from studying and go swimming. donna suffered from a cramp while swimming and ultimately drowned. stephen spent 30 minutes searching for her in the water but to no avail, and it was this event that began his disillusionment with medicine and his ability to help people.
the mcu gives us a different depiction of donna's death, where the two where "playing on a frozen lake"—language that gives me the impression they were much younger since a college-aged person isn't likely to use the word "playing" in such a circumstance, but i tend to default to the comics version because it makes more sense to me regarding stephen's further character degradation to becoming the haughty, arrogant neurosurgeon we come to know him as.
BEVERLY STRANGE. everything was different after donna's death, and in a family where emotional processing wasn't highly valued ( it's far easier to just never talk about things again ), the neglected grief over donna festered. just a few years after donna died, beverly fell ill, and she too passed. grief triggers past grief, and this loss hit stephen especially hard because of (a) the love for his mother and (b) the lack adequate coping regarding donna's death.
EUGENE & VICTOR STRANGE. stephen became a celebrated neurosurgeon before he was even thirty years old, a truly remarkable feat. two years after beverly's death, eugene also became sick, and when given the opportunity to see his father one more time, stephen refused, utterly unable to witness the loss of another family member ( that sensitive heart from childhood, while calcified, was still his ).
stephen lost his father without saying goodbye, even though he had the chance to, and because of this, victor confronted stephen a few days later for his seeming apathy. their disagreement was heated, and victor stormed out, so emotional over the argument that he didn't see a car coming and was struck down on the street and killed. the last emotions victor ever felt ( in this iteration of life ) were rage, confusion, and pity. absolutely racked with guilt, stephen cryogenically froze victor's body with the hope that future medical breakthroughs would revive him.
of course, this comes back to bite stephen in the ass ( almost literally? ) when he tries to use magic to bring victor back, only to accidentally make him a vampire... whoops. it happens to the best of us.
STEPHEN LOST HIS ENTIRE NUCLEAR FAMILY by his early thirties, and this is part of why he deferred to the vices of arrogance, luxury, money, and sex as a way to avoid the persistent grief and guilt he carried throughout the majority of his adult life up until that point. does it make his behavior acceptable? absolutely not. in his comics or live action version, as a surgeon, stephen strange was a jackass who needed a rude awakening to both his crappy behavior/attitude and the dormant potential with him.
but this is also why he has a difficult time attaching to people in healthy ways ( either not at all or waaay too much ), and he struggles to build relationships until he eventually develops a pretty solid network ( wong, bats, zelma, and others ). though, in the department of romance, he's either—as wanda says in way of the weird—a dog or, you know, a devoted wife guy ( though his relationship w clea is v complicated depending on what point you drop in ). he has a good heart; he really, really does. he just doesn't always have the best ways of expressing, and that's something he's working on.
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