Why Can't it be Logical and Magical?
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John Smith, more commonly know as the Doctor, at your service to help you with your needs! ((RP Blog))
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
John laughed. "You're so dramatic Sherlock! Of course I have a plan. I always have a plan." John pulled out a small screwdriver out of the pocket of his coat. It had been sitting there since the day he found it. It wasn't anything special, just a silver handled small screw driver that gleamed in the sun light, since John kept it as polished as he could at all times. He held it in his hand and passed it back and forth between his hands, concentrating for a few seconds before smiling and opening his mouth to spill his plan.
"We'll meet in the Library tonight at 7. Then we'll be able to sneak our way into the Library. It's not a very well thought out plan, but than again, I tend not to plan ahead!" John laughed slightly to himself and stared at the screw driver that sat in the palm of his hand as he observed it.
“You’re the one who wanted to go in the first place, I figured you might have a plan of your own,” Sherlock said, sitting down and looking into the water to see if he could see the apparent giant squid. “Do you not? You always have something up your sleeve. I mean,” Sherlock sighed, “I suppose if I have to do ALL of the work…” He trailed off, giving John a tortured look.
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
OOC: I'M BACK! /falls over
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
OOC: I'm REALLY Sorry guys but I have massive writers block along with Finals! I'll be back next Wendnesday to reply to you guys and yet again I'm really sorry! v .v
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
John happily followed after Molly their hands intertwined. He just smiled as he usually does. He stopped and watched for a few minutes after Molly let go of his hand. His face softened as he watched her excitedly look for the creatures that lurked right under the surface. He walked down, hands in his pants pocket and his coat fluttering behind him. He watched as the rock skipped across the water. He leaned down and grabbed a rock, skipping it across the lake's surface, but it didn't skip; it simply fell down into the water. John frowned, trying again, and failing yet again. John sighed and shrugged slightly. "Guess I'm not good at skipping rocks!" He laughed slightly, looking out onto the waters surface.
Molly blushed when John offered his hand to her, but she took it anyway. They walked together hand-in-hand down to the lake. When they arrived, Molly was ecstatic. She’d heard that many magical creatures lived in Hogwarts’ lake and she would do anything to get a look at them, especially the merpeople. She let go of John’s hand and skipped to the edge of the lake, bending down to observe the edge, wondering if she’d see any lake-life. Instead, all she saw was rocks. She grabbed a small smooth white rock and stood. Momentarily turning back to John, she smiled and then turned back to the lake and skipped the rock along the surface. 
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
A gleam of mischief flashed in Johns eyes. The same piercing smile flashed onto his face,  wide enough to split his face in half. "Brilliant! You are brilliant!" John jumped up and shook the boat slightly. "This is great! We should devise a plan! It'll make it easier so we don't get caught. I'm sure it'll be a great adventure! I can't wait! Oh this is brilliant!" John rambled, like he had a tendency to do. "So whats the plan?"
“It could be interesting,” Sherlock mused as he turned the boat by 45 degrees. After a bit of silence, Sherlock turned swiftly towards John. “Actually, I want to do this. It needs to be after hours, however, because I work better at night. Otherwise, I don’t want to go. It’s not as interesting in the daylight and there’s more of a chance of being caught.”
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
OOC: Sorry... I've been a Bit... MIA. Some IRL stuff has come up and I'm attempting to deal with that. I'll try to be on more though! I'm really sorry. v .v
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
OOC: Sorry guys! I'll be away this weekend till Sunday and I'll be without internet. v .v I'll reply to you guys as soon as I get back though! Sorry for the inconvenience!
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
John sat down with a huff, shaking the boat slightly. "Sadly, I haven't been in the restricted section yet. I really want to, but I'd at least like to have some one to enjoy the adventure of going in there with me!" John had always been more dependent on others to join him; it was simply in his nature.
Their was a curious sort of look on Johns face as he watched Sherlock. He liked the sea and boats. They were always so calm and peaceful. "Yes... Sailing is rather nice isn't it?" John asked, more to himself than anyone else.
“Oh, doubtless,” Sherlock commented, steering the boat further into the lake. “Is there anything interesting in there? I ignored it.”
Sherlock drove the boat forward with his wand, standing close to the edge and making it wobble. It wouldn’t fall over, though. Sherlock had never had this boat fall over once since he built it. 
“I like sailing. Helps me think.”
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
John just let a small smile fall onto his face as he walked onto the small boat, attempting not to crowd Sherlock to terribly much which was a bit of a task on the small boat. He looked back over at the large castle. The smile was still plastered onto his face.
"Well, if you've been everywhere, have you been to the restricted section of the library? I though that between the two of us, we could probably find a way in and out with out being caught." Libraries fascinated him, and ones with sections that were off limits made him want to go in them even more. He hoped Sherlock wouldn't find it dull, and that he'd agree.
"What are we doing out here anyways?" John asked, observing the small boat and the large lake that loomed before them.
Sherlock glanced over at the boy with an expression that perfectly expressed how tiresome he found the conversation to be already. He whipped out his wand and threw his book-bag onto the ground. With a wave of his wand, his ship hovered out of the bag and to the shore of the lake. He grabbed his telescope out of his bag before slinging it back over his shoulder.
“I have, yes, I’ve been to every section of the school that I care to go to, currently, though I’m told that Hogwarts has much more than just what you can view from a walk ‘round,” Sherlock drawled as he got into his fairly small boat and took down the sail, tying it tightly.
“If you’re going to bore me, I’m not going to bother listening,” Sherlock added. “Now, get on the boat or I’m kicking off shore without you.”
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
 With intrigued eyes, John watched as Sherlock did his work on the body and then quickly covered it back up. After he cast his spell, he hurried off. John smiled and quickly followed after him with a small smile. He knew he would have to follow Sherlock in order to ask his question, and the kid wasn't going to wait up on him.
After waiting a couple of seconds to make sure the room was how he left it, or how he imagined it would have been left before Sherlock came, John quickly made his way after the fourteen year old. Johns dark black coat that he wore instead of his robes flicked happily after him. After reaching the lake, John stopped, and stood next to Sherlock, a slight grin on his face.
"It's always nice to have a run after being cooped up in a place for too long! Anyways! My proposition! So, 've you been to the library yet? I'd imagine you have, but I just gotta make sure!" John said with a smile. He knew how much the kid hated idle chit chat, but he wasn't going to cut to the chase one this one.
Sherlock glared at the elf and gave a reluctant sigh before shoving new gloves on and looking it over. When he was satisfied, he covered the elf and whooshed his wand before holding it up to the side of his face and whistling like a bird.
He swept out of the room and down several stair cases, not bothering to see if John was following. He exited the building and quickly made his way to the lake, cloak whisping around him as dramatically as it could for a 14 year old.
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
John couldn't help smiling at the boy. By now twenty minutes must have passed, between the time it took John to quit laughing and the time they were talking. He observed the body and checked his watch. "Well, look for yourself at what developments have occurred in the past twenty minutes or so," John said gesturing towards the body.
"Ah, I forgot about you not liking coffee! My bad. But sure, tea would be fine as well. Along with whatever you're doing, I'd be find heading down to the lake with you," John said with a smile. He stood, dusted his pants off and then nodded slightly. "Right, after you!"
Sherlock waited quite impatiently for him to stop laughing, crossing his arms and glaring at him. However, when he began speaking, a glint of interest appeared in Sherlock’s eyes.
“You think so, do you? I need this information, in any case, but I’d be willing to… attempt to listen to what you have for me.”
Sherlock glanced at the elf passively. “I’m not one for coffee, but I wouldn’t mind some tea. Perhaps we could discuss it while I attempt my ship in this school’s lake.”
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
What broke the silence that ensued after Sherlock had said what he did was a piercing laugh coming from John. He held his stomach and grabbed onto the window ledge that stood behind him. After a few minutes of laughter, John wiped the tears from his eyes and sent a beaming smile at the younger boy. "Yeah, sure I'll just wait here, but would you hold on for a moment? I know how it's hard for you to stay in one place for a long time, but listen. I have proposition that might peek your interest even more then saving someones alibi," John said with a smile.
He retrieved a small piece of paper and a pen from his pocket so he could do what Sherlock asked, but even his attention span wasn't long enough to wait twenty minutes. That wasn't really saying much though, considering the fact that he did have ADD. "If you are so busy, how about we discuss my idea over a cup of coffee or something?" John asked, walking over to the dead elf and examining it. It looked so sad, having been beaten to death and having been dead for god knows how long. John felt a slight twinge of guilt hit him. Even in death the elf couldn't sleep peacefully with out being beaten.
Sherlock’s whipping intensified before breaking off suddenly, spinning around and taking breaths to calm himself from the flogging. He glanced over to the doorway.
“It’s,” Sherlock took another heaving breath, “It’s important. Case-work.” Sherlock pointed fiercely at the elf’s body. “I need you to stay here and write everything that happens to this body in the next twenty minutes. A man’s alibi depends on it. Text me- Oh… Damn it,” Sherlock slammed the whip down again on the elf. “Electronics don’t work in Hogwarts. Fine! Send me an owl, then,” he snapped, tossing the whip aside and pulling his gloves off.
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
The slight rocking on his heels and the smile that spread across the boys face indicated that he really wanted to go to the lake! His smile widened, if that was even possible, and John replied with, "Oh man! Lakes are brilliant! Lets head to the lake, shall we?" He said, beginning to lead the way out of the Great Hall and shoving past the large mob of people who swamped in, waiting to get their mits on the cup so they could put their names in it.
The breeze blew into the pairs face as they exited, and John smiled. He loved the air and the way it felt on his face. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to Molly and saying, "Right then. I believe it's right down this way so what do you say?" John said, sticking out his hand so she could grab it. He smiled widely down at her, the smile that wasn't fading.
When John rejoined her, Molly was relieved. She didn’t like the ever growing nearly as much as John seemed to dislike it. “Hm, perhaps we could go out and explore the nearby grounds? It’s still light out, and I heard there is a lake!” Molly replied enthusiastically. She had thought to suggest the library but there just wasn’t enough time before dinner to look through all the books! Plus, she was needing some fresh air after being stuck inside for so long.
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
It's not like there was anywhere else really to explore, so John made his way down the halls of Hogwarts. He hadn't explored the library yet, but he felt the need to see if Sherlock was around. It might be fun to go through the library with him, maybe even get into the restricted section. With there scheming minds, they were sure to get into the restricted section.
After a couple minutes of searching, John finally found Sherlock. He made his way slowly into the room. He stopped and placed his hand tentatively on the door. He took a deep breath and pushed it open very very slowly, and thankfully it didn't creak. He peered into the room that was lit, and stifled a sigh at the sight of Sherlock beating a dead body of an elf. John slipped in slowly in between the loud hits on the body. John was pretty stealthy and working on his skills as much as he could.
Once John was a sufficient distance into the room, he decided to speak. There was a chance Sherlock had already realized he was there, but you never know do you? "You're going to be bringing this to Hogwarts I see?" John said with a slight smile. He was ready to duck if something was thrown at him.
Let’s just start this off by saying that Sherlock is not exactly happy about having to leave his school and travel to Hogwarts - the school he detests maybe not MOST, but certainly a hell of a lot.
He explored all he could, but eventually was dragged - not kicking and screaming, but certainly scowling and muttering - back to his school’s building-tent. Sure, it was a lot bigger on the inside, but Sherlock didn’t like how dingy it looked. It was so tiny for a “school” - tent-building or not. It was just a police box.
Sherlock had found a place, however, to do his work.
The room was chilly, but bright, which was odd for Hogwarts, but, naturally (unnaturally?), Sherlock had the room lit with magic of his own. He leaned over the giant black package and unzipped it carefully, swiftly, determinedly.
What appeared was a dead house elf - not so much stolen as… borrowed… from the Ministry’s most challenging case. No one would notice. They thought they were done with the body. Sherlock thought otherwise.
“We’ll start with the flogging treatment.”
And after two deep breaths with his eyes closed, if anyone walked into that room, they would be prized with the sight of Sherlock Holmes whipping a dead house elf over and over again with all of his strength.
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
John didn't really want to push the other students around, since he did have a habit of being the one pushed around and not being assertive at all. He waited patiently for the line in front of the goblet to ease away, but people kept walking in front of him. John sighed before deciding to put his foot down. He moved up with the crowd this time and wouldn't let anyone step on him. Once he got the small note into the goblet, he moved to the side and met with Molly again.
"Well... I never really like large crowds," He muttered to no one in particular. He looked around the great hall and nodded slightly, as if approving. "So now what? We have a few minutes before we have to go to dinner, so what would you like to explore?" John had never been the one for deciding, and always thought it best to let a lady decide and not be overly pushy.
Molly lead the way to the cup, patiently waiting in the mass of students trying to get theirs in first. Pushing, whispered curses, and other rude behavior met them in the mass but Molly didn’t mind, she just quietly slipped her name into the cup and walked away, waiting, just a bit out of the way of the other students, for John to drop his name in and rejoin her.
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
“Oh yes, Sherlock…” Molly trailed off, getting lost in thought for a moment but quickly coming back to the conversation. “Hogwarts is large and magnificent. A lot different from our school, I’ll say.” Molly laughed, looking around the room again and up at the ceiling. She was amazed by the floating candles and the fact it looked like the sky instead of just a ceiling. Looking back at John she said, “I feel like we’ll be spending a lot of time at the library. I love books and a large library is perfect. I heard there is even a restricted section! Probably lots of knowledge in there!” 
Suddenly a hush fell over the room as the last of the students and teachers filed in. The headmaster of Hogwarts spoke to everyone, welcoming the new schools, explaining grounds rules, and explaining the Triwizard Tournament. After his speech he told the students they could enter their name on a small scrap of parchment whenever they were ready, but to be orderly about it. 
Molly was just so very eager to place her slip of parchment into the Goblet of Fire. It was all so exciting, the promise of games and school pride. Even if she wasn’t chosen it would all still be a good time. She grabbed the folded paper from her robe pocket and looked at it. Before they had arrived Molly had carefully written her name and folded the scrap neatly, wanting everything to be perfect. 
Students began filing out of the room while other’s were putting their names in the Goblet. Molly looked at John and said, “Well this is all just so great! Shall we make our way over to the Goblet of Fire then?”
At the mention of a Restricted section, John's eyes gained a mischievous glow to them. He wanted to get into that section and find out why exactly it was restricted. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the silence that fell over the Great Hall. He listened to the speech and smiled. His excitement was already growing again and he was looking forward to putting his name in the cup.
John grabbed his paper that he had been holding for a long while now. He knew he would forget to bring paper to the opening. He made sure to put his name on a piece of paper and keep it in his coat pocket and not loose it so he would be prepared for the cup. He looked over at Molly when she suggested heading over to the Goblet. John smiled and gestured with his hand and said, "After you!"
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time-and-magic-blog · 13 years ago
Molly blushed at John’s kind words. “Oh, I’m sure you’d do brilliantly yourself. Luck is only part of it anyway. You’re clever and that would take you far!” she said, smiling. “I’m really looking forward to the games of course, but also getting to meet a lot of new people! Not only from the new schools, from what I hear they’re going to be a little bit more lax and let houses from our school mix for classes! That should be fun.” 
Molly watched the other students from her house and followed them to a corner of the Great Hall. As more and more students from all three schools came in the room seemed to shrink. She and John were squished among the other kids, hampering conversational abilities but Molly continued to chat anyway. “So tell me then, what are you most looking forward to, John?” Her face broke into a coy smile and she began to fidget with Toby’s collar again.
A smile was all that John could manage before he and Molly where shoved against the wall as all the classes filed in. He listened intently to what Molly had to say next and smiled. "Well, thank you. You really are to kind," He said, his smile slightly softening. "I would love to mix with the other kids! That would be brilliant! Being around Sherlock all the time can get a bit dull after a while," He said, chuckling to himself. In all honesty, he really did like Sherlock. He was a nice young lad, but after a while of dealing with him, you could get a tad annoyed. He honestly didn't know how John could manage it.
"But most of all, I'm looking forward to exploring Hogwarts! I mean, look! It's giant! It makes me feel small and insignificant just thinking about it! It'll be a brilliant adventure waiting to happen! Oh! I'm getting excited just thinking about it. All the new people, the Cup, everything!" John was shaking slightly with the excitement. He had a feeling he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. He smiled widely. He wanted to talk to Sherlock about some of the things he had ideas to do. If he was lucky, he might be able to get him to tag along. But that was an adventure for another time.
"Oh man! I'm getting jittery just thinking about it! This school year will be interesting, that's for sure! What do you say Molly? You looking forward to class? I've heard the library here is huge! I can't wait to see exactly how vast and amazing the knowledge is!"
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