tiffdawitch · 9 years
According to (what looks like) the official site (http://www.galaxytone.com/galaxytarot), it's only available on Google Play and Amazon apps
Hi, I'm guessing the galaxy tarot app is on android not apple? I can't find it
Probably but I am not sure and I can’t look right now. Followers??
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
a witchy masterpost
this is my masterpost of all things witchy, and i’ll be adding stuff whenever i find something to add to this post, so it’ll slowly grow to be my ultimate witchy masterpost.
anti anxiety jar
anti-anxiety sock
brain bleach - spell to remove unpleasant thoughts
diy magic shower disks
free yourself from anger
gender clarity spell
healing spells 
help bring good luck
honey jar - for happiness and fortune
i wash my troubles down
save a penny spell
sea witch bath
sleep tight spell
spell for chilling out
tough as a nail, sharp as a thorn - protection spell
transgender/nonbinary/intersex magic burn bottle with a bunch of uses
wealth-drawing dragon bath
Spell bundles 
attraction oil
everyday enchantments: accessory edition
for going unseen
glamour bottle to influence how others read you
goddess glamour bath
gossip stopping scrub
making your room magical
mirror mirror on the wall - glamour spell
witch of the waste’s glamour - enchanted jewelry spell
the bottom of the ocean
the carrie white curse
curse for abusers
curse jar
cursing 101
robin hood curse
self-care after cursing* 
sharpest lives curse
simple curse to make somebody stop talking shit about you
so you think you’ve been cursed
violet’s favorite curses
5 super easy tarot tricks
beginner tips for the new scryer
herbs for divination
pendulums - how to
mini pendulum masterpost
tarot spread
tips for learning card meanings
Witchy tips
charging sigils
crystal charger
crystals for socially anxious witches
crystals for psychic development
herbal correspondences
how to use your phone keyboard to make sigils
hypothetical routines for bby witches
non wiccan resources
practical witchery
resources a new witch needs
runic alphabet
sea witchery
secret witch tips
the phases of the moon + magick
treat yo self, broke witch style
types of witches that often go unheard of
urban witch kit
using song to make magic
what belongs in your witches brew
what spells are strongest with the moons
witchcraft research
witch podcast
witch tip - x  x  x  x
witches on a budget
witch’s garden
witchy tips for artists
bath magic - where to begin
beginner witchcraft
divination masterpost
energy work
incenses by use
limited witchcraft masterpost
magical waters
masterpost magic for anxiety/depression
a sea witch’s guide to seashells
shadow work masterpost
shielding masterpost
spell and sigil directory
spells for finals week
starter herbs
stones and crystals
ways to tell fortunes
witchy links masterpost
anti-anxiety smelling salts
book-binding tutorial
cold and flu tea
“goodnight, sleep tight” sleep-aid satchel
homemade floral water
personal relationship with spirits and deities
“restful sleep” charm bag
witch tea: going to class
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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I noticed that there were a couple entity identification spreads, but not any that helped determined if there was an entity to begin with. 
Well, no longer! I made this. I hope it can help and give insight, more than a simple yes-or-no can do.
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
How do Crystals Actually Work?
AKA: The basic science behind crystal-related metaphysics / Information about these semi-precious minerals!
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Photo: Cave of Crystals, Mexico
Hello there ~! As a witch and a constant crystal user, I have come across my fair share of skeptics. These people may have even presented themselves to you at one time; claiming that ‘crystal magick’ or ‘crystal healing’ methods are not at all effective or real, and giving you a bit of grief for your crystal usage and beliefs. Well, I’m here to give you a nice long post on the physics and properties of metaphysical stones! I also figured it would be nice to have an explanation post going around for all those who work with stones and crystals, yet have never considered the science behind their energies. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I feel that this is the type of post that will collect a few comments in my ask, so please be sure to handle any comments/questions you may have with patience, and I will gladly chat with you about the contents of this post! On the other hand, aggressive and/or rude messages will be deleted, if they should reach my message box ~ Thank you
Energy Explaination ◊
Crystals and stones have been treasured and sought after for hundreds of years and used in nearly every culture of the world. Not only are they beautiful, collectable, and make wonderful jewelry or trinkets; but crystals are very powerful subjects for energy movement and manipulation! These precious minerals use a type of energy called
* Piezoelectricity *
Which is a huge factor in why many crystals are commonly used to transmit energy in technology and devices, such as the computer or phone you may be reading this from. Along with the ability to transmit, they can also take in, enhance, or ‘mingle’ with the natural energies from your own body or with the energies of another organism/object to produce a desired outcome!
The chemical makeup of each type of stone determines what exactly it’s own energy will do when combined with a persons’ natural energy, and because everyone has a different energy, this is also the reason why we all have different responses to the energies of varying stones. 
For example, although Rose Quartz and Smokey Quartz may both be in the same family of stone, their differences in formation and make-up will act in different ways. 
Here are some interesting informational posts that go deeper into crystal energies and makeup:
Pizeoelectricity: What is it?
Scientific Build of a Crystal
Quartz Crystal in Technology
The Natural Forming Process of Crystals - Smithsonian
How Shape Effects Energy ◊
Crystals, not only those used for jewelry, are often cut into specific shapes and sizes for personal use. Among the most common types are spherical/tumbled, pointed, and obilisk ~  And although you might not have considered the shape while thinking about crystal healing, meditation, or magick, it still plays an relatively important role! Here are a list of shapes and their best uses, as known by myself and collected from various sources:
(Cut) Pointed: Best used when energy is meant to be concentrated and strongly ‘pointed’ in only one specific direction. If a stone has more than one point, the energy will also tend to shoot in those multiple directions. (The second portion of this definition also fits for a crystal cluster piece, though those points are naturally formed rather than cut)
Raw/Natural: (Can included naturally pointed) Much like a crystal’s natural and seemingly random shape of growth, the energy of a raw stone will come out in a ‘blotted’ manner, and will most likely be emitted in different directions and frequencies from different areas of the stone, determined by the formation.
Spherical: The energies of a crystal sphere, much like those used for crystal ball scrying and divination, come out in a round and even manner; the smoother and more even the spherical shape of the ball, the smoother the energy will emit. Because it is completely round, energy will emit from all areas of the ball in even amounts.
Tumbled: (Similar to spherical) Crystals and stones that have been ‘tumbled’, or smoothed out - yet not into a sphere, will behave similar to the shape above. Although, because they are not completely round (just ‘soft-edged’) the energy will slightly differ in means of even-ness to that of a sphere.
Obilisk: A stronger version of the (cut) pointed stone, as the bottom of an obilisk-shaped crystal is solidly flat, and allowing for a more ‘grounded’ directional energy. Because these are meant to be displaced standing and pointing upwards, they are best used when energy is needed to be pointed up.
Now that I know these things, what could I do with crystals? ◊
Meditate with them
Create “Crystal Grids” ~ Tutorial post here
Aline and balance your bodys’ natural energy points with crystals (Also known as ‘Chakras’, first introduced in Hindu texts)
Use stones and crystals to create a desired effect or feeling (They can be used for love, physical & mental healing, focus, grounding, balancing, communication, emotional subjects, strengthening mental/metaphysical abilities, cleansing, etc.) ~ List of Crystal Properties (by name)
Create amulets from stones/crystals
Craft them into keychains/pocket keepsakes to carry with you for everyday use (Be sure to take gentle care of softer stones that scratch easily!)
Mixing up a gem elixer (see tips below; some stones are toxic to water)
And many more! While I could not list everything you could possibly do with these treasured pieces of earth, there are likely more options that I have never even explored myself
Extra Crystal Tips ◊
Some stones are toxic to water, and/or may ruin or dissolve when come in contact with it! Click HERE for a list of crystals that do not enjoy water, along with the materials that make them this way 
In metaphysics, crystal magick, and technology, quartz is the universal substitute for all stones. Quartz can be physically and technologically programmed with an extremely high amount of data, and can also be programmed with intent for personal, healing, and magickal use. Think of quartz as the ‘empty jar’ of crystals: filled with possibility
When buying stones and crystals online, make absolute sure that you order from someone who a.) has positive and over 10+ reviews, and b.) will be willing to tell you the EXACT measurements and dimensions of the product. Too many online stores will trick you into buying a stone that is smaller than you were led to think upon purchase! I also recommend buying from someone who will provide insurance over fragile crystals possibly broken during shipping
When cleansing them, be sure to choose a method that is best for each type of stone. Some may fade in sunlight, dissolve or ruin in water, react badly with salt, etc. Do your research!
If the chemical makeup of a lab-produced crystal is the exact same to the makeup of a naturally-formed one, the only things that will differ between the stones are the frequency rates of energy they emit (a lab-produced stone would not be as powerful as a naturally formed one), and the energies they contain. Contained energies aren’t so important as the frequencies, as stones and crystals can be “cleansed” (cleared out / turned into a ‘blank-slate’) by multiple methods.
If you are wondering whether or not you have any crystal/mineral stores near you, try searching google maps with the terms “crystal”, “mineral”, or “metaphysical” - as these will usually yield the best results!
After acquiring a stone, it is best to cleanse out the energies that may have been transferred into it by the formation process or by other people handling it
If you feel fatigued, sick, head/body pain, or any sort of discomfort while using a stone for metaphysical purposes (on more than one occasion) give it a good cleanse before further use
Thank you for reading!
I hope everyone learned a thing or two from this gathering of information, and as always, feel free to send me any questions or comments you may have! I’m sure I will think of a few more things to add to this post, so similar to my Witch Types post, I may post updated versions as needed.
Hope you’re all having a lovely day! ◊ Rainy
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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Deity Dossier
This spread is intended to answer those “I’m being contacted by a deity but which one!?!” questions. This is your answer. It won’t give a name up it will give up a LOT of information to help you find out the answer.
I’ve been working on this one for what seems like forever. This is a HUGE spread. The kind of spread where you lay out on the floor and hope the cat doesn’t mess up the spread kind of spread. It’s meant to look like a tree with the four cards at the bottom being roots but I am not an artist. I can’t even stick figure well. However, I also gave you two demos of the spread in action!
Special thanks to hellboundwitch and whatever beings were used as testers.
The text is tiny so I’ll copy it below for your convenience.
Spirit or Significator: This represents the spirit, deity, or being in question. The card can be drawn or selected, depending on if you know the nature of the spirit or a card that could represent them.
Past: These are past deeds or dealings the spirit has had with either other people or you that you should know about.
Underlying Influences: Similar to Past, this represents influences that could be important to know. This may be an emotional thing rather than a past action. (Example: if previously betrayed by humans, a spirit is less likely to want to deal with humans.)
Attitude and Thoughts or General Personality: General personality and/or how they think.
Present: Their current status. If a spirit is in trouble, this information would appear here.
Situation at Hand (optional): If there’s a specific situation at hand, draw this card. (Example: A spirit asks for a large offering that would be very expensive - draw this card to see why it suddenly needs that offering.
Health: The health of the spirit, deity, or being. (Example: A land spirit could be ill or ailing due to pollution.)
Mind: Their mental health or, possibly, their overall mood.
Physical: Their physical health or how they could physically manifest. This is especially useful for finding out what deity is contacting you.
Things They Like to Do: This could be things they like to do for others, part of their sphere of influence, and/or things that could be used to connect with them or honor them. Think of this like hobbies or likes.
What to Know: Things that are imperative for you to know. This could be used to see how working with this being could affect you in the future.
What to Avoid: Things that are imperative for you to avoid doing. Example: If a spirit hates blood, don’t give blood offerings. This could also be used to see how the spirit could negatively affect you in the future.
Positive Influences: What is helpful? What will help your relationship with them? This can be something that is not in the spirit or deity’s sphere of influence but still influences them. A deity might be one of fertility but their sibling could be a deity of war. That will somewhat play into how the spirit acts. Another example would be a spirit becoming powerful because a nearby coven is worshiping it.
Negative Influences: Exactly as above, but the more negative side of things. What isn’t helping this spirit? What will not help your relationship with them? Do they feel used or not appreciated? The examples above also apply. 
Conscious Desires: What they want. This could be offerings or a general goal. This may be what they want from you. If they have an agenda they’ll admit to, it will be here.
Unconscious Desires: This is what they want but won’t admit to or what they don’t know they want. If they have a hidden agenda, it will be here.
Hopes: This can be a general list of hopes, a overall hope for the future, or what they hope to get from you.
Fears: This can be a general list of fears, what they fear for the future,or what they’re concerned about in regards of you or your life.  
For those of you staring wide-eyed at this, I offer this reading in my shop.
Have fun everyone! 
This Crooked Crown Witchery & Curiosities
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
30 Day Witchy Journal Challenge
As someone who got more involved and knowledgeable by keeping a witchy journal, I feel like creating a 30 day journal prompt series may help you guys out! :D The tag for this is ‘Witchy Journal Entries’ so, if you want to use that go ahead! :D You can also tag me in it if you want, since i love reading these types of posts!
Day One: What type of witchcraft do you relate to the most? Are there more than one paths you like?
Day Two: Are you a secular witch, or one who incorporates religion into their craft? If you are secular, what spells do you do the most often, and why? if you’re non-secular, which deities do you call on the most, and why?
Day Three: What are five things you have in your room that you can use in a spell or ritual? What could you use them for?
Day Four: Name five of your favourite tools and why you like to use them, If you don’t use any tools, explain why. 
Day Five: If you use herbs in your spells/etc., list three that are safe, and three that are not. Name their correspondences as well.
Day Six: Where did you learn about witchcraft from? Was it something that just kind of appeared into your life, were you born in a witchy family, or did you learn on your own?
Day Seven: Has your craft changed or transformed since you began? Have any of your beliefs or values changed?
Day Eight: Make a wish! Write out one wish or goal you have, and fill it with energy. Lay a crystal that corresponds with it on top (optional), and write about why you want this to happen.
Day Nine: Draw a sigil for success and growth at the top of your page, or paste a picture in if you’re doing this online. Write about one thing that you feel inspires you to grow and succeed.
Day Ten: Do you practice any divination? If so, how has it helped you/affected you? If not, would you like to learn, or is it something that doesn’t interest you?
Day Eleven: Support is a big deal. Do your family members and/or friends support you? If so, how has their support impacted your practice? If not, how do you work around this obstacle?
Day Twelve: Have any advice for new witches or people interested in the craft? Anything you wish you knew before starting your journey?
Day Thirteen: Do you use visualization for spells, meditations, etc.? Why or why not?
Day Fourteen: Do you believe that everyone is capable of manifesting magick? Has this belief affected you and your life?
Day Fifteen: What is one thing witchcraft has taught you? Do you like knowing this, or not?
Day Sixteen: What does being a witch mean to you? What responsibilities do you feel you have as a witch?
Day Seventeen: Do you follow a traditional branch of witchcraft? What does it mean to follow this tradition to you? If you do not, what do you feel impacts your practice the most?
Day Eighteen: Name five simple methods of protection and explain them, Keep this page bookmarked somehow for future use.
Day Nineteen: Do you incorporate witchcraft into everything yo do, or just use it when you feel the need to?
Day Twenty: When something feels wrong/off when casting a spell, what do you do? Are there any other methods of grounding/gaining control that you have heard of?
Day Twenty-One: How do your surroundings change or effect your craft?
Day Twenty-Two: What are your ‘essentials’ for casting?
Day Twenty-Three: Does the moon play any part in your craft? Do you charge anything with it, or center rituals, etc. around the phases?
Day Twenty-Four: Have you ever felt like the world was full of magick, and were in awe? Talk about this, or any time you have felt energy all around you.
Day Twenty-Five: Are you a kitchen witch? If so, what’s your favourite recipe? If not, what witchy title do you like to use the most often? WItches can’t really be sorted into categories, since most of us would fall into more than one/many different ‘types’, so feel free to name as many as you want.
Day Twenty-Six: Ever made a sachet? If so, what were the ingredients? If not, explain the symbolism you find in your favourite crystal or herb.
Day Twenty-Seven: What are your feelings about cursing? Are there any circumstances in which you think cursing would be appropriate/inappropriate? Where do these feelings stem from?
Day Twenty-Eight: Do you work with any spirits? Why or why not?
Day Twenty-Nine: Have you ever changed your mind about something magick-related? Ex: belief in magick, opinion on cursing, etc.
Day Thirty: Any last words? Write about anything magickal you feel that is important, special, or something you hold very near and dear to your heart.
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
Count me in!
Halloween Ideas!!
As you all know ( if you’re following me), I love Halloween with a passion and I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. So, I’m thinking this Halloween all of us witches band together and make Halloween a little more fun!
I’m thinking we go trick or treating at each other’s blogs and instead of giving candy, we can give witchy tips, diviner tips, sigils, general tarot readings or other type of divination, spells and maybe even enchanted pictures/gifs ( for example: a gif of rain to help bring down stress levels but you must tell what the picture/gif is for)!!
Here’s the catch though, you can’t specifically ask for something. When you go to the blog, all you say is “Trick or Treat”. I think it makes whatever you get more like actual trick or treating and it gives the blogger some room to do what they wish for the holiday. we’d need at least 35 blogs participating though. I don’t want anyone getting swamped or hitting the post limit.
I’m also thinking sharing witchy experiences and using Halloween as a Witchy selfie day!
Please, tell me opinions, what do you think, or what else you want to do for Halloween?
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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TheWitchyRose Fall Giveaway
The time has come! Join me in this Fall Giveaway!
What You Get:
The Fallen Angel Oracle Cards (brand new)
Love, Luna Snail Mail Reading
Crystal pouch
Assorted Crystals
Spell Oil made by me
Candle(s) dressed by me
Exclusive coupon for TheCacklingMoon shop
Anything else I decide to add :)
The Rules:
Follow me
Reblog this post
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway
USA residents only
Winner will be chosen September 1st!  YOU MUST have your ask box open!
Love, Rose
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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Thought this would be fun! :)
What’s your name?
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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Hey guys I heard some of you were interested in getting into this kinda stuff but being low on $$$. No worries! I remember the owner of the wild unknown gifted me both a deck and guidebook and it’s my favorite ahhh so someone is going to get one too!!
What you can win:
A 78 card deck from the wild unknown
A guidebook to go along with it also from the wild unknown
1 celestite, 1 amethyst, 1 labradorite, 1 citrine, 1 clear quartz, 1 rose quartz, and 1 malachite crystal (all from my personal collection)
A white sage smudge stick
1 eucalyptus, 1 frankincense, and 1 myrrh essential oil (all are 15 mL)
A box filled with various incense (all labeled)
A pack of 20 candles (various colors)
Must be following me
Follow me on IG @abstractava if you’d like if not it’s nbd I’ll still luv u
Reblogs only (You can like to bookmark. Reblog as much as you’d like just don’t spam your followers!)
I’ll ship anywhere!
Good Luck!!!
Ends: August 25th 2015
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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Here’s the majestic Earth Queen from the Mystical Cats tarot! This is actually a screenshot from the app, cause I tend to use that more than my physical deck. (I love my cards, but shuffling takes too much time :( )
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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The Queen of Pentacles! A favorite card of mine that never ceases to impress me with its beauty and insight in any deck. I love seeing the QoP in any reading because it’s a card that evokes nurturing and a warm home as well as a teacher figure devoted to the success of their students.
I wanted to celebrate the card with a nice picture, and I would love it if the rest of tumblr would too! Just post a photo of the Queen of Pentacles in your life, be it a card, a person, a person holding a card, a drawing… anything. Just post your photo/picture and tag it #rockthequeenofpentacles. I want to see yours and reblog them! Share in the Queen of Pentacles love!
I’m going to keep posting new QoP photos throughout the week so keep an eye out!
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
Oregon witch here!
okay is it just me or
are 90% of the witchy bloggers here from VA (or, east coast in general)
(then like… 5% southern states, 4% midwest, 1% misc locations, I think I saw someone from the uk once…)
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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Attempted a homemade healing mixture for my best friend. It’s in a plastic tube so she can carry it around and it won’t unravel in her purse.
Bay leave, ground up sandalwood incense cone, cinnamon, rosemary and allspice.
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
Free Mildly Rude But Ultimately Helpful Psychic Readings For Everyone Who Reblogs This
send me a question, otherwise I’ll give you a general reading right to your inbox.
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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ShelbyMelissa’s July Tarot Challenge!
I’m rolling out this surprise a little early! A tarot challenge for the month of July!
But this isn’t just for Tarot readers! You can use whatever divination means work best for you and for answering these open-ended questions!
As an added bonus, you can attempt to guess which Tarot card I used to formulate each question!
Use the tag #smjulychallenge so that I can see what you draw! It is also perfectly okay to follow along at home and not post your readings to Tumblr at all!
I can’t wait to see who participates and hopefully make some new friends in the process!
Above all, enjoy and have fun!
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tiffdawitch · 9 years
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“Have I been cursed?.. And what do I do next?” Special thanks to ofearthandtarot for the graphic, and natural-magics for the resource links at the end!
SO. When you think you might have been cursed… what do you do? I can often tell intuitively based on how I have my wards and sentries set up, and I have a deity I work with who also helps with this sort of thing. However, not everyone has this level of protection, and sometimes I want more info. So I threw together this spread and had a couple of people test it for me. Please keep in mind although I’ve been reading tarot for many years I actually hate making my own spreads because I’d rather just do it intuitively, so if this spread doesn’t seem to work for you, please modify it so it will!
This spread does have a ‘stop mechanism’ built into it. If you get to card 3 and feel that the cards are saying you have not been cursed, you can stop. At any time, you may lay out additional cards for positions 3 - 8, to give you extra information (like position 4 which lists symptoms of theoretical cursing).
Overall situation - any unpleasant card suggesting outside influence would indicate you probably have recently been victim of an attack or curse. Whether this was deliberate, covert, or an accident, you’ll need to go through the whole spread to figure that out.
What is at the root of this situation? If you HAVE been cursed this should give you information as to the reasoning of the original caster, or what situation caused them to want to attack you, etc. It may be obvious at this card that you have NOT, in fact, been cursed, but if it is not clear, continue to card three.
What are some signs or red flags that I have actually been cursed? If this card describes things you have not experienced recently, or nothing seems to match up, you can stop here. This is the ‘stop’ mechanism of the spread.
What is likely to happen if I don’t address this now? Potential further impact of the curse or attack going on.
What behavior do I need to engage in to protect myself? This card may suggest walking away from a situation or person, or may give you specific advice as to what actions to take, like evaluating your boundaries or enlisting help.
How can I best counteract this situation? This card should give you a specific action to dissolve the action. It may also point out a weakness of the original spell or spell caster you may take advantage of to also dissolve the working.
What should I be on the look out for? Sometimes spells can have built-in factors which make them go on forever, or subsequent 'triggers’ which unleash additional layers of spells. This card should give you more red flags to look out for in case you are dealing with such a situation.
How will I know that I am safe/that I have dealt with the situation in a way that best serves me? This card will give you a concrete situation, feeling or event that will signify the spell has been dissolved.
Additional resources for protection and calming (if the idea of curses make you super nervous): 
basic warding jar
protection techniques
simple calming room spell
peace and protection spell jar 
Curse Removal/Reversing
Lift a Curse Bath
Lemon Curse Breaker
Anti-Curse Powder
Curse Removal and Reversal
Protective Measures Against Curses and Hexes
Return to Sender Candle and Mirror Spells
“Drown the Witch” Reversal Spell
Protection from Curses
Reflect Away Harm (Curse Reversal)
Bind-Breaking Protection Spell
To Counter a Curse
Sealed with a C(urse)  
“Black As Night” Curse Removal Body Scrub
Anti-Curse Powder☾
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