ummmm i moved blogs!! im @circuspuppet now!!
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are you a day or night person? a book or movie person? a one pillow or many pillows person? a writer or reader? a tea or lemonade person?
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so im new here,,
not to tumblr, and not to royaltykin, but you get the gist i assume ! im looking for more blogs to follow. please like or reblog if you are:
- royaltykin (bonus if you’re a princess like me) - angelkin - dollkin/puppetkin - faeriekin
or if you post/reblog:
- royal aesthetics - expensive looking places or castles ( !!!! ) - self care and self love - circus-y places
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power to girls with strong eyebrows and big noses
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hey heres a reminder tht the rest of the system have blogs as well!!!
adelaide is @tatsumiy-a
nurse is @novocainenurse with a guro blog @manicmedic
and cadet and gemma are @dreemurr-png
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You can’t try to include nonbinary people through binary thinking. Using phrases like “woman aligned”, “male aligned”, “same gender attraction” enforce a binary. No matter what your intention this is violent towards nonbinary people.
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Telling other girls that they look pretty is like cracking a glow stick full of positivity and female friendship
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Unfollow this blog if you’re a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminism, or someone who believes trans women should not be included in feminism), radfem (same thing), or just in general someone who doesn’t respect trans people or doesn’t believe that they are the gender that they say they are. Both of the mods here are transgender and don’t tolerate that kind of behavior.
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this episode is so cute!!!!!!
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you know what’s super great? otherkin.
fictionkin discussing memories from their canons.
therians spending time in their environment to feel at home.
monsterkin going out in the dead of night and running until they feel like they’re flying.
mythkin reading old books about their kintypes, watching movies and laughing together at all the inaccuracies
deitykin telling fantastical tales about their old life over a campfire, captivating audiences and sparking imaginations
you know what’s beautiful? otherkin. if you believe otherwise, please take a step back, reevaluate your choices, and ask yourself how you sunk so low.
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use the right pronouns for people even when they cant hear you
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times r tough, take care of urselves please
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You have such a nice and calming blog!! I hope you have a nice day xoxo !!
thank you so so much!!
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if you are a pedophile or pedophilia apologist i want you to unfollow and preferably block me. this includes supporting minor/adult relationships, ddlg, and adult artists sexualizing minors. get out. get out now
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